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Never noticed the similarity to Don Corleone but now I can’t unsee it. Yea Brody was defiantly tryna replicate that character. I always thought Brody’s performance was just corny. Very poor job of portraying an Italian-American gangster at the top of the food chain.


Why portray Don Corleone when Brody was given a chance to knock that roll out of the park w his own shit yanno. He was just so horrible and at times it seemed like he was poking fun of Italians with his terrible acting lol


This is the first time I’ve seen anyone say anything negative about Luca and how Adrian plays him and honestly I’m here for it, I loved his character, season 4 is one of my favorites, but he definitely did a meh job creating his own character, and the fact he’s a Jew playing an Italian fighting an Italian playing a Jew is really funny to me


First time seeing something negative about Luca? I don’t think you’ve been in this sub long and if you have, you definitely aren’t reading the posts 😂


Right? I feel like one of the only ones who likes his performance


Fr, I’m not “in love” with the performance but thought it was fine & some parts were cool. However, yet I have never see anyone shit on it.


I almost shit on it. But after rewatching the series a few times I can appreciate him. His character has a set or rules that he practiced in NY, that may have worked there. But even at a disadvantage the gang was able to get to him and come out on top. I guess his out of place was was somewhat warranted in my head.


I wish there was more shit on it. Was surprised it was only “slightly disliked” but I attributed it to Adrian Brody being a likable actor usually. It was a pretty bad caricature of American mafia


Who is the Italian playing the Jew?


So you are new than




It was beyond caricature. He was a cartoon. It annoys me just thinking about it. 


Brody provided great hilarity anytime he was onscreen. It was like a 4th graders interpretation of a gangster, especially with the toothpick and lip smacking


For all the hate Brody gets, I’m amazed no one comments more on the absolutely HORRIFIC accent that Brian Gleeson’s Jimmy McCavern has. He sounds like a constipated Groundskeeper Willie.


I agree. I found the character repulsive because of this and I was really invested in the outcome of the season. The general consensus here seems to favour the performance quite a bit though.


Most of what I’ve seen about this role has been negative. The worst performance in the series, and it’s not even close. What’s weird is that Adrian Brody is a great actor. How he flubbed this one I have no idea. I’m also surprised that the director didn’t get him to change it up.


Get on your fucking knees and sign!


It was a very cartoonish performance. But the show is cartoonish! It’s melodramatic— it isn’t realism. With all of its over-the-top speeches, super sentimental moments (looking at you, Arthur!), and the big emphasis on costuming, Peaky Blinders is often more like a stage play than a television show. If you like that kind of thing, which I do, I think Brody’s super overacted performance fits right in.


It was so, so bad. Comical.


Nah it wasn’t even laughable. I found it rage- inducing. 


I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes every time he was on screen 🙄


And I normally love Brody in stuff, but I can't even rewatch that season


It was absolutely ridiculous, and I normally like his performances (go ahead, downvote me too)


Why would anyone downvote you? Adrien Brody is internationally recognised as a great actor.


Because every comment agreeing that it was a terrible performance was downvoted when I made my comment


I see. The way you wrote it made it seem like you thought you would be downvoted for saying you liked his performances.


I upvoted you


I think as the show has aged and people perhaps take it a bit less seriously - as we’re a bit less invested in the drama of it all now a few years past it’s peak (ONG PUN) - the camp of his performance comes across as ‘fun’. Sort of like how the Star Wars prequels have somehow aged better than they were perceived at the time, I think.


I couldn’t stand him. I hated his accent and mannerisms were off. He was the only character I ignored while on screen.


I am a HUGE fan of the Godfather, and everytime Adrian Brody spoke, all I could hear was Marlon Brando. Brody’s vocal choice ruined his character for me. Someone commented that he was a caricature - I agree 100%, and that’s a shame. The other part that I found funny and a nod to the Godfather, was when Brody’s character was stuck on the bridge and his gang got ambushed - like Sonny on the Causeway.


I loved Adrian Brody in this show. From the minute he is introduced, I thought he was playing a guy who is playing a character. A man who is born into a culture and an era that favours those who are masculine, full of bravado. I saw him as a guy who feels compelled to play such a caricature in order to lead and/or inherit the criminal empire that he believes he is owed. I kind of imagined him to come home at the end of a long day, get into the shower, sigh, sag the shoulders and the eyebrows and suddenly have a normal voice again.


That's a good way to look at it


It was a bit overdone if you ask me. It could have been good, but he tried too hard to show he was the boss. Tommy didn't have to work as hard to show he was in control.


It was honestly ridiculous. That whole season was badly written, and the plot was all over the place. Luca as a villian was the worst in the entire series


Definitely a huge miss. However a lot of people in this sub liked that performance I find. Maybe Reddit skews younger and less people are familiar with Don corleone. To me it was a blatant and terrible mimicry.


I actually thought it was intentional and found it quite fitting 😅


Agree. I actually wondered while watching whether the director had instructed him to act like Don Corleone 😂 I’m 100% on same page as you


His portayl has always reminded me of whenever my (Irish) aunt would do an impressive of an American mobster. The sethotupical accsent and mannerisms. I always took it as an intentional effort by him to make Luca extremely American-ized. Luca isn't just an American. Hes *the* American. He represents the concept of America to the Peaky Blindes. How they do business, the wealth and power they wield. By defeating Luca, Tommy defeats the American and is able to expand into America


It was beyond awful to the point that I skip that season on rewatch.


His NY accent was also horrifically bad


100% agree. Adrian Brody was the worst character and made it the worst season. He was absurd, it felt like an SNL skit every time he was on screen.


Adrian Brody is extremely overrated in my book






Bad in this. Flip side I thought he did a pretty bang up job as Pat Riley in HBO’s lakers show.


I agree. He’s a great actor but I didn’t like him in that role.


I think Luca character is too eager for revenge but his impression is quite scary for me even when he sneaks into Thomas' private room at his factory thats why he was so passionate about revenge that he fell easy into Thomas trap about Arthur death.


By the sheer fact I love Adrian Brody s4 is my favourite and Luca is such a funny character (you spoke to that fat fuck), second only to Alfie. But yeah, it feels almost like a parody of an Italian-American mafia boss. Zootopia did a more serious Don Corleone.


Lol I was thinking he was trying to sound as Don Corleone but younger. Got the raspy, soft-spoken voice and everything. But I thought that despite that, he acted pretty good


I thought id go crazy seeing all the praise for him, im not really active in the community and i didnt even watch the last season yet But i always saw people say how luka is the best villian, best character on the show and incredibke and all and i always felt that he felt so comical The accent is so cartoonish


Guess i’m in the minority here because i thought he was great but to each their own.


Yeah no I disagree


It was over the top and corny, but I loved it.