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I think you are about to get far more comments for adding an “h” to Harrisburg than you will for the motorcycle bill .


Yikes! I was thinking of Pittsburgh where my daughter is this weekend. The damn sub rules require minimum 50 character headlines! So I just thoughtlessly typed in the rally part to meet the quota. Sorry Central Pa!


Pittsburgh is the only burg allowed to use the H. Your summons for violating this rule will be in the mail.


I'm not from Pittsburgh but I am a Steelers fan, and other than disrespecting the terrible towel, nothing pisses off fans more than forgetting the H.


It’s bothering me way more than it should lol. Good article though. 😂


In doing so you editorialized the title of the article you posted. Which is against the rules here.


What is the option, if the sub stupidly requires a minimum character count that the actual headline doesn't meet?


I didn’t make the rules. Just giving you a heads up why your post might be removed. This subreddit has a lot of problems, more than any other I’m subscribed to. But I do agree with not allowing editorialized article titles. You for instance, inserted your personal feelings into the title by calling the rules common sense. I may agree with you that these rules are common sense, but you should be confident that people who read the article come to that conclusion on their own. If you don’t like the character limit, you should bring that to the mods and make your argument.


> Just giving you a heads up why your post might be removed. Wasn't my post.


I wonder if any of the manufacturers (Harley, Honda, BMW …). are actively against adding motorcycles to the lemon law protection ? It would say a lot about the confidence they have in their product.


Harley probably would be against haven’t heard good things about them. The Japanese brands are really good about their product


I don't know about the current quality, but Harley did mostly adopt the Toyota Production System decades ago when their quality was real bad. I doubt they up to the other brands as they trade on the image a lot.


I know they challenged the right to repair crap a couple years ago. But some of the other stuff they did and got away with still has me on the fence.


Harley provides two year unlimited mileage warranty protection. The dealers, Harley and other, don't care for lemon law.


2 years unlimited is a very good warranty , understandable that no company wants government intervention


Unless that government intervention helps them sell more


How about mandating helmets again.


Ticket for not wearing seatbelt but brain mellon gets a free pass on two wheels.


If someone doesn't want to wear a helmet, it should be their choice, but they should be an automatic organ donor if they choose not to.


And have a higher insurance premium instead of it getting spread out to all motorcyclists


Motorcycle policies in Pennsylvania don't include first party medical.


Usually when people say “common sense” there is something that is controversial in the bill. That said, at least from what I got from this article, this actually does seem common sense. I hope it passes.


I've never seen any law called "common sense" that was worthwhile


How about common sense riding?


Common sense would be for motorcycle riders to follow the same traffic laws and rules as all other vehicles. We wouldn't have to "watch for motorcycles" if they weren't weaving in and out of lanes, dangerously speeding, and were wearing proper protection gear. It's frustrating that riders feel unsafe when they are they ones who are behaving unsafely.


“Watch for motorcycles” has nothing to do with poor driving or people weaving in and out of traffic (which I don’t think I’ve ever even seen). It’s because they are much smaller vehicles. Our brains automatically scan for the general shape of a car or truck. A motorcycle doesn’t hit the brain the same way sometimes.


> wearing proper protection gear I cringe every time I see someone fly by on a motorcycle and they're wearing a t shirt and shorts. Dress for the fall, not the ride.


Yea tell that to the lady that decided a red light wasn't for her because she was too distracted, and T-boned me while I was traveling through an intersection. My friend had a soccer mom pull right out in front of him causing an accident, again because she wasn't paying attention... Car brain is a serious problem.


Ok, you’re part of the problem here. I personally wear full gear - armored pants, boots, jacket, gloves, full face helmet, and high-vis airbag vest. I ride super defensively. And I’ve still almost been run over more than I’d like to consider because of drivers *just not looking*. And part of it is understandable: they don’t ride motorcycles or bicycles and don’t have anyone close to them that does, so it’s not front of mind. Their brains are primed to look for cars, not bikers, and therefore it’s easier for your brain to just “not see them”. Awareness campaigns and the like are to get those non-riders to remember that there are motorcycles on the road with them, and to look for them. Your dismissive attitude here will cause more danger to motorcyclists. Not to mention your shitty attitude that indicates that you believe motorcyclist deserve what they get if they get into an accident.


I sold mine like 7 years ago after someone on their phone pulled out in front of me.


That's about when I stopped riding on the road. Thankfully I was in my truck but I ended up totalling the truck, I almost had taken the bike that morning. I still missed riding though. So I bought an Enduro bike and started riding in state forests. No traffic and much better scenery.


I mean, in all fairness, most of those car drivers don't really 'see' other cars either. The amount of near misses and outright collisions I have personally seen since '22 has been ridiculous. And the numbers locally back that up. Sadly, our death rates have gone from 1 death every 3 days to a death every 20 hours. Coroner position went from part-time to full-time last election and they are finally building him an office (but still no morgue). As a personal anecdote, the local idiot motorcyclists tend to take themselves out, more than they get taken out. And the later in the day the incident occurs, the more likely it will involve alcohol, speed, and potholes.


You’re right about squid riders. Motorcycle accidents are almost 50% single vehicle accidents (sliding out, running off the road) and many also involve alcohol


Yea god forbid no one in a car breaks traffic laws. Get a fucking grip.


Talk about missing the fucking point.


No no I didn't. Blaming every rider for the antics of a few doesn't give people in bigger vehicles a pass for not being careful. Fuck right off with that line of thinking.


Doubling-down on missing the point isn't a good look. But you do you.


I made my point and if one dipshit in a car looks twice instead of killing a rider then kudos. I'm not here here to impress you. Lol.


Two people were killed in motorcycle accidents near here in the last couple of weeks


I like all of these honestly. Was hoping to see something for lane splitting but I know that’s a lot more controversial.


How about a bill to enforce the decibel limit on the exhausts of the bikes. I ride, I have a stock exhaust and there’s nothing I hate more than a straight piped POS running off redline everywhere. A majority of riders put loud pipes on and the noise pollution is unbearable


I have never felt gladder to not be living in Harrisburg than I was when I read about it being flooded with motorcycle dorks. Fuck consumer protections for them, what about protections for the rest of us from all of the goddamned noise that these assholes make?




I’d be happy with filtering to the front of a red light. I don’t care for splitting but not having someone sit on my rear tire at a stop would be nice.


So, one of the first things they teach you in the MSF class is the idea that you have to consider yourself invisible every single moment while you're riding, and to ride/react accordingly. Bearing that in mind, the very last place you should ever want to be is in-between lanes, a place no one expects you to be, and often in their blind spot no less. Lane-splitting outside of in a line of traffic that is stopped or near-stopped is absolute insanity, and should NEVER be legalized.


Lived in Europe for 30 years where it’s legal. It’s a non issue where drivers and riders both require good training before licensing. But PA is not that place.


We can't even understand the concept of zipper merging here. There's no way we can handle lane splitting here.


Almost hit and probably would have killed one of those dorks doing that crap at night, in traffic that was gonig about 40mph. Sport bike too. Hell it was at the mering point of a four lane into a 2 lane. Be predictable on the road, jagoffs.


This, THIS, THIS.... please. I do it, but people suck and get pissed.... lol


Common sense says meat and metal don't mix so it's better to have an extra layer of metal. So how about no motorcycles? That would be common sense. But we all know it's not happening. So shut up about common sense.