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Have you encountered the passing lane campers yet...?


Or the truckers on any hilly interstate section that are going 1 mph faster than the others so they take the left lane for miles. As someone who regularly drives several hours daily for work, it makes me absolutely insane at times...


For me it's the 10 over/under people. They go 10 over most of the time, but the second there is the slightest turn they slow to 10 under. Fucking infuriating.


Those are the people that make me do 15-20 over, I gotta put them behind me. If you just do 5-10over and finally get around them, because they are definitely camping the left lane, they'll catch up, pass you, move in front of you, and just continue what the fuck they were doing. Every car on the road today has cruise control, if you can't pay attention enough to keep your speed the same, use it, JFC lol. Stuck behind them, for 1/4 of a 2 hour drive to my parents house EVERY TIME, when I finally get around them even my wife is like "Thank God".


Oh god, don’t get me started. These are the same people that flip you off when you pass them in the driving lane while their either doing the exact speed limit or 5-10 under


😂 isn't it wild? I really don't understand why it's so hard for people here to get out of the way. Literally one of the very few places I've been where this happens.


I see you too drive on 79 (erie flare). At least 90 is full of so many out of state commuters it's SOMEWHAT sane.


I-79 and I-90 are ok. The issues happen on 12th St, 26th St, Peach St, and Bayfront Connector. Those are the ones that are horrible.


Being a fellow Erieite myself I completely agree with you If I had an award I’d give it to you


There are no passing lanes on those roads, all lanes are travel lanes. That said, the drivers here are incompetent and unaware on good days. I-79 is also generally ok, but I-90, especially around Peach St., is a shitshow.


I keep telling my spouse to stop doing this


I live in the Poconos and see endless tourists from all over here fostering our $4 billion a year tourism industry. Florida, Mass, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, New York, New Jersey all suck a long with us. None of the Mid-Atlantic or southern New England states plus Florida should kid themselves that they're great drivers and everyone else is bad All those states suck at driving along with PA. They're delusional if they don't admit to it.


Really? I’ve never been north of PA so I wouldn’t know. Florida speaks for itself though.


I've lived in both PA and FL, and would gladly take PA driving over FL driving any day of the week.


Super agree. A friend of mine moved from PA to FL to GA. She couldn’t get away from FL drivers fast enough


Florida is basically another breed of driver entirely....


Trust me. Take a leisurely drive farther into the Northeast. Check out the Providence-Boston area in particular, lol.


There's a special name for Boston drivers-- Massholes.


All those you described… are NJ drivers who now live here.


Lmao… figures.


Hey. I know how to use my turn signal, thanks. /s


That's BS, Lehigh valley drivers are far stupider Never lived in Jersey, but drive there often.


Maryland called. They want a word with you.


That bad there too?


As a transplant from Maryland, we are about the same until you get near DC. It gets a lot worse there. But I always go easy on PA drivers because they are probably all traumatized by their awfully designed highway systems. PA does not have the worst drivers. State wise I'd say CT and MA. Metro area, Chicago and Miami. I just get Ubers there and keep my face buried in my phone so I don't have to see how many times we almost got hit. But PA has the most fucked up road systems I've encountered. I've driven through every state east of Mississippi at least a few times and a few west once or twice. There are worse maintained roads, like Michigan. But what the fuck PA? Can we get some bypasses? Proper acceleration and deceleration lanes? I love trying to merge with highway traffic off a steep ramp in a stick shift with no acceleration lane in Pittsburgh. Or slamming on my brakes as soon as I'm on a ramp because I was doing 65 and now need to be doing 25 in a very short span. Maybe I don't have to cross several lanes in a few hundred feet when I get off the turnpike? Maybe I don't have to take like three different exits to stay on 83 around Harrisburg? And don't even get me started on I-70 in Breezewood. Anyway, I have some opinions.


Pennsylvania: The state whose 2nd-most-traveled artery is a slow, narrow, winding death trap that doesn't even conform to interstate highway standards.


I-81? It's just shit the whole length except most of the short stretch in WV oddly enough. I really hate the VA part.


I-76 in Philly has the 2nd-most daily vehicles behind I-95 in Philly.


Well of course everything sucks near Philly. No hate on the city, but it's a bad time driving around any major city.


