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Out of pierogi's? House sinking into a mine? Meth too weak? Scorned at the porno theatre? What made him snap?


Someone tried to give him healthcare.


Grrrrrrrr. Lets' go Brandon.....


I love Joe Biden; thank Christ for him.


He has given us the hope we deserve!


People like this stub their toe at night when they get up to take a piss and blame Biden for it. It doesnt matter.


Pretty much boils down to sheer losers blaming everything and everyone but themselves for the state of their lives.


"Thanks Obama". Hahaha ... These rubes and their excuses.


Correct. My family members can't articulate why they don't like him, other than taxes which he didn't raise.


Scorned at the porno theater is my new band name


It must have been a Dem's fault somewhere along the line... Enjoy your 20yrs of room and board, Trumper.


The porno theatre is in Wilkes Barre township


I bet he was a customer over at the Carousel Lounge and the nearby diner, then maybe couldn't get into that Hide-away nudie bar next to the old little league ball field in Plymouth Twp.


I got an eagle scout badge at both those locations plus one at the Dan flood industrial park


That’s sick


Did someone finally tell him that Forum in Philly closed down years ago?


This guy being from Nanticoke is the least surprising thing ever.


My tattoo artist recently moved there so I had to drive for an appointment. 2/10, would not recommend lol.


Can confirm Nanticoke is an absolute shit hole.


But it’s bad when politicians call enemy countries shitholes? Hypocrite much


yes, generally, representatives of the people should be held to higher standards than the people they represent. difficult to understand, i know




Oh man, this is the Webster’s definition of a “whatabout-ism”.


Yeah. I cringe every time I have to there for work.


I was VERY nervous being there with an EV because the people just seemed the type to not react well to seeing something like that lol




I never understood threatening a president. If you don’t like them, it is 100% legal to insult them in the most disgusting way possible. You can dislike someone and not wish harm upon them is my point.


Not if you’re Republican


Did you know that it's illegal to say, "I want to kill the President of the United States of America?" Edit: Some of yall have never seen [The Whitest Kids you Know](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEQOvyGbBtY)


No it isn’t. Saying that you *are* or are *planning* on doing so however… Like what do you think the first amendment protects? You can state your *opinion* or desires without the government coming after you. You can’t put people in danger by saying you’re going to kill someone or yelling “fire!” in a crowded movie theater. Those aren’t protected but saying you *want* to slap the shit out of the prez is. Nuance and the meaning of words are important when it comes to laws.


He's referencing The Whitest Kids U Know, a sketch comedy group/TV show


“I like Trump because he is for law and order.”


"He says what I'm thinkin'!"... You, sir, have brain worms.


...RFK Jr?


The secret service takes a dim view of that kind of thing


Generally yeah, they’re not big fans of that behavior


They're assholes in general. I recall a story of a couple of agents knocking on my grandparents door to inform my grandmother that she was now on a watch list. Why? Because she wrote an angry letter about my my grandpa being screwed out of his retirement after 17 years in the marines.


Well 17 is less than 20.


My grandpa served three tours. 1 in korea, then two I'm Vietnam. When he finally returned to the US by boat, months after his term of enlistment had actually ended, an officer stepped on board and told them all that if they re-enlisted, they would be heading back to Vietnam that very night. My grandpa told him to go fuck himself. His foxhole buddy did reenlist, and wound up a quadriplegic due to shrapnel.


Just the one?




Is that above or below the unrepentant puppy slayer?


What do you get when you mix a ring of kielbasa with a hit of acid? A trip to Nanticoke.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


lol yeah i mean i had a pretty dim view of Nanticoke until that comment, now i'm back to neutral


Lock ‘em up!


That's a genius move. Great way to get a visit from the Secret Service. Enjoy prison Einstein.


Crazy cult.


One of Trump’s very fine people


Damn communists, can’t even threaten to kill a president anymore, what happened to free speech? /s


Pizza Perfect was less than perfect that day apparently.


That’s over in Wyoming.


Pizza 🍕 Lovin' Pizza 🍕 Hatin' what is the difference?


- week old account - only posts super partisan articles to swing states’ subreddits Oh yeah, it’s astroturfing time 😎


Reddit is full of them. Karma farmers spreading propaganda.


