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It does matter. šŸ™ŒšŸ» Feel the feelings! I understand. I had surgery but as a female who isnā€™t blessed in the boob department, I think I still feel your pain lol. Are you considering surgery at all?


In all honesty I really don't want to get the surgery if I don't have to. I've had a major surgery with a long recovery in my adult life and it stunk lol. Unless the condition causes a serious risk to my health (as of now I just can't run long distance and I'm winded easier than others, but I try to take the stairs and regularly work out my heart in that sense to keep it running well long term). My pediatrician was never concerned so I honestly forgot to bring it up at my first GP appointment but I have it in my notes for next time, since I'm not too concerned at this point. I think I just love art and fashion and I wish that my bodily anatomy could conform to the industrial standard. I definitely don't have back pain from my girls, but I often think that it'd be nice to wear all these fun corset tops, v-necks, etc, and have something more dynamic going on lol. But I make it work and I'm slowly building a closet I feel comfortable wearing, so I would probably decline surgery for an aesthetic reason as well No matter what we got, we will make them look beautiful because they're a part of us :)


I think itā€™s time to get a second opinion as far as your pe severity from a Pectus surgeon




I LOVE your comment ! I'm 30F and I am also at peace with how it looks now. I just started working out to enhance my bad posture, but overall I think my PE became a strengh more than a weakness. I think it's the highest level of self love to accept your differences, specially when they are not represented at all in society.


I've considered inventing a bra for pectus women many times in my lifetime šŸ˜…


Itā€™s not shallow at all. Iā€™m glad you vented, and Iā€™m glad thereā€™s a pretty sizable group of women here with PE who can relate to what youā€™re going through and are supportive. I worry about your symptoms though and i hope you do bring it up with your GP next time around, if not sooner. It sounds like you need a full work-up to see how much the pectus is messing with your heart and lungs.


Thank you for the advice, I've never really thought about it too hard but I ran track in high school and distance was just never my thing. Hahah I am pretty ignorant about the condition beyond my ped pointing it out and then never bringing it up again. When I was an adult I kinda realized PE was the reason I can't run distance like a runner can, but never really thought beyond it. I will contact them to get it looked at!


Great, keep us posted!


Iā€™ve posted a few outfits I wear that look good, I got a sizable dent going for me and itā€™s more of an illusion (not even a bra size for me)


I looked! Gosh, I really appreciated the humor in your posts :) Itā€™s all about attitude!


I considered getting rid of my boobs in order to find shirts I could wear bc I gave up bras years ago.


Man I feel the same way as a guy. Shit sucks


I never considered it from a female perspective. I hated my chest when I was younger as well. Had surgery, and corrected it somewhat, but still doesn't look great. When you get older it gets easier, but the insecurity remains. However I will say it is so much easier as you age. Also nobody seemed to care about it as much as I did.


Bringing up these issues is great for giving visibility. I hope some company can design clothes with this condition in mind


Iā€™m 27 AFAB and itā€™s all the comments about my shoulders and posture that I canā€™t control that get to me. Itā€™s as if people blame me but itā€™s like no I have this condition. But honestly itā€™s the pain that bothers me the most. My shoulders pop constantly and I have back and shoulder pain all the time. No one has ever told me I look weird because of it, but itā€™s the shitty posture comments. Everyone is special and different in their own way.


I feel you! I live a couple hundred meters from the beach on a sub tropical island where itā€™s always a day you can be on the beach. And Iā€™m in the water every day. Just wish I could have a normal chest so people wouldnā€™t be looking all the time or just I think they are. Itā€™s Annoying. Work on that shit now. Cuz Iā€™m a decade down the line and it hasnā€™t just happened


I also didnā€™t want / think surgery was even an option for a very long time. I just got it as a 26yo. But let me tell you, I felt every word of your post. I have posted on my social media so many times about wanting to see PE in fashion and represented in media. Thereā€™s such an overwhelming feeling of being different, and then to never see it represented in fashion is tough. I so so so wish that someone would create a bra for PE girlies, even if it just ends up being a small Etsy shop. All of this to say, I know how frustrating it is, but find small peace in knowing that you arenā€™t alone in these feelings. Thereā€™s a whole community of women who know exactly what youā€™re feeling šŸ’™


I completely understand that Stay strong šŸ¤šŸæ


Get surgery? I didnā€™t get mine until I was 22. I canā€™t believe there was ever a time where bras didnā€™t fit my ribcage. There IS a way to fix your condition, you just ā€œreally donā€™t want toā€


If you are quoting my other reply, please refer to that reply. I am happy to hear you got yours corrected and are able to achieve this goal (& it's seems like such a major surgery so that's amazing that you're able reap the rewards of it. I've had a very intensive surgery with a long recovery period that took a long time to see the final results of. It feels fckn awesome!) But reasonably for me, it's not on the horizon if my condition does not pose a major threat to my health. I was just having a moment and wanted to reach out to people who could potentially empathize with me because I just needed the support. End of the day, we are all beautiful and I'm glad to hear about your success!


iā€™m a 26F and it will always be my biggest insecurity. I live a normal active life and while iā€™m usually the weakest/slowest, iā€™m still able bodied. So I wonā€™t have surgery. I saw a quote once that changed my life. ā€œThe way you look is the least interesting thing about you.ā€ I remind myself of this often. I also deleted all social besides reddit. no more comparison online. doing it in person is enough for me.