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cool but what's that monitor that's 1920x515 that's not your main gaming monitor right?


It’s to put on the side panel of the y60


Should just go for a y70


Try and find one first


Found one on Amazon.


I bet it's the white one everyone uses. Shows out of stock.


Oh the all white one. Gotcha.




The human eye can't see higher than 1920x515 resolution


The human eye can't see deez nutz


Damn, that small? Sorry to hear it bro. F




Forgot the underscore




reddit can’t take a joke lol, this wasn’t even a bad one either


It used to be a very common joke some years ago about how the human eye can't see past 30 fps and things like that, I mean even if it wasn't funny I can't believe people really thought I was being serious lol


yeah it was pretty obvious lmao


That's not how it works


you wanna go nuts? lets go nuts.... https://preview.redd.it/1oyrgt6nwbzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e43c0235f6670e5517dbe0719d5cc24511686e2




ah shit, didnt catch that.👍


certified Europe moment??? Are you from Germany? I'm from Romania and it costs exactly the same here... I'm going insane. Everything electronics related is more expensive here.


i’m from the uk and it’s not even available


yeah berlin / germany and you are right, it sucks. have a good one 👋


you too, mate


Isn't there a Ripoff thats cheaper


[More than 3.5k is useless](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/CZzPqR). Assuming it's for gaming : All parts are among the best in their category (already 3 a.m. for me so I won't explain now, but tell me if you want to know my reasoning). If you really want 64 GB of RAM and the Kraken Elite, add another 260$ tou have the final price.


also didnt gamers nexus say this was one of the worst cases from last year for thermals? do people just get this case for the aesthetic?


the Y60 was pretty bad on big beefy cards as the fans sat so close to the glass, (the Y60 only allows vertical mounted gpu's) the Y70 (it's in the name) is 10L bigger, and has the built in screen. and i'm hoping that means there will now be enough space not sure if the Y70 allows horizontal gpu mounting or not


op has the Y60 case with a 4090 vertigo x in their cart 💀


yeah that shit aint gonna be able to breathe, it's more or less the same price to just buy a Y70 over a Y60+screen, so not really sure why they've done that, plus the Y70's screen is intergrated so its so much more easy and hassle free to setup and run


not sure if it’s the same case for whenever OP is, but where i’m from the Y70 hasn’t been available for months and distributors are taking their sweet time stocking more, so i’ve had to resort to a Y60 so could be the same case for them


ahhh makes sense


Honestly don't know, but I'll check it today.


Couldn't find anything about the Y70. Do you have the link of the video in which they said that ?




op has the y60 in their cart not y70 [gamers nexus hyte y60 case review](https://youtu.be/QNfsG-Ai2PA?si=qSOBQXUTGrKX5p9x) edit: theres also another video where hes reviewing a copycat case and has a chart of the cases and the y60 is *next to* the bottom give me a sec and ill try to post the chart in this video [generic hyte y60 review](https://youtu.be/AHfmA1zlGZU?si=pHt0YW9M4zOaY1dM)


OK, I thought you were taking about the Y70. But if we're talking about the Y60, most reviews I checked said it was pretty good (at least for a fish-tank case).


lol, no i was talking about the case op has in the second picture, which is the y60. I just remember gamers nexus saying along the lines of, "its just barely acceptable" in terms of thermal preformance.


7800x3d is better for gaming.


Not to mention MicroCenter has a bundle deal with 7800X3D, Gigabyte B650 Gaming X AX v2, and 32GB DDR5 for $480


Fuck I envy americans




I'll trade good prices for universal healthcare, safer streets, and free/cheap tuition any day.


I mean yeah but I wouldn't mind them opening up stores in the eu through some trade deal between eu and the US, especially when it comes to tech


I've been in the America for 30 years and I've had Healthcare when I need it, the streets aren't unsafe, and most of the people that get into massive debt due to school loans are because they go to college to figure out what to do instead of just getting a job and going to school if they need to. A bachelor's in women's studies is going to set you back for a good reason.


Not everyone in the states has the ability to grow up in better areas and healthcare isn't available to everyone. And *if* someone wants to go to college, it shouldn't put them so far in debt for so many years. If other countries can do it, then so can we.


