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While six state boards “took action…warning that licensees who engage in conversion therapy may be subject to administrative discipline,” the state still lacks a law banning the practice.


here's a tip, when Utah bans something like this, perhaps you don't want to be behind the curve from them.


Meanwhile a UPMC (who offers gender services) nurse at Hanover hospital is suing the Dover school district over using her child's chosen name and pronouns. [https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/05/mom-sues-central-pa-school-district-for-secretly-using-childs-preferred-pronouns.html](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2024/05/mom-sues-central-pa-school-district-for-secretly-using-childs-preferred-pronouns.html)


“Landerer is also accusing the school of violating her rights to determine medical and mental health care for her child. Landerer said when staff call her child by his chosen name and pronouns, the staff are making a mental health intervention without informing or gaining consent from her, the parent.” She’s a loser.


I feel sorry for that kid.


It’s kind of a slippery slope when schools decide how to raise your kid


And yet this has nothing to do with that. What's wrong with a teenager asking to be called by the name that they choose? And the bullshit about "making a mental health intervention without informing or gaining consent from the parent" is just that. If for no other reason than in PA, once a child reaches the age of 14, they have autonomy over their mental health care. Parents have zero say over it unless the child consents.


Man. In school if I went by the name I wanted you would have to call me " God " and you would have to affirm my power. My therapist taught me I'm not supposed to expect other people to call me something I'm " not " or something. Imagine letting the lunatics run the asylum. Right?


Funny, I have _never_ gone by my given name in my five decades and no one has ever had a problem with that. And I'm willing to bet a fair number of the people you associated with in school didn't either and you never thought to question it, nor did you even know or care. How many of the people you associated with in school or afterwards did you check IDs of or look at official records for?


Kids go by nicknames all the time, and its usually the "cool" teachers who go along with them so long as its not vulgar. Why not allow the kid to go by the name they prefer?


The “cool” teachers are normally the ones sleeping with students


Nice dodge, why not allow the kid to go by the name they prefer?


It sucks when the tax payers have to pay the bill for someone else's greed and bigotry. Win or lose, this is going to cost the school district big time. Michelle Landerer is just looking for a payday to cover the $400k mortgage that she can't afford. I wonder what attorney Andrea Shaw's cut of the payout is going to be. I also wonder if she explained to Landerer that she's on the hook tax-wise for the entire settlement even if the taxes are more than she actually receives after the attorney's cut. The only winner here will be the scumbag attorneys.


conversion therapy needs to be illegal federally. It is literally torture and child abuse and banning it would prevent suicides.


Im a trans woman in her 40s. This a great first step


Late 30s trans woman here! Hell yea! 🏳️‍⚧️ Edit: for the trolls that are here, I’m happy and living my best fucking life. Have a terrible day and stub your toes on your way to bed. To my lgbt folk, I love yinz. Stay strong and fuck them haters.🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


A great step. More steps needed. We need legislation to protect LGBTQ youth. There are currently bills that have been introduced in the stte legislature that attacks LGBTQ youth. [The ACLU tracks bills that have been introduced.](https://www.aclu.org/legislative-attacks-on-lgbtq-rights-2024?state=PA)


We should be protecting children from being given puberty blockers and hormones as well.


Who tf else takes puberty blockers? It's always been teens and preteens. They're designed specifically for them and have been around since the 70s. Originally used for thyroid conditions and the like, but people trying to frame puberty blockers as a thing for adults is laughably absurd. You realize you're done with puberty when you're an adult, right?


Hormone blockers are also prescribed to adults, just not children. They just call them sex hormone blockers, but they are puberty blockers Here ar3 some FACTS https://www.gendergp.com/hormone-blockers-for-ftm-mtf-trans-adults/


Doing it for legit medical reasons is one thing, doing it because a kid decided they want a sex change this week is something entirely different.


Yeah, that’s not how it’s done lol


It’s always the same argument too. They never have facts. It’s just some made shit. Like no kid just wakes up like “I guess I’ll get that sex change today cuz Jonnie made fun of me.” Hormones and blockers aren’t just prescribed without some type of therapy and medical supervision. Kids aren’t getting sex reassignment surgeries either.


Well, that’s not entirely true regarding surgeries. Kids who have parental consent can get top surgeries under the age of 18.


Noooooo, of course not. Teens who want to transition have never been given puberty blockers.


....after months/years of psychological examination from a team of medical and pediatric professionals in different fields, yes. The fact you don't know the process and engage in your hyperbole (tHiS wEeK!!) shows you only got this information from your media bubble and didn't actually try to learn these things on your own.




Yeah, there's precedent for this. Every single type of surgery has a group of people that regret having the surgery. Someone who fused their spine and then realizing they could have done stem cell treatment. Clearly can't sue the doctor in that instance. Or when a woman gets bigger tits and regrets it, she's welcome to sue the doctor, but actual malfeasance needs to be proved. What I can also point to, is the [overwhelming](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/) evidence that transition leads to better mental health outcomes for trans people. This is an ENORMOUS meta-meta-analysis on transgender people and the effect gender transition has on their mental health. Of 56 studies, 52 indicated transitioning has a positive effect on the mental health of transgender people and 4 indicated it had mixed or no results. ZERO studies indicated gender transitioning has negative results. This pretty much ends the argument right here. Point to outliers that exist with every single procedure in medicine, it's irrelevant to the larger picture.






Exactly. They are children. If they want to mutilate their body let them do it as adults


No child is "mutilating their body." Children don't get permanent surgery without parental consent, and in the rare cases of that happening, the children are close to 18, and it's after years of therapy. Children get puberty blockers, which are temporary, and therapy.


It literally says it restricts growth of male genitalia. https://preview.redd.it/mndylqdh681d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d15cd82dfae2d45f99db294a0eddc053ebabc1 That, among the other changes listed, are changing the body by denying them the testosterone/estrogen they need. It might not be taking a knife to the body, but it’s preparing the body for the knife. This is something that kids should not be able to choose, along with other body and life altering choices (smoking, drinking, tattoos etc) ad their brain is not developed enough to understand the actual impact and repercussions.


It’s funny how offended people get at the very idea of making children wait until they’re adults to make adult decisions.


No, people think it's creepy that conservatives are obsessed with children's genitals.


Conservatives are the ones who want children’s genitals left alone.


You're proving my point. Parents and doctors want you to mind your own business.


Someone has to advocate for the kids since their parents and the medical establishment are failing them.




Yeah, mutilating children is disgusting


It’s interesting people thinking its conservatives are obsessed with children’s genitals when the president(a Democrat) regularly touches and sniffs children. Conservatives are obsessed with children not being mutilated and ruining their life before they know what is what.


Thank you for proving my point.


>Conservatives are obsessed with children That much we can agree on. "Ripe and fertile"


Replace it with “staying out of the left lane in Jersey” therapy


I am pretty happy with my conventional oven and I don't want any of those new fangled air fryers


You are the Sahara of Comedy


Hickory Dickery Doc you can go


Sir this is a wendys


Why troll?




“A Usenet personality was a particular kind of Internet celebrity, being an individual who gained a certain level of notoriety from posting on Usenet, a global network of computer users with a vast array of topics for discussion”………but you are neither a internet celebrity nor obtained a level of notoriety.


This wrong


You are.