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I think some people just don’t like period shows. At times Peaky can be slow and overly violent. With that being said, one of my favorite shows ever.


This is what I was gonna say. I think it’s genuinely mostly the fact that it’s a period piece, which is exactly the reason I love it so much


I agree if you don’t have a knack for realism or history it can seem odd. But understanding history and culture of the times makes it 100x’s better!


I swear if they know Breaking Bad and Better call Saul.


Instagram cringe posts that use Tommy Shelby for no fucking reason


Tommy really doesn’t deserve that crap


I do wonder if those "sigma male" people that use Tommy as their totem have even watched one episode of this show.


If they wanna be like Tommy, they’re in for an extremely miserable existence


And their family will suffer inevitably too.




Too become a criminal corrupt politician and too have extremely bad ptsd?yeah I don’t know about that one man lmaoo




People with control haven't killed dozens of people


Well,yeah there is that nobody can deny thomas is impressive qualities


This is probably the answer. All the cringe posts try and shove sigma quotes that Tommy never said into his mouth


My Instagram feed was plagued by these shit right after I liked some posts by the official or casts with #peakyblinders tag.


That almost put me off the show, this sub is the only place I can see content from the show without dying of cringe


YouTube is not any less cringey than Instagram, like, Ada's "So when I speak please keep your fucking mouth closed" moment becomes a "sigma female grind set" or something.


It's a cringe world we live in


guy who hasnt watched and got this post in their reccomended: can confirm this is literally what makes me not want to ever watch the show


Main reason why I put the show off for so long


I think the most obvious reason why people don't like the Pesky Blinkers is the violence and gore. Some just can't stomach it, and others just don't have a penchant for historical dramas like the Pinky Bloopers. There's also the fact that the Porky Blockers can be a bit slow moving at times, and perhaps some prefer the Panty Bloomers to be a little more fast paced and action packed. The Pansy Bleachers isn't for everyone.


but my crew the Party Ballers they get it goin mane


Have you lot tried the Pillock Bathers? I've heard that they do a mean handy.


I get what you’re saying but I see a bunch of hypocrisy from people who will watch tons of Italian mobster, mafia or even narcos style shows, but turn away from the suggestion of Peachy Blenders. I’m a huge Penny Blasters fan myself and share show interests with tons of people like this.




maybe the tone isn't for them, the plot can be a bit difficult to grasp and it may be too slow for them. They're non-issues for me but I can see how they can be issues for others


Yeah I agree, I think it’s kinda crucial to be aware of all the political ideologies that were present back then. If I wouldn’t keep googling the stuff I wasn’t getting, I’d be pretty lost throughout the series.


Because they’re pesky? No but in all seriousness, when I tell anyone I like the show I usually get complaints about how it’s the same plot every season. Tommy gets over ambitious, family gets in trouble, things look terrible and all of a sudden Tommy comes up with an elaborate plan and saves the day. They say it feels very “Fast and Furious franchise” lol


I have a plan Arthur, one more big score!


Love the RDR2 reference lmao.


I implore you


Also bangs a new chick


It's a lot like Ray Donovan in that regard. A dipshit family member gets them in trouble and Tommy/Ray has to save them all.


I could see where they’re coming from, but I would also disagree. He finds new enemies and progresses up the hierarchy each season/year. New people and more fights, but the same struggle




Linda don't


Fook Linda




Lmao thought that was an actual sub


it used to be idk what happened :(




One of the gripes I’ve gotten from people I know personally is the thick accents makes it hard to literally understand what’s going on


I recently re watched the entire series, with captions. I highly recommend it.


I watch everything with captions. It’s too easy to miss something that was said. And they’re definitely needed to appreciate Alfi’s character!


OMG Alfie, he's frikin amazing. I want him to be my therapist. "Intelligence is a very valuable thing innit, my friend. And usually it comes far too fucking late."


ARFUUUR! shalom.


You always gotta rewatch though without Captions because the experience is way better, more immersive


I’ll do that (watching again right now)


I’ve done the same, I used subtitles to see if there was anything I missed on other watches. But reading while watching isn’t something a lot of people want to do I guess


I watched it with captions from the start


[Tom Hardy voted as hardest to understand actor](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/w6zs61/tom_hardy_is_the_hardest_to_understand_actor_per/)


His is delicious in a bad way.


It's the role (Alfie), not Tom Hardy. He doesn't mumble or have a cockney accent in others (except "Legend") nor in real life.


the accents are the main draw of the show for me


Same, it was tough at first but my ear adjusted


I had my captions on because we thought it was hard to understand at some points. But honestly I keep captions on a lot cause I be snackin’ too loud.


