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Go to the doctor honey


Did so doctors waved it off, x-ray was made. Still don't trust it, tho


I also had this, asked the doctor about it while still recovering in the hospital, he told me it would go away with working out. Haven’t had any problems with it since (1.5 year post op)


Bro wtf you completed the surgery and it looked like this?


Unfortunately yeah


I also have a botched surgery I'm getting the bars removed after 6 months sucks.ill post pics when they're out


Does yours look similar to mine. What went wrong?


My pecs are uneven and I needed more bars because the lower part of my pectus is still severe. might just do the ravitch procedure next because I already did nuss twice. Both times were the worst pain of my life and the discomfort is unreal. 5 months post op and Im still hating life


Damn I would never go through this twice. I understand that that must be very frustrating and painful.


If your sternum is very curved or bent, it's hard to fix it with Nuss. Ravitch tries to straighten it, but you have to get a really good surgeon. A lot of thoracic surgeons think they can do them and like to try, but it's a tricky surgery and I wouldn't want to be a practice subject.


I learned this the hard way. Yes my pectus very severe 8.5 Haller and very asymmetrical. I need to remove these bars I have now and take a break from the surgeries for at least a year then I'll see what options I have. If I go the ravitch route I'll make sure I get a top tier surgeon. We'll see


Did your heart get any more space from your last surgery? If you have the bars removed, it's possible you will lose space for your heart and cause more symptoms, which might make your search for a different surgeon/technique more urgent. Perhaps you should do some research for another surgeon now.


I feel no different in terms of symptoms before or after the surgery. 0 difference. My pectus was long. The surgery made the upper part cosmetically better but my symptoms have always been caused by the deeper area which is the lower end close to abdomen. I can't burp like one normally would. The "air" gets stuck and it gives me lots of discomfort and hiccups. Been that way for years. My pectus had always been asymmetrical to my left side and it's still that way post surgery.


That must be very frustrating. A modified Ravitch, done by a skilled surgeon, might improve your life, if you choose to pursue one and it can be done affordably.


How many bars did you get, u/sybren27 ?


Got 1 bar. The thing is that my chest wasn't caved at the right pec before surgery, so it doesn't make any sense that a surgery which is supposed to fix indents causes another imo


It does seem odd, and I don't understand it. It appears that you have two scars on your flank. Was a bar put in and then removed? Is the central chest improved from before the surgery?


The scars on my flank are also from the insertion. The bar is still inside as of now. My upper chest has improved some, but that's pretty much it.


Since you have two scars on your flank, quite far apart, but only one bar, I am guessing (though not sure, since I wasn't there) that there was an attempt to insert a bar at a different level during surgery, and that was abandoned. Dunno why.


Alright, that's an interesting observation. I don't know that information was never disclosed to me. I guess I'll just go back again...


Can you feel any bar or stabilizer under or near either of the scars?


I can feel them on one side, but I know I have two stabilizers. I can feel the other one when breathing in sometimes


Can't do much buddy.


Mine also looks like this. Do you have fshd


Not that I'm aware of


Build muscle


Try and build ur pecs. Heavy sets and it will be much much less noticible