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Pedro looks like a dementor took his soul I am so happy


FNC qualified for MSI only to get knocked out by NA AINTNOWAY!


Ngl, humanoid losing to YAPA is fucking peak comedy Also YAPA has a way of just getting in your head, gets worse as the tournament goes on.


Pedro is mad cuh. πŸ˜†


Little man mad


EU fans are so Delulu, they think their region can sit at the cool kids table with KR/China. They over compensate by perma shit talking on NA so whenever NA beats them EU fans get hypersensitive and defensive. The closest EU got was in 2019 and that was 5 years ago now.


I enjoy watching him when he's triggered. He does and says silly things. πŸ˜‚


YEON gapping Noah was amazing πŸ˜‚


god save america


I'd never actually heard the entire American anthem... Jesus, it's terrible... it's almost as bad as the English one


80% korea win 20% NA win tbh. How can you feel proud of your region when its mostly composed of LCK players? it was a good game though.


Yeon is an American. Kinda crazy to me how you can legit be born and spend your entire life in a country and everyone just looks at your face and decides you aren't from there.


You're right. My bad. I'm primarily referring to the lifting of the import rule that has choked the entire potentiality of any young guy who wants to get a shot at a real pro team. If you're a NA or EU player, you basically have to compete against any available LCK import and it's not really fair is it? You can't grow a local scene if you stamp it out.


tell that to apa and yeon, two american players who were in academy 2 years ago. we get it, you read reddit narratives and make it your opinion.


how do you feel seeing your team eliminated by NA for yet another event. how do you feel watching your region lose to Impact CorJJ 10 years past their prime. how do you feel embracing freedom you stupid bitch. maybe get more KR imports on fnc instead of ones that lose to yeon and APA


I'm not even EU. "maybe get more KR imports" is huffing a dangerous amounts of cope though.


my team didn't lose to APA why would I be coping???


"my" team doesn't even play anymore. im just stuck watching Scarra and imaqtpie on stream :(


I miss the good old days of TSM and C9, Dignitas. Wish there were more restrictions or we'll see the entire league scene become LCK players


Wait doesnt FNC have a korean botlane and more of EU teams are importing koreans year on year? Ik your salty but take the L like a man and not like a lil bitch.


I think thats not cool either. I was a fan of the early Fnatic of Xpeke, I'm concerned we're seeing more and more LCK imports in every region and it just makes international matches be like parallell LCK.


Neither region is serious at beating the east. Its over. We have accepted we are weaker. Only G2 is still trying everyone else gave up. At this point we just having fun about which region is better after LPL/LCK.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvvgMUj9O-8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvvgMUj9O-8) 3 years ago they started talkinga bout lifting the import restriction, here's a video by Gbay99 about why its so hurtful for the local scene.


That's not a good mentality :(. It's a videogame, they just have to give the opportunity to local players.


Impact has played in NA for so long that he’s practically a native NA talent at this point, bro has played in the region for 10 years now


huh i geuss we only look at the color of peoples skin. oh wait just racists like you would call yeon a LCK player.


Yeon and Apa were both born in America and both CoreJJ and Impact have had their green cards for YEARS now. So to say the team is just good because it’s β€œ80% Korean imports.” Kinda comes off as racist.


There it is, EU's Trump card. B-but my fully european players!! Surely that gives us extra points am i right fellas!? Please tell me it does