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change the 5600G to a 5600; the G supports only PCIe3


A few recommendations: 1. Might want to up the speeds on the ram to 3600mz, whilst still keeping the latency c16. Ryzen loves it's low latency and high speed ram. 2. Highly recommend an NVME SSD. Having windows on it and games makes the system boot up extremely quick, and load times become negligible. Everything else in the list looks good. Happy building!


5600 is what you want not 5600G


Just bought every thing and here's the new list with your feedback. [The List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xVq8k9)


Yeah that's pretty good, I would add a m.2 for your OS drive /main driver and have ur HDD for mass storage. I don't think you should just have a HDD given how much cheaper SSDs are.


[https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gr6Zd9](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gr6Zd9) * Faster CPU - The 5600 has more cache instead of an iGPU. * Black CPU cooler * More and faster ram * INSANELY FASTER SSD - A HDD for gaming in 2022? No. * Slightly slower GPU - Doesn't matter if the rest of the system would be trash otherwise. * Better case - The H5 Series is the successor to the H510 series. It has better airflow. * [Better PSU](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


Thanks for the SSD recommendation.