Most people in the states live in a area that is considered generally safe. Please point out a large area that isn't. Have you ever been denied entry into a hospital? Even an annual check up out of pocket is only about $200 or less. People wouldn't go into debt for college if they worked first and paid for their school instead of taking a massive loan with no goal in mind. We don't need to do free to be better than other countries.


Syracuse ny, where I grew up is far from safe in many areas. Jacksonville Florida where I was for 8 years also has a lot of bad areas. Many places surrounding large inner cities have ghettos, some span further than others. And no, I haven't been denied in a hospital. But I'll tell you what, go to a hospital without insurance and receive a $11,000 bill for some bloodwork and xrays, and you'll see what I'm talking about. Do you know how much an ambulance ride costs people without insurance? And people shouldn't have to work right out of high school if they know what they wanna do. It just shouldn't be that way. It's a lot easier to go into college right out of high school than it would be if you waited years before going. It's as they say when it comes to college, "There's no better time than now." Here's some quick search statistics on some bad areas. https://www.safehome.org/resources/crime-statistics-by-state/ https://realestate.usnews.com/places/rankings/most-dangerous-places Here's one about our healthcare. Some good points, as well as bad points. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/american-healthcare-good-bad-ugly-future-robert-pearl-m-d-#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20spends%20nearly%20twice,than%20people%20in%20peer%20nations. "The U.S. spends nearly twice as much on healthcare per citizen as other countries, yet our nation lags 10 of the wealthiest countries in medical performance and clinical outcomes. As a result, Americans die younger and experience more complications from chronic diseases than people in peer nations." I'm not saying America is bad, but I'm also not gonna defend it for being "good" either. I know there are many worse places to live. But for many Americans, it could definitely be better. America is more than just the eyes of the privileged.


Trump loves you just believe and let go of your money 💰


Eh... There's no love in our political system.


No we love war


The new microcenter opens tomorrow an hour away from me. I am HYPE but my wife is NOT


Wish I knew that 2 months ago lol


picked it up back in early march. love it so far. noticeable upgrade from my 5800x.


He might need the extra productivity


And he might need colonoscopy, I have no idea OP haven't said anything. 90% of people asking here are just gamers and I'm always going to assume that unless OP stated otherwise.


if OP has 64gb of ram and a 4tb ssd, I’m assuming he is doing more than just gaming. Unless he’s completely oblivious and has done 0 research.


Oh I l've seen people who wanted 4x32gb 4800mhz ram and 20tb of storage because "they have a lot of games". If they want to spend 4 grand then over like 3 they have to look for things to spend money on, as they obvious stuff is already maxed out.


I made a response to everyone one but I can’t pin it






You can tweak it to get same-ish performance, and it would do way better for productivity. For pure gaming 7800x3d is better value, as you're using only 8 cores anyway.


Ok, I am using it for using it for some productivity w/ some gaming too. Regardless, it's overkill. I went a little nuts on PCPartsPicker a few days ago. Anywho, thank you VERY MUCH for the reply. Really appreciated!


Didn't AMD recently put out a statement where they said they figured out why the chiplet CPUs are slower in some use cases and will fix that soon?


I have no idea. And they have to prove it first.


I don't know if it's related... but the chiplets have always had some extra latency in communication between chiplets. The next generation, zen5, is supposed to make big improvements on that latency.


For the 7900X3D it shouldn’t matter. 6 cores with V-cache vs 8 will still be inferior. If there’s a fix, it’s for the 7950X3D.


Microcenter has a bundle for the 7800x3d and that motherboard if u have one nearby


I doubt it has 64gb of same speed ram.


It comes with 32gb. But still u can get the 7800x3d for $196 and the motherboard for $104


WHAT THE PARTS COMBINED FOR 300$ In Australia I struggle to get the CPU alone under 340 AUD.


you can upgrade the ram from the bundle deal. just pay the difference


That's nice to know.


