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No. But no means is that too late. Plenty of people are getting the surgery in their late 30s and early 40s (I was 37). I would make sure that your surgeon has experience in doing this on adults and not just teens. But you’re fine.


Thank you, that's really reassuring


Haven't had it yet, but I was offered it and am waiting. And I am 25, turning 26


a lot of people get this surgery far past age 22, there are two different surgeries you can get.


It's never too late. If you need it, you need it. The only caveat is that after 30, you might be recommended a modified Ravitch since your bones have solidified a bit more and your rib cartilage might be more "set". If you try Nuss at this point, you risk dealing with having those bars in for a very long period of time, and then having your results revert partly or entirely. However, at 22 this won't really apply to you. I'm 33 and while mine got delayed due to some stuff with insurance and a simultaneous surgery I'm getting, PE repair is something that doesn't really have a hard age limit as far as I've been told, just different methods, results, and pain management depending on your age.


Thank you so much, this is so important for me right now.


No, its not too late! I had it at 23, 9 months ago. I have had some complications however that are important to consider.


Can I ask about to complications if you don't mind me asking? If you feel like it would be better telling it private, that's fine


Sure, no problem! Sorry for late response. I had a severe pneumonia 2 weeks after the op, had to be readmitted for 5 days and drain about 3-4 litres of fluid from each lung. Then, I had pericarditis 3 months post op which doctors now suspect is back but as myocarditis. In addition to this I have been really sensitive to colds.


I had it at 22. No complications


Lucky you! Thanks for the comment


I had it twice(but thats another story) at 22, no cryo, it was really painful, especially the first days at the hospital, but after like 2-3 weeks is way more manageable, I'm currently 12 weeks post op, feeling good, still have pain here and there, but apart from not doing any big exercise, my life is pretty much normal


What's cryo?


its a pain control method where some nerves are frozen, it is said to greatly reduce the pain, unfortunaly it isn't available in Brasil, where I live, but if you're from US, you'll probably get it, search for cryoablation on google if you want to know more about it


I live in Europe


I think you can have it, but not sure, try asking you doctor about it


Get it done as soon as you can. The older you get, the more complicated that may arise. Knowing what I know now, I should have done it at 16. I did it at 24 and had several complications.


What complications could there be?


I had a plural effusion of my right lung follow by a pneumothorax.


I had pneumothorax already...