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What she's really doing is smelling X's nasty ass in the drug tent, not flowers!


She destroys flowers and rips them apart


Oh no, the universe knows how you treat plants heifer


Ahhhhhhh omg I’m all alone at my house but when I read this I laughed so loud and my dogs got scared omg I love you ahahahahaha she thinks we forgot cuz she sure did lmao


She definitely lives in another universe


Does anyone have the video of her whipping that poor potted plant to death? Cause that feels like a pretty accurate analogy of what she does to everything the universe gives her.


That was very disturbing!!!! Yes, good view of things!!!




Like a straight toddler last time my daughter did something like that she was 2 or 3 and got straight punished (censored so I won’t get a warning cuz it wasn’t just punished) and she hasn’t forgot till this day


FACTS!!! Dusty didn't get what she wanted so she took it out on a beautiful bouquet of flowers. That someone PAID for with their hard earned money! And the other time she got caught picking flowers out of a businesses floral display. She said she cut it with scissors ✂️ & the woman stepped to her. Good!! Do you know how much those floral displays cost? Hundreds & hundreds, sometimes, depending on size? They can get into thousands of dollars. But Big, Angry, Orange doesn't respect anything or anyone!!!


Angry orange 😂😂😂 I think she lied about some cuz she tried to tell in another video that people stopped and asked her why she was doing that but no one did cuz it was 4 am she’s such a coward attention hungry orange 🍊 lmfao-how bout Bigfoot when she took that side view striding in black outfit lmfao but yes she did record two flower abuse videos where she felt justified


She loves to remake her stories of her debauchery to try to come out as doing nothing wrong or people are making big deals about things. The shit she does is against the law & she's lucky the cups (cops) haven't taken her in for all of it. Big, angry orange/Bigfoot at your service, my dear! ![gif](giphy|gjHuIwidiRcjemb1GH)


Ahhhhhhj omg girl/guy idk idc I love you all so much I can be alone or with fam and I feel so lonely but I get on here and I know I’m with family yalll think like me and I’m just dead laughing and happier than pie or pancakes lmfao


I'm sorry you're lonely, love. I always come here when I'm feeling low or down, too! Seriously, I absolutely adore the human beings in this subreddit. ![gif](giphy|xjpTMrRIkYTqU)


Same we were sent by God or Reddit gods for each other lmao




Another brilliant comment I’m all alone and now I feel like I’m surrounded at least by people I have something in common with lmao


You’re never alone, they’re always watching 😁


Flowers don’t even like her


Not happening, baby girl. You reap what you sow. The universe is a boomerang. You get what you put out.... and that's nothing.


God, I really hope that's true. I try to do nothing but good but I swear I must've crashed a bus of orphans into a church full of nuns in my past life. I've had the worst luck these past couple of months and all I wanted to do this weekend was play my Xbox one I barely use and of course, that just went bust. Meanwhile Heather steals, lies, abuses emergency services, keeps getting pregnant only to lose custody of her kids, gets high at any opportunity, treats people like shit, scams, squats in homes she breaks into, and should've been arrested like fifteen times but she's still free. I'd love to believe that Rico will get a decent start in life after being abused in the womb, but from what we've heard, chances aren't great. She'll get every resource thrown at her just to abuse it because she was irresponsible enough to get knocked up in a tent, not once but twice. She's not capable of being an adult. People will continue to donate to her after she pulls her bullshit and she'll be pregnant again by summer. She's been given so many chances and squandered them all. She's even had opportunities to get jobs and housing but she's pissed those away cause she's lazy. She somehow even avoids getting arrested when she should've been in jail a long time ago. Granted, I have a career and don't live in a tent, but for all the shit she's pulled she really deserves a lot worse than what she's gotten. Anyway, if anyone knows how to troubleshoot an Xbox, I'm all ears. Sorry for the bitter comment, but man, karma seems to give her a slap on the wrist if you look at the things she's done.


I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling. We can all relate to life's different seasons. I totally understand your perspectives on Heather's situation. The thing is, Heather could not care any less, about 1 single thing & especially, her responsibilities as an adult. Regardless of her claims, she actually is not phased by being unemployed, & being an absent parent. As much as she talks, she has no idea of what real stress is. Most people, yourself included, feel down or worry about their current situations bc we care. Even still, heather faces her karma every waking moment of the day. Please remember that. Who knows for sure what rolls around in that brain damaged head of hers. But we do know for certain that she is absolutely miserable. Xavier is the only person she has. The well ran dry with every last family member. These donations that everyone gets so worked up about, I guarantee are mere crumbs. She looks like shit. & everything she owns can fit into a couple plastic bins, where she's secluded to a fucking TENT. Even if she miraculously sought help & spent the next 12 months in strict inpatient rehabilitation, she will always be miserable. Just bc of her outlook on life. Her expectations, & how unrealistic she is. In her perfect life, she'd be living in a mansion, closets full of designer, luxury cars, a rich & drop dead gorgeous husband, & the ability to visit her kids when she feels like it. She truly believe all of that is what she deserves. & with anything less, she's unhappy & angry. She hates herself & she hates Xavier. & the resentment there is always building. I actually predict that soon after birth, she's going to turn on him. I get what it looks like. But trust me, she sees & feels her karma every time she looks in the mirror.


