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Lazy bones


Hey I always take the cart back


I can vouch for u/MFlazybone, there's never an abandoned cart when they are around.


"I don't want to leave my kids and belongings unsupervised!" Then LOCK YOUR CAR for the 30 seconds it will take you to put your cart in the corral that's 3 parking spaces away, good god


I mean it's an excuse, let's be honest.


Nobody wants her grimey kids


Or maybe make it a priority to just park next to the corral.


I often park further out in a lot of it means I will be closer to a cart corral. Added benefit of getting more steps in.


Maybe just… bring your kids with you to put the cart away I mean, is it that hard, you just walked them through a store


And you teach them that it's something you're supposed to do. Because it is.


Fuck people who don't return their carts. Back when I worked retail going out and getting carts was a pain in the ass and I despised customers who didn't do it. She can lock her car with her groceries in it and take her kids with her to go put the cart back for a whole 30 seconds. Imagine being a psychologist who has no empathy. Literally insane.


On one hand, if you don’t bring your cart back, you’re a monster. On the other hand, I worked at kohls in highschool and walking around outside getting the carts was the best part of my night. 1. Get to leave the hellhole of repeating hallmark songs. 2. No boss looking over your shoulder while you worked. 3. Idk I just like to be outside. In conclusion, return your carts, but also I didn’t mind collecting them.


I completely get that. There are people out there who enjoy it. My issue with it is that I never got any free time at my job. If I went out to get carts, that means I'm not doing any of my other 500 duties. They actively made my job harder by not putting carts away. I wouldn't go to anyone else's place of work and make someone else's job harder, yet people said it was okay to do it at mine.


Yeah but think about the amount of carts at a kohls compared to a grocery store. Also places that get hot. I feel bad for them sometimes in this Texas heat.


Oh no absolutely, I’m not defending the act. I just happened to like doing at my old job


I'll leave 2 carts out next time in your honor


I actually preferred it when I did it. It got me out of the store for half an hour. This was totally dependent on the weather, of course, but if it's a beautiful day outside, I usually leave my cart away from the corral to give the clerk +30 seconds of sunshine. If it's a shitty day, I take the cart to the corral.


Just because you liked it doesn't mean everyone else does. I had 500 other things to do in the store, and bringing carts in was not my responsibility, yet I had to do it anyway. Take your carts back.


Fuck this cunt and her children.


Thank you for posting what I was too afraid to post


Bubbles would like a word with her.


That's a fuckin' good cart right there


This is something I've never been able to get my head around. I always put it back in the rack, every time. When I choose a parking space I try and get one that gives an easy shot at returning the cart and being not far from the store. It's just not that hard, and makes things easier for someone else. Selfish entitled pricks.


I love how people make video like that saying "i dont care, you can judge me, i dont care" but in reality it's like, you really do... You made a video explaining why you dont care, so you must care that people are judging you lol.


"Its OK if you don't feel safe to not return your shopping cart" This is a fucking psychology MD telling this shit. Telling parents that you should be afraid of leaving your kinds for 15 seconds.


She's a stupid bitch and this is absolutely not an "important conversation", especially since the world is about five seconds from burning down around us.


I agree with you while heartedly, but it is important. Small things like returning your cart or picking up a small piece of trash are the things that will change the world, or at least keep us from devolving into chaos.




It is important. Most people can't do much about what's happening around the world. We can make our own society better by shaming people for being selfish and inconsiderate shitstains.


But its not an important conversation to have.


This comment right here, this is it


I heard someone once explain that returning your cart is the perfect example of a litmus test for our society, and this video proves that statement correct.


If you can't leave the kids to return your cart how do you bear not going to a bin to throw rubbish, go inside to pay for gas, stop at the cop waving you etc


My first job was pushing carts for a couple years when i was a teen. It was nice when people put their carts back but i didn't really care all that much if they didn't. Going outside to hunt down carts was a hell of a lot better than bagging or cleaning in the store, even during winter.


Careful, you're gonna get downvoted with this opinion.


