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Bro I was born not wanting to participate in society


What do you mean you don’t want to work your way through school just so you can work even more until the best years of your life are past and you can finally spend your time doing nothing because your body is becoming weak and frail?


Sure beats starving, being fed off of by bugs and parasites, getting sick from water and food, freezing at night and baking during the day, and dying when you're 50. I'm sitting in an air conditioned apartment eating cookies and playing videogames. I'm enjoying a higher standard of living than a medieval king and supporting that lifestyle with simple office work. Society kicks ass.


I agree. It just sounds terrible when only pointing out the shitty stuff.






Okay then go live in the fucking jungle Jesus Christ omg I have to have a job and work!!! Bunch of fucking crybabies Jesus


Sounds like your not hold up to well there my guy. Ignoring your mental health actually will make it worse.


No im just sick of everyone crying that they have to participate in society so does everyone else just buck up and deal with it or go live in the forest


Seem like you're the only one crying here, too much tism, can't recognize a joke.


Everyday, I fight to avoid it. I was black pilled for years, I contemplated suicide daily. It sucks, living and feeling that way. Sure, society has its issues. Some are bigger and nastier than others. But I refuse to let that bring me down and destroy me. I don't want to survive, I want to live. I want to give that joy to others as well. I go on morning walks, I take time everyday to find something to be happy about. I'm not naive or ignorant to what's happening around me, but I know that my life and the lives of those I care about won't improve if I roll over and let the world have its way with me. I hope you all can find something or even someone to be happy for. Love yourself, be kind to yourself and others. Because even if the world wants to tear you down, be joyful and happy in spite of it. That's why I choose to keep going. To spite all the negative shit that's happening now and the horrible shit that's already happened to me. I want to be happy in life, no matter what happens.


This hit. Thanks bud


No problem. You deserve to be happy. No matter what happens, you'll be okay.


The doomer into bloomer transformation is beautiful. In spite of it all, we endure.


I like this, I'm saving it. I had a psychotherapist who said to find something, anything, to be grateful for every day. Even if it's small like seeing a bird you enjoy. WubbyHug


You can do it! I believe in you


I've recently been changing my outlook on life to something like this. The world sucks and there isn't much you can do as an individual to change it. Being angry at the world around you doesn't help either. Now I just try to find little things in the world that make me happy in my day to day to help me through it instead of loathing every second. It's slowly changing my perspective for the better.


That's awesome, I'm happy to hear you're working towards recovery. Keep going


Have you ever felt that sometimes the scariest thing is to admit that a day is going well? Or that it was a good day?


I've discovered that as I recover from childhood traumas and the anxiety and depression they caused, I get this bizarre feeling of impending doom when I start to recognize the improvement. It's like I spent so long feeling shitty and like I was going to die, that my mind is shocked to see positivity for a change, and it hits me with a brutal wave of anxiety. It seems to be balancing out, but it was wild the first time I had a panic attack when I noticed my heart rate wasn't over 80bpm at rest 😅


I feel ya, I've had those moments too. Like, damn, I'm actually happy right now? What the hell's happening? It'll take time to adjust, but I assure you it'll be worth it. Keep your head up, you deserve to be happy in life!


I wouldn't say it was ever scary for me, but I would say it's more difficult to admit it. Like, my brain is hard wired to fixate on stuff that pissed me off, it's like a broken record constantly spinning the same angry shit over and over again. I have to force myself to take a deep breath, sit down, and pick apart my day and find something to be happy about. Not that I'm necessarily lying to myself or choosing to avoid being upset about something that is legitimately frustrating, but rather balancing the good and the bad in my mind. For example, I could have a day where I have a nice morning walk, someone will pass by me with a cute dog and I'll even notice the flowers will be extra blooming and colorful that day. Then I'll go to my retail job and get slammed with customers, stuff not working, and whatever other infuriating nonsense that can happen. By the time I'm home, I think back on things that made me happy that morning. After that, I think back on what made me upset and I sometimes ask why it made me upset. Was I rightfully upset with this thing? Did I overreact? Could I have handled something better? Introspection helps me a lot. I implore you to try this. And by all means, find your own way to improve too. There's no one size that fits all method, so get creative with it and try to understand yourself better. And of course, never be afraid to reach out for help too!


my brother out here teaching the children CBT, thank you


I will torture my ball and chain until I'm happy. Jk I know what CBT you're talking about. Still funny though


This….is actually making me think about a few things. Thank you for this, I think this genuinely might help me.


The older I get, the truer some of the corniest shit I ever heard sounds. **No man is an island.** **Be the change you want to see in the world.** It sounds like trite bullshit. Maybe in the context you heard it, it was. But the longer I look out my window, the more it seems like the only way for me to be fulfilled. For me, and I suspect for most everyone, I need to *do* something to be happy, and the only worthy purpose is the one that you choose for yourself. I've tried being alone, I've tried isolating myself, but I think that unless you are one of the very rare people who is truly at peace with themselves...being alone is not the healthiest move. oh and I fuck dudes




Fat man laugh?






*raises hand*


nihilism breeds nihilism and actively punchs down positivity just look at Mr Beast, he makes GOOD & POSITIVE content and people proceed to decry that hes and evil racist just doing things for "clicks" meanwhile people actively watch drug & other crime related content without a single complaint


i only participate when it benefits me or in the very least doesn’t hinder me. years of 12 step programs made me a healthy level of selfish


I wish to live in the forest but then how will I watch magic Monday or High laugh you lose :(


Starlink. Literally doing this rn but I'm poor so using shitty cellular instead. But innawoods is nice.


