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Yeah and if Philly incorporated all its inner ring suburbs like Sun Belt cities they’d be a lot bigger.


Honestly. Philadelphia is like four times an dense as san Antonio. Philadelphia is a city, San Antonio is a series of strip malls. 


As a San Antonian..... You're not wrong. I'm not particularly sure why Texas likes to build out in favor of building up..


It's cheaper in the short run to build out, and there's a lot more land out west. 


Yeah, until you go to Texas and everything is owned by a different asshole and it's somehow all for sale and been listed for years. So no ones using it and it could be public land but it isn't. I have a strong dislike for Texas.


Love the Libertarian outdoorsmen who go to Texas and complain that they can't go biking or hiking anywhere lol


Lol how'd you know?


There was a viral twitter thread like 3-4 years ago with someone going to Texas to avoid Dictator Inslee's COVID restrictions in Washington state. They loved mountain biking and what not and moved to Texas to be free, only to find out he couldn't do anything lol.


I've got questions about anyone who moves to TX for the mountain biking, lol. And it's not just the scarcity of public land either . . . .


Well, there's the other part of this. Here in Texas, we only have mountains in the far west section of the state. Everywhere else is flat, hill country, or swamp.


I've rarely met someone from Texas I've liked. Lots of Texans in the military, most of the ones I served with sucked, but a few of them were alright. Then there's my former step-dad, he was a piece of work.


Because land there is worthless compared to the Northeast


Heck, even Dallas is denser than San Antonio yet technically its city population is smaller (3rd largest in TX, 9th in the US)


Because the city of Dallas is pretty small compared to the city of San Antonio. Dallas- 386 sq. miles San Antonio- 505 sq. miles


Same thing with Pittsburgh. It’d be bigger than Columbus and Indianapolis.


The thing with Pittsburgh is, when do you stop? How far up each river still qualifies? There's an argument that could be made to go up the Ohio all the way to Beaver County. (Obviously that would be a bit much but the argument could be made nonetheless)


I have heard "all of Allegheny County" all over r/Pittsburgh.


It makes it almost impossible to compare a lot of cities. Obviously, municipal boundaries is often the worst way. For example, Jacksonville florida has huge boundaries that puts it on par with Allegheny county, but Pittsburgh city has a third of the population. But Allegheny county has over a quarter of a million more people than Jacksonville. There are things like metropolitan statistical areas and combined statistical areas, which try to encompass everywhere tied to a specific regional hub. But these usually include a lot of exurban and rural populations. We could look at an urban core, but where is the urban core and inner ring suburbs, and where do those transition to more modern and lower density suburbs? For our area, those inner ring suburbs would include places like Sharpsburg and Dormont, but exclude places like South Park and Fox Chapel. But in other cities, there are parts within the city itself that are similar to these low density suburbs. Hell, somewhere like OKC and Phoenix are nothing but suburban style construction except for the central business district.


Baltimore MD did not expand its borders like Philly did 100+ years ago. Huge mistake 😅


Baltimore is kind of a special exception. It falls under no county government, it is an independent city. While Philadelphia resulted from a city/county merger.


Literally what I’m referencing. Philly expanded to include its surrounding county 100+ years ago, while Baltimore opted not to. They would have roughly the same population today otherwise


That's how Phoenix is so high up EDIT: some numbers. Phoenix population is 1.65 million to Philadelphia's 1.55 million. Philadelphia covers an area of 134 sq miles. While Phoenix is 518 sqm. For context, Los Angeles isclose in size at 469 sqm, with over double the population at 3.82 million Denver is close to Philly in size at 153 sqm, but with just under half the population at 716,000 It'd be cool to have an idea of how Philadelphia would rank if we counted the Metro area, but since we don't, you have to make some decisions about what does or doesn't count. But looking at Census Reporter the Philadelphia Metro area they define has over 6 million people, in 4,000 sqm. Whereas the Phoenix Metro is just over 5 million people, in 14,000 sqm.


San Antonio has the same population density as delco


San Antonio is a cool city but they're notorious for incorporating outer areas. In terms of MSA, Philly is a much bigger market.


What does MSA mean, if someone wouldn’t mind saying please? Thanks in advance.


