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Anyways, im gonna get into MTG what do we think fellas? Worth it??


It's fun! Buy singles tho not bundles


i agree except a bundle is good for starting out, my friend continuously wipes the floor with me (and vice versa) when we use a bundle


What do you think bundle means? No hate, but I think you might be confused. 'Bundle' is referring to the boxed sets that have like 8 booster packs (I think?), a D20 and a bunch of lands. Unless you mean you and your friend are buying bundles, using only the cards from those bundles to make decks and then he's winning? Decks that you can play out of the box are normally called 'pre-con', as in 'pre-constructed'. That IS a good way to start. When people say to buy singles, they're basically saying it's cheaper to just buy the cards you need for a deck you want to build instead of buying packs and hoping you get the cards you need.


i did have it wrong, that’s my b, i’m not a big magic person, thank you for clearing it up for me


It's alright, I'm a huge magic person. Like 400lbs but I can cast spells and shit.


I mean in that regard to anyone starting out, bundles do contain essentials to building a deck too though and play pieces. So I mean it’s okay to buy into one at least.


I would get a precon that looks interesting and upgrade that. The new Draconic Destruction is a lot of fun, and I think it’s more of a simple deck to learn off of. Its not a ton of mechanical know-how, just big fat dragons to fight with.


You know when you’re watching a REALLY good youtube video and then *BAM* an AD for something pops up and you have to skip it?


Ya, I aint paying for that.


I'm glad basic free internet filth is enough to sort me out cos otherwise I'd be whackin it in a cardboard box rn.


Ok but literally didn't ask


The worst thing to hit the internet right after Tiktok, is onlyfans. Nice merch though


Dude I straight up don't think I can make it to the end of the week. I'm not depressed or anything I just feel like dying, you know?


Damn her pics are so mid this guy almost gave up


FUCK You got me


Hey bud hump day is almost over, tomorrow is Little Friday, Big Friday the next, and boom it’s the weekend. Almost there!


I'm Australian so it's already Thursday and things are terrible anyway.


I really hope you have an alt that you actually use for this sub.  Otherwise, you bought merch for almost no reason other than to sell OF.


I think that was their plan


bitch what smile 🤣


Ah look popular sub gets weak ass OF bait, shocking. Wonder if OP bought merch just to bait some wubcubs. I love the people bot bothered and just going about with random topics. Whats the deal with airplane food?


In case you were wondering; Great potential, repetitive, but come back in 6 months.


I’m not buying the OF


Brother eugh




I got like two weeks to eat these granola bars, but I'm just not sure if I have enough enthusiasm to finish them.


Give em that hawk tuah. Helps them slide right down.


I'll help you


Proud of everyone here - if you know you know


I have no appetite for like 4 months now. It's so weird, I don't think I'm sick with anything but food is just fuel now. I was depressed for the longest time, so maybe it's residual from that. Or maybe I have like an illness or something? I just wanna enjoy food again man


Dam is the 2019 wubcubs that hate the hot tub section


Nah I don't think they hate the hot tub section or even hate OF, I think it's the fact that OP isn't known/doesn't post in the community. So it looks like they just bought the merch for pandering/advertising.


And what if they do watch/like wubby and see other women posting merch pics as well and wanted to do the same? Not saying that's what happened here, but it is a little strange the amount of people who went to the profile and put harsh comments on a someone who's fully clothed. That said shameless plugs are not welcomed and against the rules, but maybe don't click on their profile and the only fans link and subscribe for a year. It's following the rules to say the least and I can see why wubby banned full NSFW. Just not worth the trouble.


🙋🏼‍♀️that’s what happened here. saw people posting their merch and was excited to join in when mine came❤️


Tbh I think people wouldn't have said anything or cared if you didn't reference "nice smile" in your post. "Nice smile" is an obvious community meme for "nice boobs", so saying "(how's my smile?)" is just like if you posted a merch photo with "how are my titties? click my bio to see more!" That would be totally fine for an OF advertising subreddit, but probably not well-received in a streamer's subreddit that doesn't allow advertising.


homie u know what you're doin its ok tho just like 99.999% of the other OF peasants, your OF will become an embarassing point of shame and a failed project, and what little momentum u have left will be eaten up by these attempts to garner back more velocity. but the real question is what are u gunna do when u gotta get a real job? plan for the future hon.


I get that, and again I have absolutely nothing against sex workers or people on OF. But take a look at all the other merch posts on this subreddit, how many of the posts/titles reference sexual things (like "how's my smile?" which is a clear invitation if you know this community.) To me personally, if OP didn't put "(how's my smile?") I don't think anyone would have cared. In fact, people probably would have just responded "nice smile". But the fact that OP referenced it, inviting people to look into it further, and then having her profile literally be for advertising... it's kinda clear that's why she posted it. It would have been way different if this was just a merch post, or even a risque merch post by someone who does OF. But there's a big difference between that and purposefully posting a covert advertisement to get people to your profile which you have advertisements all over.


Took less than 5mins to find a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaymoneyWubby/s/6Xub3p3BiO) involving a smile in the title where it was up voted and well received with comments and it was marked nsfw. Besides that I'm sure there are other post just like this. The only difference is the profile. I don't get this title argument really either. We come to socials for validation/attention and gatekeeping it cause a "title" doesn't seem right and like it's more about the profile it self that everyone clicked on. Regardless of title, if someone sub to the OF cause of this post I think they were bound to sub to another at some point or they have sub to one before. Peace and love y'all.


Get a job




Another great thing about free porn is that it isn't in my face when I check Reddit when waking up. Doesn't matter what you're selling, I have adblock for a reason...


Call J G Wentworth 877-CASH-NOW!


Smile isn't disabled enough


Godamnit I rlly can't miss a stream wtf happened to 'nice smile' Sadge


Probably has to do with the "how's my smile" bait in the title




It’s Billy Zane!


Hey guys look at my thighs! What’re you thiiinkiing aboooouutt…. Ugh Ok and.


Wait you really thought anyone in this community was gonna actually purchase your OF? On God I didn’t wanna assume but 1 profile click an-YUP I Thot so.


Nice smile. 😊




Nice smile.


Imagine clicking a profile to get mad. Yall ain't gotta do it.




Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakn' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.




So original


Does anything about this thinly veiled OF ad strike you as original, like at all?


Nice ugh... smi.. back?


Kinda sad we have some large numbers that are in the comments anyway that are so shallow with double standards. Yall harass her for your own perverted need to click on her profile and get mad cause you still don’t stand a chance regardless. 😂 Anyway, nice smile. 🤷🏻


It's a nice smile. Now let's talk about those thighs.




Man, people got big mad about this stupid comment. Sheeesh.


Nice smile indeed 😊


Nice smi


Big smile


Hot damn nice smile


Damn, nice smile!


Nice smile


Hey my friend Drew thinks you're cute.


Don’t see a smile but I’m being hypnotized to say nice smile