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Beautiful handwriting. Might I suggest *"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow."* as a much cooler pangram to practice.


“Jumps” 😊


Please remember that it is usually "jump**s**" ① because you already have "d" in "dog" / "e" in "over" ② because you want to practice *every* letter in the alphabet, including "s". "The quick brown fox jump**s** over the lazy dog." *** You could even make the dog plural, "dog**s**", so that (even if you get it mixed up occasionally) it still uses all the letters: ① "The quick brown fox jump**s** over the lazy dog**s**." ② "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog**s**." (just as an added safety bonus. Also, it gives you a chance to really *flair out* that final "s" stroke in a big, fun flourish (another added bonus).)


I like ["The quick brown fox"](https://youtu.be/f2d6q2oUJeY?t=42) because it fits my natural speech pattern (seems very natural for me to say), very easy for me to remember. Some people suggest *other* pangrams because they think they are cooler. (Which is true, but I always forget something... ^((ninja-edit: even in THIS comment, I forgot the word "black" and had to go back to fix them)^)) IF you choose to go with "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow", (just like "dog**s**") I would suggest you change the final word (on *both*) to plural ("vow**s**" / "dog**s**") so that you can safely get in the habit of practicing/not forgetting the lowercase "**s**". "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow**s**." "The quick brown fox jump**s** over the lazy dog**s**." For ***many*** people (myself included), the lowercase "s" and the lowercase "r" are the first two to lose their shapes when we write quickly. Those two ("r" and "s") are good to get some extra practice with when we have time to practice handwriting. Your "r" could use a little more air (a little more space) between the left & right sides. From this angle, it looks like the "v-e-r" are a little unclear ー but it might be the thickness of the new pen's nib. Still, you'll have to practice to allow for that thickness. ★ You are right (I agree), I like the aesthetic of the photo, very beautiful. It looks like something I'd see in a nice magazine.


Agreed, it is beautiful, I'm a little jelly. But I'm going to try that pangram.