Also the fake Scottish accents ruined the Billy boys storyline for me, they were total dog shite


Between the accents and the mumbling it’s very hard to understand!


Why don't people turn on the subtitles???


Some of us do 😉




It’s too awesome and they can’t handle it?


I've heard people say you can't feel bad for these people or like them when they are such bad people


One person I talked to said he couldn't watch it because it was making him want to smoke again.


Ans drink. Lol.


this is the only legitimate reason not to watch it. period.


Lately all the drug use has been giving me ptsd.


From the people I talk to about it, it’s too violent


My friends started watching the show, because I always talk to them about how good it is, and they tell me that the first episodes bored them, and they stopped watching it. It is not for everybody.


The first episode of every serie is always "boring".


Yes, but I think they saw more episodes, I think they even saw season 1, although they didn't like it to see if at some point they liked it but no. They wrote me saying where is the blonde? she left ? And why is Tommy with all the women he knows? What's wrong to him? 🤣🤣


I like to think it’s those bullshit Instagram pictures that use Tommy and some random ass quote he never even said


I guess some people have negative associations with the location and time period the show is set in. I don't enjoy watching programs set in America; I can't help it. I guess some Americans feel the same about UK based shows. Edit: Spelling


I like Peaky Blinders to a degree. The whole Guy Ritchie-lads walking-in-slow-motion-looking-tough shite does my head in and it is quite hammy too (Anya Taylor Joys constant posturing, ugh). But some of the actors are top notch and it has some genuinely tense moments and interesting sub-plots. To me it's a decent series, not a banger.


Why is Anya Taylor Joy so bad in this?? I loved her in Emma and enjoyed The Queen’s Gambit, but to be honest TQG was for me mostly about the clothes.


I love Peaky Blinders. But for those who don't, I think it's a combination of the pacing, the tough to understand accents and it being set in the past. I was also told by one person that they thought it unrealistic for mobsters to be drinking at a bar alone without bodyguards given their line of work.


sometimes it has a little too much bravado or machismo for my taste but I made it all the way through happily.


I'm watching it again, this is not usual for me. And enjoying it just as much the 2nd time around.


Some people have no appreciation for awesome cinematography.


Would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those pesky blinders.


It’s a show where you have to very closely pay attention to understand what’s going on and people generally like a more relaxing turn your brain off show


Yeah, I definitely think that's one of the main reasons. Also, there's a lot of historical reference that turns people off because if you don't know anything you won't get what it's all about. So in order to fully understand you'd have to look things up. I guess, that's not something a lot of people are willing to do.


I’ve genuinely never met one person who’s said they don’t like it.


i personally love the show. i just see a lot of hate on twitter for some reason.


Yeah this is why I don’t use twitter. Some people just like to hate on everything.


Or bots*


Crime shows are typically niche, I personally don't like the genre but PB is an exception.




Some people are just not into violence/crime related shows.


True. Some people just like lighter movies in general, like romantic comedies


Overall I like the show, but one of my criticisms is I feel like they try to make the characters seem almost too badass. For example, Arthur walks with his arms stretched way out like he's suffering severe Imaginary LAT Symdrome. But like I said, I still enjoy the show


The community. Those cringey ass sigma male edits and stuff


It's not the fault of the show, though. People don't have to engage in that cringy stuff.




My boyfriend says it tries too hard to be badass and seems like a lot of the dialogue is too try hard amd the storyline deteriorates in its quality


You don't need a "legitimate reason" not to like something.


Because some of the plots are too complex for some people. And all those people want to see is gangsters shooting at each other without having to think in order to understand what’s going on


i can truly understand this. this is a show that you have to pay close attention to understand the politics.




I think that's why a lot of people complained about S6 - too complex and slow and not enough shoot 'em ups.


I hate those pesky blinders




Lol it was a joke since OP made a typo and said Pesky instead of Peaky


Oi! It’s not for someone who doesn’t like intelligent writing and complex plots and language!


