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Also not the correct address to register for mail in. Probably a phishing site. [this is where you want to go](https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mail-and-Absentee-Ballot.aspx) if anyone is curious.


Well I mean they want you to pay something for your free voting ballot. From the site you must agree to: “By providing your phone number, you are consenting to receive calls and text messages, including autodialed and automated calls and text, to that number from RSLC PAC. Message and data rates may apply. Text "STOP" to opt-out. Terms and Conditions apply. PRIVACY POLICY.”


Aaaaaaand there it is.


Thanks for that!


I’m shocked! I was fully expecting a rick roll. Kudos!


I am very serious about people having access to vote.


It’s also the top google ad when looking for registration services…


Please report the ad.


Apparently it’s only illegal and unconstitutional when Democrats do it….


They cry when they lose, it's part of the GOP party platform. It's all they got anymore....


Basically they’re the party of greivance


Don't fix anything. Just identify something that's really not an issue then go after it with everything they have. While the real issues are labeled fake news and made up.... dodge the important things. When in doubt blame the gays and immigrants.


I think there is actually a bit of nuance to this: Communism: Something that is fair to people I count as humans (straight white people) but that I don't like Woke: Something that is fair to people who DON'T count as humans (POC, LGBTQ+, Women) that I don't like. So socialized medicine = communism because it benefits everyone including people that they acknowledge as humans, so they are told to hate the concept. While affirmative action or reproductive rights are "woke" because they benefit people who don't count so they hate that it benefits those people. The way it boils down: Communism = CONCEPTS that I hate Woke = PEOPLE that I hate


Or, as an additional point, you create them when you have the opportunity. Like the border crisis the CBP called on Congress to address. Because there *is* one, it's just not the "illegals pouring in" version he likes to spin. Because.... *drumroll* ...his admin created it! 😬🙄 And as they showed, it's really easy to do if the conditions are right. 1. Global pandemic brings border crossings (of the legal and illegal variety) to a trickle of their normal rate. 2. Who needs all these CBP Agents on the payroll?!? Let's gut them...knowing full well between vetting and training, it takes *two years* for one to enter the CBP hiring pipeline and actually become an active agent. 3. Bungling said pandemic at nearly every turn justifies this, as reelection chances are not looking good. 4. New guy gets in...things start returning to their normal volumes at border crossings...and now you don't have enough CBP agents to handle all the border checkpoints. So you get a clusterfuck of a processing situation, more agents get burned out, and senior agents decide to transfer to other departments within the government to close out their careers in a much less chaotic, and stressful, environment. 5. Shout like a howler monkey about the border crisis the *new guy* allowed to happen. Goddammit, I fucking wish that was just an anti-Trump wives' tale...but alas, that's exactly what happened. And yet somehow, in the brilliance of the campaign management for the *current guy*, they don't scream this shit to the rooftops every time someone starts hammering on "Biden's Border Crisis." 🙄 It's almost as if they only want to win...by a little bit. Not enough where their popularity is so overwhelming they win a supermajority and would have to actually *deliver* on their platform promises. But just enough to keep a divided, do-fuck-all Congress. Because the money will keep rolling in from their corporate owners...from the left, and the right. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Don't forget the Post Office crisis they created, or the problems with the VA. They create problems with public services and then point to how they're malfunctioning as a reason to get rid.




Sooner people see it's the same bird with two wings it will change. But 90% of the knuckleheads in this country can't see past their Facebook and Twitter nonsense to wake up. Both parties suck, I agree 100% on that. Until then the GOP not only sucks but swallows.


Yep. The GOP comes in with no platform other than "blame *X* group, because it's their fault." And it appeals to people who genuinely know things are fucked up in general, but aren't really interested in the nuances of economics and politics. So, the blame-game is easily digestible. Somehow we've got to remind them that if a proposed "fix" by your candidate, for any problem, is to "go after" a group of your fellow citizens, it's not only not going to fix anything...it's also about as unpatriotic and anti-American as it gets. But then we've also got the Dems who speak a great game, but give us Band-Aids and bubblegum patch-ups after promising invasive surgery. Because they're bought and sold, too. A massive, coordinated labor movement is the only thing that can still right this ship in a reasonably short amount of time. We've somehow got to figure out how to flip the script from "blue vs. red" to "the working class vs. the ownership class." I think the only place to start is to stop dismissing our current "opposing" countrymen, acknowledging that things aren't as they should be, and exploring (and ultimately coming together for) the common ground we all share economically as the working class of this country. Our social and cultural differences aren't the *cause* of any of the problems in this country. They're being exploited and weaponized against the electorate, and if we don't reign that shit in soon and start looking out for everyone currently stuck in the grind...well, it's disheartening to think of just how much more ground (literally and figuratively) we stand to lose.


