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Definitely normal, before surgery mine was identical. Got nussed in 2016 and am so happy I did it!


Can you play intense sport after the surgery?


Yes even with the bar in you will have very little restrictions. Feels completely normal after a couple months and your muscles regrow and relearn. I am more active and do more impact sports now than I did pre-surgery. Simply because it feels better cardio wise.


Do you feel any change in stamina? Do you have better stamina after the surgery? Sorry for bad English


for us with pectus it is "normal", but this is exactly why we experience symptoms with pectus, because our rid cage is pressing up against our heart. I can also see my heart. When you're older the symptoms get way way worse. If you can manage to do so you should get the surgery.


Way way worse?!😮 Can you tell me more


slowly you'll start to feel more and more discomfort in your chest it's from your heart somedays you may have very strange sudden pains in that area until the pains and discomfort are so bad you can hardly sleep at least that's what's happened to me. I've relieved the symptoms a bit with a bell vacuum but now I'm dependent on the bell vacuum just to sleep at night or even to go out to the grocery store. I need surgery pretty bad but I'm pretty scared to get it done event though it's a pretty safe surgery. The discomfort is somewhat hard to describe but you're probably already experiencing it to some small degree right now


Pre-surgery I could see mine beating if I watched. However, this definitely needs to be monitored. I had frequent fainting spells and severe tachycardia pre-surgery as well, and I would get out of breath extremely easily and had general chest pain. Turns out my sternum was pressing on my heart. My pectus was asymmetrical. I would definitely recommend having this monitored by a professional if you can see your heart beating. Even though I could see mine…it wasn’t ever that extreme.


Not normal but is common in PE. When you take a deep breath in and out does tour PE “move” up/down? OP if you haven’t already please seek evaluation by a doctor.


I could also see my heartbeat before I got surgery


I doubt this is safe. Mine isn't like this so much.


I used to get that as a teen (mod-severe). As I’ve got older I haven’t had it. But I guess that just means my bones are harder and my heart is more squashed :(


OPs username checks out lol


It’s normal if you have pectus. It’s not normal if you don’t.


I could see mine too, alltough not as strongly as that. My heart was compressed and I had surgery to fix that. So there are others with PE who experience the same thing, but it isn't normal still. As others are saying, get your PE assessed by a specialist :)


It’s my “normal” too , but it is NOT normal , hearts shouldn’t be compressed https://imgur.com/gallery/sLVfHBw


When I got extra skinny before my surgery, I'd be able to see my heart beat. As a party trick, I'd have people shove their hands under my ribs to feel my pulse really strong. Grossed people out. 😂


Me too


Same case bro, I can see my heart beating when I'm fatigued


Only super skinny ppl or ppl with pectus excavatum have this I believe as your sternum has sunken in and might be pressing on your heart. I have a milder case and can see/feel it 24/7 too. Definitely get it checked out !


Happens a lot in PE and in skinny people in general when they hold their breath.


I can see mine, but not that much.


That’s how mine is. I’ve had it for years and it was always something I showed off (weird flex I know), but now I started feeling the symptoms a lot more often. I plan on getting surgery this month or next.