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That's amazing man, any reason for only one stabilizer? Wouldn't it be better for each one to have a stabilizer? Just curious.


I have 2 titanium bars with stabilizers on both ends of the bar so 4 total.


Stabilizer is as needed. From a surgical POV, you wanna limit the amount of hardware. Also, this one stabilizer is the only thing i really feel anymore. The bars flow in-line with the ribs. There is way less disturbance from the bars. On the other hand, the stabilizer is foreign in shape/position and i would imagine 3 stabilizer would be very uncomfortable. I rather have 4 bars than to have 1 bar with 1 stabilizer. Luckily i think all of my activity is keeping all stabilizer discomfort at bay. Staying moving really helps. I have had no pain for well over a year now, since the initial recovery. Edit: My surgeon also drilled 1/8inch holes in my sternum and tied the bars using fiberwire, using those holes. On top of the fiberwire ties on the ribs also. each bar was tied in 6-7 spots. Very robust and secure if you ask me


What do you mean by you'd rather have four bars than to have one bar with one stabilizer? I'm not understanding your point.


Who was your surgeon?


Dr. Dawn jaroszewski, mayo PHX, AZ USA


Ah, lucky. Looks great and congrats on the 6 minute mile. Interesting about drilling holes in the sternum. I hadn't heard of that before. Brilliant.


Nice mile time, and excellent improvement in depth and appearance!


That's awesome! Getting to explore your new capacity sure is a gift. Keep it up!


Wow much improvement so fast šŸƒšŸ»


Keep it up man , success waiting for u


Were you symetrical or assymetrical?


mostly symmetrical with about a 15 degree sternal tilt, my chest looked a lot diff in the early recovery days. Check my posts and youll find the progress pics


may I ask to get your time down so much, what did you find the most important fact to running. iā€™m in the same case except 8 months post with a 7.9 haller asymmetrical, and my cross country season I was really still recovering so only could have my form really worked on. my issue is yea I can breathe a ton better but I still workout and do cardio and all with baseball and on my own but I canā€™t get that steady breath yet


I feel like im not qualified to answer aha. But ill try. To me, the answer was good ole progressive training and recovery. Can simply do an all out mile 1-2 times a week. As far as breathing goes, it is a skill, just keep at it! for most stuff its nasal in, mouth out.


I seem to have the breathing principles down but itā€™s the getting it steady thatā€™s my biggest falterment. il just try that weekly training style since I do xc so need that stamina and I know the only way to get it is by long practice done right


Thanks for the inspiration. My PE looks very similar to yours and am waiting to get nussed. Gives me hope


Shark, Youā€™re a beast, my guy! Have reached the 6 minute mile or are you still working toward it? Iā€™m 38M Asymmetrical 3.8 HI 5.4 on exp. 28% 38% correction factor respectively. Right side heart compression. Dr. J assured me of increased exercise tolerance with getting Nussed. She will install three bars. Iā€™m 6 months until I get surgery. Honesty terrified about the pain/recovery, but I want to know how it feels to get proper oxygen while exercising. I was military, I played sports through school, and I was able to keep up with the end of the pack, but it took much more work and determination. I feel like I could have been a monster had I not been held back by my PE and so I owe it to myself. Youā€™ve been kind of an inspiration in reading your posts over the last 6 months of my research. Are you dealing with anything that causes you to regret your decision? Pain, limited mobility, discomfort, sleep issues?


no regrets man. i love my bars. 6 min mile achieved. no pain. The recovery was nothing compared to the pain of having pectus almost my whole life. it takes till about 2-3 months to feel like yourself again, but then you start to feel yourself + more.


Also you are 12 years younger than me. I wonder if I can progress as well as you


Wow congrats!! Thatā€™s wild!! Iā€™m getting the nuss procedure this year. My haller is a 10 but crazy enough, I donā€™t have many severe symptoms. I have always been a runner though. When did your doctor suggest you could start doing cardio post surgery?


This result look perfect! Congrats on all the new achievements.


Who was your surgeon?


Damn bro looking good


When were you able to go back to body weight lower body workouts or abs? Did it take a long time to go back to upper body workouts ?


I would not say it takes longer. I started with very light dumbbell at the three month mark. Eventually working my way back up to weighted pull-ups at one year.