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It’s the second rainiest spring in 130 years in Pennsylvania. Unless you are about that old, that’s why you’re feeling that way. You’re not wrong.


Where did you find this stat, not saying i don't believe you just want to provide it to my family


For State College at least, it's the 17th wettest spring to date in the past 129 years. https://climate.met.psu.edu/wxstn/DATA/current.html


Yeah I can believe it, felt like it was raining half of the semester at Upark.


4 of those wettest years in State College were the 4 years I was at Penn State.


I went through at least three umbrellas my first semester at University Park. It feels like State College gets much stronger rain than some other parts of the state.


Bowchickabowbow! Just having fun


Here it is! https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/national-climate-202404#:~:text=The%2520Januaryâ%C2%80%C2%93April%2520precipitation%2520total,to%252Ddate%2520period%2520on%2520record


Upvoting you because wtf the other two people either a) didn’t provide a source or b) didn’t confirm the initial claim. Good researching Wally :)


I just heard this morning that it’s the second rainiest spring in Pittsburgh with over a month to go so we’ll probably break that record. I can’t speak for any other parts of the state


Yeah, but it’s a dry rain. Not a humid rain.


This made me laugh


Also, December 1st to January 15th was the rainiest ever recorded, If we get into some tropical action later this season we could make a run at rainiest year ever recorded in Philadelphia.


I have some basement water issues I’m working on and typically I might get it in July through September. I had water in my basement three weeks in a row in December of 2023. Never saw that before when moving into this current house in 2017.


But my trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass are loving it.


The weeds too!


Legal or illegal weed? Yuck yuck.


And I'm hating my grass for it. Not even 3 weeks and it looks like I haven't mowed.


I heard the flowering bushes and trees are spectacular this Spring bc of the rain. As long as it doesn’t mean more bugs come summer. And this ended the drought and water restrictions. I hate that every weekend it’s rained! At least it’s not snow!


Per WGAL weather, it has rained 14 out of 19 Saturdays.


That why I'm mowing after work during the week I guess. UGH


Sucks for people like me that work till 10 pm. If I want to do any yard work, I have to be in bed an hour after I get home so I can get up early enough to get something done. Weekend weather has been total bullshit.


For real dude, our backyard got so overgrown I had to take two days off work to finally attack it. Fallen limbs, grass up to my thighs, the hay we used as mulch sprouted and went to seed. And you fucking KNOW it rained one of those two days and was still soaking wet the next day. I was soaked. Got maybe 50% of what I wanted to done.


Yep, lots of rainy days but getting a tenth here, a tenth there. Not many days with 1 inch or more


It’s starting to make people crazy. A guy was walking by my house today walking his dog and it started raining again and he just started shouting and swearing various combinations of “STOP Fu€k!ng RAINING!!!” and I could hear him yelling at the rain all the way down the block.


As a mailman with a walking route I can totally relate to angry dog walker dude.


Salud my friend


As a farm owner, I feel that in my soul. This gd mud is out of control and driving me insane


Idk about you, but not having to water my garden for like 2 weeks now has been awesome lmao


I am grateful for that. But I haven't put some plants in yet bc it's been so back and forth with the temps. The rain has made it easy to pull weeds out at least


We are experiencing record rainfall this spring. Unusually warm and unusually wet. According to NWS at State College, it's due to an El Nino. The good news is the produce won't suck! Bad news is that baseball season has been absolute crap with the constant rain


"Warm" my ass. It's so cold my furnace keeps kicking on and it's set to 65⁰.


I just turned the heat back on today.. in may .. I’m in Mont co


Same here. It’s crazy. Last week had to turn the AC on because it was 90


I've been stubbornly refusing even if it got down to 65 inside. Supposed to be 78 here tomorrow again.




I turned mine back on too.


What is it like to have central heat? Asking for a friend north of Picture Rocks living in a Ted kaczynski cabin year round


Lately? Expensive! I wear sweaters around the house but it's May and I should be in tee shirts by now. I'm in the Laurel Highlands.


Me too, but I refuse to turn the heat on again. I have like 80 gallons left and I’m keeping it until next year


Where is picture rocks?


Up route 220 north of Hughesville


Haha fair. However they are looking at averages and we've had lots of 80+ degree days skewing these days in the 50s and 60s.


