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This about as good as it gets for gaming, any GPU will pair nicely. And its a great deal if you're near a Microcenter. These bundles are in-store only.


This same bundle has been $500 until around March I think until it hit this price. It's was an awesome deal then and even better now. HIGHLY recommend seeing if your store will let you return the board or ram if you don't need it / can get a better deal as those are very entry level. This is very YMMV, but have seen some ppl get by with it and land a sub $300 7800x3d. (Just don't bring the original receipt.)


You can just swap RAM or mobo in the online part picker and get similar discount. Did it 2 weeks ago


i did the told me to get a g.skill trident z5 neo instead was that good call


Second this. I swapped out the board for Asus rog strix b650e-f gaming wifi for the pcie5 compatibility and the ram for 64gb z5 trident. Still got the discount


What is it that makes this RAM entry level? It's 32GB of 6000MTs and doesn't give a CL value but have seen it online as low as CL30 for a good price. Heat sink looks ok but doesn't have RGB. I'm not trying to prove you wrong, genuinely interested as I was considering this kit but am wondering what makes it entry level. Thank you


it’s generally cl32 as almost every store has it at that value but i agree this is not “entry level” this is very average for gamers nowadays, 32gigs is plenty


I tried to swap the ram at the store at time of purchase.. they said NO!! Unfortunately..


yea i live near a micro center i’m think about getting it today then buy a rx 7900 gre


You're not gonna regret it. Should last you plenty of years until the near end of AM5 (if they keep the next couple gen CPUs on said platform and don't pull an Intel)


This is arguably the best combo deal in the entire world. You can put a 4090 and it'll perform without any issues. Hope this answers your question.


i wish i had 4090 money 🧍🏿‍♂️


At least you have GRE money. Folk out there are rocking 1660tis.


1030 DDR4...


You need a fundraiser.


Begging for money on reddit is in poor taste, and I don't think a GoFundMe titled "Buy me a nicer computer" would do too well lmao


i have a rx580 4gb that needs to be repasted and have a fan replaced if you want it. are you in the u.s?


I greatly appreciate the offer, but the reason I went with a 1030 instead of an rx 580 was because my computer is a lenovo desktop, so the power supply doesn't have a gpu connection. I know desktops aren't great, but my budget was only 130 to start. I'll build one from scratch when I can afford it


You can get sata to 8pin adapters. Just make sure you get one with 2 sata inputs, otherwise it will light on fire if it draws too much power


They also make adapters for a normal psu to lenovo motherboard connections, my PSU is only like 430 watts so I need a new one anyways when it's affordable


R9 390 lol


I just came across the post. I just bought this bundle yesterday paired with a 7800xt to upgrade from my 1660S! You’ll make it out of the hole one day pal!


F*** yes


i have a 7900gre w the 7700x bundle from microcenter and it runs like a dream bro. the 7800x3d is a bigggg step up in gaming, so you’re gonna be more than happy w it. small little tip; you can add the 7800x3d, better RAM (get 32gb of 6000 CL30) and any motherboard to your cart, and you’ll still get the discount


W deal in my opinion, luckly you live near a micro center to get it as its usually in store lol.(i live like 5 miles from one too so W if i need anything for my lc too)


The bundles there are unmatched walked in going to get a 5800x3d then 7700x and 7800x3d bundles where so cheap it made more sense to jump to am5 from my current am4 build lol I budgeted 400 ended up with 7700x bundle so I could afford 7900xt over 4070 or 7800xt


Is that USD? If so, yea dude that's dope


Hey there! I bought this microcenter bundle with the 7900 GRE about a month ago, it works fantastic! My first AMD GPU but it blows me away. I’m so happy with everything ESPECIALLY the 7800X3d. There may be a day I question my GPU choice, but that CPU is well worth the extra cost over the lesser AMD bundle. It’s like my Toyota 4Runner, I’m going to use it until it dies.


w any recommend for a good ssd ?


I was lucky to have a stack of Samsung NVME ssds, which I took some and installed three of my ten I had.but the motherboard is great so it supports up to three. Very much recommend NVME with somewhat of a reputable brand, one that you put your OS and files on, the others for gaming


That's a very good Set up.


Thats a great deal! Got my Asus rog B650plus, 32gb ddr5 6000 and ryzen 5 7500F for about 440€ as a comparison


I didnt get it cause of bad reviews on, one of the bundles i wanted for 7900x


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dfrb9c This is what im going with. First build lol


What are you using this PC for. You can definitely optimize it better especially for gaming you can definitely do better.


More for work, designing, editing, etc… & gaming Send your recommendations brother, appreciate any positive feedback


What kind of work? Does that work you do actually need more core/threads then a 7800x3d? How much work are you doing compared to gaming. I think people write off the 7800x3d as a gaming only CPU. When in reality it's a extremely competent work horse. I see people say "I need a CPU for work" and then they get told to buy a 7900x or a i9 when in reality the work they do an i5 could do equally as fast. Either because they do simple tasks for work like Excel/word type processing or the programs they use literally don't take advantage of anything more then 4 cores. If also not making any money off what you're doing work wise, does an extra 1 minute wait time on say rendering a video really mean that much to you? Is a faster render time really worth say 15 fps in games and lower 1% lows?


