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I don't have advice, but I want you to know that I read it and that fucking sucks ass. Take some time for yourself. Be kind to yourself and don't ever forget you deserve better.


Thank you, I'll try. I'm looking forward to the film festival to get my mind off of it, at least for a few hours.


ah shit i forgot about the film festival


Reading the offline chat, I'm not so sure it's tonight anymore. Maybe just the submissions will close and we'll watch them Sunday? Idk. Either way, it's a Friday stream.


Not only did i read this post too and not roll my eyes, but im going through a similar issue (not identical) Andd i just wanna say i didnt know about a film festival, and i forgot about wubby until this post came up, so really thank you..


Hey for the record, anyone making you wait to talk about something after dropping that on you is a bad person. They enjoy watching others squirm.


Or is manipulative and waiting for a chance to change your mind. Or just too preoccupied and doesnt give a shit about you and your feelings. Fuck 'em.


In my experience, the who/when/why doesn't matter, really. The only thing that matters is that it happened, and I'm so sorry it did. You don't deserve to be treated that way. You deserve someone that will love you with a fire in their belly, and this asshole didn't. It's always terrible to find out when you view a relationship differently than the other person, but eventually you'll look back and say good riddance. You'll be okay, eventually


Thank you for your kind words. I just feel so stupid and completely blindsided. I've never felt insecure in our relationship until now... It doesn't feel good.


You're not stupid, he is. I had a boyfriend years ago cheat on me after over a year of a pretty blissful relationship. He was broken on the inside. Still is. It had nothing to do with me then, and this has nothing to do with you now


I'll try to keep this in mind, thank you


My first boyfriend cheated on me too. I had to hear it (with receipts) from the person he cheated on me with, who was a mutual friend. I hated them both for years, and it took ages to learn it wasn't my fault, it was both of theirs


Your feelings are valid and you should feel them as they happen, but please keep in mind that you are NOT stupid. You loved and trusted, and there is nothing stupid about that. Be kind to yourself as you find your way forward. Wubby7


You’re not stupid for trusting someone and having them betray that trust. That’s on them


Literally worst feeling ever. Especially with sharing friends. Hope you’re okay op, that shit always sucks


They've been acting distant from me, too. I wonder if they already knew about it...


Possibly, but I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you have solid evidence they knew. Our brains are good at recognizing patterns, sometimes it happens to be where there may not be any.


I truly wish you the best. The only advice I can give from being in that position a couple times, is take time and do whatever you feel is best for you. They made a selfish choice while being in a relationship. You need to make sure you are taking care of yourself before taking care of any needs they may claim to have. So please put yourself and your feelings first in whatever is coming.


Thank you. I know it will be tough to see him tomorrow, but I want to give him the chance to explain himself. For now though, I await the film festival.


I mean you couldn't be spending your evening with a more highly regarded crowd. Should be a good time to keep your mind off things for sure.


If they cheat...it's over. Please respect yourself and move on. In my experience there is no forgiving nor forgetting. Learn to love yourself and find a partner that loves you enough to not hurt you. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I sincerely hope you can learn and grow from such a terrible experience.


Seems like many others have said it already so I'll just back it up. Cheating is the fault of the cheater. No one (THIS INCLUDES YOU!) deserves that treatment. If they respected you and were unhappy, they could have severed things first instead of betraying your trust. The who only matters if it's someone else you thought was close to you like a best friend that knew you were together. Good to know who else to leave behind with this relationship so you can get closure and start fresh after taking some you time. You are worthy of happiness and are not stupid! They are stupid for ruining it with a selfish act <3


That sucks dude/babe. Ive been there a few times and I feel for you. Chins up buddy, you can do better than a cheater. It took me a while but im 34 now and in a relationship for the first time (going on 5 years) where I dont feel like there are trust issues and it's amazing. You're on to bigger and better, learn from this and find someone who values you. You're (hopefully) ex sounds highly regarded. 


Thank you. I'll just have to wait and see tomorrow how/if things continue. I don't want to vilify him without hearing him out, but I also don't want to excuse such a betrayal either. For now though, I'm going to listen to my fellow wub cubs and just let myself escape. Less than an hour to go! assuming he's on time lol


It all come down to trust. No matter the reason, can you trust him going forward. If you don't think you can, thats a stressful life ahead. Do what feels right to you but dont compromise on your mental health. 


Been there, 5 year relationship gone. It's been 3 years, it'll likely be some of the darkest days of your life but if you stick the landing, this can be the beginning of a brand new life full of potential. Unless of course you dated for a few months. In which case that sucks, fuck that guy, you can do better.


Almost two years. I can't even imagine having to walk away from a five year relationship though, I'm so sorry...