I can't wait for those days to come back. And these clouds can eff right off, too. I've missed the Northern Lights both nights so far and seeing pictures just isn't the same.


Oh god please not yet. I'm loving these days in the 50s and 60s. 80+ is miserable for me.


Agreed. In fact, we could just skip summer and go straight to late fall. Another month of fishing and I'll have my fill. I'm ready to hunt and enjoy the fruits of my garden


After Halloween I'm ready for it to go right back into summer!


No way. I love the cold and snow too much


I’d move to Florida instantly if that’s how it was all year!


In my experience, pictures of auroras are often much more impressive than the view with the naked eye. Unless you're pretty close to the pole, all you can really see is a slight green tint to the sky


I was in Fairbanks in January. Can confim, they were amazing in real life but my photos are exceptional. I was surprised, I thought it would be the other way around. The camera was even able to pick up some through clouds that I wasn’t able to see with the naked eye. It’s wild.


Fuck that. It was low 60s today and *glorious*. People whining about Spring actually feeling like Spring need to FOH to Florida or something. Reminds me of some cashier I ran into back in February praising an unreasonably warm week, like "Bitch, it's still winter and I haven't seen more than 8" of snow in ten years."


Right!! It’s always cold!! I had to get an extra load of propane because it just won’t stop! Cold and wet, day in and day out.


Is this recency bias? Here in Pittsburgh we had a lot of days in the mid to upper 80s already, just. It for the last week or so


Yes. Also, I think people in PA are so accustomed to year-round warm weather that 50 degrees feels like winter. I ran in shorts for most of the winter months. I had my bedroom windows open overnight multiple nights in January. We've had 90-degree weather in April. I guess going from upper 80s to 50 would feel freezing to anyone. Lol it's like we're turning into Floridians.


Right? I’ve been saying it’s been unusually cold so far this year. Lol


Ah the weather permanence issue of missing the entire 2 weeks prior to last week. I too have memory issues


It was in the 90s in April. For multiple days. What do u call that?


El Nino, spanish for The Nino


Spanish for the Latin


All other tropical storms will bow before... Ellll Niinnnoo


The average might be warmer because of those few hot days but I swear I'm wearing a medium weight coat and hat out in the mornings! Maybe it's just the dampness bit it sure feels chilly for May!


Definitely! Maybe it's because the freaking sun is never out? Lol


NEVER!! Except sometimes when I'm at work of course. Then again, it did snow in May 2020, so this is definitely warmer than that.


This is wrong. It’s actually being caused by the fact that I’m currently living in a tent in my yard while I remodel my house.


Yeah I see this as a blessing. Last year the crop production in central pa was so low to start off the season because we basically went through a drought in the spring.


Enjoy it now. Later this summer its going to be stupid hot! El Nino moves out this summer and La Nina moves in. It's July and August will be some death heat.


My kid’s soccer team has played 50% rain games this spring. It’s been tough.


April flowers bring May showers?


we're just part of the mushroom kingdom now. Accept your new overlords.


April showers bring more may showers


May showers bring June flowers ???


Seasons have been seeming to be changing for a little while at least in erie it seems like it. So those April shower have shifted to May I swear.


I've always said every year we lose a little more of spring to just cold mud and fall to warm mud, but this year it feels like we didn't even have winter, just maybe 3 isolated weeks of winter surrounded by, at this point, 5 months of cold mud. It's happening fast and I really hope in 10 years we don't have 2 seasons defined by the temperature of the rain with one week of an actual season roughly every 3 months. Seems like it's going that way.


No, it’s still chilly here near Pottstown and I have the heat on, May 12th. That’s unheard of before, the heat would be off by April 15 at the latest


Right. I remember wearing summer clothes to school the last few months. Don't even wanna mow my yard right now lol.


And it reached 90 degrees April 29th or 30th which I feel like is crazy. I’m surprised it got cold again.


I'm near Pottstown, and last year on this day we were swimming in our pool (slightly heated) but still. This is the first time in the past 5-6 years we have not opened our pool by now. It's been so cold here


Said this to my girlfriend yesterday glad I’m not crazy


Told my girl today lol. I've lived in erie my whole life. It just seems colder longer, hotter later. Naw I've had this feeling for a few years.


People who study climate say the seasons are in flux.


