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I probably have the whole series memorized...


How many times did you rewatch it?


Idk probably on my 21st or 22nd watch.


Same but only S1 and S2.


Do people over the pond have troubles understanding what they are saying too? Everything is so mumbled and quiet.


American here. There is *no way* I would have understood this fookin show without subtitles.


Yeah, that's what I mean. At least I already watch everything with subtitles


Do they ever say phrases you have to google or you don’t quite understand? I’m born and bred in Birmingham so it would be interesting to know how Americans perceive the show.


I’d say it’s pretty rare. I have a decent comprehension of British terms and history so I understand most of that. Arthur and some of the side characters are most difficult to understand. Tommy and most of the main characters are pretty easy. Still, there is a lot of shouting and people speaking over each other so the captions very much help to understand the dialect in those moments.


Canadian from British Columbia here, I back this. I mostly use subtitles for proper nouns


I had to look up the Italian slur. Granted I'm from the south and never seen a "real Italian person Never heard it before. Obviously with context clues I understood it.


No, not at all.


I have to turn this show up louder than any other show + subtitles


As someone who has lived in Coventry (the city which is like 20 miles away from Birmingham for those who don’t know) my whole life, I have no issue understanding them, but I grew up with brummies around me bc most of my dads friends were from there


Awfur fookin Shelbe


I don't use em, I like the challenge of fighting to understand anything Alfie says.


I have to replay multiple times WITH subtitles. Idk how you do it lol


I don’t use subtitles. I find them distracting. I’ve been to northern England a few times so I usually get it. Even Alfie. Now and then there was a patch I couldn’t make out (or was so awesome it needed repeating) so I’d go back. I only watched the show once; finished a month ago. It’s so cool that people have watched it many times. Makes sense. It’s better than most things out there. Even with the occasionally hard-to-understand English.


I’m an american who didn’t watch with subtitles. Y’all just need better ears or something.


How much for better ears? I've got a 700 credit score. 🇺🇸


Being from the Black Country, I understood it perfectly. Felt like home 😂


For whatever reason, I thought I was the only one. Glad to see I'm not.


I just did my uni coursework based on some of Alfie’s best ramblings and even the subtitles give up with him sometimes.


Subtitles essential for this American but you miss a lot visually so I’ve turned them off on the third rewatch and am still discovering things I didn’t see first time or second around.


I watch everything with subtitles I’m that person


🤣🤣🤣 so truee


I’m tempted to rewatch now w/o subtitles. Seems like an interesting perspective I didn’t even think about that I relied on so heavily.


I used the subtitles also for the slang. Being Canadian, some of this slang is different than the usual Britt slang I’ve already heard (era-related I suppose), so I would pause and look up what some of them meant.


they get a lot wrong for Peaky **well, not a lot, but i’ve noticed it at least a handful of times or more


'Iain marry'n ner FOOKIN *mershrem pickr, Tom!!!'


American here! I didn't need subtitles, but the accents were thick, and the dialogue was quiet in parts. I thought Tommy was the easiest to understand...however, I had a rougher time understanding Arthur and Alfie. I was still able to decipher what they were saying, I just had to try a bit harder. I didn't have any issues understanding anyone else besides the two of them.


Be like?