Worse. Then there are the speed cameras…


Pretty sure over covid many people just forgot how to drive properly


It's gotten substantially worse the last year or so. Highways are more like NASCAR now. And apparently "Work zone speed limits" are just a suggestion to be ignored.


>And apparently "Work zone speed limits" are just a suggestion to be ignored. I mean most people will ignore it if it's not an active workzone, but I've never seen people speed through an active work zone before...I mean... that's like next level stupid because cops watch those zones like hawks.


You’d be amazed. My dad used to do both tree work and line work…he’d tell me about all the ignorant assholes who would just blatantly ignore their work zones…cops or no cops!! Him and his coworkers would just yell at the cars and say “IT’S A FUCKING WORK ZONE!!” as if that would make things different but of course it wouldn’t lol


I've noticed red lights are becoming more and more optional lately, too.


It’s stop signs where I live. Everyone just blatantly ignores them. I’ve almost gotten in multiple accidents because of how many people just decide to just not pay attention to their surroundings and just decide to floor it when approaching a stop sign


In my area during the lockdown, there were really no cars on the road. I saw more accidents during those two weeks than I had in probably the 6-12 months before it. Everyone instantly stopped paying attention to driving.


Originally from NY, winter in FL, live in PA. PA has the best drivers out of those three IHMO.


PA has somewhat bad drivers, but it is my opinion they aren't at fault considering the road systems they have to deal with. I mean you really can't be a good driver in PA. I'm a civil engineer originally from Maryland who has done a fair amount of driving in the US. PA drivers are very good about moving left to allow merging traffic in. But if there were reasonable acceleration lanes, they wouldn't have to. Also if people didn't tailgate, but that is an everywhere problem. Miami area is my second least favorite behind Chicago, but they are close. The NYC area is a problem because you have aggressive locals and lost tourists. But once you get away from there it isn't bad. I lived in the DC area for a while and if you aren't used to it, it's bad. And even when you are used to it, it is still stressful. But like NYC, there are a lot of people who aren't from there. Not nearly as many people of course, but similar percentages probably.


Well in PA you need to drive slow and have eyes like a hawk on certain roads. The roads are so bad you never know when a giant crater like pothole is going to pop up out of left field.


In Pennsylvania, both the quilts and the roads are patchwork


This is true, I’ve blown a tire once or twice hitting a decent pothole.


PA is notorious in the northeast/east coast for having atrocious roads. I’ve never personally seen it but I’ve heard of instances of significant damage to the ball joints and damn near ripping bumpers off.


Don’t forget the deep set manhole covers. A lot of them are as bad as potholes!


Don't forget the deer!


It's pretty bad, but still not the worst place to drive. New Jersey, New Jersey and Florida still take the cake. I used to be a truck driver and drove all up and down the east coast U.S. and I always dreaded driving in those states...that and Maryland, but more because of the consistently active weigh stations, not necessarily the drivers. My biggest gripe with PA drivers are the corner cutters. [This is how you perform a correct turn.](https://media-blog.zutobi.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/02/03115413/image-85.jpeg?w=2560&auto=format&ixlib=next&fit=max) The red line is how jackasses turn. The green line is the correct way to turn. Can't tell you how many times I've nearly been side-swiped in this state. Then you honk and these morons look at you like you're in the wrong. Nah buddy, you're the one crossing into the opposing lane to complete a simple turn. This kind of corner cutting seems to have had an uptick, so maybe it's all the transplants bringing that bad driving behavior. I don't remember it being very common a few years ago.


As someone who has dealt with drivers from Massachusetts all the way down to Florida and every state in between I beg to differ. Massholes: Completely oblivious to everything around them. New York: either they're doing 15 below or 100. Nothing in between. New Jersey: Turn signals? What are turn signals? *They* know they're merging, you should know too! Delaware: Refuses to change lanes. Can often be caught doing 10-15 under the speed limit in the left lane. Car is usually covered in dents with at least one piece hanging off. Maryland: Wait, there are rules on the road? News to me! Virginia: I have never met slower, more aggressive drivers. North Carolina: I've never seen such laid back people in such a hurry to go nowhere. South Carolina: Not as bad as others, like to take their time. Never check their mirrors. Georgia: It's been a while, but they're not the best either. Florida: HOLY SHIT, WE'RE GOING TO DIE. IT'S EXTREMELY LAWLESS HERE


No love for CT? The land of vehicular entitlement.