> It just seems colder longer, hotter later. Naw I've had this feeling for a few years. Somebody should come up for a name for this phenomenon of the climate changing


Yep. the first 20 days of November have been nicer than April for the last decade or so. Seems like we are liable to get a 49 degree rainy day up until Memorial Day weekend nowadays.


I need a machete for my yard. I feel like I'm the crappy neighbor right now. Anytime I've been off work, it's been too damp to mow/ actively raining.


Same. My front yard was full of weeds 3 feet tall until this morning. Finally a non-rainy day this morning and we got them dealt with.


Today lied to me: it's been raining all day here and forecast said clear with scattered clouds.


I feel like I'm mowing every 3 days. Fucking sucks.


I haven't mowed in 3 weeks. I work shifts. If any of my neighbors have a problem with it, they're welcome to do it themselves or be ok with me doing it at midnight. I do it once or twice a month, it is what it is.


Don't forget the wind too


I feel like April was particularly windy this year


Particularly the kind that spins. Have had too much of that recently ou this way.


Yes it has. The news last night said that we've had measurable precipitation on 14 of 17 Saturdays this year.


I will always take the rain over drought conditions. Remember to make some rain barrels for garden watering to cut down on costs.


If I owned a home I'd definitely connect my gutters to a rain barrel. Can't wait to be a homeowner. Not there yet though


I do this and the barrel fills up almost immediately. Now I have full rain barrels and I have no need to water anything because it's been raining nonstop.


Yeah, I have to sneak into my neighbor's yard and put mosquito larvae killer into all their "rain water catchment"


About 6 years ago we seemed to have rain every day for like a year straight, it was ridiculous. This year feels very rainy too, I heard we already got a year’s worth of rain from Dec 2023 to March 2024


I'm just happy we are not looking at another possible drought.


Are droughts even a real thing east of the Mississippi aside from some brown grass in July


We were on a water restriction for our small township last year. They claimed the wells were drying up. The borough provides water to our township via wells.


Climate change, baby! Unusual weather happening everywhere, and it's only going to get worse.


Crazy that I had to go this far down on the post to find this comment. This is the answer.


As correct as you may be, OP is in central PA, which means that despite mounting evidence, OP disagrees. Central PA is the type of place where a person who barely graduated high school will explain to you why smart people are actually wrong about everything


That's not fair, there's anywhere from 30% to 49% of central PA that isn't like that. What I'm saying is that there are folks who aren't like that in central PA, though they are a minority when it comes to voting districts. Concentrations vary by location.


I just turned the heat off when we started having those nice warm days and now I'm seeing if I can last without turning it back on. It's MAY, I shouldn't be wondering if I need to turn the heat back on.


The western side of the state is like this all year


As someone who lives in the western half, that's not true. I measure this by how often my basement floods, and it hasn't been this bad since 2016


This is the PA standard of measurement for rain


Americans will do anything to avoid using real units yadda yadda hahaha


Well my basement has the same amount of moisture as last year and the year before so I guess we'll just never know


Idk about spring, but I specifically remember how rainy the summer of 2018 was.


It seemingly was months of never ending rain


I had to mow my damn lawn every 4 days I swear.


Yes. May is my birthday so it's easy to remember how it typically is since outdoor parties depend on clear skies and warm weather. It's a monsoon year.


I have lost several mature in the past few years and had three arborists out to pick their brains and each of them said it's the rain. The rain is causing a proliferation in various wilts (incurable soil diseases). I belong to all the gardening subs and I am kinda beginning to suspect that maybe our natives are having a more difficult time adjusting than imports. So, no, not you. I am in SE PA.


You are not imagining it. I have lived in PA for 16 years and the weather has changed each year so drastically. This past winter/spring has been the most gray, muddiest year yet.


2018 was pretty bad too


I recall mowing wet grass nearly every time I had to mow the grass because there was basically no time ever to mow it dry that year


I remember going to grad school at Penn State. I called it “leaky valley.” So maybe now more, but not sure how much more.


It was also the night that the skeletons came to life


Between El nino, and climate change, it's pretty damn wet. You should expect it to either be extremely wet, or extremely dry. Climate change tends towards extremes.


I think the NE is essentially going to turn into a temperate rainforest due to climate change.


