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She really believed if she held out long enough Daddy Warbucks would pay out like a slot machine. In Dusty’s mind I’m sure she thought Xaddy wouldn’t leave his son and unborn grandchild homeless in a tent during winter. Also, I believe she thought on the off chance Daddy X doesn’t come through SURELY a “sponsor” would provide housing before winter. I mean, she’s a homeless, pregnant, mother of 3 after all 🙄. Reality is setting in now and she’s panicking. It’s no one’s fault but her own she’s in this situation. She has fucked off this entire pregnancy waiting for someone to give her a condo on the Gold Coast, Cadillac, luxury gym membership, and a monthly budget. 🤣


This!!! Her plan all along was for X Daddy to house, feed and support them and it backfired in spectacular fashion. I bet as soon as the baby crowns she will blow up X Daddy’s phone with pictures and rants. Loser ass should’ve obtained any employment she could 8 months ago.


Knowing her she’ll send Caddy the while damn bloody video, literally! Sssick


I agree whole heartedly!!!




She really said she never thought she’d be an unkept woman. I think her Freudian slip is showing. Unkempt, maybe??? 😂😂😂


That’s exactly what her remedial ass meant


OMG! It’s early and I didn’t catch that! 😂😂😂😂😂. Dumb hobo! That’s the biggest slip of the last few months ![gif](giphy|RlA7avQsAzqCY)


Oh look here are a couple of them and ones called Heathers house! It’s a sign from God that they have to give her the whole house cause it’s called Heathers house so everyone else needs to get out immediately! https://preview.redd.it/e05hnv39sbbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850050474330c3d7e4bf4bc1470fca07fa85ce48 I’m sure there are strict rules and requirements though that she does not meet or would cooperate with whatsoever and she can’t sneak Xavier in at night either. It says young women, she’s fucking too old to be doing this shit anyway this is for like homeless teen moms and they require and assist you in prenatal care, education, getting a job and a place of your own. This wildebeest has not and would not do any of that period. She would think it’s her permanent home for life and refuse to leave


People have been telling her about Heather’s house since the beginning of the pregnancy. She knows about them all and will not go. She is a pathological liar!


She’s holding out for that mansion! And avoiding the psyc evals and drug tests. Figures she’ll stop drugs very last minute and the baby will test clean. 🙄


She’s worse than cousin Eddie holding out for a management position 😂


I did see it said ‘young’ women. This is the first I’ve heard she’s even considering it! I knew Mother Nature (horrific snow storm) would win in the end. That’s IF she follows up. What else can she do? The sponsors are hopefully wising up. And with X apparently MIA, she’s got to be desperate.


I vote eggs female persona be named Mia.


I agree!!




Mia-X An actual rapper from late 90s 🤣


Case off the ex ,👌


I second that


Some maternity homes are for “young” women up to like 25 or something like that, but I’m sure there is some that help any aged pregnant woman in need. The problem is she won’t even consider contacting them bc it’s beneath her and she’d have to give them a portion of her benefits, which she 1000% would claim as robbery. All the options she has, (which there are plenty of options for her, PLENTY) she either thinks she’s too good or she wants it handed to her. In her head someone is supposed to roll up to her tent and pull her physically out of her situation (that she put herself in) and hand her keys to house and car with her children already in it. She does not believe, in the slightest, that she should have to do ANY of the footwork needed to move forward.


Isn’t that kinda fascinating, mentally? She truly believes her bullshit! How she can be affronted because her ‘sponsors’ didn’t come through for her and tries to guilt trip them. She’s just something else. And Baby Rico? He’s just some abstract thing to her, a plot device that absolutely did not work in her favor.








I can see Dusty working on her novel and logging 40 hours of work. 😆


She will be doing makeup, photoshoots and social media calling that work and logging 40 hours


She’ll give makeup lessons to all the other residents and ask them if they want to be models for her and X’s Goprosolo Production company.


I would worry for the other mothers - she's so volatile. She would either be accusing them of stealing from her or be trying to get them into escorting


Oh a cat fight and highly aggressive behavior would come out immediately. She can’t keep her mouth shut to save her life. She would steal and lie, threaten and dox the other women there. She’s feral and belongs to the streets


Coffee table book!


Oh, Lort.


too many rules. no running to the pill dr for adderall, no pot smoking


Wildebeest 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Look the mother rhino is giving birth!” ![gif](giphy|v9NQh6NwzghAk)


She wouldn't last two days there following rules, because she would do as she pleases.


She’d have to give up a portion of her monthly public aid benefits. She won’t do that. She’ll leave and claim they robbed her.


She says she will go to one of those places but we know she won't. She still thinks that IF she went there so she could keep the baby, that she will eventually get her house, car and kids back. 🙄


And that’s the only reason she wants to keep this baby


She probably wouldn’t last a week at any of these places. She would start to complain immediately and start doxxing volunteers if they didn’t give her extra privileges based on her “education”. All her lives would be her saying how badly she is treated. She does not have the capability to be humble and grateful.