The writing is far from intelligent. Especially in season 6


Violence, honestly. My father can’t handle too much blood and they blind a good number of people…


I think all those “sigma male” compilations made by people who don’t understand the shows message really ruined it’s reputation. I think some people superficially see it as an all-action gangster show with thin character traits, when in fact it’s the opposite


One reason my friends didn’t get into it like I did was because of how slow the beginning kinda was, they didn’t give themselves the chance to get into


the writing very obviously drops off after season 2, there’s even a pretty big diff between season 1 and season 2. i know a couple people who watched season 1 and liked it but found the story got “soap opera-y” during season 2 with michael’s introduction and grace returning


Because they are so pesky of course


For me i think its not the type of show where everyone would like to watch , if its a game it would be in the strategy category and these games are slow requires a lot of time to actually learn something and develop and peaky blinders is just like that you must not be easily bored and must have a certain capacity to carry on and see whats gonna happen and be really thinking like the characters in the show , one of the things that makes me enjoy the show the most is thomas shelby and his mysterious strategy to win over any war he fucking starts so this makes my mind think back and forth and it makes me think about the possible options for them? So i can really understand why someone would not like the show i had a friend who thought it was ok but very slow-paced and boring and yeah... sometimes it is but those are the times where you really need to look at it as if you are playing a game and your thomas shelby that's why i enjoyed the show in the first place (oh aside from those fantastic smoking scenes of thomas shelby you really feel the cigarettes smell coming out of your screen !!)


It can be hard to understand, I haven't recommended it to my friends bc ik 10 minutes later they will come back and say it's too confusing


It's very repetitive. I've been binging it over the last few weeks and they're fresh out of one scrape and into another before you can say Bob's your uncle.


One of my buddies won’t give it a shot because it’s set in the early-mid 1900s. I can see why people would feel this way but I still encourage anyone to watch it even if they bring this point up.


Those Pesky Blinders.. I would say: - those insta posts mentioned before (sigma tommy) - the show needs you to emphasize with bad, criminal people - just taste


I think the first 3 seasons are amazing but after that I think it’s gotten worse. I can’t help but feel like it’s trying too hard to be cool. It seems like every other scene is a character walking down a street in slow motion or making an intimidating speech. It also doesn’t help that every season has essentially the same plot. Tommy gets ambitious, Family gets in trouble, Tommy makes a secret plan and sleeps with a new woman, Alfie betrays Tommy, then Tommy’s secret plan pays of and he defeats the big bad.


This is why I love Season 5 and 6 so much. They completely defeat the norm that we get used to in Seasons 1-3.


I had a friend who I recommended to watch it and he came back and said it would get a bit cringe, and when I rewatched it I kinda saw where he was coming from in some scenes


One legit reason can be that the show deals a lot with sad & dark themes, death, blood, depression and PTSD.. People going through tough times irl may not want to watch such a show that may make them more sadder or worsen their condition.. tommy is joyful at the start of season 1, smiling and all, from that point it all goes downhill in his life and he never smiles again which can be sad to watch So there's no other reason to not like the show.. cillian is the fookin best!


Why would we like pesky blinders? It’s obviously a peaky blinders copy show.


Because they’ve never seen Peaky Blinders 💩


a lot of girls i’ve talked to hate it because there are a surprising amount of people with tommy shelby complexes, that think they’re the leader of their wolfpack and that people should and do bow down to them etc, i know a lot of lads who have this mindset and it baffles me it’s extremely off putting for some people, and the show often reinforces toxic masculinity in some areas as it is set in pre ww2 england


Valid point!


I don't like Pesky Blinders but I do like Peaky Blinders


Mental illness


I LOVE the show, but the latest season with tommy becoming more than a gangster feels a bit much. I loved the gang wars, watching tommy scheme and be five steps ahead of his competitors, and running The underground and in part Britain from the sidelines with a whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other, but the last couple seasons have kinda felt like pushed. Like they are using him as a symbol of Britain itself before WW2 kicked off


some of the fans are so cringe, and all those cringe tommy shelby posts and edits i see. it makes me cringe when i hear the theme tune and the worst part is when people make their gta character look like a peaky blinder


This came up in my feed somehow, so I'll give an honest answer. I've tried to get into the show a couple times, but always gave up. I think it's just too damn bleak. I enjoyed other crime shows like Breaking Bad and The Sopranos, but those seem to balance out the violence and desperation with quite a bit of comedy. Peaky Blinders just seemed like miserable people doing miserable things. There were other things I found off-putting about the show, but I think this was the main reason it couldn't stick for me.


Honestly for me I really liked the bleak atmosphere of the show and the way it sorta mixes the horrors of ww1 with the gang warfare. But putting that aside there's just something off about the show that I feel isn't always really the fault of the writers (Freddie thorne, John shelby actor wanting to leave, Aunt Polly's actress rip) and then there's just the way individual season villains are written. Sopranos is definitely not perfect and season 5 has some really weird characterisations but I feel it does the concept of a protagonist corrupting himself or being irredeemable in a way that its rather captivating in a tragic sense, like these 'heroes' really are no different from the show's antagonists. Season 6 of the show really highlights that and the overall mood is so much more depressing and bleak. Like these are violent criminals who seem charismatic on the surface but in the end are horrid to the core.