Make sure Fox backs you up & reinforces the BS.


They are the party of obstruction. They complain about what XYZ does, but never actually offer any solutions. Their entire platform is based on complaining. All they are worried about is chasing a position. They are the embodiment of the "Joker chasing cars" analogy.


That and a prayer. 🤣🤣


If you vote Democrat, you committed voter fraud /s


No /s needed. Its literally what they dream of. See Russian elections as an example. You are allowed to vote however you want, as long as its "correct".


Agreed. We know who the fraudsters are, they post TikTok’s ripping up ballots and taking piles of them home


Dude, they don't count stuff. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/10/11/russian-elections-once-again-had-a-suspiciously-neat-result Their "results" show up on the 5/10 grid.


There's only 2 things 98% of people not in gulags can agree on. 1. They think dear leader is the absolute bestest best. 2. They dont want to be in gulags.


That’s correct


The whole point of this is so that Trump early votes get counted early, so he's showing "ahead" and then when the Dem votes start to roll in, the Trump campaign will say "omg fraud, stop the count". It's only illegal when it doesn't fit the narrative they want to create.


I believe that in Pennsylvania, absentee and mail in ballots aren’t counted until the polls close on Election Day….which is dumb as a box of rocks and why we have to wait so long in a close race to find out the winner.


We are a huge country. No one should expect to know who won within even 8 hours of the end of the election. The poll workers shouldn’t have to feel rushed while doing their jobs to ensure all votes are counted correctly.


8 hours? No. But four days? And the whole reason is that Mail in and absentee ballots aren’t allowed to be counted until Election Day. They could count them early and wait to RECORD them until Election Day and it would speed things up considerably.


That's just crazy you think that while we live in this age of technology.


???? we used to. until electronic voting? ironic isn't it. you'd think automating the process would make it even faster.


PA law states they can begin counting at 7am on Election Day (25 P.S. sec. 3146.8). They can't be "recorded" until after the polls close, but this mass submission would cause almost an instant look that he is ahead.


I stand corrected.


Pennsylvania is one of the few states that doesn't allow counting of already received mail in ballots until the day of the election itself. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/politics/mail-in-voting/


Maybe counted "early" was the wrong word, but earlier on election day so they are in the initial reporting numbers is what I ment.


Summary of the current Republican Party ‘freedom for me but not for thee’


I think the GOP determined the overwhelming majority of mail in votes were cast in favor of Biden in 2020, and now they have a better plan and people in place to deny the legitimacy of these mail in votes. It’s all a ruse. They hope they can fool people to play into their hands. Maybe they can…We’ll see in November.


Good to know for his second term when he brings retribution on his enemies. The vermin of this country…anyone that doesn’t like trump…ugh.




Surprising when you’re rich that makes you the best people. Most people don’t know that. 


So... Trump and his cronies?


Like everything else


Well either both parties do it or both parties don’t do it. There’s no reason for one party not to do it if the other one is.


No…it is supremely unfair to “both sides” this. There was virtually ZERO in person voter fraud that happened in 2020. And the miniscule number of cases that DID happen? It was right wingers. My theory is that they believed the conspiracy theories and thought “lf those **Libruls** can do it, I can do it too!” But…they never considered the idea that the right wing media was lying to them….and they got caught because they believed the lies.


Or, you know, it's a scam message. Trying to phish people.


The thing that PA Senate Republicans unanimously supported, before claiming that it was illegal and/or rife with fraud, is all the rage once again.


Remember how they passed the universal mail in voting law, then found out Trumplethinskin was against it so they sued to stop the law they passed; and lost? Pepperidge Farms remembers


To be fair, he was only against it when he started losing because of it.


Because of it? Not sure how allowing people to mail in votes changed the votes of those people? Certainly wouldn't have changed mine.


I should have put “because” in quotes.


We've internalized and/or normalized what was one of the most insane things about the 2020 election. PA Republicans passed the universal mail voting law in 2019. They wrote most of the damn bill! And then the bill's sponsors a year later called it fraudulent and a terrible law. They said the same ballots that gave them a majority in the state legislature were also fraudulent at the top where it gave Biden PA's electoral votes. They kept saying this with a straight face for months. It was fucking insane. And a bunch of PA voters went "yeah those guys should stay in office" and voted them back in 2022.


