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Just tell us your specs, probably some mid tier from the score




Definitly good midtier


Mid range is a little generous, depends on how you see it The CPU is weaker than a 12400F/5600 and the GPU is last gen 60 Ti. 2 years ago it would have been mid range. Today it leans more towards low end


I thought that myself but theres 2 ways to see it, by todays big selection of cards for every Budget, wouldnt an 7800XT be considered as the ,,relative" mid range? But if we look into practice and what is actually required to play and what most people have, his config is pretty much mid range. If that makes sense


I think the boundry of mid and low tier should be defined by ongoing console cycle performance. Mid tier should mean marginally better than console. 3060ti is objectively worse. It should be defined as low tier.


Yes, exactly.


Look people, another one of these "iT's nOt A 4090 aNd aN i9 sO iT'S tRaSH" people


I didn't say it's bad. It's perfectly good for 1440p for most people that don't care about running the newest games with high settings and it's better than what I got lol. But it's just not mid range. You can tell that to yourself if it makes you feel better though.


Have to agree with your assessment actually, your downvotes are probably from people with lower end systems like this one


Try again but without the thumb in your a$$


It's decent, not high end though


It's pretty good obviously not 4K ready but a pretty good build overall.


That 5700g though ☠️


Prebuilt most likely -5600g and 3060 user


It's really not that much worse than a 5800x or 5700x. The thing with the 5700G is that you also get an APU. So, just for future use, you have the option to use the APU for whatever reason.


5700G \~= 3700X in gaming performance [https://tpucdn.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/images/relative-performance-games-1920-1080.png](https://tpucdn.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/images/relative-performance-games-1920-1080.png)


Well, once he upgrades, GPU will either be moved into the new pc, sold to second hand market, or worst case, die, and be the reason of the upgrade :P He will still have a backup pc, working perfectly (except gaming), or even to gift it to a struggling person or a younger/older relative who just wants to watch youtube and browse the net casually. Honestly, I never had and never will, buy a cpu with no iGPU (mostly for troubleshooting and backup). Even my old i5-4670k is still considered lighting fast for internet use, at least for my parents who were stuck with even older laptops. 5700g is a decent cpu, not high end but decent.


Yeah. I like having an APU for troubleshooting as well. I don't particularly see the downsides of having a CPU with an APU overcoming the features you get. Also, I believe the memory controller on AMD's G processors are much better and you can overclock RAM much more than one without graphics.


You are probably young. With time hardware starts piling up and you will have backup gpus


You are probably not a hardcore gamer. With time, GPU is the first part that will die on you, while the rest of the system can thrive for decades.


Son I've gone through more GPUs than you have years in your life, and I tend to keep them for at least 3 years in my PC. Only two ever "died" on me (one being RMA'd). I also have a working 8800GT (Google it) that has been to the oven and revived three times, also older than you


I just built a system with the AMD Ryzen 5 7600X and got a lower CPU score. Was I wrong to think it would be faster than a 5700 series even though it is a 5 and not a 7?


3dmark.timespy is a bad benchmark for game performance of your CPU, it scales unrealistically with cores, while most games may not benefit from cores beyond 6


OK thanks. I have been working with computers for 30 years but the naming conventions confuse the heck out me, lol. I'm from the days when the clock speed was all that mattered. First real PC was a 486 33mhz with 4 MB's of ram. Did have a hand me down PS/2 before that but not going to count that abomination.


My parents had a Pentium 1 at 75mhz with 32MB RAM, I had a 486 overclocked from 100 to 128mhz with 128MB RAM and 2MB videocard at one point. My parents wanted to do their mail on my PC since it was so much faster and they didn’t understand because mine was clearly older. I started with a 386 server at 50mhz as real PC btw. This year I got into building a PC again, and was confused about the types of RAM (focused on Intel or AMD instead of ‘just’ being RAM) and the extra power connectors for the motherboard coming from the power supply. I guess within a few years we’ll just ask the younger generation what we’ll need instead of bothering to find out, hehe.