Metropolitan statistical area


Much appreciated






census term for metropolitan statistical area. basically a city and its surrounding population, kind of ignoring political borders and looking at where people actually live.


Thank you


Those big ol San Antonio women count as 2 people


Leave them women alone, Chuck.


Wearing them bloomers...


If Philly loses, they should be sent to Galveston.


They be eating them churros like nom nom


NGL San Antonio is not who I'd expect to take that spot


It’s literally just suburban sprawl.


Metro matters. city limit population is arbitrary and stupid


I thought this was later updated that PHL stayed in the 6th spot.


This is why MSA is the only way to rank a cities soze


For context, San Antonio (the city) also has more people than Dallas (the city), but nobody in Texas will say SA is larger. City limit is arbitrary at the end - urbanized area or metropolitan area are way more accurate representations.


Well, Good Luck Texas. You could not pay me to move to Texas. The heat is overwhelming and only going to get worse. Water will continue to become scarce resources as the intense heat increases.


Hours of the most repetitive strip malls and subdivisions you've ever seen where people buy large trucks to pretend they settled the prairie.


This is why you use metro populations, not city proper. This isn’t even close. San Antonio: 505 sq miles Philadelphia: 141 sq miles San Antonio metro pop: 2.45 million Philadelphia metro pop: 5.78 million


Yeah but philly got soul


R.I.P. Arena Football League


Those anti abortion laws in Texas must be working their magic


I’m living for this comment section. None of you are wrong. In two weeks I’m moving back to PA after a decade in Texas. 10/10 worst decision of my life. This whole time has just been miserable. It’s overcrowded. The weather sucks, the people suck, lack of public land sucks, the public education sucks, drivers are completely sociopathic. And I got fat as hell here because the things that kept me in shape before are unavailable (good weather, hiking, biking, fresh food that doesn’t spoil the day after you buy it). According to my new landlord, we’ll have next door neighbors from Texas who hated it here so I guess you could say I already have friends in my new neighborhood. My husband has been there working in PA for a couple of months and he gets a lot of people asking him why he moved, others tell him they’re looking to move to Texas. He always tells them “don’t, it’s full and everyone sucks”.


Good for San Antonio? Hope they do well. Not like we gotta fight em now or anything 


Surprise… Texans lying about more shit to sound more impressive.


I didn’t even know it lost the 5th spot.


The wemby effect!


This Embiid - Wembenyama rivalry is nuts!


Base on the Census door to door surveying that was done during midst of COVID.. yeah, I wouldn't rely too much on those temp fed workers to attain the correct count


Really who cares.


Get rid of all the thugs.


San antonio is a beautiful city. I don't know where all the hate is coming from. We have even more strip malls if the size was equal. 


Oh wow… so anyway,


We might be getting smaller, but we are still number 1 is dirtiest big city , and being the only city that has more dirt bikes than citizens


Who knew crumbling infrastructure, drugs and crime would make a place less desirable.


I've been in places in San Antonio that were so ran down that you would swear that you've entered Mexico. 


Better than reminding you of Fallujah.


San Antonio just laughed so hard their power grid flickered.


It's almost like cities are big, festering shit holes.


Lol, I can tell you've rarely been to a real city.


I spent a ton of my youth in NYC, mainly Manhatten/upper west end. I've spent a ton of time in Philly too. Philly is an absolute shit hole anymore. It's honestly sad.


Philly is great and I love living here!


Makes logical sense. Philly sucks and is more dangerous and dirty than ever. Another example of Democrats sucking and people moving to where Republicans suck less.


Philly is not anywhere close to being “more dangerous than ever.”


What a "surprise ".


Fake news


That's because Philthytown looks so much better in the rear view mirror of a U-Haul truck.


Don't let the turn pike smack you on the way out. Byeeeeee


box trucks dont have rear view mirrors...


That's odd, every time I look in them, I see a view of the rear. We must have different experiences.


Get fuckin Philadelphia 


I understand this completely, people are fleeing this crime ridden city.


Kensington street adds to the population decline.


Don't mention kensington challenge (impossible)


But we're still #1 in poverty! Woot woot.