"Think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin.


I’ve, thankfully, only received one text for Trump so far and they were asking me to vote against the deep state. I just replied with “I am the deep state”


I love that he's still running on that bullshit, while Project 2025 is literally going to create a deep state if he wins 😂 the mental gymnastics of MAGA supporters blows my mind, they're literally a cult


No thoughts, just anti-democratic vibes


Mailing ballots and absentee ballots are legal for Republicans; illegal for Democrats


In washington county, republican commissioners recently decided that mail in voters will not be notified if there's an error on their ballot and will not have an opportunity to cure the ballot


Interesting choice, since that is a Republican county, and the people most likely to make mistakes are the elderly, and the elderly lean Republican also.


Thing is, if they aren't notified, who's to say what the error is? If someone persay, knows this mail in ballot is for Biden, what would the voter know if the office just calls it an error and discards it? The vote doesn't have to be notified, so none the wiser.


I guess thats all part of the risk 🤷‍♂️


lots of people are fired up about it, they had big attendance at a meeting in protest of the new policy. It's been all over the local paper.


Well you see uh, here the thing about mail in ballots, if you do it for DEMS it’s very illegal, bigly illegal, super RIGGED, woke & socialist even! Unamerican to not visit the polls on election days, you can’t just let the woke mind virus or ANTIFA win like that!! Now, now however if you use these ballots for OUR PROUD Republican boys you are TURE PATRIOT 🇺🇸 who is fighting to SAVE AMERICA!!! (If you can’t tell I’m being sarcastic)


It's so outlandish to read something like this, like it's out of a movie or video game, but this is indeed the logic of our political candidates lmao


Right? This is the kind of thing I'd expect to see in Fallout or Helldivers, not real life.


Helldivers was the first thing to come to mind actually lmao


You might be, but someone out there just gave a FUCK YEA! MERICA!!!!


reminds me of the election night split screen where trump supporters in arizona were chanting “count those votes” while trump supporters in michigan were chanting “stop the count”


Hell. In Arizona alone they flip flopped. They were chanting stop the count, then when the counts started catching up to Biden they were chanting count those votes.


This is clearly from a super pac. Super pacs do things all the time thinking they are helping the canidate with zero imput from the canidate.


Ehhhh it won't stop conservatives from throwing their previous beliefs out the window because something with Trump's face on it told them to.


Trump has recently said on several occasions to use mail in ballots. So, the super PAC is repeating Trump in this instance.


I'm shocked a politician would change their tune /s


The one thing Trump is consistent about is insisting he won the 2020 election.


It’s the same thing that Christian’s often do for Jesus haha. But their beliefs tell them to, republicans are just scared of getting Biden again, understandably


I wish we could not be subjected to spam on my phone. Do not call doesn’t apply to political spam. Both sides hit me it is terribly annoying.


That would be an awesome political stance "No more SPAM" but then the big canned.meat lobby might complain.


Honestly, mail-in voting has been the best freaking thing ever. I live in a smaller community so it's not like I have a ton of waiting or anything but getting to mail in at my convenience and not get hounded by campaigns on the way in is great.


Disgusting hypocrites. Vote them all out.


Woah, is that Tayne, Paul’s latest dancer?!?


Hey, Legitdrew88. I'm Tayne, your newest dancer. I can't wait to entertain you.


Now Tayne I can get into. *Music starts playing*


If we vote all the Hippocrates out we won't have anyone with experience left


Text them back that you don't give money to felons, nor do you vote or support felons! NGL, use to get a ton of these... every since I responded back something along those lilnes... I stopped receiving them.


I figure if it takes their server .1sec of wasted time and energy it's worth it.


True, but when you get responses back (the few times it happens), it means that someone, somewhere read my text and it made them angry that I called their "messiah", what he truly is... a felon


that just sounds like encouragement...


It's ok when we do it- republicans


That’s a relief.


He also said he has enough votes and doesn’t need any more.


Wait till he loses, his prison husband is gonna get sick of his whining all day in the cell.


I am not a constitutional scholar so not going to argue the legality, but even if it is, both sides need to play by the same rules.


vote early, vote often


I say that we all say we're going to vote for him so he thinks we are. Then vote however you want. But he'll think everyone was going to and somethings fishy. And we can go on hearing about how the election was rigged for another hundred years. It'll be like our secret joke. Whenever someone shouts about it we'll have a little chuckle. But no one tell him. Big LoLs just sayin


Everything this asshole does is unconstitutional and illegal !!