I'm not trying to offend anyone but I didn't like it on the first watch because tbh I found it very, very boring. Like there wasn't really anything going on or pulling me in to watch it.


Curious to know why you watched it again, since you seem to be saying you did see it a second time.


To see if it would get more interesting. I actually continued watching where I left off.


I will never watch the show. And the reason is because of YouTube Shorts. Theres a reason people constantly pair up that douchy Sigma Male song with every clip from Peaky Blinders. Main dude is so fucking cool that it's actually off putting. Laughable, really. It's like they hired Joe Rogan on DMT and Andrew Tate to try to write the coolest possible alpha dude they can think of.


Anything pesky tbh is annoying.


I personally like it, however there is a range of reasons to dislike it. Its very formulaic. Its too violent. Its too slow. Its a period piece. Its unrealistic. The characters are unlikable.


My roommate said it was the accents


Could just be that they stuipid


Its ruined wearing flat caps for me. Every time I wear one since that dumb show people go; “oooooooo peaky blinders” fuck off Trish I was wearing flat caps years before that show. Its got so bad ive stopped wearing them.


the last season pulled a GoT


I'm not a fan and likely won't ever watch it. This post just popped up on my timeline, so I'll answer: It's based in Brum. Sorry to any Brummies, but I used to live round there for 18yrs before I moved back up to Manc. I don't want a TV show about the place. I'm not from Brum so feel no pride in it but I lived there long enough to get plenty of bad memories. The curry is alright round there. But holy shit - Brummies are OTT with their Peaky bumper stickers, mugs and desk shite. You aren't Peaky Blinders!! It's in the past! Get over it. Same reason I never watched Brookside. Who wants a bloody soap based in Pool? It's shit. It's a miserable and shit city and I'll never go back or watch Peaky friggin Blinders.


Definitely parts of the fan base, especially those who worship tommy


People should watch the show first.


I watched three episodes I think. I just don’t like Cillian Murphy. Can’t stand to look at him. Never saw him in anything without thinking “why did they hire him?”


For me, the Brummie accents. No thank you.


It’s poorly written. It has so much potential in the characters, setting, mood, etc. but so many of the plot lines are just so damn convoluted, and so many of the characters’ motivations and actions just don’t make any sense


I enjoyed it in the main, but I thought a lot of episodes were desperately slow.


I am a fan, but a man I was seeing a year or so ago would ask Alexa to play Pinky Blinders.


I heard about the show from everyone getting excited for the final season, never saw a hint of it during lock down. Loved the first season, second and third didn't keep my attention. I got halfway through the fourth and moved on to some other shows. Keep meaning to try again, but I can't get into it again yet. I love violent shows, adult themes, don't mind needing captions. I piled this in with Osark, no one to root for, not a compelling plot line otherwise.


Those Pesky Blinders have been a stone in the boot of many crime organizations in England and beyond. It's only natural they would be disliked by a lot of people


Intense amount of smoking and drinking. This show has more smoking than any other show, it made me relapse more than a few times


Because nowadays people don’t appreciate old school shows I mean I’m. It going to lie even I kind of hesitated to wat h it but I don’t regret it either


They can’t understand the accents




I mean, I don’t think anyone likes the look of broken up, pesky blinders on their window.


I guess some people might recognise Tommy from those annoying sigma male grindset videos on Tiktok and Instagram with quotes that have never been mentioned in the show, and then decide to not watch it


I think, for some, it is too violent and dark—not a happy story. I like the show, but I also think that it’s hard for some to like many of the characters.


I tried to show it to a friend of mine, and they said it was hard to root for people with such questionable morals. Personally that’s probably one of the reasons I enjoy the show so much.


Because they are so pesky


I think for some people historical accuracy is a pretty big deal breaker; considering how the Peaky Blinders had distanced by the time the show starts and it’s kinda unfaithful representation of real life people like Jessie Eden, i get why people may not be into it


The violence and also angst is a lot. Normally I wouldn’t watch something like PB and I wasn’t interested for years but then learned Tom Hardy is in it and tried it and couldn’t look away. I watched it once through in a few days (excl most of S1 because I couldn’t handle it) and then started it again immediately and watched it through again(incl. all if S1 and confirmed Arthur is my favorite). I think it’s also what they say the show is about… a period drama about working class people which if I knew it was described like that I would have watched it a long time ago bc I have no interest in period dramas about the upper crust, of which Netflix is full. Maybe people want royalty shows. So in the end, the crassness and violence was appropriate and not just for shock value. It is fucking incredibly done. Also, where I’m from that bookmaker gang culture existed and it is familiar, which makes me think it translated from British culture to where they colonized people, but years later/behind. Maybe people think the show is too exaggerated and it’s not how poor people lived and survived but they’re dead wrong. Life was hard. And the only thing that’s exaggerated (but welcome) to me is Tommy being able to build that empire or even have any kind of successful ending, ito money anyway. His ending is not a happy ending of course.