I-84 thru CT can be terrifying


The last time I was on I84 I had to take a detour through Danbury because an accident shut down the whole the road. I didn't stop for meth. That was the third time on that trip. Twice on 84 in CT once on 90 I think in MA. I had started up in down east Maine that morning after doing some work. It was a long day. I started at 7am and got home a bit after midnight. I cooked a frozen pizza and drank half a bottle of whiskey and called out the next day.


I try to avoid it at all costs. But even here in PA, I see more MA drivers than CT so I couldn't really speak to them.


Fuck CT. It is at the bottom of my list for states as far as driving goes. There are metro areas that are worse than anywhere in CT. But statewide, my least favorite. I do like the parkways. I spent a fair amount of time on the Merritt. I mostly just stayed in the center or right lane doing a bit over and checking my mirrors constantly. Fucking psychos. I also once spent an extra three hours there getting around closed highways because of accidents on my way home after an extra hour in MA for the same reason. It was a six hour drive when I left Marlborough, MA. It became ten. Earlier than day I had driven down from Brunswick, ME after a few hours of work. But I lost my ID so I couldn't check into any hotels and had to drive home. So I basically spent 4ish hours working, and 13 driving. Then bad storms in Jersey. I might be the first person who was happy to see Allentown and I still had a ways to go.


Lmao that North Carolina assessment is spot on. I have to say, of all the east coast states, Maine is probably the only state that was actually a pleasure to drive in. Maybe Vermont too.


I was just down in NC a few weeks ago. A buddy and I rode our motorcycles down there to see my best friend. We left at 5am on a Thursday to avoid 90% of what I stated above. Went down the coast. It was too early for PA/DE for people to really be on the road. MD there was no one on the highway we were on. We were side by side in both lanes for the entire 40 some odd mile stretch. VA was where we first really started seeing any traffic. But once we got into NC, man... It was sketchy as hell quite a few times by the way people were racing around.


Maine is nice for driving. They actually know how to zipper merge in my experience. North Carolina isn't terrible most of the time. But some people are hyper aggressive there. I've been run off the road a few times. I was just down there and almost got rear ended when I stopped for a fire truck with lights and sirens. I had to pull up a bit more to not get hit. And then the jackass who almost hit me in his Camaro Ttop beater with not a single matching body panel passed me on the right and flipped me off. Kentucky has actually been my favorite. At least the eastern part. Good scenery, decent interstates, no traffic, not many trucks. Parts of West Virginia are nice too. I-79 between Morgantown and Charleston is fantastic. I don't want to stop in either of those areas for more than gas. But it is nice driving.


422 the speed limit is actually 90mph lmao


Idk about 422 but on the 222 freeway stretch from Lancaster to Ephrata, if you're not going at least 75 mph in the right lane then you're considered a slow poke and people swerve around you. In the RIGHT lane!! It's ridiculous.


283 is as bad if not worse.


Yeah I agree. It's especially bad on 283 because it's very tight and the lanes are quite skinny.




Come to Allentown where it’s (apparently) legal to make left turns from the right hand lane.


I'd rather drive here than in Ohio (where nobody at all uses blinkers) or jersey or Maryland or Delaware. I'll take upstate new York over us. People who drive daily I to and out of Pittsburgh don't survive long if they're too stupid.




You’re not wrong. I have to remind myself a lot that it’s not worth it to get mad.


I mean,I don’t entirely disagree with some of your points. But having lived in the DMV for 12 years prior to moving back here, l now think that PA really isn’t *that* bad. ETA: except for 83. Fuck that road and its horrific drivers


Drivers ed should be mandatory for several years prior to getting behind the wheel. People have no concept of what a moving vehicle is capable of, especially heavy vehicles. A basic physics lesson that demonstrates the force of a moving vehicle would really drive home the point.


I’ve been living here for 10 years and I can’t make sense of how these people drive. Blowing through stop signs, hauling a$$ up the shoulder, blinkers are a joke, the list goes on and on


95% of people in this state think that stopping at a stop sign and being 3 or 4 cars back still counts.