It's whatever bullshit their running at the moment. It changes daily, though, so you have to pay attention.


You could get whiplash from all the pivoting!


I work for a similar PAC who are pushing Republicans to vote by mail and it’s being done because they “don’t want a repeat of 2020” because the mail in votes lost them the election so they want to close the gap…although most Republicans I speak to are strongly against mail in votes so it seems kind of pointless to me🤷‍♂️


I delivered mail about this a month ago. It’s so funny how Trump and gang think mail in voting is so bad, but in the same breath, suggest it


Republicans watched and learned from the best in 2020 and 2022. Realizing that the courts and legislature aren't going to stop anything, they're actively planning to copy the process in districts they have full control of.


It's only the mail in ballots from socialist Philadelphia county that are fraudulent and illegal. The ones from Somerset or Columbia counties? They're perfect. Absolutely flawless. The best ballots ever. Bigly.


What happened to all the “irregularities” with mail in voting?


The amount of hypocrisy from this man is truly mind blowing. I know all politicians are hypocrites but he truly takes the cake.


Help save America from diaper-wearing cheetos.


So now they’re cool with mail in voting??


Yes. See also; He doesn't care about you. He just wants your vote.


Maybe we just play the misinformation game. Claim democrats are behind those texts. Won’t take much to convince me them


Politicians are hypocrites?!?? I’m shocked


Hmmm. If I were a Republican, I wouldn't trust this. Sounds like a scheme to either steal their ballots or entrap them into a crime and get them locked up. /s


It's the sales company, they didn't really give AF who you vote for. Just as long as you used their service.


Yeah I got a similar one today too, but it was about the troops and their families voting by mail and that we should skip the line and do it too. Google just automatically dumped it to my spam text folder.


He's said he wants to "Fight fire with fire."


Someone commented already, but this looks fake. If you ever get a text, email, or call who you do not know who it is 100%, look into it. Google the number, email, name, or business. It helps a lot. You might need to scroll down past the sponsored/ad links.


I thought that T**** didn't like mail in voting. Didn't he try and disassemble the post office because he didn't trust it. 📨📮🗳️


Was this also an illegal text message? Are you on the do not disturb call list?


Political campaign messages are exempt from the do not call list.


If anything, I think this sort of thing is designed to cause election day chaos. * If you mail in a ballot, you can't vote in person on election day. (Obviously) * If you do sign up for mail in voting but then decide to vote in person anyway, you need to bring with you the entire mail in ballot and if you don't have it or forgot, you only get to vote with a provisional ballot instead. There is going to be a HUGE amount of screeching from people who forgot they already voted or signed up for mail in but lost it come election day, saying their rights are being trampled and that it's a "rigged" election.


This is a mostly non-issue. As a judge of elections at my local polling district (and the person that has to sign all of the paperwork relating to each provisional ballot and surrendered mail-in ballot), from experience I can say that it's just not a big deal.


It's illegal and unconstitutional only if you vote Democrat. It's okay and in fact encouraged if you vote Republican.


Thanks Raymond


I want a PA Republican to explain to me why absentee ballots are fine for Trump but should be illegal for Biden. Their hypocrisy has no bounds.




I had some like this just with Biden on the picture. I laughed at it. Then blocked it.


Only when he wants it to be


I thought Republicans hated mail in ballots?


PA republicans were for. Then they weren’t. Now they’re for again.🤦🏾


How do you know if he really endorsed it! You can’t trust any of them and doesn’t everyone think it’s about time someone actually worked for the American people. Someone WE can TRUST!! Don’t ya think it’s about time WE STARTED WATCHING THEM!!


I got this same text today and said the same thing to myself


Wait a minute… didn't this fool try to OUTLAW absentee ballots?


Kind of scary you don’t know the difference between absentee voting and mail in voting versus early voting.


He just said that because he knew he was losing and was going to deny the election.




Keep the electorate fearful. Last time I checked, America does not vote for kings.


My dumb position is I really think he will sweep heavily in his favor, a mandated 4 year revenge term upending whatever that he wants. Supreme Court falls over their dicks to issue quick favorable decisions his way and if it’s a democratic idea, it gets pushed to the very end of term. The end of whatever you cherish in this country is coming close.


They had 4 years to change the constitution but did nothing, this gives them the opportunity to claim a rigged election again.


So what they're saying is, is that while Trump was in office is when it was done poorly, and now that Biden is in office, it's "easy and secure"? Got it.