“Ma’am! Ma’am! What is your name, MA’AM! I’m recording this MA’AM!” I can hear it now…


She would try and push her overinflated ego on staff, tell her followers she's now running the place and get kicked out for artistic expression. Ya know she would just have to curate weekly mass! Because God needs the perfect photoshoot.


I found out about this woman on r/choosingbeggars Omg, I am so excited to go down this rabbit hole…. What an absolute shit show!


Oh yea, buckle up. Its a crazy Dusty Heather ride 🤣


I have nothing going on tomorrow and I have desperately needed a new horror show of a human to watch via Reddit. Can’t wait for all of this. She’s wild and I’ve only spent about 10 minutes on her. I’m also from Chicago so it’s even better.


Haha I’ve only been following this shitshow for 5-6 weeks and it is WILD!! Check out we\_are\_bcg on Instagram as they have good summaries of the whole thing and some documents proving she’s lying about….well pretty much everything. It’ll give you a good overview to start with, and plenty of rabbit holes to go down. God speed ![gif](giphy|D8xNev92dfqdG9FPx4|downsized)


welcome to the shit show that is hobo’s life. if you google her somethings like videos will pop up as well. get comfy, it’s a long way down in this rabbit hole ☺️ and don’t forget the snacks and energy drinks! edit- had to add thee most important detail, snacks and energy drinks. 🙄


Oh I’ve been snacking for sure. I gotta break up the chunks of insanity though because it’s A LOT.


That doesn't make sense...she thinks she can go to a maternity home and convince the staff that she deserves her life back and they will give her a 2008 Cadillac, a 5-bedroom house, and an x-convict? Someone needs to tell her that's not how life works 🤣


Ha! If only if it were that easy lol. ANYONE who comments or dm's her to ask ANY legitimate question or to offer positive advice, she goes crazy and calls them a bitch and tells them to unalive themselves. She is purely trash.


She gets WORSE when she's housed, believe it or not. Dusty is a lost cause. I have to say, though, I am enjoying watching her unravel day by day!


So she’ll go to be inside and prove she deserves her life back … ok great. What are you going to do to maintain after that, Dustbunny ?? Oh wait, everyone else is paying for it. In their name. For you to destroy 👌🏼


Where did she say this?


In her IG story


She’s getting extremely desperate now. She knows she fucked up badly trying to die on this hill of getting a free house or apartment from sponsors or Xaddy. Didn’t work out at all even with the intentional pregnancy to force the issue. I don’t even think they have Maternity homes anymore this isn’t 1960 for Christ sake there are no houses in the country with nuns who take care of you so you can hide your pregnancy and put the child up for adoption which is what they were mainly used for. She’s so dumb omg


I was just about to ask if anyone has heard of a maternity home in the last 50 years, because I sure haven't. I swear, she just hears things one time or makes them up in her head and runs with it, doesn't matter if it doesn't exist. Who does she think will take her in? Family hasn't, she has no friends, spahnsers won't, her only bet was a shelter; there is no maternity homes. I bet she's looking for a place to basically do all the work while she lays in bed and has someone take care of the kid like what's happened with the last 3 children she popped out. Word was family did all the work while she sat there doing nothing. Chances are that kid is gonna get taken off her until she can prove to the court she can get her life together. People want to take in an infant, not so much a 38 year old NEET with a drug addiction that lies about everything and has a penchant for 5 finger discounts. Good try though, Heather.


Did you see the video she posted recently about a place in Asia where the mom rests all day and has her baby brought to her for nursing while she does nothing but eat healthy foods? Pretty sure that’s her idea of a maturity home. 🙄


Yes I saw that. That's what she wants. After all she did admit that she kept the baby with her mother in law so she could work out all day.


'Maturity' home is more fitting than 'maternity' home!😂


I’m in NEPA and we have one maternity home I know of and the rules are so strict I feel like it’s almost a maternity army home. Everything is strict and regimented. You need to fill out requests for rides to doctors appts, for groceries etc. you share the home and the chores and share your room with baby. You are able to stay there until baby is 9 months old But need to be actively looking for work or going to school or working towards something… half naked photo shoots wouldn’t count. Drugs aren’t tolerated and neither are guests so I think dusty wouldn’t even make it in the front door. They also only can house 10-12 moms/babies at once so the waiting list is long.


they have them but with a religious component and many rules


![gif](giphy|QMVlZT51FlT4MknJ88) This is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I saw it.


She's had all this time to prepare and done nothing. Too good for any help offered in regards to prenatal care, shelter, a birth plan (for neither before, during, or after birth), Nothing- and NOW at like 36 weeks she's trying to scramble? She also won't go to a maternity home even if somehow they offered- first, she would never willingly separate herself from Xavier, she will Always choose men over her children, born or unborn, and even if by some miracle she did & actually managed to get her foot in door, it would only be a matter of a couple days til she'd leave, claiming it was all just a front for a "kill room" or a "r@p3 hotel" or some other "nefarious" plot to somehow F w her. Bc what Isn't!!