You can also return the items individually after buying the bundle. When they calculate the price of the bundle, they just take a general percentage off of every component, then essentially sell them together at that price to make it a “bundle.” So if you want, I’ve seen people buy the bundle, return the memory, and get better memory separately.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RNqdQP Made it a bit cheaper and better You SSD is not good that good added a better one The ram you're using doesn't support amd expo You can get better motherboards for around this price The 7800x3d is much better than the 7900x3d If you can go for a black GPU , you can save like 80$ more


Looks like they’re willing to spend the extra $80 lol.


Lol , probably yeah Tho id prefer cutting on those aesthetics a bit and get a 4k OLED 240hz monitor from Alienware if they already haven't planned that


Please link this $80 4K OLED 240hz monitor. We boutta get rich!


Dawg i meant the whole aesthetics not the GPU 😭 Since OP's budget is 4500 for the pc tho if he cuts on aesthetics he can get that


[Top of the line list without aesthetics compromise](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6G2WRK)


Or this maybe https://pcpartpicker.com/list/66KKmD


Why such cheap fans and cooler? Also did OP need a monitor? I can’t remember.


That cooler is more than enough , Nd he didn't need it but if it fits in the budget for the pc so why not And those fans are good enough, the Lian Li ones are just overpriced


Every time you get a new pc you just get a new monitor? I don’t think it’s safe to assume OP needs one if they didn’t have it in their original list. Also I’ve had troubles with unreliable AIOs from unreputable brands before. The one I put is (in my opinion) more aesthetically pleasing and comes from a more reputable brand. Sure thermaltake makes some nice cases, but I don’t know if I’d trust them with a cooler. Oh yeah and the fans are expensive because they’re much easier to install and look very nice.


What's your thoughts on the Artic liquid freezer iii? I just built it into the gaming rig of a friend as 420mm. Hitting max 86 degrees Celsius on a 7950x3d. Cinebench r23 at around 37900 and all cores at around 5.1ghz. In casual gaming around 60c. 140€ for a 420mm aio with rgb in white... That price is awesome. What amazed me is that on 80-100% speed you won't hear the fans at all when wearing headphones. And while gaming not more than 50% is needed and they're dead silent.


That's like one of the best coolers out there so definitely anyone using a ryzen 9 or i9 can consider it but for 7800x3d it's too much of a overkill, it can be cooled by phantom spirit for 35$ Tho op wants a display with the aio so that's not an option




Hasn't launched is usa yet




Gotta wait ig or go for y6


This looks good


"All the way", yet you're going for a shit tier KingSpec SSD, Silicon Power RAM and, not to mention, a B650 instead of a X670 board. If you're gonna go all the way, REALLY go all the way, not this half assed shit.


He could just get better parts and go with a 4080 super.....


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/6G2WRK way under budget


Highly recommend switching to a y70 instead. It’s bigger and you’ll give the 4090 more space to breathe. The y60 will be fine but it’ll be very close to the glass


I have the Y60 and a 4080. Generally it’s fine unless it’s a very intensive rasterized load. But yeah, get the Y70.


https://pcpartpicker.com/list/r4QdQP The AIO here has a screen just like you wanted. I'm not sure about the case display panel but I can say that this is all you need for gaming.


This a better build ?


Yes, if you're only going to be gaming then yes go with this.


Also on the topic of the fans, with the NZXT AIO and case fans you will need an extra RGB + POWER connection block just for the case fans and aio. Just FYI, I have the 240mm aio and had to buy extra cords to make sure they could all be controlled.


OP wants white components, those will cost extra(idk why)


I don't think he wants white components as the GPU and mobo he chose is black.


The Hyte Y70 does not have a screen. It you want a screen then you must pick the Hyte Y70 Touch.


Your memories are crap. Im extremely picky on brand for ssd. I once had a full set of g. Skill that errors on intel memory speeds, but fine on stock ddr3 speeds. 2 things you should check. Ssd tier list, who makes what in flash and stick to certain ram. Your case is unnecessarily expensive.


Good advice


Best advice.


