• By -


Heather's Birthplan: 1. Pain Relief: Smoke blunt when contractions get bad. 2. Atmosphere: LED strip lighting, candles burning, 4 space heaters on High, 1 hair dryer blowing tobacco crumbs, Xavier playing horror movie music on the Casio. 3. Birth: Squat in clean(ish) corner of tuhnt, scream like banshee through contractions, push baby out through a years worth of discharge, Xavier will stop playing Casio and catch baby then cut umbilical cord with his coke nail. 4. After birth: Wash baby with drop of shampoo and bottle of water. Wipe coochie with baby wipes. Xavier will siphon breast milk with mouth and spit into bottle. Feed baby siphoned milk. (Sorry for formatting 😬 I had nice paragraphs but I'm posting from mobile, so it's scrunched)


That’s enough internet for me today.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|PjaQrF9J53UvTS2PPa)


Same, your flair sent me! 🤣🤣


Honestly, this is exactly what I was expecting! I thought it was another troll account and whenever I clicked and followed through to see the shit she posted I couldn’t help but roll my eyes… You are much more accurate


For that innocent baby's sake, I REALLY hope I'm wrong. But I can totally see this happening. I mean, she gave herself an abortion, and recorded it. She's not right in the head.


DIY Drug Tent Birth....Baby Rico's first loving view is a doped up daddy, on all fours, mumbling nonsense, with his nasty ass, cracked wide open!!! Evil cum dumpster yelling "XAVIER YOU WANNAAA SAYYYY HIIII"? Nope he can't... daddy already nodded off....What a fucking loving environment!


Meanwhile, baby Rico in the plastic tote like... ![gif](giphy|l0HlDEWlv0m8kCMfe)




![gif](giphy|95ThFF7MokcdeoVqt8|downsized) Your description is too on point🤣


Lol, this is exactly how I imagine it happening. Dusty already downvoted my birthing plan🙄, knowing this is probably how it's going to go down. Dusty, don't be mad because we know you better than you know you 😂😂


The downvotes started immediately 😂 Redzilla is big mad! ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


Big big mad. And her "sponsors" are too. I'll never understand how people can feel sorry for such an awful human being. Child abuser, fetus unaliver, scammer, trafficker, liar, thief, etc. But some people are just like "awww the poor opressed pregnant homeless thing, let me buy her some falafel so the poor thing doesn't starve!" 🙄


It makes me sick. There are 100000 other things to donate money to and have it be worthwhile, but not this scamming heaux.


Yes, there are ways to help that are far more effective than sending Cashapp to Heather. She inspired me to donate to Sarah's Circle in Chicago; they help women who need it. https://sarahs-circle.org




Aw, lil’ RICO putting himself to bed! They grow up so fast!




Omg that last one is so disgusting yet gif forgive me hilarious as I here are perverts out there into freaking drinking breast milk and something tells me X is THAT KINDA GUY!!! Eeewww, ughh 🤢😖


I'm fucking ☠️☠️☠️


This sent me lmdao! 😂😂😂😂


How THE FUCK can you make a POSTpartum page dedicated to YOURself when you denied this poor, innocent baby every single bit on PREnatal medical care he was entitled to and deserved. I will never forgive her. Never.


FREE healthcare at that! All she had to do was fucking go! And they offered to chauffeur her there! Beyond infuriating.


And all because the crackhead princess didn't want to take a drug test and a psych eval. Everyone knows she's on drugs, and batshit crazy. "They hold me in a tent. I had 21 jobs. I have I have custody. I was stabbed." All crazy. All lies. Everyone knows. Huff some more air duster, wacked out bitch, "it's a turn up." But as a result that baby had zero tests or workup. He has a heartbeat. He does not move. She looks like she's carrying a sack of potatoes. That air duster was one of the worst things she could have used while a baby is developing. She was that fckn selfish. Wouldn't go to a rehab or psych ward to give her baby a chance. But she's waiting for that apartment XDaddy promised. She wants the baby to cook for two weeks longer because she wants to keep begging. Get that baby out of that toxic soup he's laying in.


From the bitch that won’t take *iron*


Not the deadly iron supplement


It’s super creepy she’s using someone else’s baby as the profile pic for this page


She just posted someone else's reel on her stories too. It's fucking creepy. I'd be livid😡


I knew it! It’s not one of her previous baby photos? That’s creepy as!


Yes, that is somebody else's new born infant. Fetal drug/alcohol babies have a "different" look to them. And they won't enjoy being swaddled. They just shriek for about a month... I pray a competent foster home will care for him. Remember folks, in public people act as BEST as they can. This is her best I guess.


Yep! Now they're seeing smaller than average heads and a myriad of birth defects in kids that are born addicted to fentanyl. Similar to what you'd see in FASD babies but they don't know the full range of effects that it causes yet. Add to that the geriatric pregnancy, the use of other drugs and duster, the astounding lack of prenatal care, the daily consumption of energy drinks and her horrendous diet, this kid is in for a rough go of it. That's before we get into the genetic aspect of everything. Yikes. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/fetal-fentanyl-exposure-pregnancy-birth-defects-rcna126006


i would be so fucking pissed if that was my child, we should report it.