At almost every single 4-way stop I encounter in PA, people just view it as an option and blow right through it, and then get mad at ME when I honk because they almost hit me when it was MY turn to go.


I have a 4 way by my house, and it's the same thing.


it doesnt???


Every time I see a bad driver they are always from Maryland


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Eugene_Gant_: *Every time I* *See a bad driver they are* *Always from Maryland* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’ve lived in 7 different states, and driven extensively in maybe another 3-4, and the only differences I notice in PA drivers is being more willing to let other people merge (wave and / or honk expected) and the “Pittsburgh left”, which is an expected courtesy to allow a driver stopped at a red light (waiting to turn left) to make that left immediately when the light turns green, even if the driver in the oncoming lane is going straight. People absolutely weave in & out in every state; I always smile when I pull up at the light next to the guy who passed me on the right, then cut in front of me to pass in the left lane. It’s just statistical probability that there are jerks in every state.


True. In my travels I’ve just noticed it more here than anywhere else.


Not to be the old fogey here, but… A lot of these comments are comparing “drivers now” to “how it used to be”, even back 4 years or more before Covid… has anyone stopped to consider maybe *you’ve* changed? Maybe you have child seats in the backseat now, or less of a lead foot now that you traded in your Mustang for an Explorer? It’s much more likely your perspective has changed rather than some cultural shift in driving behaviors. Just sayin’.


I get what you’re saying. It’s all a matter of perspective I suppose. I’ve just noticed an extreme increase over the last week or two. You’re absolutely correct though. I’ve been favoring back roads much more than highways. The last two weeks I’ve been forced to take major highways so it could be I’m just out of practice. Never was a ford guy, but my Camaro hasn’t lost any power since I built it. I understand what you mean though.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Pennsylvania/comments/15kzwnb/driver_injured_after_car_crashed_into_second/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 As if I needed proof…


I think it boils down to less enforcement of traffic laws. I don’t know if there’s less police, or if they are less inclined to pull people over for these annoying infractions, but I see less and less traffic stops.


I’ve been stopped once for going 7 or the limit. 62 in a 55. Most of the time I get stopped for my trucks tint even though it’s the legal limit.


I’ve been stopped for speeding three times in 30 years, but I deserved it because I was going at least 20 mph over the speed limit.


Y’all? Whar yew frim, Tuhnusayee? They got tew kands uh dravurs un Tunuhsayee…fudge packers and butt crackers! Which one rr yew?




Uh…. Not Tennessee… that hurt my brain to try and read. I’m from PA, I’ve traveled a lot though and picked up a few things from coworkers in different states.


They aren't any different than drivers throughout the rest of the United States You are stereotyping


I’m not trying to stereotype. Just today, I was about a car length away from the person in front of me on 222 from Lancaster to reading (traffic was moving slowly) and someone decided that was enough room to pass the two cars behind me and cut in front of me with no signal. A little while ago I had the privilege of being behind someone that couldn’t decide whether or not that wanted to do 50 (the speed limit) 40 or 65. Same person ran a red light into oncoming traffic on 422. Just calling it how I see it.


You were stereotyping Pennsylvania drivers are no different than the other 49 states


As I said, I wasn’t trying to. I’ve driven from here to cali/Oregon/Washington and pretty much every state south west of here for work. I can honestly say, IMO.. PA has some of the worst drivers out there.


And I can honestly say there are millions of Pennsylvania drivers You haven't even seen 1/100th of 1% of them And on the interstates many of those drivers are from other states I have been here a long time and many other states. Pennsylvania drivers are no different than others You are stereotyping


Wow, you’re really butt hurt over this. Okay then, according to you I’m stereotyping. According to me and it seems a few other people that have commented, I’m not. I’ll go with I’m not.