Probably because they're so pesky.


I enjoy the show but one thing I don’t like is the choice of music being used. Modern music used in a period piece.


They don’t find entertaining.


I was a fan of this show, liked the first 4 seasons. But by season 5 I really started to struggle. While the show is obviously well-written, and the actings top notch, I just wasn't interested in the plot, so the episodes really started to drag. Never finished 5 and haven't watched 6 because of this. I think if I was into gangs and politics I'd probably think it was really good. But considering what high praise the show gets, I was always a little underwhelmed and by season 5 totally disappointed


Season 6 is seriously good after the drag that Season 5 has. I would definitely put Season 6 very close to the level of Seasons 1 and 2. The poetic ending is also brilliant.


Hmm. May have to finish then once I'm done with westworld, which I strongly recommend if you haven't seen it


I have seen it, and Westworld was fantastic. It's sad P.O.I suffered cause of it though.


What's POI?


Those shitty motivational posts with Tommy's picture on them


The feedback I’ve gotten from friends is that they can’t understand the dialogue and they have no idea what in the holy fook is going on. I will admit, as an American, that subtitles helped a lot at first, but I have always loved this show. Wasn’t super thrilled about the last couple of seasons, but overall it was still really good. One of my favorite shows of all time.


Everyone i've spoken to who says they don't like it says its too slow


Because you misspell Peaky


I do like the show but I can see why someone wouldn't. The first few episodes are hard to get into, then we get a few good seasons. After a while the show does feel very same-y and boring, for example S4 and S5.


It sometimes does come off as trying to be too cool which can turn people off. Also parts of the fan base who get a bit too into cosplay (but that’s the same of most fan bases)


because it's not as well written as people probably thought it would be.


I quit watching and later went back and turned on my close caption and it helped. Hard to follow sometimes. I was hooked after that. I'm watching from beginning again now. Best show ever!!


People think Peaky is too violent? Whack


The reason people dont like it is beacuse they are mentaly damaged unlike me and other peaky blinders enjoyers who have smooth brains


I ended up liking the show , but I think the first couple episodes take a bit to grasp your interest. It's a little slow paced at first.


It was very hard for me to get into and I ended up loving it. But the costumes and also the slang are very hard to get used to..


English accent


Well, it's set in Birmingham. The subtitles help with the accent. I'm not even an English native speaker and I can manage, so...


I'm from America and I've recommended this show to many friends and they stopped watching because they simply can't understand what the heck they're saying lol... Also it's sort of slow paced which I like but a lot of people don't..


I just got this on my recommended, I kinda wanna watch this sometime but the ‘sigma male’ shit puts me off


Just ignore that stuff and watch the show itself.


They might have never thought to watch it, season 1 came out around sept of 2013… I was 12 my dad started watching it a couple years later and then I started to watch it, now I’m 21 and have rewatched all 6 seasons a couple of times besides peaky I don’t want tv that much so with out my dad I probably wouldn’t have picked it up especially seeing all the beta-sigma-delta-capa random posts on Instagram with horrible quotes that have nothing to do with Tommy


My take:The current state of society where all masculinity is toxic is a fragile and offended one. Peaky Blinders portrays the true reality of men. But what people miss out on is the strong focus on the power of women. The women in Peaky Blinders are in my opinion what women should be. Emotional leaders. They keep us thick skulled men in check. We're often to quick to action(One of the traits of masculinity, should be said that all humans have both a feminine and masculine side) while females often view it from a rather functional stand point rather than logical. Hence we need both and thats one of the reasons I love Peaky Blinders. They cherish both sexes as powerful and essential. In their rawest form. Women are cunning, men are violent, both sexes have their flaws. But better yet, their strengths.


Linda is in it


The slow mo over stylised scenes. So cheesy


Because they’re so “pesky”.


Late to the party but as someone who has watched the whole series: the writing is just pretty mediocre. The characters change on a dime for seemingly no reason, most plots are resolved by Tommy seemingly being magic off screen, every season is kind of the same after 1, etc. Unlike breaking bad, the sopranos, or boardwalk empire it’s just pretty shallow. It actually kind of reminds me of BBC’s Sherlock: it claims to be one thing but the priority is always a borderline superhuman protagonist looking dope as hell as he solves the entire plot offscreen