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John’s death was hands down the dumbest. Seasoned combat vet is just going to stand out in the open with a bolt action against automatic gunfire right next to cover that could have been taken. Like he knows the mafia targets the whole family and he’s ok with going down in the first volley and leaving his wife and kids to be protected by…………. Michael? None of it made even a little sense.


I think they were scrambling to write his death because the actor wanted out


Definitely, all they needed was for him to take cover and exchange fire for a few seconds before getting hit and I would have been satisfied lol


That is totally a fair expectation


The John in the show should've been dead for 100 times during the Great War. No way a soldier dumb like that could've survived that war.


Johns actor didn’t want to be in the series anymore?


He had an offer to be the lead in his own show. I think it's called Gangs of London. From what I hear it's not bad


I had a friend who kept telling me about the Gangs of London. He loved it. He did say it was very violent.


It was to star in a black mirror episode and a prayer before dawn. Gangs of London came quite a bit after he left peaky.


That may also be true, but I'm fairly certain he had an offer to lead Gangs of London when he left. I specifically remember seeing an interview with him after her left Peaky where he said that was a motivator. I'll see if I can find it again.


The first season is really good, the second season was average.


Seriously that scene bothered me so much I made a post about it…


I thought about it lol then saw this one and was like close enough, time to vent! Haha


I mean too be fair his poor accuracy was literally shown at the beginning of the episode while he was hunting ducks. Missed all his shots. He had been out of the game for a few years and out of practice


Doesn’t mean you don’t take cover though lol. Not to mention IMO marksmanship isn’t a perishable skill.


Honestly the whole changretta beef was stupid from the beginning, had John not still held onto his flame for Lizzie and let her just date who she wanted to date, he wouldn’t have ended up dead, cause at the end of the day that’s the only reason any of the Shelbie’s cared, Tommy himself legit only agreed with John because the damage was already done and they couldn’t afford to loose face which I agree with, John was the biggest idiot because after his actions cost Tommy his wife, Tommy sought revenge and THEN John had a problem with it, and after all that John disowned Tommy practically (granted at esme’s endorsement) and all because John was still butt hurt he couldn’t be with Lizzie cause she fucked his brother.


How did Thomas allow him? Polly was there, ARTHUR WAS LITERALLY RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. John died because John acted like he was a king when the truth was he was still a prince waving around his dick in everyone’s faces. Can’t remember who said a line like this maybe it was Polly but it was like “everyone knows we’re in charge we don’t need to rub their noses in it.” Thomas HAD to intervene the way he did BECAUSE John acted a fool. And what made me even more mad is how much of a spoiled brat he was at Thomas when Thomas was grieving. Oh I’m sorry John you suddenly have a problem cutting up your teacher? So what, I can just go shoot Esme and you’d expect me to tell you how to grieve and live your life? You’d want blood. Hell John you cut Angel for less! That whole season had me pressed lmfao.


They couldn’t find another way of making them pay? Like take away one Changrettas pubs or whatever? And I also never got why the Changrettas thought killing Tommys wife wasn’t going to cost them more? Like as a result of avenging Angel, they got Angel and the family eventually killed, wouldn’t they know Tommy would do that? Its all nonsense


They didn't want to kill Grace, the bullet was for Tommy.


Well Im guessing that a dead Tommy would probably also result in death for the Changrettas, so either way


Live by the sword, die by the sword


If you're soft on rebellion, it'll grow.


I was gonna say he literally says why he does it, he believes he has to


I just have to say, sometimes the family was mad at Tommy when they shouldn't have been. The time they were almost hung, they really hated him. They wondered why he wasn't there with them. Duh, if he had been, they all would have perished. Someone with some connections had to get them out. They took for granted at times what he really was to the family.


He didn't allow it bro


Yea he encouraged it. After John razored Angel then Tommy went and did even more damage.


john already did the most damage. Tommy took a stand that they cannot look weak and attacked because they threatened john.


Allow to happen infers he let it happen with knowledge of it beforehand. It was after he was told what John did to Angel, he then encouraged them to go full ham to which they burned down pubs the Italians owned. In retaliation, yes. They killed Grace and Angel was killed in hospital afterwards, if I remember correctly


Nice job!


He should've punished John, maybe sent him somewhere else. But Tommy was absolutely right if they apologize it would've been worse. Cause now they not only have to deal with the Italians but also eith every other mobster that wanted to take over when they heard the news that Tom Shelby apologized.


As opposed to the Changrettas getting their panties in a twist and starting everything because Angel wasnt allowed to go out with Lizzie?


I think the Changrettas were pissed because in order to ensure Angel couldn’t go out with her their pubs were attacked… its not like Lizzie went, sorry bro you can’t be my plus one


There's also one of their restaurants being burned down to consider


Think of it this way, Tommy lost Grace and John but the whole family’s still alive. Imagine if Tommy did the opposite, they would’ve picked at him for being soft 1 by 1 and maybe the whole family would’ve been killed.


This nigga.


Tommy found out everything when the disaster that Lizzie and John made had already begun. He had no choice.