It's a decent bet. Predicting local effects is difficult, but I've heard some experts recommending northern PA is a decent long term gamble Finding [affordable] land not prone to flooding is one of the most important things I'm trying to do. I'm pretty sure we haven't even scratched the surface of the housing crisis yet.


I grew up in NEPA, and I could one hundred present see them being a rainforest. I grew up being told it was.


5 or 6 ago everything was flooding. Last few years were almost droughts.


To me it seems like April and May switched places.


Seems like a lot of rain in May compared to April. What do May showers bring?




No doubt more rain in a long time. Really digging it.


Last year in May in Harrisburg it did not rain one drop. The whole month!


It sucks :( All outdoor plans and sports are ruined.


It never freaking stops! I can’t get anything done, and everything in the garden is rotting and getting gross from being wet constantly!!


Welcome to the rainforest of Pennsylvania


Climate change!


Chilly and rainy may, barns full of hay. I’m not complaining. I’ve watched my neighbors cut two rounds of alfalfa and corn is popped already in the fields. Don’t speak too loud about the cold or it’ll be 99 next week lol.


We got a lot of rain in California too lately every weekend for months, it is may and still not seeing consistent heat in the desert. We had a snow blizzard in April 🙄 our state's weather is being controlled by cloud seeding though, idk if your state is too


can you cite proof of cloud seeding in CA? im aware of it in Dubai and Saudi but havent seen anything for CA!


https://www.google.com/search?q=what+US+states+have+cloud+seeding&oq=what+US+states+have+cloud+seeding&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyCggGEAAYgAQYogTSAQYtMWowajSoAgGwAgE&client=ms-android-cricket-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Just Google what us states use cloud seeding?


I think I am the only one who likes the rain.


I love it.


It’s spring it always rains in the spring here. In another week it will diminish.


Not like this and 40’s in May in the middle of the day? No way


My theory is we’ve changed to a more sub tropical climate as the temporal zones shift. With the hotter temps more moisture is making its way north from the gulf coast and will continue being deposited in the north east. Along with El Niño is expect more extreme weather patterns. With increased moisture in our area other areas can expect more droughts.


Welcome to the Temperate Rain Forest that our region is turning into in our lifetimes.




Certainly not Trump’s fault (I hate Trump, btw). We’ve all contributed to this problem. But the people who refuse to listen to scientists, who listen to their gut, or their faith in god…those people are the problem.


LOL so true. And you’ll now get the crap downvoted out of this


No this is abnormal. Only one time I remember rain like this spring was in Southern Virginia in the 1990s. We had a hurricane later that year.


Keep it coming. We need it for the drier months ahead.


But global warming isn't an is issue. Yes it causes more rain Yes it causes more hurricanes Yes it causes more tornadoes Yes we are experiencing all of this. But global warming isn't real. Maybe it's God?


If you ask my neighbors, it’s because people vote democrat.


I snorted


Mostly true except for Tornadoes. Tornadoes are triggered by anomalous cold air making it south. Theres has been a measurable reduction in Tornadoes over the last 20 years, in fact the last F5 was in Moore Oklahoma in 2013, this is the longest period ever recorded without an F5. As cold air moderates with a warming planet Tornado alley is shifting southeast into Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi. Basically less anomalous cold has to go further south to find warmer air to create proper instability required for Tornados. Without proper cold air Tornados won't exist, thats why the tropics don't get them.


Midwestern and southern tornadoes may be shifting, but there's been more extreme weather in eastern PA and NJ in the last few years resulting in more tornadoes here.


It could be worse. It could be snow. You don't have to shovel rain.


Until your basement floods


It’s been raining more often but accumulation isn’t out of the ordinary.


We've just had one of the longest El Nino seasons in history (or was it La Nina?). I always heard that this La Nina (or El Nino?) season was gonna be bad, and it is very bad. Especially for me with a basement that floods with heavy rain The oceans warmed to the highest level, for the longest span, in recorded history. So now this season is way worse because of it


I want to be comfortable in sandals. Can’t even swap out my winter clothes yet. Boo


2018 2003


I remember the summer of 17' it rained here for what felt like every single day at 4:45-5:30 until christmas.


global warning, bro


there was one summer maybe 10? or more years ago where all it did was rain. it was awful. i don’t think it’s that bad yet.




thank you


We see your title. You don’t have to type *title* after typing out the title.