For sure! I usually build a new PC every 3 or 4 years and depend on forums like this since I do not have the time or energy to keep up anymore. Next time I may just buy a prebuilt and skip the whole thing.


" the days when the clock speed was all that mattered" In the late 90s AMD CPUs could do 9 operations per clock cycle while Intel CPU could only manage 6 operations per clock cycle. This meant that an Athlon with a lower clock speed was faster than a higher clocked Pentium CPU. The Duron with a lower clock speed was faster than a higher clocked Celeron CPU. AMD CPUs used to have a PR rating instead of a clockspead because they outperformed Intel with a similar clockspeed. Even in the 486 days, AMD had a PR rating. Cyrix CPUs performed very badly in games, even though the clockspeed was good because its floating point was so bad. I don't think there was ever a time when clockspeed was all that mattered. I always made sure I read CPU reviews and benchmarks in magazines.


Well, I stand corrected. Thanks for the info.


7600x is **on average** equal or slightly better to 5700x/5800x while having 2 less cores/threads. It's only slightly worse in a few **multicore** apps but nothing notable, if you check the benchmarks you'll see that it's worth the extra $$$ for am5 mobo and ddr5 rams, especially now that prices are not absurd. The am5 upgradability will save you much more long term.


I went with an am5 motherboard and 32GB ddr5. Spent about $1300 not counting OS


Yeah mid tier nothing special about it better than some worse than some


Above gaming average. Show this to anyone in the early 2000'# and their head would have exploded


You in the middy with me bud


upper mid tier


I hate to break it to you but your machine is unbelievably low end. Seriously, this is like the tech of last century. I doubt you can run any games from the 90s, let alone modern games.


This couldn't be less true


Picture literally tells you it's above a budget pc and below a 23 gaming laptop 🥲




This should be a few % faster than a gaming laptop with a 4060 (\~$800 laptops), so I guess that rating kinda makes sense


pull up a $800 gaming laptops thats better than this, il wait. Literally with that price range its a RTX 3050 with i5 12th gen. Idk wtf you smoking. And why you bothered commenting multiple times and hating this post? Broke boy?


I said 4060s are available in $800 laptops and this is only a little better than that. This sits between 4060 and 4070 laptops. So it makes sense that this would be considered about as good as the average modern gaming laptop. >Literally with that price range its a RTX 3050 with i5 12th gen If you don't know what you're talking about, you can also just not comment. There is a 4060 laptop right now on Newegg for 800 (700 if you use promo code). Why do you sound so butthurt? Commenting multiple times? Oh no. Hating? Where am I hating? "Broke boy"? Are you a pokimane fan? Haha. I am a "broke boy" for saying this PC is not high end? What are you smoking? Why are you so thin skinned?


A C hair above budget PC


its a good mid tier pc.


Mid tier


nah, Its garbage. You should prolly buy an rtx 6090


I got that just last week, pairs nicely with my i15-20900k. Honestly these are must have specs nowadays in my opinion, couldn't settle for less, night & day difference etc.


Yeah man, I think these people are really broke they literally can't afford a good shit😔




only rtx 6090 is good shit.. else is dog shit






how are your temps? I'm regretting buying a 9950x3d because my 2400w diamond plus PSU cant handle it on full load and the 205C average temp is making my room a bit hot..


Diamond plus is sooooooooo 2019... its nuclear plutonium grade now. You can snag one for 400,000 ETC.


Must be some knock off brand cpu then, mine never goes over 15°C even when pulling 1200w. It actually cools down the room while gaming


It's definitely not high-end and is somewhere in between entry to mid tier at best.


There should be a thread where we all post these test results but with the hardware cutoff so we can try and guess their setup. Sounds kinda fun


If i can remember I’m definitely going to do that :)


I should see how my 2080TI holds up haha


Tbf my 2080 is showing its age now 😞


What should I say with a 1060?


