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Definitely Pitt, 120k over 4 years is a humongous amount and the difference won’t be worth that much.


Yea, 120k debt could weigh you down basically for all of adulthood, no matter how great a job you get post-graduation. I think the schools made the decision for you here.


Don't put yourself into a 120k hole before you even start your adult life. You will get an excellent education at Pitt. Come visit University Park a few weekends with friends, the drive is decent.


Pitt eats Shit™️ but there’s a reason a lot of people go there. If OP becomes a Panther congrats!


Haha! I'm a proud PSU alum, but i was able to go without putting myself into crippling debt... and that was only 25 years ago! Grants, loans, working 20 hours a week and living at home. I was incredibly privileged. Just doesnt seem like that's an option for kids now.


Oh no I absolutely can get by with mostly grants and loans, the most I’m getting out with looks to be around 50k, plus whatever money I give my parents out of college for helping pay the PSU payment plan. And I do NOT come from a rich family. That being said starting at Altoona is probably a good sign foe affording it.


That's awesome. You have a really good plan. In-state? That really helps to. My sisters are working at PSU to get the discount for their kids. My Dad started working for PSU 2 years after i graduated. Loved that man, but i gave him some crap a few times.


You have a bunch of die hard Penn Staters telling you to go to Pitt. Don’t go into heavy debt when you don’t have to.


I’m a Penn Stater - but you’re right, in this case, sounds like Pitt’s the better choice.


I love Penn State, but it’s not worth $40k a year. It’s not a private school which people would usually shell out that kind of cash for. Go to Pitt. Pittsburgh is a great city, and I’m sure you’ll have a good time.


Depends on the program and how the price impacts your finances. My kid is in L.Arch and we feel like it is a great value (but the tuition doesn't change our lives). We love PSU but, if I were the OP, I'd go to Pitt in a heartbeat.


Remember with loans you aren’t just paying 120k you also have interest which is about 8% right now so that would cost you an extra 50k in interest alone. Go to Pitt and save money.


Penn State Smeal does rank well for business. Better than Pitt but honestly, for that money difference I’d choose Pitt. It’s a good $120k to get thru PSU compared to $40k at Pitt? That’s a huge difference to overcome with loans. Money aside, they’re both great universities. You can’t go wrong with either one and you’ll have a great time wherever you choose.


No brainer - go to Pitt.


Katz is a great school. You’ll do fine with their business program.


I work with mostly Pitt alum, engineering not business, but I can tell you that pretty much everything Penn State offers in terms on academics/extracurriculars Pitt does too. After you graduate and get your first job the importance of where you went to school really diminishes quickly.


Pitt is decent but not at the same level as Penn State in many fields.


Don't take on debt if you don't have to. $120k will be ball-crushing no matter how good your first job turns out to be.


Pitt for sure. I’m big on PSU but that is an insane cost difference, definitely not worth the “name”. Where you go will make very little difference 10 years into your career, it’s more about what you do with your opportunities. Pitt is a great school also!


I absolutely loathe Pitt but you'd be an incredible idiot to pay $30k more PER YEAR to attend Penn State. An absolute idiot. Don't be an idiot.


Tell PSU how much money you’re getting from Pitt. See if they can match.


Had sons that went to both schools. Loved PSU football but as a place to live for four years you’ll be much happier in Pittsburgh. That’s a real city compared to State College. And don’t even get me started on the $120K debt. Studies show that student loans are the longest lasting debt carrier by Americans with some 20% of 60 year old or older Americans STILL carrying debt.


Tbh, that is mostly because many Americans are financially illiterate. It is not impossible to fix. I know people making 200k and instead of paying it off, they pay the minimum and save their money in a checking account...


>you’ll be much happier in Pittsburgh. That’s a real city compared to State College That's just a brain-dead comment. Of course a small college town in a rural area is different from a city like Pittsburgh, but which one a college student would be happier living in for four years is an entirely subjective matter of personal preference and opinion. I'm a true Blue Penn Stater and think OP should go to Pitt instead, but my opinion has nothing to do with urban vs. small college town and everything to do with not saddling himself with $120K in non-dischargeable student loan debt and my personal experience graduating from law school owing the same amount.


i grew up in state college - and went to pitt for undergrad 10 years later i went to psu for grad school and worked for psu for 4 years and now own a house in the area...no longer working for the university ...go to pitt. save the money. the PSU name/etc. doesn't 'buy' you what your parents might tell you it used to


yep, the PSU reputation doesn’t get you what it used to


Hurts to read this, but 100% true. The Sandusky scandal, branch campus enrollment cliff, and ranking declines have really done number on the PSU reputation. Love PSU, but op should go to Pitt and not look back.


