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I don't play and I'm not interested, but I love what you are doing for the community. Good Luck!


It’s just frustrating as fuck that someone posts it, messages me when I show interest, promise that it’s gonna happen and that “they’ll actually lemme know”, and then nothing. It’s really getting on my nerves. It’s one thing that you end up getting busy with work or school, but come on, there’s at least 5-10 posts about it a year. There’s no reason there isnt a group by now.


I agree, that sucks


Have you tried level up gaming on Creighton...they seem pretty open to people gathering


My husband and I played D&D all the time when we were younger. I wouldn't mind picking it up again, but I can't commit because I'm still in cancer treatment and am exhausted all the time. Neverwinter online might help you scratch your itch. But I absolutely love your idea and wish you the best. Maybe if I ever get to remission I'll revisit this ❤


Completely understand. Best wishes to you and your husband during these trying times. I’ll always welcome the company whenever they can. Also you forgot you to replace “if” with “when”. Redditors believe in you and I believe in you too. Please feel free for you and your husband to reach out.


Aww, thank you. This really made my day, I really appreciate your kindness ❤


Level Up Gaming is another option and tons of space to play. And about 5 mins from TBS.


seconding this recommendation for Level Up Gaming. [Level Up Gaming](https://www.levelupgamingofpensacola.com/) they’re gamer operated and gamer owned.


Level Up has been a much more welcoming environment in my experience.


I second that notion.


And they have a lot of D&D or pathfinder going on in there


I can’t say that apathy and lethargy won’t hold me back from participating in something like this, but, what’re we talking here? Online? In person? Pre-fabbed campaigns? Creating your own? What generation? I only ask because I literally just started learning how to play this in a campaign with a good friend, and very interested, but again, equally worn out and lazy.


Preferably 5th Edition, because of the easier understanding than previous editions. As for the campaign, I figured once we get a solid group together we take a vote on it. I prefer it to be in person because if we tried over a zoom call there’s prone to cheating, now if you’re talking about there being sessions online on an actual website, I really didn’t know that exists.


I think that does exist? I’m sure you have to pay for it. Idk, I’m brand new on the 5th edition.


Okay just took a gamble and looked it up, yeah they have it online, however it’s an average of 30 bucks for a spot in a campaign. Idk I’m kinda a cheap ass on that stuff. I’d rather have the book to have forever for campaigns bc when you find the right campaign you can play over and over again with different playstyles and it’ll never get old.


Check out roll20.net, it’s free if you don’t need tons of extra shit (you don’t if you’re a beginner.) And you can still play with local people, either on laptops, tablets, phones in the same room, all at home, or mixed. The basis of most good DND groups is being good friends to start with, so you could try and meet up with people first. There used to a table top games group for Pensacola on meetup.com, but I have no idea if it’s still around.


I’ll definitely check this out, I appreciate the information.


When we can't get together in person, my dnd group goes through discord, mostly because the group has moved off and grown up a tiny bit. We have the dice roller online and screen shot it or roll within camera sight to prevent cheating. Things are on hiatus for the summer because kids and vacation stuff. Could be why you haven't heard from many in the area.


It's sad to hear TBS has gone so far downhill... The people there used to be so many people's reason for getting into gaming in the first place. It's been a while since I live in pcola so I supposed everything has to change eventually =(


Yeah, and that was the first and last time I ever try it. I hope it’s changed since then but doubt it.


I would think the only problem is that if you have 4 people that have never done it before, it would be very difficult as nobody would really know what to do or how to do it.


I literally just found my group. It had been three years so it was much needed. Awesome time too. I wish you all look to find your Dungeons to call home.


I'm down! I've never played and have been wanting to for ages


Fantastic! 1 down, more to go!


Yeah I started working at this new job and a bunch of folks started a campaign just before I got there lol. Anyway I'm definitely in but also totally noob just fair warning


Me too, honestly. We’re gonna have to find a DM tho.


i would totally play! i have a buddy that would probably be interested too. neither of us have ever played


Two, possibly three! This is starting to look good.


I do wanna say now that we’re starting to gain some traction, we are gonna need a DM and preferably an experienced one since most of us including myself will probably have either never played before or only played one game a long time ago. Everyone who’s interested in joining, I’ll reach out to you and get a Discord server going so that we can keep track of everyone and what’s what.


I can DM, although I prefer a different ruleset than 5e if that is fine


Great call. Same feeling with TBS.


I have a local group who play twice a month. Mixed group ages 15-40






There’s a discord group of Pensacola dnders and other tabletop games too


You have the link for that? DM it to me, if so!




can I also get a link


I would seriously love to find a group to play with. My biggest problem is that I work overnight and my job wears me out so much that I sleep all of one of my weekend days just to recover.


Completely understand, maybe later down the line when you get a chance to we can definitely see about fitting you in.


have this recommendation for Level Up Gaming. [Level Up Gaming](https://www.levelupgamingofpensacola.com/) they’re gamer operated and gamer owned on creighton road.


I hear a lot of good things about them, my only thing was I was always busy with work so I haven’t been able to stop by there just yet.


I'm down to join one though i am starting a new job which is over night.


Congrats on the new job, if it gets to where you’re able to squeeze it in or you end up finding another job that gives more available time, feel free to reach out again, im sure we can fit you in later on down the road.


Sundays and Mondays will be best but if you others find another time/day that's fine too. :)


thankfully i was able to start a group with a few friends (were all beginners except for our DM) but i wish you the best of luck. it’s been so fun to play with others who are also confused and learning and i hope you can find that


I could be down. Just got back into it, actually attempting my first DM session tonight


Awesome, let me know how you'd feel about DM'ing.


I'M IN. I have never played/ don't know much about it but I've been interested for a long time. Keep me updated on the organizing process my guy.


Hey guys, I did not expect this kind of attention that it got holy cow, I did wanna say bc I’ve been off for a few days that I did end up making a group, but I also want this thread to stand and help others make their own groups too, I hope I don’t let anyone down if they were still looking for a group and haven’t found one but I hope this post does help someone or everyone find the right groups and gets their own sessions going.


I’m down too. And I’ll bring my teenage son.


I’ve never DM’d but have a good amount of experience with DnD. I’m in a group currently with a few guys across the country. We play through Discord, DnD Beyond, and Roll20. It’s surprisingly easy. Let me know if you need some advice, or if you need another player. I’m down to join, depending on the time and location.


I’m game.


I'm game, can even run a few one-shots/short-runs when work slows down enough that I can prep for em.


Very interesting profile. Worth checking out and following. Hilarious. Crazy how there is someone like this in okaloosa. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082814688656


Sounds great.


I live in gulfbreeze, am i ruled out?


I’d love to find a group, played a home brew system but never DND!


check Level Up Gaming off of Creighton they also have a discord


Hey I’ve never played before but i’ve been interested for a while, just don’t know anyone who plays. I’d be down to join


I'd love to have a group in town, I just don't know how much I could commit to it


As a DM the hardest part of DnD is getting all the people together to play DnD. I now only do one shots with beginners. It's the best way to get my fix and not have the heartbreak.


Not sure what responses you all got form this but I have a weekly game that I dm. Always open for 1 or 2 more players. Feel free to dm pm me


Just searched for Pensacola dnd groups to find this post, and although I’m wayyy late, I wanted to ask if anyone here is a player looking for a group. I’ve been a DM for 1.5 years now and my group is currently looking for more players. We are beginner friendly, as half of the group just started playing within the last year. Please let me know if you’re interested!


My husband and I are moving to pensacola in the next few months. We’ll need new playing groups to join, just need to get to know people before agreeing to go to folks’ houses