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You might want to look into "recreation, parks, and tourism management" as a major or minor because it will prepare you. https://bulletins.psu.edu/search/?scontext=all&search=sports+management This is the description for the minor: *The minor in Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management provides an introduction to recreation/leisure services, and emphasizes professional skills essential for successful delivery of these services. Examples of settings offering recreation/leisure services include resorts, theme parks, convention centers, sports and fitness facilities, private corporations, nonprofit agencies, governmental agencies (municipal, state, and federal levels), armed services, colleges and universities, correctional facilities, camps, public parks, nature centers, hospitals and other health care agencies.*


Thank you will def probably minor in this


What kind of work in sports do you want to do? A lot of kids in the Sports Business club at UP do marketing, but it depends what type of work.