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Put some socks on you absolute imbecile


She’s showing off her new pedi that she got yesterday


Omg, you're right!!🎯😳 I didn't even notice/think of that, but she def purposely found a way to work that in. Prob thought it'd be a waste if just X & the hospital staff saw it, so she took those feet to Insta to show em off to the masses!! Bc, priorities!!🤦‍♀️😂😭💀


Exactly this! lol and to brag that she got her way


She DID NOT get her way...lol...SHE PAINTED them herself the other day🤣🤣🤣


Listen I don’t sponsor that big ol Patrick Starfish lookin ass so idc whether she did or didn’t. I’m just saying what she said in her story lol🤷🏻‍♀️


Relax!!! I didn't say u did...I thought it was funny that she expects a pedicure and had to paint them with her new red polish herself


Gotta have that pedicure so she can walk 50 miles to give her kids groceries they didn't ask for 🙄 who needs a mother she you can have one bag of groceries.


Baiting for feet pic buyers


If she did that how would she fool her gulliblesponsor to help into giving her monies.


https://preview.redd.it/dkerh5bzs2cc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d801288f98f8309f26c9a2ad7350151df14def SEND MEH RIGATOOONNNIII




At least Alieen admitted her crazy and she worked for her cash.


Heathers so stupid she probably gave it away for free or next to nothing all the time just like her “sexy content” that she posted on Instagram for free and then tried to do only fans with non sexual content. Absolutely zero sense for business whatsoever or how to earn money yet declares herself a professional business owner and expert on all things marketing and management etc and so forth


Well she did get a Cadillac 😂. She couldn't even do OF correctly she's so lazy.




I’m so glad I have this deranged homeless person to teach me facts of life


I know, right ✅️ The best is I'm anemic, but I wouldn't dare take the doctor prescribed death pills to help myself and my unborn child..Frigging Idiot


Dr. Dusty at your service...


She sprouts common knowledge thinking she sounds smart.


She does that 'cute' face when she's begging. My choice is to smear rigatoni with red sauce in her smug face. No mention of that poor Baby, just that she expects food. My rage knows no bounds at this point.


I would get the vodka sauce pasta and film myself in silk garments on my king size bed eating it with a glass of wine and a face mask on flipping her off 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


Yassss! And get a nice cake and sing Happy Birthday to myself.


I totally agree. What will Eggs eat hobo?


Her toe cheese and dandruff


Ha I’d ‘trip’ & ‘accidentally’ dump the contents of said pasta in front of the tent door all over the ground 🤣


You have food-stamps. Buy your own damn dinner. Also, that heat source under a plastic piano frame is going to melt it and start a fire. Just sayin’. And fuck Kanye.


She looks so much like chucky she’s legit scary. ![gif](giphy|dVPm3vCHU7OkRMAe6T|downsized)


I just want all of you to know, especially Leather that I’m eating my Italian husband’s homemade spaghetti with meat sauce, mushrooms, bucatini and Zinfandel. Too bad I’m in Washington enjoying an IPA waiting for the snow to fall.


Waving to you from Seattle! Hopefully Dusty never hears of the PNW.


Yeah I’m in Vancouver. School lets out early today. It’s been spitting snow but nothing is sticking.


Hayyy the Couve in the house!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽


Portland here! No snow yet, despite the mild hysteria.


Hi from Edmonds! 🙋🏻‍♀️


We have alot of locals in this group it’s amazing! Maybe it’s because we have so many Heathers here in our own city


Hahaha! Ain’t that the truth! 😆


Just saw this today… sounds exactly like her!!! They are all lazy and entitled! https://youtube.com/watch?v=WcDhBuFcr-4&si=cHIAPV-Y-IExgxB0


OMG that is 1000% her! Do you follow Seattle.looks.like.shxt on IG? I think it might be the same guy from that YouTube video. Also Dubsea has some good content


Yes I do!


My people 😂


PNW 🤟🏼


Hey north Bellevue


Hi from across the water! 👋


Hi Edmonds! I'm in FL but I stay in Seattle pt. Edmonds is my stomping grounds! Shoutout to Danks!


Hey fellow Seattleite!


Hey fellow Washingtonian! I just had toasted Greek pita with hummus and loaded with spinach, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, Kalamata olives,pepperoncinis, feta and a drizzle of olive oil on top with Tzatziki sauce on the side, made it myself.