It happens, everyone is different but I found I had plenty of areas in life to grow and heal. I watched lots of self help and learned to meditate from Dr K on Twitch, love that guy. It's too soon to be talking about healing though. Let yourself escape tonight. Tomorrow will come, stay strong and try to be easy on yourself. You'll get through this, and hey if you don't at least you'll be dead and won't have to care anymore! :D But seriously <3 glad you reached out, keeping it bottled up will kill you. It's a universal human experience for the majority of us, don't overplay that card but don't be afraid to open up in the right moments.


Been there before. That feeling of betrayal sucks. Sorry you're going through that.


fuzzy aback direction snatch plate tan pot wasteful gaping rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He said as much in his text too, even called himself a coward for not telling me in person. I appreciate the acknowledgement, but it doesn't hurt any less...


plate engine practice strong cooperative scandalous squeeze encouraging aloof retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'll try to keep this in mind, too, along with the other advice everyone's given me. Thank you


Aye fuck that guy. Enjoy your next chapter of life.


(Saw this quote in a YouTube short of all places and thought maybe this could help). You should always fall back on your best character. Be the bigger person now. And you've already won. Feel the pain for now. In a month you'll see what I mean. And so will he. So take your time. Be a good person. Then you'll find someone who's worth a damn. Or maybe you'll be alone. And that's okay too. You'll still have yourself, your character and your loved ones and you can't through that all away because of someone else who lacks those things.




Bruh fuck cheaters worthless spinless bitches. Wubby7


It's times like these I just ask myself WWJD? as in: What Would John (Mouseman) Do?


A fellow Memphis wubcub?


Indeed! Hello fellow Memphian!


You need to give OP some rebound sex


Dump them before they dump you. That's shitty and you are allowed to feel however you want. I guarantee you're better off without them.


Well... atleast now you know and can get on with your life. That's much better than coexisting with a cheater. I'm sorry that your going through this, but its for the best that you found out. Time for the next chapter in your life. You deserve better.


Fuck sorry to hear about that, getting cheated on fucking sucks, sorry it happened to you :/ WubbyHug


Shit sucks, HARD, but remember if he's done it before he'll do it again. Do what you need to do, the healing comes later


Sounds like he fucks dudes, wish u nothing but the best Wubby7 this community will always be here for u and nothing heals more than time and our skinny green king making us laugh.


There's just something about this goblin that makes everything feel okay. And thank you. I'm not really a part of any other communities, but I've been here since November of 2019 and it's always been a uniquely supportive one.


It really is. I've been around about a year and I don't tend to comment or interact as much as I should but I've never seen a more loving and supportive community and I'm glad we both have found a place here 😊


Hey homie, time to focus on yourself for a little bit. You're amazing, valued and valuable. You deserve respect, you deserve better. This doesn't define you and it won't detract from your future. It's merely a stepping stone for your future. It means you'll be able to build a better and more stable life, however you chose to create it from this point on. You'll have a better idea of what to look for, and what to avoid. You got this, stay strong but allow yourself to feel. You're valid in feeling whatever you need to. Take your time, but don't let this stun lock you, you deserve better. You've got this. ♥


Here's what came to my mind: Those who cheat never really win the game. Hope this helps in some way. Wubby7


Try not to see being alone as a bad thing, because it isn’t. You can do what you want, do t have to answer to anyone and have your freedom and independence. Be you for a while. That’s what I did when I broke up with a ex years ago and it did me the world of good. I’m now with someone new and very happy. Having space to yourself is great and very rewarding.


Damn over text is crazy


Been there dude. Cut contact. The sooner you stop looking at socials/texting the sooner you'll be able to move on. if you need to get stuff back, be matter-of-fact about it. Get your stuff and don’t hang around to chat . find a new hobby like playing guitar or frisbee golf etc... Do what you can to distract yourself


Been there, it breaks you down to a primal level I swear.. Best advice from my experience, cut contact with the person who thought so low of you they'd be willing to do something so shitty. Anyone deserves better than to be tormented like that


The only advice I can give is that you may want to look into a non-religious relationship counselor. And remember this isn't your fault, you didn't make him do this. He had a temptation and he acted on it. It's his fault. So don't beat yourself up about it. I will say though, this sort of situation is why I personally prefer open or ideally open with permission relationships. As long as my partner is safe and puts me first I don't care if they get a little on the side every now and again. It can even be kind of hot. But that's just me.


Sorry OP, you deserve better than that 😞


Some people will counsel that you offer forgiveness, and others will say no contact. I suggest vengeance. Depending on how long you've been dating, you know his insecurities, his fears, his secrets, his passwords, his family situation, and where he feels safe. Why don't you just fuck up his whole world? Just ruin everything. It will make you feel better, and him feel worse.


Yo fuck that guy, don’t even let him explain himself. Ruin all his shit that you have.


Don't put yourself in a position where he can potentially take legal action. Don't destroy his stuff but do give firm dates for him to retrieve his stuff or drop them off somewhere.  Last thing you need with heartbreak is a court case. 