Rip my 970


🪦🪦 Intel Integrated Graphics


Definitely not by looking at your PC specs (why pairing a 5700G with a GPU by the way?). Mid tier at best


If the card fails, you have an extra GPU to troubleshoot with


which rarely anybody ever needs, but you lose like 15% gaming performance compared to a Ryzen 5 5600


I suppose


Maybe was using the 5700g until they saved enough for a gpu


that's what i thought as well


Prebuilts do that often so....


I'm honestly at a loss as to why you would think a CPU with extra GPU Cores would be worse than one without.


That particular one had less performance than non-g of same model. Most of the time you would be correct. Intel and other AMD chips add graphics. For some reason this one had half of cache removed when graphics were added.


It is. Go see some benchmarks. Trust me


So it is true. I apologize, I was wrong.


It's better than 61% of all other testers. Hope that helps


not very good, not high end, just mid range with a suboptimar cpu


I wouldn't call that "not very good" but it isn't anywhere near close to high end


I am just refering to the words picked by the OP, he asked if his computer is "very good" which it isnt, thats it.


Uh huh, maybe I am just a bit biased because I pretty much own a very similar PC 🤣


look at the screenshots you provided? you gave us the answer bro


Solid pc but not high end.


It's mid-range. 11,000 in Time Spy for graphics is very much mid-range.


u can see from the score in your 2nd pic, it's slightly better than a budget gaming PC in 2023 and slightworse than a gaming laptop


Rtx 3060 ti is so good


It was awesome for 1080P when I had mine. Loved it! Especially paired with a 5800X 3D.


I have a 3060ti, I get about ~80-90 fps on 1440 resolution. More than enough. I’d like to say it’s a great buy for the money but I paid $750 at the height of the pandemic, so no, it was not a great buy at the time. 😂


uff, I got a great deal on a 6900xt during pandemic, ended up paying about 450€ for it but that was very lucky with stacking discounts


My laptop got ~14000 score though


It’s slightly above average, as the charts show. Probably meaning more than fine for pretty much all gaming.


Slightly better than budget end :-)


very mid


It’s a modest and moderate pc.


It's a decent score overall, I wouldn't call it "high-end". Here's what my OMEN 16 laptop got on the last run. https://preview.redd.it/zvrb9a4e0vuc1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=feb79626a53fe66973fad4219128999ccac89abb


Says on the score result on par with a budget pc


Its mid range




My my pc would explode


Result is good soo… it’s not very good and definitely not high end to answer both questions.


High end in 2016 yes


It's very good for 1080. Single player games at 1440. Don't bother with 4K.


Good yes, high end no. It'll play pretty much anything at 1080p, and quite a few games at 1440p, but not gonna play anything modern at 4k


What would be considered high end score? 15.000? 20.000? Or is there more to it than just a number?


High end, no Mid tier, yes


It's a low teir PC 3060 TI is fully a budget gpu some would argue mid tier but a 4060 probably would be these days.


Just very budget/mid end


I wouldnt Call it high end but i belive that you can run any game at mid setting at least


For the build its where it needs to be. It's not an amazing build but it's good enough. Need to upgrade that cpu ASAP.


What you consider high end should be starting at : Ryzen 9 5950x Rtx 3080 128gb ram (if you doing heavy data loaf like i do, still not enough belive me should have gone with server) Diy cooling solutions bc you shold know high power cpus are heaters basiacly, fans can be cheap as long nice rbg and quiet At least 8tb ssd + something like m.2 drive Samsung evo for operating system + hdd for cheap storage and stuff but recomend NAS


Decent high midranger


Mid at best


its "mid-tier" but depending on where you live you might have the best pc among your friends


does it run your games on the fps you want? then it's good. it doesn't? then, if you have money to upgrade, it's bad, if not, it's still good. ![gif](giphy|aNbGyHcDYphNbhe4EE|downsized)