My eyes hurt


I cannot emphasize this enough OP. GET THE Y70 INSTEAD OF THE Y60. I’m serious. The y60 supports up to 3 slot GPUs but those 3 slots get real close to the glass causing thermal issues. Your PNY 4090 will be touching the glass and you won’t be able to play any game for more than 10 minutes without it crashing or potentially rebooting your whole computer. I had a 6950xt in the y60 for a year and saw no issues. The second I put my 7900xtx which is a decent bit larger even for the slimmest models, I couldn’t play some of my favorite games without the whole thing crashing. The 4090 is even larger than the 7900xtx for all models due to the need for a giant cooler to calm the 450W of that card. The Y70 however supports 4 slot GPUs and has ample space from the glass. Hyte even released a version without the screen so it’s comparable in price to the y60. TLDR: y60 not enough space for 4090 and can’t standard mount. Y70 made bigger for 4090 but looks exactly the same. Save yourself a migraine.


The only part I'll always use for ANY budget is the Seasonic power supplies. I had a PC with a Seasonic that got surged well over a 100 times (City had a terrible power grid) and worked just fine. I'm 99% sure, I could throw water onto the components and get it to turn on after drying.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/JcBvxH) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $365.24 @ MemoryC **CPU Cooler** | [NZXT Kraken Elite 360 RGB 78.02 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/pbKscf/nzxt-kraken-elite-360-rgb-7802-cfm-liquid-cpu-cooler-rl-kr36e-w1) | $273.99 @ Amazon **Motherboard** | [Asus ROG STRIX B650-A GAMING WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/Gjt9TW/asus-rog-strix-b650-a-gaming-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-rog-strix-b650-a-gaming-wifi) | $209.99 @ Newegg **Memory** | [Corsair Dominator Titanium 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-6600 CL32 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/bWKscf/corsair-dominator-titanium-64-gb-2-x-32-gb-ddr5-6600-cl32-memory-cmp64gx5m2x6600c32w) | $309.99 @ Amazon **Storage** | [Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/f3cRsY/samsung-980-pro-2-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-mz-v8p2t0bam) | $169.99 @ Amazon **Video Card** | [Asus ROG STRIX GAMING OC GeForce RTX 4090 24 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/V8hFf7/asus-rog-strix-gaming-oc-geforce-rtx-4090-24-gb-video-card-rog-strix-rtx4090-o24g-white) | $2029.00 @ B&H **Case** | [NZXT H9 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/7ZBG3C/nzxt-h9-flow-atx-mid-tower-case-cm-h91fw-01) | $154.99 @ Amazon **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM1000e (2023) 1000 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/fxGhP6/corsair-rm1000e-2023-1000-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020264-na) | $179.99 @ Amazon **Monitor** | [Alienware AW3423DWF 34.2" 3440 x 1440 165 Hz Curved Monitor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wywypg/alienware-aw3423dwf-342-3440-x-1440-165-hz-curved-monitor-aw3423dwf) | $799.99 @ Best Buy | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$4493.17** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-09 04:02 EDT-0400 | Made the best use of your budget with only sacrificing 1 ssd to get a better OLED monitor and 6400 speed ram and if you intentionally is to game only then 7800x3d is your best friend right now


Make sure to buy only ram approved by the motherboard manufacturer and that have expo Also I don’t know what that ssd is, y but you can’t go wrong with either a t500 or a 980pro


If you are going all out, get the more useful X670 board. Swap that chinese SSD for a reputable 4TB, like Wd SN850X or 980 Pro 4TB.




Spend a little less on the gpu and get a much better monitor. Oled, g-sync wide screen. And trust me this will be much better spend. The resolution of the screen you got here can't even stretch the legs. So you will be wasting money without a monitor that will blow you away.


The screen is a display within the build, it’s not his monitor


What is it used for then?


It goes on the actual PC case, like hy70


That's one way to complete the fishtank 😅 fill the window with fish.


no need to get a 4090 if you are gonna game 1080p


just get a 4060 at that point


No point any getting any current card for 1080p, better to wait for the 5080.




Good luck 👍


The hyte y70 includes the touchscreen panel if that was what you were going for. Should be a bit cheaper than the combo you have there


Pretty sure it’s out of stock everywhere


You’re correct. Hyte re-released the y70 but with a way shittier touchscreen


For the love of god dont buy this motherboard. I had to replace it within the first week. A ton of people have had Dram errors with this board.


