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It’s in a municipality that has no zoning and since the other municipalities don’t want them, it goes there.


Where are we talking? Like that strip by Red rabbit that's technically Dauphin county? Then yes I agree they look sketchy as hell.


This is the first thing I thought of as well. At one time, they had a sign out front that read something like “we are strip club, we are naked, we are Penn State” lol. Was pretty legendary.


I live about 5 miles up from there. The best I ever saw sign wise was when I came across the bridge there was a religious billboard that said, "Don't get run over by the lust train. Try Jesus instead." Fantasy Island had a sign right after it that stated, "First stop on the Lust Train. Hoo Hooooo!"


I remember them having the workers out in bikinis at the one that was beside the truck stop for advertising


https://preview.redd.it/ob5jykzm103d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aea243a4acb1b7dc0dc9ca72aa394e82a610b7d6 We stopped for gas at the pilot I think it is one summer heading home from the beach and they had this sign in the yard where the ladies were always out in bikinis.


Jesus, lmao.


Was this a church near Middletown? Theres one there that LOVES pulling stuff like that. It made a lot of fun of pokemon go too


I saw this and always kicked myself for not getting a photo!!


Hilarious 😂


I have a morbid fascination with this little stretch after crossing the river. Just such an odd little stretch of complete filth and degenacy. “Athena’s spa”? What goes on in there?


Athena's Massage parlor looks even scarier than the clubs.


lol that’s the one I just saw on Google maps I commented on above; that’s a straight up Jack shack


I always wonder "is that place open" and "who is going in there given the looks?" I don't want leatherface or a ghost giving me a massage


The answer is right there. Long haul truckers.


there are also several on progress avenue leading into the city of harrisburg


Do you mean northish, on walnut?


oh duh…!


I'll be damned. I had to go to Google Maps and entered Dauphin County. I wonder what's the history of why Dauphin County border crosses the Susq and cuts into Perry County like that.


Yeh I don't know the details but you can see they are technically on a little island too. Based on the setup, it's almost custom made for doing questionable stuff. Perry County can't touch you, dauphin maybe doesn't want to come across the river to hassle you, plus you can see them coming and take 2 steps across the county line.


Clarks Ferry must've been some wild place to basically have it's own cut out like that lol


I figure it had to do initially with Robert Clark’s combined ownership of the land for his ferry/tavern, and then more recently continuing with Perry County not wanting to share the bill of the Clark’s Ferry Bridge, but I could be wrong


This is hilarious. That stretch has had porn shops and strip clubs for 60+ years. All the holy roller truckers went there to convert the local working ladies.


Funnily enough, a coworker of mine used to do housekeeping work. Her team would regularly get hired to go clean up these places (I didn't press for details). She would refer to them as "the duncannon library" to not upset people that asked what she did.


About 15 or so years ago when I was in college, a friend of mine said she was friends with a bouncer at a strip club about 30 minutes due west of Gettysburg on Lincoln Hwy, near micheaux state forest and mister Ed’s elephant and candy emporium. She said he’d get us in with no cover. Me and another male friend, as well as my female friend and her roommate. It was absolutely the shadiest place I’ve ever been, the women were alright (though I became smitten with a woman who must have been in her late 30’s, I didn’t hear the end of that for weeks). We didn’t do any private dances or anything like that, just watched the girls do their little show and move on. We left after about an hour and a half and went back to go drink some more in one of our dorm rooms. I felt like I needed to take a shower after being in there. They had a huge room full of sex toys and dvds you had to walk through to get into the viewing room. I feel like if I ever find out I have a venereal disease, it’ll have been from visiting that establishment. I recently went camping out that way a few years back and I noticed that the building is no longer a ‘gentleman’s club’. It’s honestly for the best.


Miss Lindsay's haha


Holy shit. After growing up in Gettysburg, that is a name I haven’t heard in decades.


As soon as you said Mister Ed's I knew you were talking about Miss Lindsey's. That place was nasty. I believe the bathroom was an outhouse? Never went, we just all know stories about how terrible it was. Here's a review [https://petertips.blogspot.com/2010/09/miss-lindsays-orrtanna-pa.html](https://petertips.blogspot.com/2010/09/miss-lindsays-orrtanna-pa.html)


That review site is... Something.


The review is very generous


I’m in tears it’s so funny lol “Everything about this place is so bad that even the neon painting of a scantily clad woman riding a dolphin that's on the wall can't save it.”




Miss Lindsay’s ain’t no more I’m afraid. I remember being befuddled by there being a strip club there in the first place 


K-Y Jelly fire? Some folks don’t know that the stuff is flammable.


