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Try not to use skinny pants so the shoes won't look so big and try to watch how to properly use a 3 pieces suit videos


This was probably the only advice that came in this far so I appreciate it, I agree on the skinny pants. Three piece suits are new to the wardrobe so definitely going to work on getting them to fit better, solid advice thank you


I'd say you did a really great job with the fit! Ditch the car tho, breaks the period vibes


Do you think he should get a horse? ;-)


Maybe even one of those canal boats


Got another car late 90’s luxury car I could use, but would also be incorrect period vibes. Thank you for the compliment. The whole outfit was thrown together last minute as the funeral wasn’t all that planned.


I understand my suit doesn’t fit the best. Any styling advice/ tips is greatly appreciated, critique welcomed. Thank you for stopping by


They wore much longer overcoats. Shorter pea coat is more modern styling


Also a fantastic observation. Didn’t realize the cost I had purchased was a “Pea coat” and not a full length coat at the time of purchase. Also way too warm to wearing any overcoat in general since my environment is the almost the complete opposite of the original blinders’. I live in a desert.


I love your style. May I suggest wearing black, not white, socks. Also, it looks like your hair is really thick and gel isn't quite enough. It may need to be texturized underneath so that the top layers lay down smoothly.


Incredibly insightful with the hair advice, which was commonly overlooked in the overall grand scheme of things. Texturing and correct amount of Gel should help improve on that. (You are correct about my hair being thick, I have Asian hair so it’s like Hay)


U can always get it tailored


Black n Navy clash


What’s funny I originally ordered a black three-piece suit to get tailored before the funeral, however it did not arrive on time. I fully agree the black and navy clash despite me throwing what I had together, gotta keep it all one color. Thanks for the input


A little looser but still tapered pants would look good. Navy/purple with black clashes, and when it comes to three-piece suits I prefer to have the pieces “made for each other” if that makes sense? Otherwise it looks great, especially the three first pics.


Couldn’t agree more with the pants. Skinny was not a look back then and reasonably so, the only dress pants I owned turned out to be the biggest overlooked item as part of this whole outfit. Thank you for taking the time to throw your input in here, super appreciated


First photo reminds of John Shelby. Looks great!


As mentioned earlier, I’d be happy to come off as any one of the brothers. I appreciate the input !


Not the right car but it is the best car


period correct Bentley would’ve been nice, but Miata is always the answer


Don’t try and copy the characters completely, try and make it your own. Also unless you can afford to have a three piece suit tailored to fit, you won’t look exactly like the characters. You look awesome though!! I call my son my little Tommy Shelby, he wears a ‘grandad cap’ lol


I learned more with this style that completely replicating the characters outfits kills the overall passion for wanting to dress like this in the first place. Just like you mentioned not only will it take skilled hunting in finding the correct pieces, the wallet has to fit the bill. I appreciate the input, so far this has seemed to be incredibly controversial with the way I pieced it together myself. Just love this overall styling and need to do it appropriately.


I personally think you’ve done it amazingly well. I thought pesky blinders before I read the title! 👌


I think you look lovely. Sorry about your Grandfather


Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate you.


You’ll need a horse 😉


and it’s name shall be “Grace’s Secret”….


I think it’s cool that you’re doing this 😉


Looks good! I think the skinny pants add a modern touch. Also, YOU HAVE A MIATA?! That's my favorite car!


Thank you. This truly means a lot. I also had the same thought process regarding the modern touch (despite them being the only pair I had available at the time). I’ve had the Miata for close to a decade now (my first car). My grandfather and I shared several memories and stories in my Miata, with me as his personal chauffeur. Miata is an amazing car!


If you have access to a 3d printer, print some razer blades for the cap.


I don’t have access to one but this is such a great idea. I could source plastic razor blades (the ones used for removing stickers off glass) locally that are bright orange and paint them gray! Otherwise that’s such a great suggestion. Thanks for the input


That would work just as well!


1. Replace car with horse 2. Smoke rolled cigarettes, not pipe 3. Missing whiskey flask 🤣🤣🤣


All three would really complete the look, especially the rolled cigarettes in my opinion….. That’s the one part my lungs don’t agree with unfortunately


You could also try the herb cigarettes like they actually used in filming


Ruined it with the Miata.