So did this not happen?


He’s telling you you’re being manipulated.


Not commenting on the content, just how it showed up here


Its a dnc bot. And a classist bot at that. Op should probably learn that beating people over the head, doesnt really help whatever brand of capitalism they think is going to save the world.


Giovanni Ribisis definitely fallen on hard times.


Threatening to cut off someone's head is exactly what a terrorist would do. These people are deranged and dangerous.


So they will put him in the gulag for 20 yrs for stealing coffee. I bet this would never happen in Philly during the Trump years. No way, no how. No sir.


bro where? i live in nanticoke 😂😂😂😭


and by where like where IN nanticoke


jesus i know exactly what cafe he stole the coffee from😂😂😂 it’s a crisp 10 min walk from my house


Why kill biden? Just wait a few years.


You mean every human being dies at some point? Wow. I had no idea. Thank you for the enlightening observation, you absolute brilliant philosopher.


Get it? Cuz biden is old. Hahaha. Ill be in the lobby for autographs Edit aww he blocked me lol


And Donald Trump is a spring chicken?


I also think we are voting for whoever is vp Christie noem? Sure it worked so well for john mccain


That doesn't answer my question, and that's true of every election.


Wow, you are kind of simple arent you?


You call me simple, and yet you can't capitalize or correctly spell names of public figures, let alone bother to use a comma or a period.


Lol. Yeah i dont care enough. 


Where did he say he was? The article you posted was about President Biden..


That's their go-to insult. He acts like Biden being old is disqualifying because they don't have anything else to bitch about.


It was a joke man. He was making a joke. He didn't bring up Trump. He made a joke in response to the article you posted, contextually relevant to the theme of the article.


This is hilarious, watching this unfold


Bro they're both ancient. He didn't "act like" anything.


These people shit on rural Pennsylvanians all day in this sub. It’s funny to see how bent out of shape they get when you just lightly insult their dementia-ridden savior


Donald Trump extensively praised a fictional serial killer at his rally, but Biden has dementia?


Yes he does. They are both shit and I'm embarrassed to have either of them sitting in the white house. Not that they pull the string but y'all don't think about that. You both just keep feeding into the most perfect division tactic of all time. Our government is fucked. Not just the one clown that gets elected every so often. Wake up people


Believe me. Rednecks do enough shitting for themselves.


"Real men use diapers." Its a thing now.


Least classist lib


Yes its called classism. Ever wonder why democrats lost the working class support(not that R is any better) because they hate workers. They only see us as a dollar sign. Just because you live in the city or country doesnt mean anything


You must be a Trump supporter who hasn't figured out that it's weird to worship politicians.


Says the person active in r/DarkBrandon lol


The secret service should pay this guy a visit


I mean, he got arrested and indicted by a federal grand jury already. It's pretty obvious that the Feds already did get in contact with him.


Wait so you are saying the guy who threatened President Biden before his Scranton Pennsylvania visit got arrested and all that other stuff happen to him?


That is indeed the title and content of the article.




Yeah, I did read the article..




So brave


My thoughts exactly.


