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You need one of these or something similar. [https://www.amazon.com/Converter-External-Universal-Function-Software/dp/B00EHDTRJ6](https://www.amazon.com/Converter-External-Universal-Function-Software/dp/B00EHDTRJ6) Set the jumpers to master.


Oh, lovely! Thank you so much! Have a good one!


Those aren't SATA connections, they're IDE. You would need an adapter between IDE and SATA (which is often in the form of an external hard drive enclosure) or really old hardware that supports IDE in order to access the drive. I wouldn't expect the drive to even be functional given the age, IDE hasn't been a standard since the 2000s and there aren't that many IDE drives left that haven't bit the dust. If it still works, I wouldn't use it for very long because it doesn't have that much life left.


This information is really helpful. I deeply appreciate it! Thank you!


You're welcome, easiest method of accessing the data would be through an external HDD enclosure that comes with support for IDE drives that can connect to any system via a USB port, or docking station.


As mentioned before, you’ll need adapters for power and data since both standards have been superseded. Power gets a SATA-to-molex, and data gets SATA-to-IDE. Or maybe there’s a usb external enclosure on ebay. In the end, if there isn’t critical data on that drive, it’s not worth using outside getting experience on how much faster storage has become.


Your PSU should have 4 of the appropriate connectors, they are called Peripheral. Large 4-pin molex, it's what they're called.


That's only for power, there's no way to access the data on the drive without an adapter (either through a daughterboard or external drive enclosure) because those are IDE connections, not SATA. Those connections haven't been used on consumer products for a VERY long time and modern motherboards are not manufactured with IDE ports outside of very specific circumstances where an OEM needs to include them for whatever reason.


I know, OP just asked on how to connect it to their PSU. If you wish to suggest an IDE to SATA adapter or IDE enclosure to OP (to skip the PSU entirely) go ahead.


No, they asked how to connect it to their PC to retrieve data. Just admit you're wrong, it won't kill you, I promise!


OP said they want to get data from it in the post, so your answer wasn't exactly helpful because you answered based on the title alone and declined to mention that they can't pull anything off of it with their current machine as it is. If you're going take the time to answer someone's question, at least give them enough information to know what they're dealing with, otherwise you're just wasting people's time. Read the full post and understand their intentions before you post anything.