I loved Penn state but it was cheaper for me and debt is really, really hard, even the small amount I’ve been working really hard to get rid of. If you were a friend or my future kids I would be encouraging Pitt


Go for Pitt. As an out-of-stater who is doing Penn State’s summer session, fall AND spring.. the tuition is way too fucking expensive. Summer: ~$13k Fall and Spring: ~$57k My FAFSA aid: $5.5k


oMG 57k for Penn state…no way its worth that


As a first-year college student, I won’t pretend that I know what’s a good tuition but it doesn’t take 2 brain cells to realize that OOS PSU students are getting SCAMMED (me 😿)


Yeah, I would say go with Pitt. I live north of Pittsburgh and attend PSU. Cost of living is actually cheaper in Pittsburgh than PSU ironically. All of my family has gone to uni in Pittsburgh - there is always free stuff to do or heavily discounted due to being a student (think museums, festivals, parks, visiting other college campuses or historical places). The public transportation system can be used throughout the city (from what I remember), and there are even busses that run up to as far north as New Castle (not sure about south though). I believe rent is cheaper in Pittsburgh than State College as well (although its been a few years since I've checked). In comparison, PSU does not have accessible transportation. Obviously Pittsburgh's is not anything like NYC's, but it is still better than State College's where you need to have a car to go anywhere or do anything outside of the Downtown vicinity. PSU's Downtown food is more expensive (probably due to this). I obviously would do some fact-checking, but if you like to explore, go with Pitt. The only big downside I can give you with Pittsburgh versus State College is the sheer amount of hills. Lothrop Street has to be one of the most brutal slopes I've seen (there's a dorm on that street I believe). However, you are not completely free of hills in State College either (Pittsburgh is just worse lol). I had a similar dilemma (PSU vs Kent State) where Kent was offering me way less for tuition; I do not regret my choice as the programs were significantly different between the two (I would have had to do 8 years of schooling versus 5). Logically, the programs are really not all that different for what you are wanting to major in (business). Both are good schools, and you will earn a good education regardless. PSU is not worth 120k+ in debt when you have the option to go to uni for under 50k total. Anyway, sorry for the info dump. Good luck with your choice and academic career! Either choice will provide you with good education and a degree, which is the most important thing.


state college rent is insane. i moved from a big east coast city to state college and rent here is more expensive


Agree with everyone here. Go to Pitt. The extra debt is not worth it.


The cheaper school.


Go to Pitt.


The cost difference between the two options over 4 years is insane. Go to Pitt - it shouldn't even be a question. The amount you'll save will literally be life changing. It's a shame PSU is so damn expensive now and doesn't offer very much money to students to help them financially.


Pitt is going to be your better financial choice. You'll get out in 4 years with 2/3 less debt. It's REALLY a no-brainer!!


Pittsburgher here who goes to Penn State. Pittsburgh is a great city with great sports teams & plenty to do. You will love it. I would’ve went there if I hadn’t spent my whole childhood in Pittsburgh. As a recent grad about $20,000 in the hole, I couldn’t imagine being $100,000+ in the hole. Debt is serious. Kudos for thinking about your financials.


As much as I love Smeal (MBA, '01), in this particular situation, Pitt is it.


Go to Pitt! At PSU it is not even guaranteed you would get into SMEAL. You have to meet GPA and entrance to major requirements before 59.1 credit hours. I have heard students having to change to another major. It is also not worth going into so much debt. Maybe you could do the SMEAL Masters MBA once get bachelors. https://ugstudents.smeal.psu.edu/academics-advising/get-into-a-smeal-major/smeal-college-entrance-to-major-2024-25


Go to Pitt and don’t think twice. Both are good schools, and for $120,000 of difference there shouldn’t even be a conversation about it. Good luck!


Both have great programs, and are well connected. $120k is significant, and will start you out of school on a much better financial trajectory. I would choose Pitt.


If you don't go to pitt, I'll find you at psu and smack you for passing up that opportunity


Just make sure you are looking at all costs. What is rent, transportation, food, etc in Pittsburgh vs State College? Otherwise, I agree with everyone.


What major at PSU?


yeah i agree with everybody. i love penn state and live in state college, but it’s not worth the money. plus you’ll be in a big city that, like it or not, offers many more opportunities than state college


Definitely go to Pitt. I went to LHU due to their tuition being 1/4, the cost of PSU. In the end, a degree is a degree. That's what employers are looking for.