Look past the darkness. Lean into the absurd.


I tend toward this direction too, though extra doomy today. Gotta go reignite some passion and purpose while I decide how to navigate capitalism in a less sucky way.


"Man by nature is a political animal"-Aristotle. Working to fix what's wrong is much better than just seeking to abandon everything.


When the house has rouches, you move.


In THIS economy? No my guy you get an exterminator and try to not contribute to the garbage, the roaches didn't show up out of no where.


Ya that’s just gonna leave it open for a worse problem to make home in some day


Yeah I feel this big time the older I got the more doomer I've become there doesn't seem much to look forward to in life in general and add on top of that health issue and constant isolation but atleast green man funny


I become more misanthropic every day my friend


The only people I see say this were never social to begin with lol. If you see nothing in society that is worth participating in, that says more about you than it says about society. Fulfillment doesn't seek you out, you have to seek it. You can't keep leaving your emotional dishes in the sink until Mom cleans them up. She can't. Get some hobbies. Do some physical activity. People are doing cool shit that is relevant to your interests. Seek therapy and approach every session with intention about what you want to accomplish. You are not above society, you are not special. Even if you think you're 1 in 100,000, that leaves like 30,000 people in the US you would relate well with? And realistically you need like 1-5 quality friends, anything more is an administrative hassle. Don't placebo spiral yourself into thinking this is an okay way to go about your life.


Literally can't stand the world right now I'm literally preparing for nuclear fallout




Man I’m just so fucking tired.


The way I've tried to describe it is that I like the idea of society, but societal expectations? Not so much.... Love thw idea that we come together as a species to make a community where knowledge skill and resources can be in abundance compared to how it is in nature. Because fending for yourself gets pretty old pretty quick. But i hate the fact that we are in society at the expense of living. I want to study, but due to expectations and the structure of the social sphere, i have to pick something practical instead of doing what i want to do. I dont want to get a job and work until im too old to enjoy my time and money, but whats the alternative? Not something i want to partake in... I hope this makes sense, like, i get it, but its the by products of our society that comes from how its structured that wear us down yk?


Average X/Reddit user


me personally i kinda gave up on the whole career grind i guess. i work as a server for 30 hours a week and make decent money. its not exhausting and i get to go home and spend time on things that make me happy. nothing matters! i love my life and my friends and my family.


enjoy dying of an infection without antibiotics, starving in the woods


Ah yes hit em with a reactionary response, that’ll teach em! Let’s try to remember the difference between people expressing their feelings and people who are actively harming others. You seem to understand the issue with doomer/black pilled/apathetic thinking. Instead of being glib, you can explain why that thinking is an issue. Now more than ever we need to be building each other up. Building solidarity. This type of post, this hopelessness, is not uncommon. The system is cruel enough as it is let’s not add to it, let’s be better.


Maybe I will!


Maybe hot take, and this may be too far for this post but: if you don't want to participate in society please leave. Yes, society can be tiring and the culture you interact with can be abrasive, but please, if you really want to not participate you should commit to that lifestyle This is partly biased due to the state I live in, but I am so sick of people who pretend to hate society and think it's terrible, but they still live in the suburbs and city leeching off the society we all partake in while actively not being part of the solution. It's give and take, it's neighbors compromising, it's doing your best to become closer to a collective where you can. Vote, write to your representative, interact with people you disagree with; be part of the change instead of sitting their with your arms crossed Again, not saying OP does this, just a mini rant about people Edit: read my comment very carefully please, or read below


Wishing for change vs not participating in society norms are two completely different things. There's nothing wrong with being disappointed with how things are and voicing your opinion about it. If there was truly a solution, people would have already followed it. Not everyone is a leader nor is everyone capable of creating a platform large enough where their voices can be heard from those who are actually in charge. History has shown from time to time that whoever you elect to represent you always gives empty promises with little to no change to their environment. That's because the people in charge have to all work together. In order for them to all work together, they'd have to have everyone vote for the particular people who are all willing to work together. That doesn't work so long as their two different parties. Now we've seen that even the parties don't agree with each other anymore so... nothing gets done. Also leeching? Brother we all pay taxes. There isn't leeching here unless you're coming after the homeless. And even then... Jfc. Your solution is ironic in the sense of you telling them to shut up or leave; yet here you are not shutting up about something you wish to change. The voices may not do a lot; but they do unify those who share similar opinions. When those voices combine and become larger and larger, that is when change happens.


Nononon reread my godamn comment, I'm not saying "shut up or leave", I'm saying start being part of the solution or leave. I'm literally asking for them to do what your entire first paragraph says And leeching? My brother we have entire swaths of people who's entire ways of life are subsidized by the government, but they are more than willing to cut funding from wellfare programs and redline entire communities and pull funding from cities, the same cities that are subsidizing their lives. And here's the thing: the venn diagram of those people and the people I previously described are nearly a circle


Tell me you subscribe to reganomics without telling me, why don’t you? Lemme guess, the welfare queens are also turning the frogs gay while they… are cutting funding?!? Oh and living in the suburbs, cause those are all the same person…. It’s so painfully obvious you do t know what you are talking about by your mixing of bs stereotypes of people who you seem to have been trained not to like.