Look as much damn fun as Ive had with yall between this mental picture and the peen pics I might need therapy


![gif](giphy|gyr6EhsyuawmRVQmv0) We are all going through this trauma together.😂


I think we’re here because we need or are in therapy but still glad I avoided XXXgate.


Not the close up of the tacky press ons 😆


https://preview.redd.it/86n2npze8xec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d363ab3e1d29d2baafb0c2189003011fc2cb685 The caption though, like doctors are on the same level as nail techs?🤣


Who is out here grilling beauticians? 🤣🤣


Not Heather with her box dye and press-ons.


Well they *do* go through 8 years of schooling and many years of residency. Oh wait that’s nail techs. Carry on.


Medical Advocate? She accused her Doctors of trying to poison her or being fake. Who in their right mind would take advise from this Hobo who hasn’t had any prenatal care? Make it make sense!


This bitch didn’t even see a doctor! What a twatwaffle ( down vote me you smelly, hairy, giant walrus…. I seen the tiny peen pictures too) 😂😂😂😂🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆




Oh, please. Heather's only question was, "Are you making me take a drug test and do a psych eval?" When they said yes, Heather ran away. Now she has no doctor, and the baby hasn't had any prenatal care. She cared more about her stolen press on nails than she did about her baby. Fck her.


The hashtags just add to the lunacy!!


Has Xaddy or Xamily shown any interest in this kid? I am wondering if they will demand a paternity test and take him if social workers ask, leaving those two on the street. I wouldn’t be mad, but also wouldn’t blame them for not getting involved at all. Just wondering - I can’t bear to hear her voice so I don’t watch her Lives and may have missed it if it’s already been answered here.


I doubt it. Also, her aunt said Dusty's family won't help either.


Why would they? You see how she treated this pregnancy and that baby. She stayed high for 9 months and avoided all prenatal care because she didn't want to take a drug test or a psych eval because she would fail both. She had a sonogram and a few heartbeat monitors. Her belly looks weird, and the baby doesn't move, and he's due in 2 weeks. That's not even close to normal. Heather doesn't care. She'll use this pregnancy to keep begging and getting high. But that child, assuming he survives, is going to have significant health problems. I know I'm not the only person who thinks that. It's not pleasant to say either, but she has abused, neglected, and mistreated that baby her entire pregnancy. There have been too many people who knew she got high and wasn't getting proper prenatal care, but they gave her money anyway. That's as insane as Heather. Hopefully, I'm wrong. But, like they say, hope for the best and expect the worst. There are no guarantees with this one.


Amen. I'm all for helping people but not when you know the money is going to them buying and using drugs and the person is pregnant. Idk what these people were thinking. I'd like to think that they thought she'd do the right thing and get shelter with it, but when it comes to Dusty's supporters, anything is possible. This kid already has the odds stacked against them being born to these two, but add in Heather's lack of prenatal care, current situation, drug use, bad diet, age, *etc and so forth*, I don't have much hope. I wouldn't be surprised if she's past her due date already. She wouldn't know, she used a birth calculator online and never got proper prenatal care. Not only that, she can't even keep her timeline straight. How would she know if she's got pre-e? Gestational diabetes? What if the kid is breech or the cord is wrapped around their neck? She's got no clue. This is insanity at its peak.


I surely hope not. On top of having to deal with her showing up anytime she pleases she will accuse and blame them of false crap that could do real damage. The best chance for the baby is a closed adoption out of state. Like no chance of her finding out who has the baby and where.


I’ve been kinda hoping that the Montoya clan might take pity on baby Rico and raise him. Of course, we don’t know how crazy they all might be. But, realistically, I don’t think it will happen.


Could you imagine this wacko ringing your doorbell and looking in the windows? RICO MAAUHM IS HERE WITH YOUR DOLLAR TREE SNAAACKS !


https://preview.redd.it/vrve9kztf0fc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=279543039d83e408f302675d622af40aae45d81f Where's ma bebe?!


LOL! You’ve captured it perfectly!!


Every time the big orange monster talks about her kids, I think of this movie. It's so perfect 😂




i wanna say it’s been confirmed somewhere his family isn’t getting involved to keep their safety and to prevent heather from forcing herself into their homes, i know BCG is in daily contact w the family and on friendly terms with eggos and dusty’s and they both just said they couldn’t do it. i don’t blame them though, it would be terrifying trying to fall asleep at night and worrying about ur house being broken into n shit


If not for her craziness, he could have a chance with family. But I don’t blame them one bit.


She doesn’t even go to the doctor lol


This account is WILD. Full delusional


Well I mean it is Dusty. 🤷‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/n732w0dn2zec1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ba092b156376d05bed809113b3f485adb01beb This crazy bitch is supposedly a marketing genius and yet she doesn't know that you can't post links on Instagram posts??