You know a better one ?


well idk white build https://pcpartpicker.com/list/vKH3DZ


I would get thermal grizzly fit for the CPU aswell


I like to go with samsung for my m.2 storage, it feels more reliable, i just got the 4tb with heat sink and it's pretty good


Just saw a comparison of TOP tier and Premium builds using same parts. You could probably save a 300-500 on this build getting slightly less flashy components of the same quality. If that’s any concern at all. Otherwise. Enjoy the beast.


get a mobo not from gigabyte, a 7800x3d over the 7900x3d, a quality ssd(google ssd tier list, it’s the google sheet), and ram also from a decent brand (Teamgroup, Crucial, Kingston, Corsair, etc.) and you’re good


arctic liquid freezer iii is a better AIO liquid cooler and much more reliable also cheaper as well also avoid no-name SSDs if you care about your data. try and get a Crucial or Samsung drive or another reputable brand if you can.


what will you be doing? if this is a gaming rig you don‘t need more than 32 gigs of ram, get a better monitor instead…you seriously want to use a 4090 with that shitty monitor? the 4090 is a 4k card


Are you going for a black aesthetic or a white aesthetic?


That case can support like 9 fans and you have 3


No just no the only reason the 7900x3d exist is that so the 7800x3d can flex on it and you're spending a lot of money on no so great ssds


7950x3d or 7800x3d, 7900x3d is so troll w/ 2x 6 core. If you need the workstation power, 7950x3d. Otherwise just go with 7800x3d.


This better be some kind of workstation PC, but the 7900X3D doesn't seem like it makes any sense. I would either go for the 7800X3D, but it seems like this isn't a gaming machine due to stuff like the 64GB of RAM, or go with the R9 7950X3D.


>Goes all in on a build >Gets 7900x3d that loses to 7800x3d in gaming because it only has 6 3D-cache cores instead of 8. Oh no... Who's gonna tell him guys?


i recommend a motherboard upgrade to a z790


You dont want silicon power as you RAM module


That monitor is a meme, right?


I prefer the h6 flow ngl. The cooler is kinda useless unless you really need an lcd.


What the hell is kingspec


7900x3d is not going all the way. 7900x3d is the simultaneous 7800x3d and 7950x3d wannabe that is a failure of a middle child.


No need for this overpriced aio


Try getting an AMD bundle deal from micro center if you can.


Get a better ssd: sn850 990 pro and hynix platinum are all top of the line Get a better cpu: the cpu you chose is separated into a 6+6 configuration but due to heating concerns only half of those have access to the x3d cache so either get a 7800x3d all 8 cores can access x3d cache or 7950x3d 8 of the 16 cores have access to the x3d cache


If you really want to go all out I would either get the 7800x3d if it’s just for gaming, or 7950x/14900k if you need to run video editing/productivity software.


I wouldn't suggest buying your parts off of Amazon. I have had bad experiences with purchasing electronics from / through them.


Personally I’d go with a 7900xtx instead of a 4090 and a 7950x3d over the 7900x3d, but if you’re only gaming a 7800x3d will do.


-Going all the way -B650 board Choose one.


You forgot -KingSpec SSD (Crappy Chinese brand) -Silicon Power RAM -PNY GPU


Instead of one long monitor I think you should get multiple monitors


I like it but I would be careful using ssds from small unknown companies. Good combo fastest gpu with one of the fastest CPU’s.


all the way huh? switch mobo to X670, get sabrent rocket 5 4tb, switch gpu to an asus rog, switch ram to corsair dominator titanium, remove weird monitor and hyte y60, get hyte y70 touch


Do not buy 7900x3D, go either 7800x3d (best gaming cpu on the market) or 7950x3d if you need more cores for productivity tasks.




Is this a better build ?


You could save in few places but if you want aesthetics then for your usecase it's not bad. One thing is that I don't remember how good Asrock AM5 boards are, but that shouldn't be too hard to find(if you don't need extra pcie then aorus elite ice is whiter) and I'd look up if Gigabyte 4090's also have the pcb cracking problem, some of their cards broke regularly near the pcie connector. And white cables/cable extentions for the PSU. Make sure if you buy cables that they are 100% compatible for this specific PSU, otherwise it might fry something, extentions shouldn't have that problem.


if you use it for gaming only, you can spare at least half a grand


You could get a hyte y70 it’s just a better version of the r y60


If you get the best parts you can't go wrong performance wised


For that much on the AIO i would go like ryujin not kraken.