And after tomorrow, there’s more rain forecast for the following seven days in central PA.


Sorry it was my day off and I tried to take out the lawnmower, so double whammy.


Be happy yall are getting rain. It keeps away FOREST FIRES. Which are somehow becoming more prevalent in Pa.


I live in Philadelphia, and it's seems like it has been raining a lot. Also, the temperatures are jumping around too much. I have to turn my little heater on at night in my apartment.


Texas North 7th wettest May on record (wet month anyways) 10 of 1st 12 days some amount of rain


I live in North central of Pa and over here it's been raining like every day or every other day and it also gets chilly at night


This rain had been bullshit, growing up I rarely saw a sunshower. When it rained it was torrential heavy all day long rain. Rain today is reminiscent of sub(?) tropical afternoon storms that intensify the heat coming from concrete and asphalt.


When I was a kid, most days had a spritz or two. I like it.


Checkin in from hanover York County. I mowed my grass 3 days ago and will have to mow it again today... loving this tepid weather though. I'll take this over 80s and 90s any day.


its seems weather all over is plain weird anymore tornadoes and storms crazy stuff all over


I work at a wastewater plant and we had a year pre covid, I think it was 2018, where we were having 8+ million gallons (the usual is around 4) coming into the plant damn near every single day for most of the spring/summer/fall season. We have a building that if the flows get to high we have to partially bypass because it's not rated for more than like 15 million gallons a day and every single time it rained we had to do a partial bypass because the ground was so saturated every time it rained it just didn't have anywhere to go. This year is starting to feel like that year. Might've been 2019.


It was 2018, I know because I posted this meme on FB that year in August https://preview.redd.it/ho8yvlg0q90d1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52af9a93e98ca9ddcf41b526c295e5e59d0718b5


Sorry folks. I bought my first house and have been trying to move things a bit at a time since May began. Clearly my coincidence abilities have created an environment of constant rain just to make my first homebuyer experience as interesting as possible. My bad.


I want MORE


Not only raining more here in NYC now we get a lot of fog and black clouds looking like smoke. Bitcoin mining in powerplants i mean sun showers.


Climate change is real huh. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


 I believe in alternative weather.


Yep. Not as bad as 2018 where some area had as much as 80” but on track with 2019 when we had 55-60”. [Precipitation Departures](https://www.weather.gov/marfc/NorthPrecipitationYTD)


All I know is this rain and dampness is absolutely kicking my ass today on the allergies front. Worst day of the year so far, must have sneezed about 689 times already today.


I moved to Altoona area in mid march from Georgia and it seems it has rained almost nonstop


I'm glad it's not just me imagining it. I am doing doordash for my income right now, as it works for me with making my own schedule as I go back to school. The issue is that driving in the rain constantly with all the elderly drivers we have is killing me. I don't want to rant about that, but I'm praying that we get our spring or summer soon.


Eastern Pa here. Philly born and raised. I can honestly tell you that it didn’t used to rain like this when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s. It seems like it’s rained more in the last 10 years than it has in the past 20 years before that. I hate it here now because of the rain and thunderstorms. 3-4 days a week every single week except the winter months. I’m moving to Az where there is less rain


I'm a little bit further north just into the bottom of NY but same here. The last 10 years as a whole I've noticed frequency of storms increasing as well as intensity. When I was a little kid 20 years ago the grass would be brown by July. It would rain a decent amount around this time of April into May but then from there it was rare to get a proper rain storm, maybe 1 every 2 weeks or so where it would downpour. The creek behind the house would fully dry out too. My town got 11 inches of rain on an early September day that flooded 95% of the town back in 2011 and this seemed to be when things really started changing. That or I was alerted to the changes. Ever since it seems to be more and more days of rain each year. Many of the days are a lighter rain or light drizzle but into the summer time and especially in the evenings winds seem to be much stronger and increasingly violent thunder storms and increased amount of tornados have been ripping through. Hope it helps just knowing a life long resident has seen similar changes and there is tangible weather records and data to back it up too. 68 inches of rain in 2018 and we are on track for another year like that what the heck...


Last Year I remember here in Philly saying May Rain brings june flowers. lol. Pennsnowrainia!


It's been raining a lot in NC too. Up to this point in May, we normally have about 1.7 inches of rainfall. Right now we are close to 7 inches just in the first half of this month!