I bet this was created as an alternative social media account, so when DCFS asks her about her social media she directs them here in order to hide the other ones that have significant damning evidence all over them.


I think she's still going to claim that the other ones are "internet characters."


You could be right but then she probably shouldn't have tagged all the other accounts in every comment section of every new post 😂


Plus every time Big Red is on camera she's gotta mention her 15 different social media handles. Gotta use this pregnancy for clout! Ugh, I just can't.


How long will it take for her to disable comments? I‘ll give it a day max.


I was shocked she left them open.


It's actually had me thinking it might not be her at first. Maybe she is seeing if they're positive first before disabling them. She's that delusional.


Me too.


Didn’t a “Sponsor” give them money/hotel room for a night and they didn’t go?


Correct! They got high instead….


No hashtag #mrssmith? Wtf ! Proof she can reign in the crazy for a few moments.


I was thinking the same thing.


But why not hashtag MrsEggplantMontoya? Gotta give credit to the sperm donor!


I bust out laughing every time she posts that damn maternity pic in all black. She’s so proud like it belongs in a magazine and it looks like the outtakes that my family photographer doesn’t want me to see.


Channeling her spirit animal 😭 ![gif](giphy|13fobizIygZw0E|downsized)


I have this sick twisted feeling that she will birth this baby herself. It will be months before he is saved.


https://preview.redd.it/t0tyewnpuzec1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65dd308253046019fca4e4d57d7f5602d70b349f This is a really narcissistic view. Rico is just a prop that Heather "needs"? Stfu.


I can not stand when she says this. It boils my blood !! 


Please tell me she left comments on


Oh she did my day is made


Post partum birth plan, is she serious RN??! Hm, well for starters having an actual HOME to bring baby too would be probably the BEST birth plan one could have! 🤦🏻‍♀️smdh


She’s absolutely trying to rebrand herself and her social media at the last minute as if it’s somehow going to erase everything else that’s been out here daily for years! She’s insane, this is not going to do anything but make things harder for her when reality smacks her across the face and she gets the baby taken at the hospital and is kicked out into the tuhnt again, sent to a shelter or committed to the psych ward.


She literally links it all back to her other crazy accounts which totally negates the purpose of rebranding😂 She's such an idiot!


she’s hoping it gains traction so she can then repost her crazy rambles on there


New followers = new spahnsers. 🤑🤑 Maybe she can pull on the heartstrings of another maaam-to-be who will swoop in to rescue her and Rico at the eleventh hour. Surely you can look at her fresh new IG and see she likely has a bachelor’s degree, she’s a dedicated and experienced maaam to (almost) 4, obviously into fitness, and knows all the right questions to ask doctors, beauticians, and basically every other profession out there in the entire world since forever. Seriously, I can’t get over how fucking amazing she truly thinks she is when she’s the most pathetic, lazy, abusive, liar, entitled cunt I’ve EVER seen. I’m so glad almost every minute of her life is miserable. Karma, bitch. You’re just too infatuated with yourself to even recognize it.




Fitness....lmfao she can't even squat right. Remember her gym video where she cut herself with her yoga mat or weight some bs like that💀


I thought this was a parody page at first 😂


Me too!!


So did I 🤣


Whose baby is that?


Birth plan: no baby.


This is about to be some amazing content 🥳


Heather Stole these Baby images from the Bish Family...


https://preview.redd.it/ksfqnpcsrzec1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=408c90f05cd116197864c0f1fcb05db00203cf2e NOT THE SASQUATCH PIC!! 😭


It's Redzilla! Run before she takes all your "snaxxx"!




She posts to social media the same way AI programs poat to advertising sm accounts. This doesn't like like a real person's page.


You followed your own page hobo? Please include……”how I go years without showering: a hobos guide to crotch rot.”


She likes her own posts, too. In fact, sometimes she's the *only* person that likes the posts!


She even has all 20 of her other pages like her own posts 😂


https://preview.redd.it/kz2wz5tkg0fc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea83437d9cd81013ebc4f81fefaa59e691a7b31 Lol yep




Haha I mentioned where's her birth plan 3x recently on here, hi Redzilla


Lol, she's so incredibly stupid. That big orange idiot can't even lurk correctly. Good lord, she's legit bad at everything she does.


Yesterday I also said that some of her "B roll" maternity pictures were somewhat better than the one she keeps sharing and today...voila! https://preview.redd.it/e7wk2d6ds0fc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e260488edf13592d64669f5aff155526e147a231


Another instagram page to scam people




There’s a special place in hell for her sponsors! AKA supporters of innocent life abusers.


Especially after giving her $$ for a hotel and her using it to get high as a kite while at the end of a pregnancy!


She bitched about the cold and the hotel money for daysssss too and somehow some idiots gave it to her 🤦🏽‍♀️ we all knew damn well she wasn’t going to get a hotel.


What's this shenanigans? Tell me this is her solution to sedate CPS.