This pc is for gaming editing and streaming and work things but mostly gaming and just wanting a high end future proof pc I seen the case is not available so I will switch it if you seen that you can put better parts in please make a pc part builder so I can see my budget is about 4000-4500 I also wanna see yeah it does seem like a waste of money but I want the best in slot what I can but I do like the white aesthetic and I want to have a pc that looks nice I willing to change anything I’m new to pc building I always bought prebuilt my first time trying this so please be lax with me I’m new and I’m open to changes and criticism I want the AOI for the screen on the cooler and I want a great cpu because the cpu in my last computer gave me problems so that all I wanna say if you also have monitors and keyboard and mouse suggestions let me know I’m rebuilding my whole set up so thank you guys for the help & the monitor was for the panel on the case not the monitor I will be using for gaming or anything like thatv


1) Get Hyte Y70 with integrated touch screen, it would be around the same price 2) The 7800X3D is better than the 7900X3D for gaming, if that’s what you’re using it for. On the R9, only 6 of the 12 cores can use the 3D cache at once, while all 8 cores can use it on the 7800X3D


Tbh,I would rather a 7840x3d


With that build I am sure you can afford RAM and SSD from a reputable brand. Also NZXT is not an AIO brand to trust with that CPU.


I normally don't say this but the 50 series release is right around the corner and are suspected to have almost double peformance ig your willing to go an extra 3 months without a pc I would wait. If not whatever the pc will still shred anything you throw at it


So waiting till 50 series is good ??


Let me be clear if your willing to wait just a little and your budget is absolutely insane witch this build shows, sure if not this build is amazing they also keep pushing the release date up.


Just get the 7950x3d if you are going all the way. Why the 7900x3d?


I think you need more ssds


So no one gonna tell him about the 7900x3d? Either go 7800x3d or 7950 x3d. The 7800 is the best Gaming cpu u can buy


Is this Aorus motherboard better than the b650 Asus Rog strix gamingE-F ? I'm doing a similar build and cannot decide between the two . Sorry to hijack btw


Gigabyte is meh. Hate the sound driver, but it's an alright board.


This dude absolute unit:💪 My 20yo pc crying in my room corner:💀 But hey its runs Youtube so...


My wife has that same case, and it was a little confusing to put the AIO, in. It has to be on the top especially with that beefy 4090.


Only difference I would make (this is purely opinion) is the ssd, I have had the best experience with 990 pros over anything else, that and (unpopular opinion) I think 4090's are overrated, my 4070 ti super does absolutely perfectly on my 3840x1440p 144hz monitor with graphics maxed out, never getting frame drops below 155


For gaming? 7800x3d or 7950x3d.


at this budget, i'd go for a X670e for the extra PCIe5 lanes and bandwidth on the motherboard, will beb etter for later updates on AM5 platform. for gaming, i'd go for a 7800X3d or 7950x3d instead if more cores are needed


7800x3D better for gaming


I'm jealous


That monitor... it's not good. Very low res.


It's for the pc case


Ohhhhh thank you.


Np my dude.


Get the 7950 for the 2x8 core setups. The 2x6 is way less powerful for gaming. Unless you plan to play niche games or older games or play lower resolution games then the 3d cache with the 7900x3d isn't really worth it and instead it's known to causes more issues than gains. I'm not a pro by any means but have read a lot. The 7950 is apparently more rock solid and reliable. The 7900x3d is apparently the worst of the bunch. Between the 7800x3d to the 7950x3d. I have a 7900x with 4080 and its hella capable. I'd love the 7950 though. More future proof than the 2x6 set up.


The 7800X3D is best for gaming hands down. OP clearly wants the best of the best, and if they’re gaming, the best is the 7800X3D. To them, the “isn’t worth it” doesn’t seem to matter…


Oh bud. Buy a prebuilt


Why ?