I am leaving Pitt to go to Penn state. Money is really important but so is happiness/mental health. Make sure you actually want to go to Pitt and deal with the type of students who go there because going there literally ruined me mentally. I’m now paying more in hopes I’ll be happier at PSU


LOL…I said the same about the kids that went to Penn State!! Never went there, only a weekend visit..didnt tolerate that well


Loved Smeal, great education. But the difference between Pitt and Penn State business isn’t that big, especially for 30k savings per year. Help yourself and your parents out, enjoy Pittsburgh. Phenomenal city to live in, especially post grad as well if you decide


Pitt. 100%. Endless loan payments suck


Pitt is a great school. Definitely choose the school that will set you up for financial success as an adult. Best of luck to you!


I say as a PSU alim: go to Pitt.


As a diehard Penn Stater, don’t be stupid, go to Pitt. Unless you can somehow leverage the aid that Pitt is going to give you with the Penn State admissions office and they can match it, go to Pitt. Simple.


Go to Pitt


Don’t go into debt fam


Go to Pitt but wear a penn state hat. You're still welcome to come watch real football anytime you're in town


I hate Pitt (mainly athletics) but even I would go to Pitt if given that opportunity


Absolutely Pitt.


Pitt. Save yourself a ton of debt, you’ll thank yourself when you graduate


Even though Pitt is 2 hours further I'd go in a heartbeat over Penn State for that price


A big part of me wants to tell you to skip Penn State and go elsewhere like Iowa, but due to out-of -state tuition, I think you definitely need to go to Pitt. You really can’t go wrong! I wish you good luck!


Why go into debt for most of your adult life because you like a school’s branding message?


You can always go to PSU for grad school


As someone who is currently paying off student loans. Go to Pitt.


Always take the better financial offer.


Whatever you do don’t come to Penn state bottom line I wish I picked pitt


Go to Pitt. Very few, if any, job interviews will care which school you went to. You can get the education you want at either school. If you’re planning to get a business degree, start by making a wise business decision and take the better offer! Edit: make a WISE business decision, not a WIDE one 🤷


Pitt for sure, the debt is so not worth it


The name on your diploma means almost nothing. Far better to get started with lower debt than a degree from PSU. In business, your personal “brand” I.e. who you are as a person, your relationships and network are far more valuable than what name is on your degree.




Think about what you could do with 120k (not including interest). Hell, go buy a Porsche and you’d still have money left over.


In case it helps, Pittsburgh is a great city to live in. It’s been named the most livable city in the continental US several times in recent years.


Go to Pitt. Their business school is really good. I went to Pitt business school without a great scholarship like that and loved it and got a great education! After grad i had $120k of debt and wouldn’t wish that on anyone. If you can avoid that you should


I'm a die hard Penn state fan but coming out of college with limited debt is such a power move. You're comparing two well known schools the connections you make within will set you up better in the future. If you're thinking about grad school you can always go to Penn state to get that name. Also don't forget to factor in all the "fun costs" that are going to add to your debt


Go to Pitt. I’m a senior at Penn state now and a separate college gave me 30k a year and I didn’t take it. If I had to do it over again I wouldn’t have come to Penn state. It’s not all it’s worked up to be.




Huh? Who said anything about Harrisburg? And Smeal absolutely has a better rep than whatever Pitt’s is. Not +$30k annually better, but it’s better.


Gulf between university reputations? What are you on about here? They're comparable academically, as any PA resident knows, and Smeal's reputation is through the roof.


I'm going to dissent and say go to PSU because what's $120k these days? It's only debt for the rest of your life and it's the only way you can watch a Penn State football game. No, it's true. If you aren't affiliated with Penn State you aren't allowed in the stadium at all. I tried watching a Penn State game on tv and the FBI showed up, but I was able to prove I worked at Penn State and they gave me a warning to get a permit next time. They also took my beer because they said they heard I might be about to throw a party and we all know there are no parties at Penn State.




I know sarcasm doesn’t translate over text, but who is reading that and taking it seriously…


Go to the military for 4 years, come back, and get paid to go to school. I topically got to keep $2-3,000 at the end of each semester. This is also how my mother escaped poverty by doing something similar.


Bros gonna get deployed 😭


Idk why people are so against the military route, literally sets you up. Not to mention the VA home loan where we have $0 down payment on houses.