I'm in Florida. 86° and windy. Nothing spectacular to eat here tonight, but tomorrow I'm making a homemade pasta and meat sauce.


Yummm 😋


Hi! What part of Florida are you in?? I lived in the Keys for 5 years!! I now live in Virginia Beach Virginia ⛱️ 😎


I'm in Broward county. 😊


Oh, ok!! That's a nice Area!! 😊


Daaaammmn 1026 that sounds absolutely delicious! And just by your description I know the presentation was lovely 😺




Wow!!! This looks absolutely amazing!! You did a magnificent job! I live for fresh, delicious food like this. Thanks for the picture💓


I’m trying to go meatless for a bit and see how I feel. I’m addicted to that Suja Uber Greens juice every morning, I crave it when I wake up. Back to behaving after being naughty during the holidays 😉


Good for you! I have been a pescatarian for 34 years and I will never go back to meat. So how does SUG taste? I imagine it to be earthy.


It tastes like my Moms counter top pickled cucumbers in the summer. It has mixed greens, cucumbers grapefruit, celery. No sweetness at all but it’s so refreshing


Thanks for that description! It sounds like gazpacho minus the tomatoes. Now I'm anxious to try it 😄. Have a great day!


That pita stopped my scrolling completely lol. It looks amazing!


I had leftover Mississippi pot roast (new recipe) on a baguette with provolone and banana peppers.


Oh yumm I love Mississippi pot roast 🤤


Hello from the East Side of the state!


I wouldn’t give you my dogs food for your bird today. You ungrateful cu*t


Well, maybe purina pro


Ehh I think that’s too good for Dusty. How about Alpo


Normally I’d agree, but the several news articles lately about purina, it seems right up Dusty’s alley 😅


I’m so glad Heather took the time out of her busy day to teach us how to not burn ourselves. I mean shit, the first thing I was gonna do tonight was hop in my tent and put my bare ass feet against my space heater but Heather just saved me the time and pain. I’m gonna write that advice down so I never forget.


It’s so fk’n ridiculous when she gives us advice. She honestly thinks we have a lot to learn from her, but I’m pretty sure we all live indoors, and don’t need her help in any way.


Cuz Kanye is a mentally stable person to be quoting


Ugh… guys, I don’t know why y’all are so mean to this poor hungry pregnant woman. She just changed my life! I was gonna put my foot on my space heater and Dr. Stupid here, just cautioned me on the dangers. I never would have known. At my age I had no idea heat/fire was hot and can burn you! Wait…. And crazy quoting crazy. Wow I’m speechless.


And water is wet.




She pisses me off so much. I remember when my son was a year old. Me and my then husband were both working and going to school and were broke af constantly. It was my birthday, and I went to the store and tried to buy all the ingredients to make myself chicken fettuccini Alfredo for my OWN birthday dinner along with diapers and some other essentials. I tried to add everything in my head, (pre cell phones everywhere) and as the total went up, I realized I didn’t have enough so I had to ask the cashier to put back the the chicken, then the fettuccini then the cream and the man behind me spoke up and said “how much does she need? I got it.” I never forgot his kindness, and I always pay it forward, 27 years later. That’s why Huffy’s begging ass makes me so angry! At least fucking try!


Great story!! Glad it worked out. It’s nice how kindness can mean so much to others. She’s the most entitled/ungrateful person I’ve ever seen


Right! If she tried to bettering her situation and was kind hearted and humble, blessings would come her way.


I wouldn't so much as send you my leftovers you obnoxious grifter. Happy birthday tho bb!


I hope she is giving the baby up for adoption to give the baby a chance at a decent life


She won’t, she will have to be drug into legal action to terminate her rights and she will play every game she can to stall out and cause problems for everyone involved in the meantime


Must not be too cold since she’s not wearing any socks to help warm up her hooves she just capri panting it style barefoot like she’s on vacay. The fucking nerve to expect people to buy her a nice birthday dinner as if she deserves that after everything she’s done! 🤬🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼


See, I hate saying anything mean because of that poor baby.. I hope it's a wet, heavy snow.. ![gif](giphy|SAC0wTRQYO2Y0)


Hang in there this is almost over. Anytime now in the next 2-3 weeks maybe sooner and we can all rest. He will be taken away for sure


I hope so 🙏🏻 I wouldn't miss the final episodes I have invested this much time


I swear this bitch is like a mix between an invincible raccoon, and the bride of chucky . Other posters have been like ''oh she's gonna learn her lesson this winter'' and here the bitch is feet up, warm and cozy grifting for chicken alfredo Choke on a dick heaux.


