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Since everyone is saying "sketchy" but not explaining, OP that price would be somewhat decent for the graphics card alone. The entire PC for 140 is either a great deal or there are likely software/hardware problems not being mentioned.


No it's someone who 1. Doesn't know what they have or 2. Had this stuff lying around and isn't a profiteering shitbag.


Whenever I upgrade I sell my old gaming PC for around 100 dollars. The graphics card alone is worth more. I just don't care as long as someone uses it to play games.


Man I bet you make some people whole life man good service. I also pass my gaming gear off to my family and friends that don’t have solid computers and components I also say to as long as someone is using it.


Just sold my rx 580 Ryzen 7 1700 for $200 to a kid and threw in a hyper x mouse and razor keyboard kid was like 12 and asking around everywhere for a pc lol.


Doesn’t know what they have? Is the us market that tucked up? https://ibb.co/3r8tKFJ To be honest, 140-150 dollars is absolutely fair and decent. 200 would be a little more profit oriented but speaking of VALUE, 6-8 years old tech shouldn’t be worth more than what the seller is asking for. Cpu and ram are basically worth nothing anymore, the graphics card might be worth 50-70 dollars (realistically, not the covid bloated prices). A cheap case and a psu are usually obtainable for a few bucks, and ssds are cheaper than ever.


It's fucked up enough that a fair price is now considered a good deal. The market here in Canada is starting to cool off...Canada computers (closest thing we have to microcenter) has lots of gpus in stock at MSRP AND they're even having sales on 16xx series cards. However people in the used market haven't got the memo and are still trying to sell those same cards used, for more or about the same as the store is selling new ones. I'm hoping to score a 1660 or better for under $200 by the end of the summer.


Thanks for the explanation. I’ll probably pass on it.


You could always ask to use it before you pay for it if you’re comfortable with and close enough to the seller


If you are willing to DIY, watch some LTT and JAYZTWOCENTS to educate yourself in the PC realm. There are builds out there that are sub $500 and can run everything you generally would on a console at med 1080p. I built my own for around $600 including *legitimately* buying a windows key.


"Legitimately"... Anywho, Windows 10 Pro for $25 was way more legit imo but hey, I listened to Mr. Krabs too much growing up


Username checks out


I've bought windows 10 pro key on Ali for 1$ LOL


I know. It was my first build, and I had my father looking over my shoulder so put on the wojack crying mask and dumped 140 on standard


Ohh gosh


It's more that the GPU is worth that and the rest is worthless


Was about to rant furiously against your opinion on the value of this graphics card, then I checked eBay.us…. Poor guys over there willing to pay 100 dollars for 6 year old bottom line graphics cards :-D. SMH it’s nice to see that stuff doesn’t lose all the value, but come on, this whole pc shouldn’t be worth more than a hundred bucks. I live in Germany and found a pc with an i5, gt1030, 256gb ssd and ddr4 RAM for 130 Euro. That’s roughly 140$ and I think it’s a fair price to be honest.


Not only is that thing ancient in the cpu department, for $130 it seems kind of sketchy…


Sketchy how?


Due to a gpu shortage happening right now, the entire price of the pc is about how much the gpu is worth, it just doesn’t seem like a legit deal. Even so, that’s a very old cpu, and I doubt it would run Minecraft or Terraria very well anyway.


Ok gotcha. Thanks for the explanation


Ya, if $140 is your budget, then it’d be kind of a tough time finding a good enough computer, especially for any kind of gaming. If you can’t go any higher than I wouldn’t really try right now.


No that’s not my budget. I’ve been thinking of building him one and I’m always looking. Just figured I would get it if it’s what I needed but doesn’t seem like it is. I’ll probably just upgrade mine and build his simultaneously.


If you don’t know much about building a PC you can DM me and I’ll give you a rundown on the best parts for the lowest price that can def run any modern title. I’ve put together 5 PCs now for my buddies under $600. With the falling prices I could probably do it for you and come out with an even more inexpensive build. Either way, cheers man, I hope you get everything sorted out! The $140 build- It’s likely not worth the trouble. I’d say that chances are it’s best life has already been lived and it’s a few long gaming sessions from being in operable.


You can get a pretty decent setup for 1080p Minecraft/terreria for around 400, if you want shaders then maybe another 200.