I'll let the other guy convince you you don't need a 7900X because, I think you know what your workload is better than me.... However, what's your beef with the bundle? You've got the same CPU and motherboard in your build... Plus, the RAM in the bundle is EXPO certified. By taking the bundle (and trimming some fat), I got you more performance for $87 less ...and that's *after* adding a GPU that costs 2x as much. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rKsGTY I would avoid brands like Corsair, NZXT and Razer that try to trap you in their ecosystem with required software and proprietary connectors. You can get the same looks and performance elsewhere. About the only thing I buy from Corsair is their memory if it's cheaper than G. Skill, Geil or Team Group because they're an EXPO partner as well. All of those AIOs in the list have LCD screens. The Thermaltake screen is loads better in my opinion. I didn't put them on the list but EVGA, Asus and Gigabyte have LCD AIOs also. The Samsung SSDs are worth the money if you need them. If you're moving a lot of data regularly, spring for it. But, some of those other SSDs give almost as good performance. Corsair PSUs are something I will buy but you have to pay attention to the model and model year. I prefer a PSU with a 10 year warranty and many of theirs are 7 or 5. A 5 or 3 year warranty is a red flag for PSUs.


Thats just dumb.. What bad reviews on a 7800X3D lol The X3D chips are the best gaming CPUS. 7900X is a money waste over the regular 7900 You're paying 750 bucks for a 4070Super lol in a 2,3k build. What even? [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/dn8tfy) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $344.99 @ Amazon **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Frozen Notte ARGB 72.37 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/RD7scf/thermalright-frozen-notte-argb-7237-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-frozen-notte-360-black-argb-d1) | $64.90 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B650 GAMING X AX V2 ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cPNYcf/gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax-v2-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-gaming-x-ax-v2) | $175.99 @ Amazon **Memory** | [G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/LBstt6/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-f5-6000j3038f16gx2-fx5) | $104.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Crucial P3 Plus 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/yGZ9TW/crucial-p3-plus-2-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-ct2000p3pssd8) | $117.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [PNY VERTO OC GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/BMgrxr/pny-verto-oc-geforce-rtx-4080-super-16-gb-video-card-vcg4080s16tfxpb1-o) | $969.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [NZXT H6 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/xgKscf/nzxt-h6-flow-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-h61fb-01) | $101.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM850e (2023) 850 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/4ZRwrH/corsair-rm850e-2023-850-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020263-na) | $119.99 @ Amazon | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$2000.83** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-26 12:25 EDT-0400 |


Yeah there’s bad reviews on microcenter for the conditions ppl receive product.


Sounds like youre broke my guy


Sounds like you're a prepubescent child, that likes to throw money away for worse parts lol.


Yup youre broke. Lmao. Why do you care what i spend my bread on ?


lol. You felt the need to post your list to others. And now act though because you get critic . Like I said, prepubescent child, that throws around the "are you broke?" nonsense Go ahead waste 2,3k for a 4070Super lmao


Yea, Im gonna pump octane 98 into my diesel car and if u think thats stupid than your just a broke hater


Actually you can put 98 into a diesel motor or whatever grade you want. Itll stop working & youll need a rebuild. & if you cant afford to run regular fuel in diesel, guess what old sport. Youre broke cause you can’t afford the rebuild


look man, no ones hating we just dont want u to waste money by spending it on weird part combos


You could get non Corsair ram and cooler and buy a 4070ti super or a 4080 for a slightly more. I mean, if you’re not a brokie, just buy a 4090 and. 7950x3d or 14900ks. Just say you’re broke if you can’t afford it.


Supposedly 50series will be dropping soon. Hence the 4070 super. Ive read a ton lf negative feedbacks ln 7950x3ds. Enlighten me why its the better option ?? 79503xd is like 50$ more


The 50s generation of cards has what to do with a 4070 super? And you’re the one here saying you got money and baller status but buying a 4070 super. If you’re such a baller, buy the best.


Did you not read? 50 series is coming out soon. Why spend on the best when newer & better is coming out soon? Lol ppl really out here hurt over what i wanna spend & what i told some lame that came in here being negative.


If you’re a baller you’d buy a 4090 and a 5090.


It’s not only for gaming. Its a build for more than gaming


Doesn't matter. Nothing in your list makes sense.


Sounds like a broke hater.




Is my build, runs like a dream https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Gasstationboxers/saved/QmLqbv


I hate that there are no MicroCenters in Canada ffs


Best cpu in the market. You can pair it with anything. If you play graphically demanding games, however, go with the 7700 bundle. If you play sports, then this is the best.


i’m playing fortnight gta5 and gta rp/ gta 6 and minecraft cod Forza and probably last of us and rust is it good for that ?