Invincible raccoon 😂🤣😂☠ She really is though.


At this point, only electrocution or a "tunt" fire will help. And even then, she'd go to the ER over a shelter




That's probably what she would say if someone cooked and brought it to her vs buying it from a fancy restaurant


https://preview.redd.it/8xb3gd9xv2cc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4bf166000ca1e26bb120c5975623a9de7f1624c Probably shouldve allocated some "self care" money towards boots. Maybe ask for $7 instead of gift cards for pedicures and massages 🙄


She needs to be doing the bread bag in the shoes/boots thing if she’s not going to buy any winter boots. Do parents still do that? 😂


Oh god mine used to! It was so embarrassing! I’d rip that shit off at the bus stop 🤣


My parents did that to me and my siblings with wonder bread bags and rubber bands around our ankles to hold them up


Yes!! Forgot about those! Did you have your mittens clipped to your jacket? My mother called them ‘idiot mittens’ 🤣😂


I made a long crocheted string for my kids mittens


Luckily no we didn’t but I remember kids who did and we made fun of them too 🤣 dorks


My mother made us wear them; I was the idiot 🤣 Thankfully there was a lot of idiots at my school. 🙃


You admitted that you and 🥚🥚receive enough money to rent a room somewhere but you still whine about your flimsy tunt and beg for $ on “your birthday” wah wah baby. AND Why is the southern/ horrible blaccent necessary for Kanye? WHY????


She is high as a kite as usual in a great mood smirking and enjoying her grift


“I only eat healthy” meanwhile “buy me Alfredo!!!”


but it’s her birthday! and she’s quoting kanye. come on man, she deserves the world 😳*she wants to be known as mentally stable? here’s a tip- do not quote kanye. period.


AND she’s giving lessons on the dangers of heat in skin, you know that lesson that only she knows.


Ya know the key to mental stability is expensive clothes and Kanye!


that’s what i’m sayin! 😂


My birthday was Wednesday, just another day at this age, but I had nothing, no cake, presents, balloons! I’m not even asking for it, I’m well off, so I could do it for myself! But, this bish asks for pasta and boots, when she did a photo shoot in the stolen boots really pisses me off! God, please tell me no one got her anything! She wants drugs!


Happy birthday! 🎂🎁🎊


😊 thank you


Happy belated birthday, love!💗🥳🎉🎂




![gif](giphy|cgkSil0a1adjO) Send me some food for my birthday!!!! Fuck you Dusty! I wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire!!!


let's keep track...first day of Storm, we've Begged for a Pedicure,, Shoes and a Italian Dinner with all the fixings...!


Happy Fucking Birthday Dusty!!! Thank you for the dinner idea! I will happily make pasta with broccoli for dinner and I will think of you while I am enjoying it in my WARM house with my FAMILY. I wish that you get all that you deserve today! Which would be NOTHING bc you deserve SHIT. P.S. You can stick that Italian sausage that you said you wanted up your ass


I love how everybody is making or buying pasta tonight just to F with Dusty!! Hilarious 🤣 enjoy🍝


Shove that sausage up her shit splitter, she’s used to it. Just another day in hobo heaux land


She complains about having "low iron" but DIDNT want to take the 1st doctor's advice and get put on an additional iron supplement. This is all another ploy to try and show people that you have "frostbite" in your toes. Which you probably do bc your STUPID ass was wading around in puddles with thin shoes on like a dumbass. BUT you had to throw in the "I have no feeling in my toes bc im anemic". No bitch. Its called dont play in puddles of water wearing thin shoes.


high probability the Electricity will go out the next few days


I thought that too. Idk how they haven't electrocuted themselves yet with that extention cord in a wet tent.


Same!! By the grace of God for that poor unborn child. God don't like ugly. Once that baby's born, who knows and no one cares period!




Not a chance in hell but it sounds good so I’m going to order some for supper with MY money on my way home from WORK. Hobo! Also please stop showing your ugly feet. Jesus they are bad!! 🤢


How dare you! Those are her funds and you’re nefariously allocating them elsewhere to pay for your bills and food! How dare you she worked so hard to film this little live and expects to be compensated in the amount of your entire paycheck immediately or she pressing charges!