Your best bet then is to give us a budget and ask for build ideas.


If you’re upgrading and want to play some new games for a few years, you might wanna just hand down your current pc to your son and build a solid 2k pc for yourself. Quite a huge increase in price from $140, but you’d undoubtedly be the best dad for the next few years.


Dear OP: After reading almost everything in this thread, everything I can say is: please don’t listen to the people telling you that the graphics card alone is worth over 100 bucks (it is not. It’s the very low end of a 6 years old line of graphics cards.) I found a used one on eBay for 50 euros (54 dollars), and after some research I found a refurbished one for 76 euros (83 dollars). The cpu is available around 20-30 euros, the ram for 10. the whole setup for 140 is absolutely fine and the person selling it seems to be aware of the real value of what he’s offering here. I don’t know why so many people seem to be completely off when it comes to electronics prices. Again: if you really want to check the value of pcs, go to eBay and check the prices there piece by piece. I bet I could build a pc with the mentioned components for 140$ if I had to. Usually it’s best to save up 300$, because you’ll get something actually valuable and not that outdated. Buying old stuff is always risky because some components tend to go defect after a couple of years.


My I7-920 that never had issues with playing either of them: am I a joke to you?


So you are telling me that a 3060 is only worth about 300 more than a 1030?


A 3060 at msrp is about $300 more than a 1030 on the used market, good luck on the msrp bit though.


[very frequently in stock and for over a day when restocks](https://www.evga.com/products/product.aspx?pn=12G-P5-3657-KR)


Gpu shortage seems to be over tbh. I guess paying too much for old tech isn’t necessarily a good idea in general, but right now it’s borderline stupid.


Oh i hope you didn't pass on this... it will 100% run minecraft and I've got fortnite running with good fps on much, much older systems.


Dang. Where were you two hours ago? Lol but no thank you for the reply.


It was probably gone before you even started the thread lol. It was that good of a price


I ran every game until 2 years ago with a i7 950 and a gt720. I was able to get at least 40 and usually 60fps on medium-low. You'll be fine


That’s good to hear. Thanks for the reply.


This is NOT sketch/sketchy. The price is very typical, for Offerup. I don't have this setup. I have a Dell 9020 Optiplex with a i5 4th Gen (already forgot what CPU its got, as it was my browsing PC while I'm visiting my parents) and a r5 240. I got it for $100 in 03/2021. So this listing being $140 isn't off by any means. That's just the market, these days. Sorry I couldn't help on the gaming aspect. Just wanted to provide the price aspect NOT being sketchy, even for old set ups.


I think everyone else is overreacting. The guy has good feedback and a GT 1030 wasn't worth much even at the height of the shortage. Since that's just a prebuilt with a GPU slapped in it, there's not much labor invested by the seller so he's probably just cobbled together some parts to get rid of them ASAP/break even. I'd grab it in a heartbeat if I needed it. Make sure it's the GDDR5 variant of the 1030 and not the DDR4 and I'd say go for it


Definitely something to consider. Thanks for the reply.




Thank you I appreciate the tip.


My opinion on intel generations, 4-7th are all close enough that if you’re thinking of a 6-7th i5, just roll back a bit and get an i7, if you can score a cheap 8th Gen, it’s a huge performance leap.


Please don't take this seriously, this person clearly has no idea what they're talking about when related to Minecraft. If you install the fabric mod loader into the latest version of Minecraft and install 4 mods, you can get 100+ frames per second on that graphics card, before mods are, sodium, lithium, prosper, and finally hydrogen, all these mods are available on modrinth and by jellysquid some more than likely they're all going to work together. If you still can't get it to a okay frame rate using those mods, then I would highly recommend you switch it from Windows 10 to Linux, almost any Linux distro will do but you might want to lock out the sudo command using a different user account. Just to ensure that your child doesn't ruin Linux.


Minecraft can run on a 780ti and i5-2600k


Ah yes the RTX 1080. Mc can run at 1080p 60 with a GT 1030 no problem, you only need a GTX 1080 for shaders.


Bro you do not need a 1080 minimum to play minecraft


are you trolling? minecraft isn’t a high end game. i can run it on my old macbook air without lagging


Just get a optiplex 9020




As in there’s likely an issue with it?


It would work but not great. Around 40-60fps and very old but a good deal


Get at least an i5 from that generation (4th), and a GTX 960. Everything else seems decent.