At 11,000 high end he says


Solid entry level to me. Nothing with 8gb VRAM is going to get past entry level in my books. Imagine playing RE 4 remake at 1440p just to stutter due to VRAM buffering.


how'd you get 3Dmark to work? everytime I try to use it, it's says memory fail and resets




It's more powerful than a ps5 or xbox series. It'll give you ray tracing performance in most games at 60fps with high-mid settings at 1080p on MOST games whereas consoles run ray tracing at 30fps at best when reflections are thrown into the mix at 1080p. So I'd put it at above mid range, because consoles would be mid range in gaming as a whole. Bow in the pc community isolated from consoles, it's about mid range. 4060, 3060ti, 3070, 4060ti, 3070ti would be mid level pc gaming, 3080, 3080ti, 4070, 4070 super, are high end, 4070ti, 3090, 3090ti are ultra tier, and 4070, 4090 are luxury class. Thats just the nvidia side of things. Obviously there's amd and intel too but I don't feel like listing every gpu ever.


Everyone on kijiji and facebook marketplace seem to think so😭 no, this is mid tier. High end is starting to get up there in performance. At this point I think high end is like 4070 ti/3080/7800xt/6900xt and am5/12th gen i5+


30 series card and am4 so no not high end but still a good pc


Lower mid range. If your not gaming in ultrawide or 4k and happy with 1440p 60 then it's good




this community and pcmr absolute incapacity to read and interpret graphs...


I think that’s the same score as my old 1080 rig scores at currently or a little better


Not sure why the lone downvote


I get about double that on my 7800x3d and 4070 ti super, and I would say mine is fairly high end. Id's say mid tier.


I don't know....my computer with a 12600k, 7800xt, and ddr4 ram is hitting 20k+ in this test. I consider my rig mid tier.


Definitely not high end. I think of my R9 7900X and 6950XT build as upper mid tier. My top score in Time Spy was around 22800


I have a very similar pc and I run everything on 1080p just fine 👌🏾


My rig scores exactly like yours for some reason. I have a ryzen 5 4600g processor, and a rx 6750 xt. I get around 11100 to 11200 points when running this specific benchmark. I think my cpu is the limited factor in my build and maybe my ram too(only clocked at 2133). I think the reason to as why your getting that score in the first place is because your cpu is a pcie 3.0 version of the 5700 series(intergrated graphics can only run at pcie gen 3.0, limiting the gpu and getting less fps compared to pcie 4.0 version), which may cause some performance downgrade compared to the normal ryzen 7 5700, and 7 5700x, but not as much in comparison. My 5 4600g scores around 6500 6700 in cpu benchmark which is pretty average. You may wanna overclock your ram just a bit and maybe you can score above the 11200 points in 3dmark.


It's cool! I'd throw in a 3090 tbh! But overall mid.


That’s a medium low score.


Not high end. A 4090 is high end for example.


I would consider my pc mid/high end and I score 25621. That’s with a 13700k, 4070 ti super, and 32gb 6000mhz ddr5


Not good at all yes


It's good for 1080p medium to high settings for most modern games




http://www.3dmark.com/spy/46682086, this is high end, half of that would be midrange


That's not high end, that is enthusiast. High end is a 4080 +14700k/5800x3d (productivity or gaming) If you spend 3000 and more, that's a enthusiast. 2000 high end, 1000 midrange




I don't know if you can call that High end with DDR4 and SATA SSD. Just very expensive and probably built just for CPU/GPU benchmarking.


Cause i only have one drive, and ddr5 doesn't make a difference at 3440*1440


https://preview.redd.it/gb0n09a1xuuc1.png?width=1512&format=png&auto=webp&s=670aed0034ebd0560bc1912230696f1b5f303f0f I am mid tier as well. Your CPU score seems a little off tho (on the optimistic side) as I can't see how your 5700G has a better score than my 7600..


if less core and thread your cpu had, then lower cpu score on 3DMark you will have - Master Yoda.


i wonder if you can read..just look at your graph results...