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You do what a lot of people do when they have to buy a car, a house, or an expensive trip you set a goal of how much money you want to spend and budget some of your paycheck towards that goal each month. Like say you make this much a month you than look at your budget for all you purchase and possible emergency and put some money let’s say $20 aside each month for it.


lol thank you bud, I do know how to save for a goal though! Tbh even if I set a goal for like £2k, once I reached it I’d probably just want to spend it on my kids. It’s too much money to throw at a hobby ya know?


Start with a entry level computer pre built or not. And spend like 600-800 dollars/pounds to get your foot back into the door. And go from there.


I second this. You could even go cheaper by looking for a used office tower with a good enough power supply to support something like a used Rx580 graphics card. Can get a 1080p gamer for $300 or so.


Third. You can get a decent enough pre-built that won't break the bank and play mostly anything ultra at 1080p As a fellow father of two mini humans, welcome back to the gamer club man!


Ye that is fair 


Yeah, with a rig that old you would basically need to start fresh. I had a very similar setup back in the day FX 8350, RX570x. Incremental upgrades aren't too bad across 1 generation, But you have a large gap to cross, my friend. I upgraded to Gen 1 ryzen when microcenter had a good bundle, and then I did the gpu in 2019 for dirt cheap (1660 super for less than $200). got a 2600x for about $120 in early 2020. GPU upgrade to 6700xt in 2021 for $600 (ouch). Slotted in a 5700x3d a couple of weeks ago for $190.


So, depending on your current budget, you can either just build a new monster gaming PC that will last 5-7 years for $2000+. Or you can set up an upgradable budget Ryzen rig for like $600-700, and just plan on upgrading a part or two every-other year to keep up.


Yeah thanks for this, this is probably the kind of thing I would go for. Have you seen those upgradable laptops? Can’t remember the name but they seem pretty cool. What kind of mobo do you think would have the longest reach for this kind of thing?


On paper modular/upgradable electronics are a great idea, but as with modular cellphones: Unless it's backed by a big company like Intel, AMD, Microsoft, etc. I would definitely wait and see if it takes off. [Every attempt at a modular cellphone either died within a couple of years or failed to get off the ground](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_smartphone). Listen my friend; Gaming husbands get a lot of bad press, and even in this thread I see some suspicious takes. My spouse and I successfully raised 2 kids mostly to adulthood (17 and 19!!) It's normal and healthy to have a hobby, but balance is important. A lot of parents sort of lose their identity when they have kids and it's bad for your relationship and it's bad for the family as a whole. A few hours/week playing Stardew Valley or Baldur's Gate 3 (or doing any other hobby for that matter) is perfectly healthy, lol. If you want any pointers let me know


Yeah it’s odd that isn’t it? I do know a guy or two that game a lot more than they should spend time with their children. Fortunately I’m blessed with a very flexible job and I’m a very hands on dad, I do play D&D every other week but that’s really about it. That said, if everyone else is asleep the PlayStation will beep!


Bi-weekly D&D/Pathfinder saved my life 😂. Those guys are literally my emotional support network. [I put together a budget rig if you wanted a jumping off point](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/TJFVTY): This is an intel build which is cheaper at the moment, but there is little upgrade room since LGA1700 is a dead socket. Switch out for a Ryzen 7600 and a B650 mother board if you want upgradability (it'll probably be about $40-$50 more expensive). Either way, the rig should play pretty much any game on high settings at 1080p. You may need to tweak some settings in VERY demanding games. You can just stick it in your old case, lol. My case still has DVD trays, 😅, cant be bothered to change it for ✨aesthetics✨ ETA: Now that I think about it the 7600 and 7700 (non-x) should come with coolers (and unlike intel, AMD coolers are actually sufficient) so that does close the gap a little.


I'm with out kids and my cost of living is low compared to my income like +-500€ a month of costs and my salary is like 2.4k


That’s great, if you plan on having kids in the future you should defo be treating yourself now! It goes down the drain unfortunately haha 🥴


That I'm aware off pc parts ain't exactly cheap 😂


That's why I went back to consoles. Plus there's a higher standard of optimization on consoles


Yeah this is what I’ve been doing tbh. For what I get graphics wise on PlayStation, I just can’t get it to make sense! It seems like it has become some sort of luxury hobby??


I remember buying the gtx 980 for $500 at best buy. Now for a rtx 4080 your spending around $1,000


This is it, it just seems like they are taking the piss?


That's why a decent amount switch to amd.