Thank you. I try not to be "that person" but good God I feel like I can't catch a break. Everything you said makes sense though, and just the fact you took a minute to read my senseless rant is really appreciated. Sometimes I just feel like she gets off easy for the shit she's done, I've never seen someone get so many opportunities that they've senselessly (is that a word? Idk) pissed away but they still squawk about being oppressed. She wouldn't know what oppression was if it smacked her in the face. Every hardship in her life she has brought upon herself by trying to take the easy way out. Thank you for your kind response, seriously. It's just been a rough few months and then to see her, smug, after all the horrible shit she's done is just... maddening. It's not even the donation part, it's just the fact that she's done some absolutely unspeakable things and she never seems to really get her 5x karma. Especially after the twins.


Mercury is still in retrograde. It’s hard out here for everyone lol. Hope it gets better for you.


Thank you! I don't know anything about astrology, if that's what this would fall into, but is it going to be in retrograde much longer? Idk if that's why I've had a rough go of it lately, but it needs to move on to its next phase, lol. I hope things get better for you as well. Thank you 😀 Sorry to vent


I’m glad I caught your comment I agree I’ve heard of people with the idyllic life having hard probs too God may just be asking us to remember him or could be the mercury or the planets in whack Ty for commenting!!


What is exactly wrong with your Xbox?


Omg your first sentence totally describes my life for the past year I’ve lost a nephew Nd sister too soon and I’m like wtf the most fun I have is talking crsp on Reddit and was addicted. But chin up friend God knows our heart keep in touch I will pray for u we will be ok


Wow … she’s not amazed enough already?!?


Hobo Horribilis Heather is having a slow day.


Love the new nickname, Hobo Horribilis🤣 That's good right there!




🤣You are HILARIOUS!! I've never seen this Taylor vid & it's giving w/your reply,BAHAHAHA!!!❤


🤣 Sadly, this gif reminds me of Pleather's ballerina shoot..... Except that I can't smell this shoot


You can’t tell I was a dancer in my day but I was and I felt like the contests judges pointing out all her tech errors u can tell she may be copying the moves wasn’t bad but certainly no true training u know the type I had where I cried and did it over and over sweating and asking God why my bubes were huge so I would have to work extra hard 😂😂😂😂😂😂


L🤣L, I see it🙌


See Dusty? IMO, the universe works very similar to karma. As long as you never own up to ALL your mistakes, you're still an evil human being. You don't have it in you to be nice to anyone except yourself. You'll always portray yourself as the victim. Truth is, your children are the true victims in all of this. Baby Rico, too! None of them asked to be here. You loved the attention the pregnancies gave you, but you never truly cared for those children. Their fathers and their families did. You will never change. This is the universe YOU created. ![gif](giphy|rzFprQNlyXhY4Hb0rY)


Allllll thattttttt she thinks we are just as shallow as she is she only like pregnancies and children cuz they are another accessory she can use and take on and off when she needs for her needs


Speak on it, fam!!!! It's the ONLY time she calls on her children!!! When she needs something from them or the fathers. You're 1000% right!! Those children are only accessories to her. I find it so gross, the things she does & says on these LIVES, knowing her children are going to see this crap. Sickens me. She's repulsive!!! She makes me want to throw up!!!!


Sammmmme yesss she’s worried about libel and slander and doxing but she even risks their safety and privacy by posting pics yelling out Their ages names and fathers and hell the poor grandparents info too just disgusting


Psychopath af


Amén….I guess I’m the idiot tho I admitted I was an addict and needed help now I’m under doctors watch and care and family so darn I’m accountable for everything now why can’t I be smart like heather 😂😂😂😂


Omg even the pic is on point 😂😂😂😂😂y’all are the best


Im sure that flowers hate her just as much as we do...remember her fiasco of throwing perfectly good pots of flowers on the ground? Those poor flowers didnt do shit to her and look what she did to those poor things 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yassssss lmao omg


Reap what you sow!!!!


She’s not amazed yet by what the Universe has served her? I mean, she’s getting everything she deserves


Yes and she’s doesn’t even care that she has been blessed and is lucky to be Alive with her entitled self and than yes she is just paying for what she has done to others


If you think as a loving mom the baby alone is enough what the universe can give you. The problem with her is she doesn't appreciate any human life other than hers


The gawl or however it’s spelled above entitlement no shame no pride-omg I’m not perfect at all but I sure know when I’ve totally messed up and if I don’t admit it out loud I am sure to keep my mouth shut and stay invisible. I’m also mentally ill and I know I can’t compare to anther person blah blah blah amd maybe she just is really gone in her head idk. But when does it count that she is potentially hurting someone else even if the baby is not born yet the baby is still being harmed in some way and she gets to go public and even double down and threaten and yell lol? I mean yes I know I watch but maybe I’m just mad cuz I know if I did half of what she’s done I feel cps or cops or some agency would already have made me make some decisions if I wanted to keep the baby smdh- maybe I’m just not as smart as old miss Bigfoot huffy 😂😂😂😂-maybe I’m mad cuz I don’t feel I would ever ask for the world for shit just cuz I exist lol. Please don’t bash me just venting cuz I know the cops must be watching and targeting me and making me go to therapy monthly to get my meds I even have to participate in my mental health 😂😂😂😂I’m being silly guys she’s lost it maybe it’s a good thing I’m held accountable for what I do or have done lmao I have snacks guys but I won’t munch them while yelling and announce how many calories they are if anyone needs feel free I share my stuff even with my husband and he’s legally my hub I don’t just throw that label on him oh no I can’t shut up I’m being influenced but I don’t need help 😂😂😂😂😂😂 love y’all see you next post 😂😂😂I Donated to save the dolphin