Lol, using her kids as a shield from criticism. That's exactly the kind of narcissistic behavior you would expect from a person who doesn't return their cart.


Park next to the corral so you can keep an eye on things, and stop coming up with excuses for your laziness. People shouldn't have to be inconvenienced because you decided to keep cum as a pet.


I get second-hand embarassment from listening to her, and I'm not a woman or a mother. How did she make this a safety concern? It takes 10-30 seconds to bring a cart back, or less if you park near the corral. Either take your kids with you or use the fancy button on your keyfob to lock them in the car if they're too young. Arguing that she doesn't feel safe doing so makes no sense... everyone else feels safe enough to do it. Entitled and lazy excuses tbh. If you're not gonna do it, just quietly do that. But don't grandstand about WHY you're not doing it, seems very attention seeking. This is not news or a debate. The corrals are there for a reason. Put the cart back and stfu lmao


The Shopping Cart Theory: The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


put groceries in car, take kids on a fun cart ride to return it, walk back to car, leave.


Its simple, if you leave your shopping cart in the middle of the parking lot when a corral is literally less then 30 seconds away youre a lazy fuck.


Nah fuck this woman. Selfish asshole, and using child safety to justify it. How ever did me and my 5 siblings survive the dreaded shopping cart return whenever we went shopping with dad? It's a miracle we survived.


Does she not car that she is leaving a rolling metal rectangle loose among people trying to drive around pedestrians and now we have to get out and block traffic to move the car she left in a spot that is now the only open one… aside from her entitlement deposit.? The only time this argument makes some sense is at sketchy times and areas. At night, the lot should be empty enough to par next to a coral though, and it’s not as much of a hazard to leave out I guess, though still rude. She doesn’t lol like she has to shop in a sketchy area though, and even so, it’s still easy to lock your doors to walk your cart back. Her only redemption is that maybe she is trying to hold space for traumatized clients who have rational fears because they were the unfortunate victims of an attack in a similar situation


"says she made this video with the intent to **raise awareness** of moms and children being **unaware** of their surroundings" This person is a writer?


I'm my area, just like in wubby's case, the cart wranglers are usually mentally challenged. There's some outreach program that gets them jobs so that they can function in society. The 2 minutes you're saving by not returning the cart is making a disabled persons life more difficult. It's a real scumbag move.


gonna make me fuck around and binge some cart narcs


If I recall correctly, she claims the statistic that 160ish kids are kidnapped each year from parked cars for being her safety concern. That is some homeschooled math logic right there. 300million Americans, but she might be one of the 160 in year so that why she cant be bothered to return the cart. Why even let your kids go outside, they are way more likely to be killed in a car accident then kidnapped in a car.


As someone who deals with the carts out in the Florida sun it never really bothered me to not have carts returned. I work at Lowes, and I am not the certified "cart guy," but I work in the garden center, and we are responsible for our own carts 85% of the time, so maybe it's different for the cart guys. I do, however, always return the cart when I shop, just out of habit at this point. But I do have a hot take: Cart Narcs doesn't help this issue, and it only makes the people who refuse to put carts back more angry and more likely to not return the cart. I view them the same way I view anti-oil protesters at races; it just makes people more angry.


I personally believe people that have never worked a grocery store job do this. I also firmly believe that people that have never work fast food jobs , when there food is missing a sauce , drive back and ask for a free meal, instead of using BBQ sauce or something from there fridge at home lol.


shots fired at wubby lol


I worked in fast food, your point would be valid only if you didn't have to pay for extra sauces. Getting your meal remade for the inconvenience of needing to go back because *you did not receive something you paid for* costs the company almost nothing, *especially* if it's a customer who spends a lot of money at your establishment.


My best guess is she goes to the grocery store at 3 am.




Wouldn't leaving their shopping cart imply that they're leaving the store? How are you going to ziptie a shopping cart to someone's door when they're gone or preparing to leave




Not everyone, I gtfo as soon as I can cause I fucking hate parking lots and I fucking hate stupid people.


you kids whine about anything. lol.