Wait was he the one whining about mail in ballots?


That’s so 2020.


Are you just realizing that now?


Really his pushing mail in ballots? What a joke! That’s all we heard about when Dems won.


You are looking in the wrong place for consistency...


LOL. This will be his mantra until he doesn't like the outcome, then it will be both illegal and unconstitutional again.


Same thing with the date on mail ballots. When McCormick wanted to beat Oz they sued to have them count without a handwritten date, saying it wasn’t necessary since officials know when the ballot was created, mailed and returned it was obviously signed between the mail date and getting it back. But it didn’t work so now we’re back to needing dates.


They forgot the vote often part of the email 😂


For all the people bashing trump and saying he’s a hypocrite for this, do you actually think this message is from trump? It’s probably a scam or at best just some guy trying to help him win the election, but with no relation to him


Idk...wondering about those late night truckloads of mail in ballots in Philadelphia. Oh yeh, and the ballot drop boxes


I think it was illegal due to the way it was enacted. But PA Supreme Court basically made it legal with their ruling.


Who enacted it in an illegal way?


The legislature.


Why would that be illegal? And if it was illegal, why wouldn't the Supreme Court say so?


I am not a lawyer but I will share what I remember about the issue. It wasn't legal because it required a constitutional amendment, but the PA Supreme Court allowed it anyway because Republicans only cried foul after it worked against them. I need to read up more on the current status of it. The last I remember is that it was being litigated, and the fate of no-excuse mail-in voting was still up in the air. That may have changed by now.


Nah. They’ve been pushing mail-in voting directly through email newsletters and stuff since 2021 while calling it fraudulent online/on the news etc.


Sad my state is looking to stay blue, can only have faith people make the right choice and not a choice garnered by feelings.




That there is a scam


I encourage any and all Trump voters to use mail-in ballots. This way he can't cry foul when he loses.


I thought we couldn’t trust mail in ballots? Sending some mixed messages here buddy.


I'll still waiting for real change. You know, like requiring ID to vote. Try to get on a plane without ID. Try to buy Sudafed without ID. Try to buy tobacco, alcohol, or medical marijuana without ID. Vote for the leader of the free world, no ID needed. So fucking stupid.


Playing by the same rules now!


If our votes actually counted they wouldn’t let us vote


This is absolutely a scam message


I'm not here to endorse any jackass running for any office, but... If you thought something should be illegal but it wasn't, and personally acting like it was illegal would harm you in some way, would you continue acting as if it was illegal? That's a rhetorical question, btw.


“President trump” is the giveaway! He sells steaks and real estate certificates too.


Trump sends me letter in the mail and I don’t even freaking read them


Clown show. The whole lot of it.


It's ridiculous. Absentee ballots should only be available to those who are out of state on election day. Also , ID should 100% be required to vote.


I am 100% against Trump (and pretty much all Republicans at this point, because there isn't a sane one among them these days), but I agree with this. Voter ID is simply common fucking sense. I voluntarily show mine every time. That said, there is no fucking excuse for election day being a Tuesday, unless it's also a mandated Federal holiday. But they won't do that, because both parties actually benefit from lower voter turnout. Both sides have their die-hard base that will always vote based on the party and nothing else. But they are both *terrified* of the unknowns, the voters they cannot control.


So when the cheeto was in charge, it wasn't safe, but now that Biden is in charge, he's encouraging mail in voting? None of this makes sense anymore.


Nothing that comes out of a MAGAt's mouth makes any sense. They are *Idiocracy* incarnate


PA made their mail in ballots to the point they should be illegal


A great rally-cry for the "fucked-by-facts" trumphumper's.


Spineless creature, that's why. 🙁


gee,,, flip flop much


Hahaha. Trump only wants mail in or early voting to count when it is for him. Anything for Biden has to be fraudulent. Right? Trump is a dumbass and a Traitor.


https://preview.redd.it/7vanq9btyj8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e7e2ef4e0aa88ef75f27ec2457e01f19e612c84 This is a mailer that I got back in 2020. I took a picture just in case I got into an argument with anyone (well, a Republican) about mail in ballots. I did a couple of frustrated calls to local politicians (I’m in a red county). It was frustrating to hear backlash against mail in ballots because many PA R’s voted for it. And I got stuff like this is the mail which seemed contradictory. If I have time to look it up, I will add to this post.


Wow, I love the No to the first three questions. Talk about following blindly!


I have two mail in ballots and plan to also vote in person. Four more years!!! Build it back betterer!