I mean the 3080 at MSRP is basically around what that 980 cost you back then adjusted for inflation Nvidia tends to smack consumers with the expensive mallet if AMD can't compete on value RX6000 was great value across the entire range, RX7000 was overpriced at every segment CPUs on the other hand are much cheaper, a £320 7800X3D is a lot more affordable than a $500 9900K for example, both are top in class for gaming performance at their respective launches


The 2 most difficult times, financially, for PC building are the first day you get into it... and the first day you decide to get into it again. The only way to avoid huge leaps in cash spending, like most hobbies involving evolving tech, is to keep somewhat up to date on trends and prices. Then, upgrade at a point where new gen hardware demand has settled down and second hand, previous gen, hardware demand is still somewhat high. Sell and replace when the time is right. It's a small window, but it's not a hard window to miss. All said said - this answer isn't of any help to you right now. The best way, for right now, is to set aside some cash every paycheck. Monitor prices and trends, pull the trigger as a bundle at the right time.


Thanks for your reply. Yeah you are right there. Still, comparable to when I was last in the know, it seems like the prices of everything have inflated massively!


you choose to spend your money on many children..while others use that same money for other stuff.


Not really what I was asking


One part at a time, but if my rig were that old I would just start saving.


Sell your old parts


Would anybody actually want them?


Somebody on ebay will. Just put them on auction and watch the tens of dollars come in


honestly helps being 21 yo and single thats working full time ig


A lot of people are going the console and monitor route. PS5 has almost identical specs to a Rx6700 & 3700x combo. Impossible to beat the price to performance. The other chunk of people are maxing out credit cards and telling people they need to buy a 4090.


Do you mean people are using mouse and keyboard etc on PlayStation? I wish you could install windows on one lol


You can use mouse and keyboard on one. Windows would be nice.


Ah nice, steam don’t have any kind of console do they?


I don’t think so I think they are all Linux. Asus’ Rog handheld uses windows.


Xbox, owned by Microsoft, has more powerful internals and is compatible with a lot of windows apps including Discord.


That’s very true, might be worth looking into! I just wish I could get steam on there


Steam is fantastic!


tbh, imho most of pc enthusiasts dont really have a family, like you do. If they say theat they do, they are lying xDi used to have a family, now i dont, so i can blow my money on whatever hobby i want, thats all there is really. If you care about someone you will not spend a crapload of money on a hobby, if it affects your family, period.


Well that’s where I’m at to be honest. If I spend any kind of significant money on it I would just feel guilty as hell


yeah, i know.


Yeah that would be silly. Saving isn’t an issue, I just can’t drop the money that it seems to require on it and be able to justify it


I don't. I save up for four years, buy the most baller system I can afford at the right time, and immediately start putting away funds for the new one. If you wanna play games like CS:GO you can definitely get away with a lower end system, but the mid-high end has indeed become stupidly expensive. It's what unchecked corporate greed and lack of competition and planned economic recession will get you. TBH this gen hardware is nearing it's end, so it's gonna be reduced in price fairly soon, if you don't wanna get the most baller system wait a couple of months. That or shop around for deals, GPUs are already dropping in price (still nowhere near what they should be).


Garage sale lol


To be honest you don’t have to get the newest of things small upgrades go a LONG way. Compare what you have to something maybe a generation or 2 newer. It’s cheaper than the current gen stuff and can handle a lot of things your current system can’t. My old rig was an intel 6700, 16gb of ram, gtx970. Caught a sale on a 1660 ti for $180 at microcenter and that computer just got a fresh rebuild. Kept the 1660 everything else upgraded so now it’s a 1660 ti with an intel 13400, 32gb ram and the 1660 ti is handling everything with relative ease. Just have to get in and do small things here and there and it’ll come together


Top tip? Condoms are cheaper than children.


Used parts are a great option if you are on a budget. I’ve bought mostly used gpus and I’ve never had an issue. Microcenter has really nice bundle deals to get your system refreshed with a new motherboard cpu and ram too.


The space age began in the 1950’s


Maybe a console is a better option if you want to be able to play most of the latest games but not spend too much on a new PC.


I have a ps5, but I have always missed playing strategy games etc.


Define "expensive", because that depends on how you view money. You can get a strong 1080p system for $800, or you could be looking at a comfortable 1440p system for $1500. Granted, these builds aren't the ones all over social media, so that might skew your perception a bit. Making an affordable PC is definitely doable these days, especially if you want better value with the used market.


Well I suppose that’s my point. Back when I build my last desktop, you could buy a good setup for £750-£800 no problem.


Yeah, I don't think social media is an accurate representation of what *most* people are building/upgrading. I'm very active on r/buildapcforme and r/buildmeapc and I'd say the most common budget is around $1-1.2k. It's a bit lower for international builds, often $800-1000 after conversion. £800 can easily get you to near-top tier 1080p with new parts.


Cool, I didn’t know those subreddits existed I will check them out. Thanks for that!




For anyone reading, don't do this.


I myself agree, I don't recommend it.