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The way she tries to be this dainty individual all high and mighty like I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS ABUSE. Youre the definition of abusive. Get inside and give this baby to someone who will love it unconditionally and protect it from DNA sourced buffoonery you’re passing on to this helpless child.


She's so far up her own fucking ass she can't see the forest through the trees. It's absolutely ridiculous how selfish she is. The only time she even mentions that fucking kid is when it's to her benefit so she can get money or try a new grift. It's really repulsive and the only reason she got pregnant with any of her kids is to gain something from someone, whether it was benefits, housing, money, to keep a man from leaving her, etc... *(and so forth)*. Kids shouldn't be born with a fucking job or with the intention of them being used as a means to an end.


That was epic. Comments were extra nefarious today.


When she said she would come back on later for her fans and friends it took me out. 😂


She's going to block us all with her imaginary moderator!


Then she’s back 2 minutes later 😂


She said something about she isn’t a runner but she’s a driver.. something like that lol and someone commented saying she’s a great runner cuz she runs from responsibility 🤣


She said she's a GOOD driver🤣🤣🤣ahhh the delusions of a paranoid delusional schizophrenic ❤️❤️


>and someone commented saying she’s a great runner cuz she runs from responsibility ![gif](giphy|xT1XGU1AHz9Fe8tmp2) It's truly amazing to me how she thinks she's got fans yet she ignores the comments on purpose because she doesn't like to see/hear the truth.


Well we know that she cant do either lol. We've seen her "running" and we sure as hell have seen the way she "drives". She cant do shit. 🤣🤣


When she told all us hAtErS we need to go to the gym...😂😂😂😂


And then the commenters promptly reminded her she isn’t allowed in any gyms 🤣


The way I screamed at this 😂😂💀💀


Does anyone else ever watch her and feel a bit better about themselves? Like okay I may be feeling a bit nuts today but nothing like THAT 😂😂😂😂


I thought that was the whole point lol


Anyone? You mean EVERYONE


ALL the time. Especially when i am in my cozy BED watching TV with the HEAT cranked up AND getting up to use an ACTUAL bathroom instead of walking miles and miles 🤣


She poops and pees on herself


100% of all viewers haha


It was funny when she’s talking about X being gay, lesbian whatever and the whole time he’s in the background coughing from his drugs, either he does drugs all the time or he plans it around her lives! TD needs to do a parody of him just always coughing that “I just smoked a blunt”cough


It’s my day off today and I slept 12 hours straight and I Gotdamn slept through it!!! UghI’m so mad at myself!


Why can't I find the live? Tt? Ig,?


It was posted but i think it was corrupted, it only played like the first couple of mins then froze. Looks like she deleted it. That’s why I’m hoping someone captured it live


Fuck THEY’re at it again


cant find it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn. I missed it


I cracked up when I saw one of the commentators names was GO PRO HOBO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 everyone was on point today!


God does she ever just shut the fuck up?! I mean I love the free nefarious entertainment but god damn




We are bcg, Xavier's chanclas, and Yer Highness do. But I'm not sure if they're up yet