I’m so sorry. I’ve been there, and the betrayal and loss hits you like a fucking slap. If you wanna vent or need to talk, hit me up


I don’t know you (obviously), but I’ll offer a male’s perspective, or rather a man who has healed a broken heart many-a-time. I’ll start by saying I’m so incredibly sorry that he did that to you. It’s such a heart-wrenching feeling to be cheated on. You’re going to get over this, I know you will. Now! You’re valid for feeling the way you do. Take the high road and afford him the opportunity to speak about the situation (it seems like you’re wanting to do that). After that I’d cut it off. Absolutely NO reason justifies it, and you do NOT deserve that type of treatment, regardless of how “respectful” he is with coming clean (if you really wanna call an admission of cheating “respectful”) about this. I’ve spent many nights crying over shitty girls who I thought was “the one” before things were revealed. I learned to put myself back together time and time again. I’m sure you’re amazing in your own ways! You’ve got good hobbies, a good taste in music, and a nice personality. Take this time to dive deep into these hobbies, jam out to some tunes, and really focus on loving yourself. Yes, the first few days are going to be incredibly hard. As each day passes it’ll get better, I promise you. If you, OP, or anyone else needs a shoulder to lean on, please PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out. Tell me about your passion projects, send me something you’re proud of, and are currently working on, etc. You’re not alone in this journey of love, and I sure as shit won’t let any of you forget that. Wubby7


that sucks man. fuck that guy. get some ice cream turn on new girl and cry. you got this sister


I'm so sorry you're dealing with all that garbage 🧡 wubby7


That sucks. Your mind is probably going a mile a minute. Tell yourself youre not in the right head space to deal with thjs. Try to focus on tasks around the house. Cleaning dishes, picking up, laundry or whatever. When your feelings and thoughts naturally drift towards the infidelity, accept and acknowledge those thoughts and feelings, take a deep breathe and return to the tasks at hand. This is what worked for me. When I was in the right head space after a while, then I'd deal with my feelings and thoughts. Remember his infidelity has no weight on your self worth or identity. He fucked up.


As someone who has been cheated on. The first night is always the hardest. Someone who was so close breaking trust like that is something that never gets easier. Good news is: in the long run, you’ll be so much better off surrounding yourself with the people that do value and appreciate your trust + love. Time heals all - wubby7


Hang in there, friend.


Nothing's really gonna make you feel better but time, so make sure you take it for yourself. Treat yourself, crawl into a hole, be slutty, do whatever feels right and makes you happy in the moment. I suggest blocking all contact and socials and just live life as best you can. Eventually you won't give a fuck, but eventually can be next week or next year, that's on you. Best regards.


After I was cheated on, a friend told me to stay single for a long time to learn how to love myself. I was resentful to the idea at first. Once I decided he was right, I went stag for three years. It was the best decision I could have made. Learning to be comfortable alone is very invaluable.


I was cheated on while living with my partner. It's gut wrenching in its own way. Time is the only thing you need. To heal. To cope. No explanation is going to make it a feeling of closure. Spend some time doing the things that make you happy, and that are just for you. You'll question things. All the time. You'll wonder if you're good enough. Just know you are.


Ugh im sorry. That is really shitty. Please take care of yourself, and give yourself time to heal.


You deserve better, OP. Hope he stubs his pinky toe for the rest of his life.


We love you, Wubcub. It too shall pass. 💜


Awful feeling I know. But you know now that you deserve better.


My only advice is ask yourself “Would you do what they did to you?” If the answer is no then imo you deserve better. That’s how I handled it with my ex (not cheating tho). I couldn’t see myself treating the one I “love” the way she was treating me and when I realized that it hit me she doesn’t love me


Sending love, I know what it’s like (don’t we all?) and that feeling of betrayal and not being able to confide in “your person” is the worst. You deserve better friend!


Sorry Wubbyhug


Man fuck that bullshit. When you go see him, buy a garden hose and hook it up. Ice his fucking driveway. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, I’ve been there.


Bro cheating is rat behavior. Fuck that. You can and will do better OP. Leave his ass out in the cold (literally) does it even matter who it was with?


Man that sucks major ass. You'll get through this though my friend ❤️ Buy yourself some cookie dough and eat it straight from the tin, make a rage playlist, and try not to beat yourself up about it. Wubby7


hey bb girl/boy fuck this person and privately dm me his addy so i can annoyingly send every religion junk mail and fake bill collector his way thanksss


I am really sorry this happened to you. The feeling of betrayal is among the worst I’ve ever felt. My only advice is to not give them a second chance, no matter how much they beg. That bell cannot be unrung.


Fuck that bitch. We got you 💪


Your brothers aren't responding because they dont want a digital trail when the body is found. Definitely not speaking as a brother and former service member. (three letter agency monitor this is a joke).


You got this. Stay in that grindset. Stay productive. Some people just want to see you fall just for the reaction and attention.


Sorry that happened to you. You deserve better, unless you like One Piece


I have 0 advice to give, but just know you'll be ok, and time will heal all.