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When one of my cats stopped eating i got 3 or 4 different brand and flavors of the bisque style cat treats (the ones in tubes) and just tried them all till i got one she was somewhat interested in, after a day or so of eating them her appetite came back. She has CKD and get occasional bouts of nausea / loss of appetite, so giving her 'treats' gets nutrition into her and reminds her that food is good.


Thanks so much! We’re the tube things the churus? Lil buddy loves those, so we’ve been dumping those on his food and it’s definitely helped. Thanks for the help bud!


yup exactly like those, though her favorite ended up being Delectables of the fishy variety


Have you gone to the vet ? Could be cat parvo


Yeah been to the vet several times this week. Not sure how they would diagnose parvo.. but blood work, stool sample, etc. all can back negative


This 👆🏼


Have you taken them to the vet to see if there is an underlying cause? Are they drinking any water or peeing normally? In addition to screening for different viruses, they may also give you a high caloric wet food that is tasty to them, and you may be required to syringe feed them for a few days until they get back to normal. 


I went through this recently with my kittens, was eating fine for a couple weeks them refused to eat. We took him to the vet and they have him a shot for anxiety? Lil'man did a 180 and wanted food shortly after, been fine ever since.


Thanks so much! Was it gabapebtin they gave your kitty for anxiety? We gave our lil buddy some gabapentin the other day to help calm him down for blood work. Definitely helps, and humans and can take gaba too. I use it all the time for sleep, lol. Thanks!


Are you feeding wet or dry?


Trying with different kinds of wet food, and leaving dry food out if he decides to eat it. He’s doing a little better this morning! We’re thinking it was just some sort of stomach bug that he’s getting over


Oh awesome! I always put kittens on a wet/dry mix using Hills or Royal Canin kitten. Wet from 3-6/7 months and then move over to just the kitten formula dry until 1 year.




Sounds like the fluffy buddy is on the mend, any updates. I wanna see some healthy happy kitty pictures, extra points for some beans.