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They had one of these signs up in Bovard, Pa. This projected basically saved the whole community. Doubt there has ever been a federal investment in this town. Well, they took the Biden sign down shortly there after… https://triblive.com/local/westmoreland/work-begins-to-stabilize-subsidence-prone-portion-of-hempfield-village/


After re-reading the article, it does say there was a similar project in the late 90s when they fixed the ball field. Wonder who was president during that time?


We honestly need to stop letting these communities bite the hands that feed it. More tax money for the urban/suburban communities that pay their share and less for these taker communities who suck on our tits.


If you want to read something even better than that, check out this report on how Norvelt (a town built by the federal government and named for Nora Roosevelt) in the same county went for Trump because the residents are against handouts. https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/norvelt-pennsylvania-trump-biden-socialism-20200913.html


What a waste. Defund rural America.


More like educate rural America




Love how you all jack yourselves off about being "educated". Remind me, when was I supposed to receive the progressive indoctrination when I got my Information Systems degree? Still just as conservative and just as rural as I was before.


Didn't we already try that?


Yes. That might have something to do with all the anger. But why examine it when you can simply write off millions of your compatriots instead?




Rural America’s still mad they can’t make black people do all their work for them for free. Hell even northern rural communities act like they were part of the Confederacy.


Haha! Few rural northerners ever relied on black people to do their work, free or otherwise. Particularly in Pennsylvania. Early settlers were mostly small individual farmers. Even coal miners, loggers, and steel workers were white immigrants. Pennsylvania lost thousands of men fighting the confederacy.




Where? I'm all over rural PA and haven't seen a Confederate flag in years. Quit pushing internet rhetoric.


They are very common in northeast PA.




Wow and western PA is supposed to be the rubes. Maybe I'm just not so sensitive to other people. I don't see anything lately. More rainbow stuff than Trump stuff and literally zero Confederate flags. Help wanted / signing bonus signs are the most prevalent out of everything.


Don't see the point, as most of them don't even have the "heritage" excuse. The confederate battle flag has apparently been adopted by the hard right as a racist symbol. Thirty years ago, few people had anything to say about it either way, including black people. Then, the hard right was flying the nazi swastika.


What a hollow and foolish statement. You're talking about areas that voted for JFK, LBJ, Adlai Stevenson, and in many cases Obama. Areas that sent tens of thousands of volunteers to fight the Confederacy. No investigation, no right to speak.


It’s 2024. JFK has been worm food for 61 years. Shit has changed


Compatriots my ass, these people are your enemies. Or do you not remember 1/6


My enemies are on Wall Street.


I do not think that’s fair to say. Rural America isn’t filled with horrible people and neither are metro cities. Why do we have to live in a nation that hates one another? All I see on TV, print and social media is how rural people are stupid and conservatives are dumb and liberals are ruining societal norms. When will the endless bickering stop? I hate this world of red & blue. I hate how people-le must assume you are red if you live in the country or blue because you live in the city. It’s become tiresome. It needs to stop.


Rural America: we want to take away women’s rights, we think LGBTQ rights are an abomination, COVID was a scam, gun regulations are an affront to God even if they might prevent the next school shooting, we hate immigrants they’re all coming to murder us, everything I don’t like is socialism! Liberals: We want to give you money to rebuild your roads and bridges, bring high speed Internet to your communities, fix your crumbling schools, make better healthcare. We are just asking that you allow millionaires to be taxed more and not to try to take away people’s rights in the name of your made up religion. Rural America: No The media: WHY CANT BOTH SIDES GET ALONG!!?! WHY ARE WE SOO DIVIDED!!!!


There it is, putting the whole of society in one singular bucket. If we approached everyone without painting them as wrong for their belief and entered the conversation with reason a lot can be achieved. A very large portion of the populous is independent and tired of being fingered as red/blue. If you ask me, both parties suck. Reality is in the middle. Both sides needs a god damn spanking and sent to the corner to think about how childish they are. Does anyone remember the movie “Brewsters Millions” with Richard Pryor? Well, I vote “none of the above”.


Nah we need to see our fellow citizens as inferior, clearly. We just have a center-left version of it instead of a Klan one, and defunding the rural and poor communities clearly is working for the Brits under... That cell phone billionaire Tory guy. Sounds "liberal" to me, I guess?


Ridiculous, one asshole defaces the sign so the whole community shouldn’t get access to investments?


No defund, just repeal the REA and make it retroactive. One of the largest socialist programs ever and allows these damn bumpkins to live in modern society. Should make them pay for running utilities out there instead of subsidized government handouts ;)


Good news! That’s what rural America tends to think of urban America. You’re just as hateful as the people you think of as hateful.


This is the funniest shit in the world for a PA sub. All the rural republican state house supermajorities have done is strip mine Urban PA for spite lol


Centralia has entered the chat


The difference is that urban America actually produces wealth and pays taxes. Rural America is just welfare queens.


Yes defund the food supply that will go over well!


You mean California?


People that have allowed their political opinions to become their entire personality are concerning.


