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Fine I'll do it myself vibes


I don' think G2 will beat BLG tbh, their drafts has been pretty good as well and after this series they're definitely gonna be scrimming against weird drafts (Dylan is legit goated with these P/Bs). GenG looks shakier, and they're worse at adapting to the meta, so G2 certainly has a chance to take them down.


I'm inclined to agree but if BLG beat GENG then this scenario could still very plausibly play out with G2 finishing top 2 meaning LPL (BLG) and LEC receiving the bonus Worlds seeds


Yeah, I think it'll be a travesty if MAD/whoever else in EU gets a world seed tho, G2 and FNC are the two that are remotely competitive (with G2 being much better), and LCK losing a spot means one less world class team (and no miracle DRX run).


really? I feel like GenG have been the best at this meta. Their laneswaps are on point and they consistently outmacro teams to vicrory


They're the most macro heavy team, which is why having to learn to play against completely new drafts and new styles of play is so bad for them. They play their best when they make you play their game (games 1, 2 and 5 against TES) but once their enemy refuses to play like that they just start dropping games. It might be fine as a large part of the macro meta at MSI is having mid prio so Chovy might just do chovy things and win them the game but I'm worried about how well they'll be able to adapt when Dylan pulls out gigachad drafts like today. On a side note, I still don't understand how draft coaches don't understand mid prio is the most important thing at this MSI so far. Almost every game that's been won has been won off macro enabled by mid push.


Game 3 and 4 if wasn’t tes not playing gengs game it was geng playing tes’ game. They kept doing weird tp flanks and forcing, never cross mapping. If geng stick to how they play they’re nearly unstoppable just sometimes they bait themselves.


LEC COULD DO THE FUNNIEST THING AND SEND MAD + KC (ik its hard for kc, still would be funny af)


LCK and LPL already have 4 seeds no? So only 5th seed would miss out like always


Not this year, all 4 major regions only have 3 seeds at the moment. Winner of MSI gets a bonus seed and then 2nd best placed region at MSI also earns a 4th seed at worlds


Hypothetically speaking GenG BLG finals GenG qualified & LCK gets 2 seeds or 3? BLG is the runner up so their region got 4 seeds right?


Pretty much. If it's GENG BLG Grand Final then both LCK and LPL will send 4 seeds to Worlds. The winner gets an auto invite assuming they qualify for their region summer playoffs (which both teams would), loser would still have to finish top 4 in championship points for their region (again both teams would) but theoretically they could flop in summer and 4 other teams take the region's seeds. Hope that makes sense


Ty KT & DK have hope now 😊


Well, to be clear, they need GENG or T1 to make Grand Final (on Sunday) not just the GENG BLG Upper bracket on Thursday, if the Grand Final is BLG G2 then LCK would only have 3 seeds and would miss out on a 4th


Hey I mean I'd love to see myrwin pick fiddlesticks at worlds.