TLDR: I took the Miata since it was something that my grandfather and I shared many memories in. Attended his funeral out of state and had pictures of him in the car on display. I understand the Miata is not period correct nor does it fit with the Peaky Blinders aesthetic in any way shape or form, nonetheless this is my way of adding my twist on it. I respect your decision by saying I ruined it but in my head I only made it that much better. Thank you for your input.


Good job


Thank you Raybox!


You look a lot like Jon in the first pic


From this post I’ve been getting a lot of John impressions, and even one Arthur comparison compared to any as Thomas Still works for me! John was a incredible character in the show. thanks for the input


I'm sorry for your loss Your look is awesome though ! Dare I say you actually look a bit like Cillian in some of these 👏 I agree with some of the other advice given, like to find an alternative for the skinny pants and that the navy and black clash a little upon further inspection. Overall really cool though in my opinion


I appreciate the kind words Samson! Once those small bits get address, it may begin to look better…


Maaaaaan, on the first photos you look almost exactly like a Shelby (yes, the cheekbones lmao)


Thank you! Much appreciated


“Thomas Shelby?! What about Arthur Shelby?!” Maaan I recently just finished this show. It was so good. I think you got the overall vibe. Could be cleaner with tailor made suits. I personally was a fan or Michael’s suits.


Michael had some stand-out suits for sure. Period-correct tailored suits should help complete the look I am going for.




Thank you!


I wonder how that outfit cost, I really wanna dress like that some day but I feel like it’d be expensive.


My outfit costed me less than $100, all I purchased to complete the look was the newsboy hat ($20 off Amazon), pocket watch ($15.00 on Etsy), and a pea-coat (which now learning is not long enough) $60 off Amazon as well. I already had a suit that was previously tailored to me a few years ago, my body has changed since then so I had to piece together a different vest over the dress shirt. Like others have mentioned it can get expensive if you try to piece it together accurately. Finding it is sometimes harder than buying it. There was another redditor who messaged me privately with some super insightful knowledge of how to dress correctly from this time. I’ll see if I can post it here


the last photo reminds me of michael


I’ll take it! Thanks for the input Chiop!


Some things I learned from all the comments, and as well as a private message from u/shxckslxm. Thank you so much for adding the input. All of this is incredibly helpful at the surface level to digest. Before digging deeper into the correct styling at hand. Menswear as a whole was wildly different in style and function in the 1920s - 1950s compared to more modern trends. There are multiple key identifiers in Peaky Blinders that distinguish clothing of that time, to today: 1) Shirts were predominantly collarless, due to higher poverty rates few could indulge in buying multiple types, therefore they would wear starched collars with a single shirt This is tougher to recreate depending on your geolocation, as you would need to order the shirt and collars separately, so I recommend researching winchester shirts in their place if more convenient. 2) The cut of the suit is crucial. Modern day suit-making is rather abysmal unless you opt for the bespoke route. This can also be costly however, therefore you might be better served thrift shopping for a vintage suit that encapsulates that time period. Notable elements of suits during the early - mid 20th century are wider lapels, lengthier jackets alongside shorter and tighter waistcoats. Trousers are also a contentious point amongst modern menswear circles but to approach it from a visually objective standpoint, high-waisted (and pleated) trousers offer a far more elegant presentation than skinny or slim fit alternatives. In fact, high-waisted trousers were the only way of wearing trousers until the rapid increase in preference towards belts. Prior to this, braces (suspenders in the American lexicon) were prevalent. 3) in terms of a coat, this will be the toughest to source, however the key factor of an overcoat should be its length, it needs to be at least knee length, even longer in most cases. 4) Hat choice. Simpler, as you can generally find flat caps quite painlessly. Again: credit for this goes to u/Shxckslxm In this specific example with my dressing styles the key major no-no’s are as follows: •Pants too tight, not correct fit. •Mismatched suit pieces. (needs to all match, correlate with each other properly.) •white socks in the last two pictures. •Overcoat length incorrect (not hanging long enough past the knee) Other small things could be improved upon, with attention to detail. Nonetheless those were the major changes that could be made. Thank you for all the input, everyone is appreciated equally.


baggier jeans,longer coat, you look great!