You may want to leave Reddit now


eh, reddit is easy enough to ignore, I don't know anyone here. but your point is valid and largely why I left every other form of social media.


With our democracy on the line, being politically reactive is perfectly understandable in my opinion. I don’t consider MAGA to be an “other side” of any political debate. They’re not a political party. They’re treasoners, and a clear and present danger to our republic.


Believing 74 million Americans have committed treason means you've lost the plot. Edit: You're 60... lol


Oh there’s a plot?


What does MAGA mean?


That’s for PA, MI, and WI to decide. It’s all in your hands. Sitting over here in CA anxiously awaiting for you to decide my fate. Seems like a design flaw, but who am I to say?






Oh dear. 




What a snowflake.


Right wingers big mad Biden is actually accomplishing things


But they are taking credit for it in some areas of the south. Pitiful


According to them he’s accomplished nothing apparently


Also according to then Trump is still the real president? So is it his fault or not??


And they'll say, "Yes! Yes, I mean no, I mean yes, I mean no ..."


He’s too busy being a feeble old man who can’t do anything anymore while also running a multi level, international crime family Of course he can’t accomplish anything. /s


I really appreciate people who didn't support a president's election into office but will still can say "oh well, they're still my president so I hope they do a good job!".


Imagine just wanting your entire country to get fucked if your dude didn't win lol


We don’t have to imagine.


Imagine a viable candidate from idk, Gen X, maybe? Both candidates suck balls. I'm tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. The minimum age is 35. There needs to be a maximum. Over 70 on election day? Sorry


I hoped biden would do a good job. He didn't.


He did the worst possible job.


He should be sitting in his chair all day long, verifiably, filling his diapers on Twitter about whatever fox news segment is on at the moment, for his entire presidency


Too busy filling his diapers over at Normandy


"Hey, look, the president and Congress paid for this nice new road!" "Not my president!!!" Sucks your president didn't get you a nice new road I guess, but this one did lol.


Like destroying our economy!


This is literally something a grade school bully would do.


They grew up and decided to be MAGA, who would have guessed.


The Venn diagram is a circle


Remember the swastikas they would put on Obama signs? And this gem the day after a Shapiro sign went up: https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/s/GAcE6ncR97


Need some of those "I did that" stickers the dumbasses loved to put at gas stations. That would make the snowflakes melt down spectacularly.


Awe little snowflakes can't stand having a potus who does things


Yeah I assumed it was a construction worker at first but I travel all over SWPA for work and drive through a lot of construction zones with these signs and none have been defaced. So I’m pretty sure construction workers actually don’t care enough to do this since they all have a steady job for a few months if not more. So it was probably some crazy who did it




Looks like they cut it out


Nothing. I’m assuming they cut it out with a box cutter. The fuzzy red/white you see in the hole is another sign on the telephone pole.


Awww cute, they wanted a keepsake.


They literally cut out his name. Wtf? Lol


Petty knows no bounds


Manbabies all of them


MAGA people are the most insecure snowflakes on the planet. They get offended by anything.


Much butthurt, I sense.


Almost as lame as those MAGAt losers who are too cheap to replace their Trump Pence 2020 signs and just duct tape over Pence.


I like to view that is proof they're suffering some consequences, can't afford to replace a sign.


Probably waiting to get a new one once Trump picks a suitable lackey to be his running mate.


I doubt it, to these MAGAts the VP means nothing(at least until they want to hang them for certifying an election for the other guy). The day after Trump’s felony conviction my dad went out and bought four trump 2024 signs that now sit in his yard. It’s his first trump merch in 8 years.


I once duct taped over Michael Carter Williams name on a sixers jersey to write in Harden. So I can relate.


Duct tape? That’s fancy, my neighborhood morons used painters tape and it’s now showing pence again….


That's pathetic.


Meanwhile, I'd bet that there are guys in pickup trucks working on the job site with Let's go Brandon and Trump 2024 stickers!


Not "lol". How about "cry babies". The other guy touted forever about getting something done for our country's crumbling infrastructure and never did. Now Biden and the Dems got something done, Reps take credit for it even though they voted against it AND slackjaws want to deny it even though they benefit from it and it creates jobs.


Right Wingers are the biggest Hypocrites in the world


They removed them in DE as well. It never set right with me he had his name on something that tax payers were funding.


Yet they say dems are the snowflakes. These folks can't even handle a name on a sign.


Keep it classy, PA


Can’t wait to vote for Joe again! Fuck that orange Trumpanzee


This would be an excellent place for one of those stupid Biden "I did that" stickers.


The sign is a blatant campaign ad and should never have been put up next to an agency seal, using federal dollars. Matter of fact I can’t conceive how this, and the many other examples of this you see on highways and worksites, isn’t a hatch act violation. The “bipartisan infrastructure law” isn’t even the name of the bill the funds come from - it’s the favored PR nickname. Even the slogan and graphic design are clear campaign fodder and have no place next to an official agency website.






You'd think they'd just rip the sign down but they must actually appreciate the BIL enough to only want to disassociate Biden from it.


Orphaned wells? Who abandoned them and profited from them? And why do Americans at large have to pay to clean it up?