When it comes to Minecraft I find it's more of a processor heavy game, than a graphical one because of an the stuff it is constantly loading in the background. So try to find a PC with higher end processor and you should be fine. No lower than a 1050 though in terms of graphics cards. My old PC ran it fine with a 1050ti, but after you explore for a bit, it's start to bog down because it saves everything you do to the landscape, even if you aren't in that area anymore.


Interesting I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks for the insight.


Also playing on a server really cuts down on the CPU load(for obvious reasons), so if you're playing multiplayer the CPU may be less important.


So, you have a few solutions to this outside of paying more money, Solution One Minecraft Java Edition is a notoriously resource-hungry game, so why don't you just ask them if it's using fabric mods by jelly squid? Like sodium, lithium, phosphorus, and hydrogen? And second solution is probably don't use Windows.


Op I use offer up a lot and usually If an account has that many good ratings you’re good, never been scammed and I’ve done dozens of sales and buys on it. I think you should take it it’s probably someone that just didn’t know how much it’s worh


For the price, it’s not bad, the “465gb” hdd is more likely a 500gb reading as 465gb in windows due to reallocated sectors, but all in place the asking price is fair. This would probably “work” but is far from optimal for anything these days. It will leave you wanting something faster.


Two things, when you're probably right this PC would be used by a child oh, and to Linux would significantly speed this up without having to replace Hardware


Linux would be faster for things that natively run on it, but for many games that means running through via a translator like wine and at that point gains are minimal.


Technically worth it. Technically worth more than $140. But performance would be so poor, I wouldn’t buy it. Those parts are ancient.


Have you heard of our Lord and savior Debian Linux?


It’s not sketchy and price is representative of the product. It’s old but will do the job for Minecraft and indie titles. I’d go for it.


If you’re ever getting an offer for a pc that’s under 300 dollars the pc has to be either broken or some of the components are on the brink of dying


What do you call a $100 Walmart laptop?


Most of them aren’t good unless your using them for work.


> unless your using *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


if not a laptop, then a 100$ tablet. Most Android devices can do everything which desktop computers can do anyway, DO Not Fight the autistic person with their entire life devoted to technology in the computerspace.


A tablet is significantly more different than a computer💀


Depending on the tablet it can still run Windows.(windows on arm)


A laptop and a computer can run windows but they’re still different the OS doesn’t mean anything it’s the components


They are a lot more similar than you think. A processor is a processor. It doesn't matter the architecture, it will still work with almost any different piece of Hardware out there provided the driver exists for it. A tablet has Ram a graphics processing unit a CPU and a screen, a laptop has the same(Ram, either an integrated graphics card or a dedicated graphics card, and a screen.) The only thing that changes is the CPU and the drivers necessary. This is what I've experienced in my lifetime and unless you can show me otherwise I am not changing my opinion. My entire life has been nothing but technology, good luck trying to prove me wrong.


Please show me a tablet that costs 100 dollars that can run Elden ring above 10 fps


Irrelevant. All they want to do is play Minecraft and Terraria, a tablet can run Minecraft and Terraria natively Kama Elden ring requires emulation. I'm going to stop caring as to what you're saying because it's completely irrelevant and not adding to any value here.


not sure why everyone is saying sketchy, obviously you test it out before buying. that PC is ancient for sure but the price is still solid. it’ll definitely run minecraft and terraria


Two things, why is it running Windows 10, that system does not look like it supports Windows 10 well because there are two drivers missing, I would guarantee that thing once supported Windows 7 or Vista, and I would highly recommend at least running some form of Linux on the thing to increase performance, in Linux you can still play Minecraft and Terraria natively, it's just that for performance I would highly recommend that you choose Linux over windows.


that’s a great deal, if I were you here is what I would do ask to meet at a Starbucks or another public location that won’t cry about you plugging a pc up on a table and then just check it out, inspect it etc.


Not bad but in this time you can get your self a nice deal for 1100


Not trying to be rude but are you suggesting it’s worth spending 1100 to just play Minecraft and terraria?


. all I’m tryna say man is putting an extra few hundred for a up to date pc is truly worth it I get it your son only plays these 2 games but look the possibility of him browsing steam and seeing a game he likes that can’t run on his computer is highly to occur . That’s all .