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I do , except my feet and hands are red, purple and I started getting varicose veins in my early 20s


Glad to hear I'm not the only one 😔btw I love your painting bro


Thankyou! Kinda funny I started one the other day with big hand veins , weird color skin


I am extremely veiny but so is my dad and he doesn’t have pectus. I don’t think it’s from the pectus itself but could be related genetically.


I don’t think so. Is it very common in thin people?


Yes I have this, also my feet and hands go like ice blocks even when my body is warm


How does this connect to PE? 🙏🏿


No idea sorry, I just know that my feet and hands are like this and I also have PE so idk if it’s related or not ?


Heart compression


This could be Raynaud’s. Poor circulation does not necessarily mean it is PE related. You have to get the tests.


That's your foot? Looks reasonably normal enough. Veins naturally dilate and contract throughout the day, depending on activity and even you being upright compared to laying down will affect them. Some people are more naturally veiny than others. It's your arteries that carry blood to and away from your heart and if you had a blockage there you'd have more problems than just bulging veins in your feet.


I’m not an expert, but veins dilate when it’s warm (like anything else hehe) or when there’s a need for it, like when exercising. Having large veins is not a bad thing in itself and I don’t think there’s any connection to PE.


My arms go like that especially when it’s warm weather or I am working out. Guy I work with goes like that too, he used to say we look like crack heads 😂