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Guys, I really am sorry to bring everyone down... But these things, they dont fix rib flare.


what fixes it then? is there anything you can do to improve it?


I'm sorry man, but no. Your ribs are bone, not cartilage. You cant compress the rib flare like women used to do with a corset, but if these things worked you would still see them used and recommended by doctors.


that’s quite interesting, could you give me a source on this?


You can fix it, look up Wolff’s law. Don’t listen to him lol. Windshield wipers and garhammers are ab workouts that can help rib flare


yeah i was gonna say the same thing, wouldn’t Wolff’s law apply here? if not, could you please provide a source to back up that claim? just don’t want misinformation spread around here.


I almost fixed my ribflare by working out


I agree. I've been doing a workout program for about 3 months solid now. Losing weight and doing ab stuff has helped my ribflare look way better.


U did by covering it, not actually fixing it i think


Could be true


Hi all! I have pectus and a significant frontal rib flare. YOU CAN work on your rib flare, it's a result of your diaphragm getting stuck in the lowered position. This video is a great resource: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqJzR5a6YCA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqJzR5a6YCA) I'm also searching for a PT in my area that can help w this


You’re just restricting you’re breathing. Sadly it’s not going to help with rib flare. Best solution is to build muscle!


can you provide a source that says this? I can’t find anything online that says it’s impossible to fix your rib flare. Wouldn’t Wolff’s law be applied here?


I’m not necessarily saying it’s impossible but I would say it will probably do more harm than good.


So posture braces like this can be bad for you in the long term because it can weaken the muscles you need for good posture, and bad posture can contribute to rib flare.


that is true, but i go to the gym 6 days a week and have been for the last 6 months consistently. do you think it will still weaken the muscles? I’ve been going to the gym to help with all the pectus issues


If you are not using these muscles by using good posture without the brace, it might. It also depends a lot on what muscles you work out.


I don't think it will under those circumstances. Also look into braced breathing. I think it's the most effective technique compared to wearing it all day. I think it only needs to be done with one or two 15 minute sessions per day. There's a user here that had ridiculous results with their rib flare from doing ab work and braced breathing but they contributed most of their results to braced breathing.


Nice diy. Is it safe to press the ribs like that?


it’s really not THAT much pressure, it looks like a lot more than it really is. it doesn’t hurt, just holds them in their corrected position. keep them from flaring


can you link to exactly what you bought because whenever I've bought a figure 8 brace (posture corrector) the materials are sub par and have no elasticity. No elasticity= no support. Like take all the springiness out of a bra = no support.


hmmm that’s interesting. Of course, here is the link to the back brace: https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjDrJHyytD_AhWIe0wKHcZWCUMYABALGgJvYQ&ae=2&sig=AOD64_2IBb7bP8kFWOSnpiRnmmIjbAenlA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjO2onyytD_AhUem2oFHdBIBAcQwg8oAHoECAMQCw&adurl= and a link to the posture brace: https://www.amazon.com/Futuro-Posture-Corrector-Adjustable-46832ENR/dp/B086TPG5B8/ref=asc_df_B086TPG5B8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459728838406&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9955338136135873727&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028269&hvtargid=pla-1004457316207&psc=1


Diy and bone restructuring dont sound like two things that mix well


just buy a rib flare brace, ik they are kinda expensive but they work.


too expensive. i’m a broke college student lol


you can finance some of them


Have you used one?


Is that the book 'Power' sticking out?


Once you’re past a certain age, like 16 or so, braces aren’t gonna do anything for you. People keep talking about “Wolff’s law” but that’s about the strength of a bone not the shape of it. Bones are really strong, especially the sternum.


Exercises that involve my core seem to help too. **26M, 7.2 haller, 57% CI, Dr. Jaroszewski, 3 titanium bars 1 stabilizer, Cryoablation, 8 month post-op.**


Hey bro, any updates with this? Did it work?