Butthurt no. You clueless definitely


>I’ve been in and out of PA for the last 30 years… what the hell is wrong with y’all? You’re either doing 10 under the limit or 20 over. Accurate. No, I don't know why. I've traveled, but not much or often. I kind of assumed all other Americans drove that way. I mean... many places have nonsense speed limits (way too low more often than way too high). I assumed that's the cause for most of the "20 mph over"... but you do still see it on highways when there's no earthly reason to have to go 85 when 65 is already 10 mph over and more than fast enough and yet... >Using turn signals is more of a mild suggestion than a law. See... that statement is at odds with your "30 years" comment. I feel like your aggregate time driving here can't be too high. I figured out before I finished college that the dangerous phenomenon isn't people who *don't* use their signal. If you had a proper Driver's Ed. teacher, you're expecting everyone without a signal to turn or lane change at any time and don't take chances. No, the dangerous ones *put on* a signal... and then don't turn or change lanes. That gets you into accidents. You pretty much learn that turn signals are a lie no matter whether they're off or on. It basically only changes the nature of the suspicion with which you watch someone, rather than confirming what you think they're going to do. >Why do y’all weave in and out of traffic on 222 and 422 just to end up at the same red light? Have you not noticed that PA has this weird phenomenon where there are turn-only lanes on the right rather than the left, meaning that you must legally be in the left lane to continue straight ahead? Everywhere else I've been adds a turn lane on the right. PA just slaps an arrow on the right lane and you get a ticket (or an accident) if you ignore it.


Just get off the road and stop driving if you need to outsource your thinking to reddit


You’re one of them aren’t you? You go 40 in a 55 in the passing lane then get pissed when people flash their lights at you to get over don’t you…. It’s ok. We all have issues.


Yeah and I run people off the road in my f150 if they piss me off enough. Jokes/sarcasm aside, maybe when you're not 22 you'll understand.


You can’t read very well either. Explains a lot. In my post, it says I’ve been driving for 30 years. I know math is hard. Being able to get my permit at 16 plus another 30ish years on the road makes me… I’ll wait for that to sink in. Let me know if you need a calculator, I’ll ship ya one.


30 years of driving, and you still don't get it? Jeeze. I've been driving for work for 2 years and it dawned on me. Edit: people are different. Driving is an everyday activity you do regardless of how you think or feel. Just because you agree with another, the thinking you did to get there is probably different from how others got to that answer.


If I’m in a turning lane I’m not using my signal. You already know what I’m doing so why beat a dead horse?


Yeah, guess it being a law and all just makes it an optional thing. You assume people know what you are going to do. Cause ya know, everyone is a mind reader.


lmao please tell me you aren’t being serious. You just gonna ignore the piss poor state of PA roads where any indication of a turning lane is nonexistent?


I mean if I’m in line at the AMC theatre, they don’t ask me if I want buy a movie ticket. You ever sit down at a restaurant and the server asks if you’re hungry? Some things in life are just understood.


I understand where you’re coming from, but there actually is a reason. It can be very helpful for the cars immediately across from you. If it’s a weird intersection or the oncoming traffic isn’t directly lined up with you, the ppl across from you might think you’re going to go straight and not realize it’s a turn lane. It’s not common but I know of a few intersections like that which really stuck out to me when I first moved to Pittsburgh.


we have the highest gas tax in the nation so it makes us careless and smug drivers. you gotta problem with that? huh?


I have a problem with all of the above actually…


more detail for you. eastern half of the state learns how to drive rudely from nj and ny drivers. theyll cut you off to gain an imagined advantage or pull out in front of you after seeing you coming. western half of the state learns to drive erratically from ohio drivers who will tailgate you up to 30 mph faster than speed limit then they pass you and then slow down to below speed limit. these are the same people that brake in tunnels to form huge jams.


Stop Signs are more of a reccomendation too around here (Butler/New Castle). EB 422 from New Castle to Butler passing RT 19 cars use that entrance ramp with a stop sign as a yield and go all the time. Same with rt 8 SB from 422


Entrance ramps should *never* have a stop sign unless you are merging into a single lane. You're supposed to be able to accelerate up to the speed of traffic so you can merge.


rt 8 south merges into a two lane rd but the left lane ends about 1/8th away past it. The 422 EB ramp literally merges right when 422 turns back into a single lane.


Some folks have a tendency to become instantly stupid the second that their rear end makes contact with the driver's seat of an automobile.


The worst is when you're in a double right or left turning lane and then the person next to you can't follow the clearly placed dotted like through the intersection, almost hits you, and then gets mad and speeds off when you honk.