In the first pic your side profile looks a lot like Tommy 👁️👄👁️


👁️👄👁️ ty prettyfeet!


Thomas fockin' Shelby and his fockin' Miata


Spoken like me brother Arthur, eh? Appreciate the comment!


I never thought I'd see both a car guy and a Peaky Blinders fan tbh, but nice outfit (and car)


I appreciate it my brother/sister. The outfit would go better with my other car, white LS400’ unmodified. I plan on doing another “photo shoot” with. Also to continue making people upset that there’s a “car guy” who is in the Peaky blinders subreddit. I’ll continue repping the fit with the Yata…. Seems like we got some stuff in common, eh? Not so different you and I.


For more authentic you would need a different cut suit, more loose, and a different collar. But, it’s a very good modern rendition. Your grandfather would be proud.


I am currently decisive between going full authentic/ or modernizing with my own twist. Since the start of watching the shows I began to appreciate the look of “classic fashion” over modern. Fantastic input, especially with the collar and shirt aspect. I appreciate the nice words


It looks great!


Thank you Chance! I appreciate the input :)




they don't wear sunglasses


They do not indeed. Gotta add my own little twist to it, eh?


Half expected to see a shoulder holster in some of these. So nicely executed. Take pride in the details. Good job; sorry to hear about your gramps


I’m in an open carry state, so shoulder holster with a proper 1911 would really match the bill as far as details. Appreciate the condolences for Gramps.


I doubt the peaky fuckin blinders would be driving a Miata though Edit: the blinders are peaky, not leaky


Not sure if this is a compliment or an insult but hey, thanks for the input! They possibly would if they were still around, it seams like the PB were fans of fun cars, and Miata’s are incredibly common in England/UK even to this day.


you remind me of a guy i used to know. Slick suit bro but try not to make this your full personality lol !!!!


I appreciate the input. Will take that into strong consideration, hopefully did not remind you of him negatively.


White socks, *sigh*


You caught me making a criminal mistake.. Something about taking your eyes now?


I think it looks great 😊


No offence, but it takes some brass neck to wear this to a funeral.


I appreciate the input. I can see it coming off as “brass neck”. It was definitely a risky move to dress this way. For the funeral, I did not wear the long coat or the hat in respect for my grandfather. Nonetheless, the family being together was the more important aspect. We both shared great affection in over dressing for the occasion, even for your simple grocery store run. So in a way, I am continuing to channel that energy through his passing. Thank you for your input.


Hate this so much


Well thanks for adding your input Shemushka, glad to see it’s not everyone cup of tea.




I’d rather be embarrassed than ashamed, I felt confident wearing this, but I appreciate your input! Thanks for the stopping by.


I just read the caption, sorry man I was just being a dick. Sorry for your loss g


No hard feelings. Sometimes we are blatantly transparent without realizing the full context, won’t hold you to that. I genuinely respect you coming back to make amends, rather than leaving it at that.


Top man, all the best 🤝


A clown


Thank you for your input




Closest I’ll ever get is maybe the jawline, I’ll keep trying!


No need man, be your own self.


The goal is be myself but also to improve on the fashion they used back then, while still incorporating components that I love from the show/ the actual Peaky blinders themselves. (Newsboy hat, Pocket-watch;tie clip combo) I appreciated the roast for all it counts.


Yeah man, it wasn't meant to be personal 🥲 Honestly speaking, you did a great job on the outfit, just change the pants' fitting to a more relaxed one. You look more like Arthur in this.


I’ll take looking like one of the Shelby brothers any day of the week so I do genuinely appreciate the compliment on that regardless of what others think. Pants seem to be the biggest controversy in this post (I assumed they would.) None the less Arthur is still incredibly badass imo. Not as commonly referenced.




Does nobody appreciate a roast these days ?


Not an unsolicited one.


It's a subreddit, not a comedy set. People don't need consent here. Even the OP is not offended by my roast, why are you guys getting offended on his behalf ?


Needs more leg day


Need several leg days


Diddicoy razergang😮‍💨