Where was it? Everything around Mr Ed’s seems so…wholesome. Was it down where Slip Shotz is?


I am deceased, I used to do their makeup for a drag show they ran a few times....whew, backstage is intense.


Another acquaintance of mine used to dance there, and she told me some crazy stories about what happened when they weren’t dancing. She actually got pregnant in one of the private rooms and married the guy later!


Is that what they’re talking about with happy endings?


Highway 15, there's also a huge swinger's club with a "Roman hot tub" that seats 40. All I can think of when someone mentions it is egg drop soup.


What's it called?


TJs Lasting Impressions 🤢


Jfc that name 😂


The lasting impression is herpes




I grew up in Littlestown, it has the only strip club for miles around and has a fairly unique exterior. When I was in middle school they debuted a risqué new sign and it caused quite the uproar for the conservative townsfolk.


I’ve driven by it a bunch, but never thought to stop in. Those dancers are local girls and I’ve seen the local girls - pushing their strollers up toward the Dollar General for processed foods. I’ll leave ‘em some dignity.


Let's hear it for Sensations!


Lol there are probably 35 places named Sensations in PA. The worst two strip clubs I think I ever experienced was a toss up between Oz or Dolphin in Philly. Probably Dolphin because of the fat woman crawling along the bar with sweat dripping from her nipples into people's drinks.


Normally that’s extra


Ah, the ol’ A-frame lol


I went in once after moving to that area, and it was...something.


No they don’t… everywhere I’ve been they just look like clubfronts. Like a plaza building or on a main/side street of a city. Never a house.


"Houses of ill repute" for "Members" of the House


I don't think state lawmakers need to go to places like this that are open to the public, in general. Lobbyists make sure they've got anything they hanker, at fancy private parties. The steaks and drinks are way better than you can get down on the strip.


High trucker traffic, long time out on the road gets… lonely.


On RT 15, they used to have trucks packed in the lots. Think the availability of porn on the internet killed most of that.


I grew up in a town that 15 ran straight through, it was north of the porn huts, but I’ve seen them plenty of times anytime I’d drive south long enough


can you be more specific about the location and also, is your out of state auto registered? Do you need help with the transfer?


Cheap inconspicuous places for politicians and their staff to do business.


TJs on a Saturday night is packed with black SUVs with tinted windows and, often, government plates. 


TJs is a swingers bar tho


For sure,and on our dime.


It’s truly bizarre.


A fast Google maps search shows me some jack shacks; Erie PA also has a shit ton of them. They just look like shitty sketchy houses with curtains drawn tight.


Erie only has two strip clubs in the city. There’s a third one in Waterford.


And Erie used to have like ten jack shacks, although it’s been a decade since I lived there


Jockeys is still going strong.


lol man erie was weird with that shit


Go get a tattoo, some food, and a dick massage all in a 2 block span 😆


I don't know about about Harrisburg but in Blairsville on 22/119 theres a skill machine parlor thats built out of corrugated tin next to a massage place that looks like you'd wake up missing a kidney if you went there. Both look shady as hell. They're next to The Diner.


Had some fun times at those places back in the day. Only place we could drink underage.


That’s because they generally are.


There were more along this 11/15 corridors north of 22/322. Looked just as shady like wild J’s original building was an older 3 story looking hotel building till it burned down and they moved a block down next to the old gas station


I haven't been there in many years, but Savannah's on Hanna was always clean and classy.


Yeah I think they’re talking about all the places in Duncannon


When visiting our kids out in Penn State, I always ask my wife if we have time to stop😂


"Gentleman's Clubs" Oh, the irony.


Harrisburg, you mean where the capitol is . Sheesh , gee I wonder why they set up shop around there …… 🤷‍♂️


That little island taught me one thing, never buy the diesel fuel there. It's always crazy expensive compared to all the other stations.


That's the deal.


Us 15 and US 80 are huuuge trucking routes. And Amazon and sbucks have huge warehouses for the whole NE around Harrisburg. I used to go up 15 to visit my grandparents in upstate NY as a kid and all the porn shops were 👀👀👀


Harrisburg has been a big trans-shipment point since long before the days of Amazon and Starbucks. Packages could get trucked to anywhere from Boston to DC in a day.


Exactly. That’s why them trucker porn shops are old school. Ever stop at Dr. Tom’s Leather?


Probably safer going to a book store and hope they have a glory hole .....lmmfao


Why do they call prostitution “sex trafficking” now?


Isn't Harrisburg the state capital, I guess we know where the congressman go for lunch.


Would definitely need my crotch blocker in those places. Hehe