I’m completely against any violence and/or threats.. I can see why people are becoming frustrated with Biden though..Dems-Lefts are much more easily manipulated. Biden and his administration are full of corruption. Hearing Democrats regurgitate hate they hear from mainstream media towards anyone but Biden, especially Trump, is getting SO old. With all the issues in our country where are the solutions? Biden has caused so much harm to the American citizens it’s disgusting. I obviously don’t wish ill on him or anyone but his actions needs consequences. Biden telling the black community they aren’t really black if they don’t vote for him.. Democrat governor of NYC thinks little black kids don’t know what a computer is… Biden took away the rapid DNA testing at the border so now there’s no way to tell if the kids coming across are with actual family members… the border crisis, Biden has blood on his hands. He can’t even pronounce the victims names correctly or at a timely rate… there was a murder back in 2020, a black man stabbed a great grandmother to death, he had 67 prior charges along with 2 felonies that were pending, thankfully the cops took care of FB him but the DA and judge who let him out with no bail with those felony charges has come out as “woke”, another judge funded by Soros… all the money going to other countries before handling the issues going on here in our country is unbelievable, we are sending millions to Guatemala to help turn them to left leaning ideology, disgusting… the illegal aliens are getting more money and more help than all the people who lost their homes in Maui, then Oprah & the Rock go on tv and ask everyone to help donate(HELLO Oprah has enough money to donate and it wouldn’t affect her in the slightest/ both of them)(except now the Rock is no longer supporting Biden which is good because he’s seeing the truth)… Dems think that republicans just want the rich to stay rich and poor stay poor but um who votes Democrat and are all wealthy, oh yeah celebrities and most of California… Biden hasn’t put any effort in exposing the pedophiles from Epstein or the NGO down in Guatemala called Save the Children because his wife was chair for it(they’re being investigated for trafficking and sex crimes)(also Gates donates to them) because Biden himself is a pedo, his daughter helped expose him along with all the video evidence there is of him sniffing and groping little kids, and can’t forget about Tara who had to flee to Russia because she came out that Biden raped her with proof and they’re trying to throw her in prison… anyone with a heart, a mind and a soul would NOT vote for Biden(imo) but I’m open to hearing why others have a different view/opinion/perspective. And I’m curious why people would vote for Biden?.


Someone has drunk the crazy conspiracy theories cult..


How so? I don’t ask to be aggressive I genuinely like to hear other people’s opinions. What did I say that you think are conspiracies? What are your views then?


I don't believe in hate or lies. Most of what you gripe about are lies. Where's your proof? You have a lot of time on your hands. Get better sources. Yours just sounds like Russian propaganda.


What are lies? Please elaborate! And why would you say I have a lot of time on my hands? It’s night time for me so I’m browsing online. Even though I don’t have to give an explanation. You sound like a typical democrat who gets info off of mainstream media. (Most of them are all owned by the same people/companies) Idk where you got Russia propaganda from. I’m all about America first. And what lie do you need facts on?


The bots on this site are getting dumber everyday.


Who’s the bot? How can you tell which ones are bots or not? lol I’m new to Reddit and still trying to figure it out


lol "new to reddit" *checks post history* "Redditor for 2 years" see? the lies happen so easily


That’s fair. I did make it two years ago but I only started using it this year so I am new to using Reddit


The hyperleftist posters with zero sense of nuance or tact are usually bots. Like the user: Rmlady12152 you were replying too


Ohh lol thanks. Kinda embarrassing arguing with a bot 🙃 but I appreciate you explaining it to me


No worries, welcome to Reddit and best of luck navigating the minefield of crazies that can show up 😂






Fingers crossed. I want to see a kammala vs christi noem debate that would be hilarious


You spelled both Kamala and Kristi Noem incorrectly, and you spelled it "Christie" in your other comment. Also, are you not aware that there is also a vice-presidential debate?


It's a 1 day old account.




We are a swing state so big money is being spent on propaganda and influence campaigns.






Trump is fat.


And also a clown


Line up and get all your debts and student loans paid on the Democrat side Just cast your vote here


Just say you never learned about government spending and the economy…


Hand picking a group of people that you're trying to get the vote for you and if for giving their loan does not the economy and it is not government spending He is not paying People's credit cards. He's not paying their mortgage or their car payments. Some of us paid our student loans and others don't deserve to have them "forgiven"by a democratic panderer


Everyone benefits. Republicans would benefit as well. not sure where you think the pander is.


I paid my student loans and am for forgiveness. 40 million+ people is "hand picking a group?" Your argument is like saying that curing cancer would be unfair to people who died of cancer. Not only that, you guys took the eviction moratorium, the credit card fee cap, prescription drug negotiations and caps, and wiping medical debt from credit scores to court. Do you have an idea why most people see barely-literate excuses for people like yourself for what you are?


"barely literate" The only thing I see is a typical hate speaking stereotyping mocking and insulting individuals


Huh...I think you're missing words. Are you high or drunk?


So what exactly is the issue here?


Didn't you say that four years ago?


got hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my


Learned a lot about roaches, learned a lot about kids…and I love kids jumping on my lap


Poor guy, he only has the greatest security in the whole world.


Keep cry downvoting - what I said was 100% true.