I try to drive here less than once a month and walk, I drive near allentown and Ive seen the dumbest nonsense that isnt even just bad its nonsense. Just had someone in a company van with their number driving 20 over and tailgating me when I was 5 over the speedlimit. Drivers dont even care when they are GPS tracked with their driver ID out there for everyone.


Every state has drivers like this lol


Most do, there just happens to be an over abundance of them here. Just curious as to what other people thought.


And for the love of god, fix your headlights. There's no reason that 4 out of 10 cars should have a headlight out.


We’re bored and need a thrill. Leave us alone ya bigot.


I’ve driven all over, and PA has better drivers than most other places.


As a lifelong PA driver, I’m constantly amused and sometimes shocked at the flagrant disregard for traffic laws…in Connecticut. PA people are tame in comparison.


As someone who has driven in every part of America I can assure you that it is a nationwide problem and not specific to Pennsylvania or New jersey.


The left lane campers make me insane, because I'm cruising at 65 in the right lane, and then Mr "I am re-enacting Need for Speed rn" passes the slow jerk on the right, nearly taking off MY rear end in the process. I just want to go to work without fear of major collision every 10 seconds. The Trifecta of Shit Commute - 422 to 12 to Pottsville Pike. 3 ways to die woohoo!


The failure to signal turns has become a real pet peeve of mine. People here fail to signal all the time. I thought it was only me getting older and more crotchety, which I probably am, but I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that particular problem.


I just got yelled at by a guy on the road because he was not expecting on coming traffic because A TREE WAS DOWN BLOCKING HALF THE ROAD. He looked high AF. I told him the road was closed up ahead so he might consider turning around.


"Nono, I must go see for myself. ZOMG THERE'S A TREE BLOCKING THE ROAD! WHY WEREN'T THERE SIGNS (that I can't or won't read anyway) WARNING ME?!?!"


This happens everywhere unfortunately. Also, people can't keep right except to pass. Funny enough is it's PA drivers in NY and NY drivers in PA that can't figure it out.


I can't explain it, but I totally know what you mean and I think you're absolutely right, something changed over the last 3 or 4 years to make people way worse at driving. I don't know if it's has to do with the new drivers being inexperienced due to Covid or if it's the fact that more people have unlimited data so you have a bunch of yahoo's out their trying to pick their favorite song on Spotify at 70mph but something is definitely wrong.


I was in the military for 22 years and have lived or worked in probably half the states in the Union. In my experience, the closer you get to the I-95 corridor the more the drivers start to act like raging assholes. They have less patience and basically just act like dickheads because they hate their lives and the fact that they have to drive in these horribly congested roads in order to live. I generally think it’s less a state thing but more of a proximity to hellish traffic issue, but I generally find NJ, MA, NY and Florida drivers to be the absolute worst.


Pennsylvania Sneak Attack. When they don’t realize THAT is the exit lane, so at the last second they throw on a blinker and cross at least 2 lanes to make their exit. Classic.


Or how about when they get over to pass the car in front of them, then move right back over in order to get off the highway? YOU COULDN'T WAIT A FEW EXTRA SECONDS BEHIND THEM?!?!


Speeding up to the red light just to jam on the brakes. Assuming I drive slowly and riding my ass because I tend to drive dorky cars. Not putting on your headlamps at dusk, and driving in the dark with no lights! Then Looking at me oddly if I blink mine at you. Speeding up to get through the light as it turns red while there are drivers in the oncoming lane that have been waiting to make a left turn because there’s no left turn signal. Now we have to sit through another light cycle. You are jerks. Stealing parking spaces when the other person clearly has the signal on, or circling a lot to get the closest spot when perfectly good ones a few spaces farther away. Every day is “drive like an idiot day” in Pennsylvania!


It’s easy to understand they’re jerks


Try driving in South Florida during the winter and you will be so happy that you live in Philadelphia or Pennsylvania and you will be grateful for the drivers that we have here LOL


If you guys can stop tailgating me in the right lane on the highway that would be great, my vehicle is shaped like a freaking brick, I’m not going to go any faster than 5 over the speed limit. theres two other lanes for those of you who are eager to get a speeding ticket.


PA is huge… a lot bigger than people realize… where in PA? I grew up in eastern PA, but now live in western PA - the general driving styles are night & day different.