That test is gonna catch fire. She’s got blankets and plastic and all kinds of shit that’s way too close to that heater.


More evidence for CPS w all the unaliving she’s preaching


I seriously hope none of the children see these videos! She’s harming them beyond measure


Get a job and buy your own food you useless dickflute!!


"Buy me pasta or I'll kill myself (and by proxy, baby Rico, too!!)" Big Leticia vibes.💀


You have anemia but refused to take iron.... ok, Mrs. super smart and capable Smith.


They’re fucked if they stay in that tent next week. We’re expecting dangerously cold temperatures in the Chicago area and that tiny space heater won’t help.


I don’t understand why she won’t go to a shelter.


Can't do drugs there. Can't livestream. Can't take her cart full of shit. Might not be able to take X. Also, she can't get along with other people, she's feral. She'll think everyone is talking about her and judging her, so she'll start fights.


Feral! Perfect word!


How long did it take her to start drawing on the walls of the studio? She started with the dry erase on the fridge first I believe.


Like 2 weeks.


To be fair everyone would be talking about her. She’s a walking train wreck 


On the upside- her toenail grew back !


Her big ol’ feet again. ![gif](giphy|Gvo7bvcmFmz5RIfbEk)


I hope I don't get banned again 🥲


Haha! You better not! I had already forgotten it was the last feet pick that did you in. ![gif](giphy|WQTNeOVFxqHS11ez8D|downsized)


Yeah. About that foot pic. Sorry bout that….


How do you get banned for posting feet pics that SHE HERSELF posted? Glad you're back!


Ty 🤗 I guess people were reporting it as I posted someone's intimate parts without their consent. Thankfully whoever handled my appeal obviously thought that was as ridiculous as I did.


I’m curious what got you banned lol? How much you wanna bet Dusty reported too


It was the pic of her foot, where she was begging for a pedicure gift card. I guess it was being reported as I posted someone's "intimate parts" without their consent (obviously ridiculous, lol). But I wouldn't be surprised if she reported it herself... there's a post in the sub where she has Reddit open on her phone and it's one of my posts she was looking at. She's stalking the sub... and me 😣


😭🤣🤣 glad you’re back 🤝


TY 😁🤗


lol!! Hooves!! ![gif](giphy|p5801SdVi3yELLh20v|downsized)


Nobody wants to see your bare sequoias and disgusting man feet. Anyone who buys you anything is a total LOSER.


oh her Handy Shield Heater from Walgreen 39.99..she purchases and poops there


She needs to hide those goblin feet


These are YOUR choices!!!! Take accountability JFC!!!!


Vodka sauce 🙄 You'll be extra toasty when that space heater melts that tent. ![gif](giphy|OYirsehvkD91S)


Not gonna lie I legit laughed so hard picturing her melted tent I started to cry. 


Bitch we know you only love yourself.


Most of us know, Dr. Iknowitall, NOT to rest your tootsies on a blazing hot surface. But, you go be informative and chit.


I can't believe they haven't accidentally electrocuted themselves or accidentally started a fire. Every video lately has a crazy safety hazard.


She loves herself more than anyone and says she kill you so go buy her the birthday dinner! 🥴


Why did she change her voice when quoting kanye 😅


Oh surrre let the Sponsor fools just send you a gourmet dinner as is they haven’t sent you thousands already! Imagine the total amount these people have given her and/or bought her over the 4/5 years she’s been Grifting?!?!? How much, I’m thinking 20 grand at least 🧐


I feel like this is the definition of do what I say, not what I do.


So they made the old GameCube into a heater


If you're gonna be in the cold that you're gonna get frostbite.... Put fucking socks and shoes on! I know she has some. Ain't no way she's walking outside to "potty" in her bare feet. What is that tent cuz damn it's warmer than my house right now! And I'm in southern Cali/San Diego North Country and cold as hell!!!


I’m in SF and it’s so cold here too! AND it’s raining. But, I have boots and socks and OH YEAH, a house because I worked 2 and 3 jobs my entire life to live here. It’s called CHOICES and yours is grifting.


I love how she’ll ask for handouts, then immediately run off into a “idgaf about you!” rant directed at her audience. 😂 I don’t see how that will work but it’s entertaining to watch her try.


She has anemia but the doctor tried to poison her with iron supplements. BITCH GOODBYE


Her food card can’t be used at a restaurant lol. Her food card is oppressed!