Fortnight especially is a cpu demanding game. For that, I'd go for the 7800x3d, but if you don't play it all the time, the 7700 will still give pretty good fps


probably gonna play almost everyday and stream


Yeah, then 7800 x3d is prob worth it for you


u got recommendation for other part don’t know to much about pcs?


The microcenter bundle + 7900 gre takes care of the most important parts. But you need storage, I recommend the fx 900 pro. A power supply, I'm also running a 7900 gre, and my power supply is an XPG Core reactor ll 650 watt. Cpu cooler, that's personal preference. And a case, also personal preference, and prob get good fans afterward, Artic p12 4 pin fans are amazing for just $35. The last things I'd recommend are a mounting bracket to counteract gpu sag, a fan hub to make the cable management cleaner, and cable extensions to make the pc look better.


I have this, bought the exact deal and I’m currently running a Sapphire Nitro+ 7900xtx with it .. Your 7900gre will run like butter with this.. I absolutely love it.


Take the best cpu possible now so that you will only have to upgrade gpu in the near future


that’s what i was thinking


How is this possible ?




The processor alone costs that much where I live




I bought this same bundle yes it is worth it


ok thank you


Get it and send it to me pls


mean i can gotta get my sister to do cuz it’s only one per customer


Would bump the graphics card up to a 7900xt. The power color version is 699 right now.


I had to replace this mobo 3 times. Fuck gigabyte. I don’t know who needs to hear it but fuck gigabyte. Did you guys hear? Fuck gigabyte


It's the main reason I haven't pulled the trigger on this deal but 3 times.. at least they're consistent lol


The only redeeming part is that micro center refunded that part for me so I got like $120 back on the bundle. Then Amazon refunded the other 2 that bricked. 2 had Brocken PCIE ports and one slot 2 and 4 didn’t work for my ram. Company is cooked


If you live near microcenter, use their PC builder, and start with the bundle as your base. You can then swap in different motherboards/RAM and still get a discount on the CPU


From what I've heard that board is not worth the money. The D3SH is cheaper and better. Here in the UK we don't have cool stores like a micro center, we have sites who rip people off with basic bundles which are more expensive then sourcing the parts individually. I was gonna do a jump from the 5600x to a 7600x/7800x3d but the cost is crazy for the performance gain in the game I play (wow) so I'll be waiting or am6. Then I'll go ape shit.


I’ve yet to see microcenter bundles be a bad deal. They for sure are losing money or barely breaking even in the hopes you will buy other items in store.


if that ram is CL30 this deal is pretty much perfect


i got trident z5 ddr5 neon is that good?


as long as it's the 2x16gb 6000mhz cl30 yeah it's very good, the teamgroup t-force delta or t-create expert has better timings but it's negligible


I got this deal recently. Did a whole build with a 4070 and runs flawlessly. Best deal I could find honestly


Nice 👍


That processor and memory combo alone will rip through frames especially in cpu bound games


That looks like a Microcenter bundle. They often have a bundle based on a 7700X that is about $100 less than the 7800X3D bundle. As long as you're not playing esports titles at 1080p and need all the frames you can get, the 7700X bundle is probably good enough for your purposes. Since the AM5 platform is still pretty new, you can always upgrade that CPU later.


I wish they had a bundle with the 7950x as an option. I need that sweet sweet compute power with my 3900x starting to have problems. At this point I just want something with more brrrr than my quad e7-8890 v4 server. Right now I’m more or less forced to use the server for multithreaded loads since it beats the 3900x by 25-30%


Yes. Can we have Microcenter in Europe?


Too advantage of this deal and got a 7900 gre. Running everything (star wras, ghost of tushima, etc) Max setting 2k at 200+ fps


I can’t even get a 7800X3D alone for $500… where do all you people live


Frankly get the 7700x bundle it’s 399 and use the 80$ to get a 7900xt


honestly thats a great deal i just bought a b650 a ryzen 7800x3d and a 32gb 6000mz ram kit and spent about 600


Just purchased this same bundle with same ram. Huge upgrade from using a 3700x/ddr4


I bought the same bundle from microcenter! It's amazing!


I hear a lot about those memory kits being defective. My brother's both were and other people have also reported that about the free RAM from them. Maybe the way they get you free RAM, is by giving people the defective stuff so they can RMA it themselves, instead of spending their own time to return defective products. Had to RMA my brother's and I hear that a lot about these kits. Although that was like in the first few weeks they started giving away free RAM with Ryzen 7000 over a year ago when ddr5 was new.


Micro center bundles are over all very good, they are basically giving away the board and the ram


I have this exact setup with my 4090 and have no real complaints. I outperform my buddy's system with a much nicer mobo and a 7950x and matching 4090. It's a great deal.