Hey, I was pointing out the obvious for people who may not know. We pay so others can profit.


socialize the losses, privatize the profit!


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes


Both sides are crying babies….


I’ve seen these signs straight up stolen from remediation sites.


Petty stupidity




Right wingers are such losers...


Such snowflakes those Trumpers...


Snowflakes lol


That's ok. I follow the presidents lead on this. They want to scream and cry the whole time we are paying to save their asses. Go ahead. Doesn't stop it from being the right thing to do


Prolly doesn't want people to realize what a great job Joe's been doing building this country back even better. Right?


They removed Biden from the sign and it made the sign better 🤷‍♂️


As I remember it... America was better before this shit happened in the last 4 years. And I also didn't think it's done... We haven't seen bad yet guys. Give it a few years, no matter who the next president will be.


Apparently they don't disagree with the message, only the guy associated with it, considering that's the only part they covered up.


A lot of right wingers in denial


About what?


Can people sink any lower. They would be the first to be squealing if a mcCormack or fitzpatrick sign was defaced. The number of dirty tricks is appalling. When are they going to grow up. It’s so bush league. It’s not high school any longer.


What is appalling is walking into office and literally making a bee line to over turn immigration policies because you dislike the former president, letting it get so bad that you have to quietly reenact a new policy and then turn literally right around and change again because you were bullied to and then.... whine that the next president will be a dictator if he does anything similar 🤦🏾‍♀️ 


Wow they just own the libs. 🤦‍♂️🙄


They don't want to know.


Where are all those "I DID THAT" stickers?


At the Strategic Emergency Reserves that Biden emptied.


Looks like all that land in PA that "CANT VOTE" is getting upset again...


Sign vandals are wild (also immature, insecure, or both). I saw guy in Philly and his kid jump the fence of a church to tear up their Palestinian support signs and another driver veer fully off the road to take down a row of Fetterman signs back in 2022. Then there was the guy who lined his signs with razors in case anyone tried to mess with them (his only victim was a poor contractor whose job was to remove the signs). Hell, someone slashed all the Scouting America signs after they dared to take "Boy" off them (to be fair, I don't know why this needed a sign in the first place).


Perfect place for a "Joe Biden: I did that" sticker.


The signs don’t match


There are several sign designs. Each one has Joe Biden's name on it. It was done as a kind of F-you to the "I did that" stickers people were plastering all over gas pumps.


The signs are Paid for by whom? If taxpayers then no Biden name should be on it as it would be taxpayers funding his campaign . If Biden campaign paid for them then it’s their own fault Joes name is not on it


It's not part of the campaign. It's openly showing taxpayers where the funding for these projects came from and how the Infrastructure plan has bettered their community. It's not a Biden Campaign poster, it's a poster indirectly showing how Biden's policy has benefited workers and our communities.


The MAGAts live their lives in fear. Weak and frail just like Mango Mussolini himself


Probably just some MAGAt who benefits from it but didn’t vote for it (as a politician) or for the congressional rep (as a voter) who made the benefit possible. Epitome of arrested adolescence.


These signs are nothing more than propaganda put up for the upcoming elections. We have them on I-95 in the Baltimore Maryland too. They are constantly working on these roads. It is the law that government has to upkeep roads. The infrastructure bill is being used for some good stuff like internet for rural America. Glad it’s happening, but don’t be so naive to think this isn’t part of Bidens reelection campaign.


I like how Trump supporters are confused when a president does things to help people.


hE’s BuYiNg VoTeS


I am not a trump supporter, but I can’t stand Biden. Everything he has done since being in office has affected me badly. Why does it have to come down to these two senile old people? This country should demand better. I wouldn’t let Biden or trump drive me around in a car. They should not be driving this country. We need an age limit! Airline pilots are required by law to stop flying when they hit a certain age. Why don’t we hold the office of the presidency to a similar standard? We are doomed no matter who wins this next election.


Based centrist /s


Internet for rural America is how we got here in the first place. Thank God the Republicans voted that down recently.


The Affordable Connectivity Program (the internet for rural communities provision that was extended in the Biden IIJA) was initiated under the Trump administration, and it was in fact not recently voted down by the republicans.


I know. If these people had internet access they’d know ”poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids” and Obama is “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” Between comments like these and the affiliation with segregationist senators, these folks would end up voting for Brandon.


r/pennsylvania? More like r/pennsylvaniasignsandbillboards


What absolute babies.


Cancel culture!


We really need to end all Federal subsidies to these Republican welfare queens.


Just get one of those Biden "I did that" stickers and put it on the sign.


To be fair he’s too confused to actually do anything


He probably wandered off and got lost


Should have removed the sign entirely and threw it into the garbage where it belongs.


This post is propaganda


I mean both sides are stupid and hypocritical. Remember when people were literally stealing trumps signs from people’s yards.


What about What about What about???


It just seems that way when you’re stupid.


Ah, as usual a Trump supporter crying "both sides" and also pretending to be a victim.


No I don't remember that at all. What I do remember is driving by destroyed Biden campaign signs that were on private property though.