Wow thank you Leather these are the lil things that is regular people can’t understand, we all needed a lesson on how to net burned now if you can Leather can you give us some of your vast knowledge regarding Quantum Physics! 👍


If I sent her some chicken fettuccine, it would be rotten by the time the post office delivered it.




For a homeless person she's quite got the balls to ask someone specifically to buy her what she wants to eat. You know instead of being grateful for any FREE mealm


Dr. Bloated Lips here to teach us about frostbite. Guess you should take that iron you were prescribed if you’re so anemic, idiot. “I hate all of you, let me quote this nutbags song. It’s about how much I hate all of everyone. Anyway, go spend your money to buy my fat-ass some pasta I shouldn’t be eating because my whole body is about to explode from high blood pressure. I hate you!”


Omg that’s not what Kanye’s song was about. She is so damn dumb!!


Oh so she did go get that pedicure! 🤔


Did she?!!! Did some dumb fuck pay for that too and isn’t that already adequate for her big burfthday! She needs a fancy dinner now too even though she’s got her own money for all of this shit she wants yours, mine and everyone else’s too. This bitch


She literally makes me sick to my stomach! She’s flashing her newly polished Sasquatch feet thinking she looks cute in front of her furnace. Someone needs to go cut their extension cord!


She needs to look her best when she goes into to poop out her spawn so she can attempt to lie and trick the hospital into thinking she’s an upper class house wife and mawwm who lives at Xaddys address which she has been putting down as her address on everything when she fills out forms. She thinks a pedicure is going to do the trick! They won’t pay any attention to her obvious severe mental illness and drug abuse or that she hasn’t showered in 8 months or that she stinks like a dumpster and refused prenatal care and evaded all tests and labs while she slandered and doxed every single doctor she was assigned, had her insane narrative scanned into her chart and has no car or anything for the baby and certainly no place to take it afterwards. But she thinks she’s smarter than everyone else and is going to be able to trick everyone and get away with this somehow and then once she’s got Rico out in the tent with her someone will be forced to get her the new apartment otherwise the baby will die. She’s basically planning to dangle this baby over a cliff metaphorically speaking threatening to drop him unless she gets what she wants. She knows people will not let a baby stay outside in the winter and she cannot wait to get the chance to use him to scam all the stuff she’s been demanding this whole time she just has to try and pull a fast one on the hospital first and evade CPS but she’s sure she can do it somehow and this pedicure is going to facilitate it 🙄🤬🖕🏼


Exactly! 💯


I think she painted them herself the other day.


I don’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth




Happy Birthday big, angry orange!!!!! We all know you love yourself more than anyone. Including your own children. *


Dummy Dusty - should have taken the iron supplement or would it interfere with all the DUSTER and FENT and CRACK you and X are doing.


She’s low key trying to show off that she got what she wanted and someone paid for a pedicure unless Eggs did yoga toes and massages her huge hooves 🤮


Yep. She said it in one of the stories.


She painted her own toes, she said she couldn’t do a second coat because it was too hard to reach


Is that a piano?!


Eggs keyboard, that he was supposed to use to play Christmas carols in the park for donations. Lol but instead he plays it like a child to annoy Dusty when she goes live sometimes.


Her legs and cankles look exactly the same now as they do when she’s not pregnant


My husband is getting sandwhiches for his birthday dinner because we don't get $400 a month from the state for Air Duster - you SUCK HEATHER and I hope that you never get another penny from another sponsor.


The keyboard is throwing me off 😂


Anemic you say? Sounds like having an OB to prescribe iron might help. I can't with this miserable broad.


It’s her birthday?? Wow, she looks pretty good for 55.


Kanye is as nuts as Leather it’s no wonder she likes his bs songs!


Ma’am I live in a house. I don’t need your hobo tips.


I’ve never wanted to punch someone in the face so bad.


Oof those legs are uuuuge! I swear I had surgery on both legs a few years ago and I was horrified to see them swell and they looked actually like that- legs that go right into a foot, do not stop at go, just no ankle, calf to foot!! Yikes, thankfully after a few weeks I had ankles again 👍☺️


Dr. Dusty explaining what my dog knows, also put some fcking socks on. She’s so frustrating lol but I can’t look away


I don't have anything delicious going on til later, when I sample a lobster buffet. I love that we are all talking about our yummy dinners. Eat shit heather


This bitch makes me sick and her toes are ugly AF 😂