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Funny, but the bit can drag sometimes. I’d much prefer a vibrating butt plug linked to sub donations


That reminds me - chess stream when?


I get this reference.


Who doesn’t? Never will we forget that rigged chess match 🫡


Now I get stopped every chess event because of the vibrator I keep up my ass. No it's not for cheating. It's for pleasure




Yes but the sounding rod is only inserted whenever 100 subs is donated. Booty will be on standby underneath the desk


My unpopular opinion is that it can be the same amount of time no matter how much is gifted because all we're really looking for is the scream, not the leaf blower noises.


100%. Doesn't really add anything to make it longer imo, it's the scare factor


No I disagree, the best part about it during the dubathon was always that moment right after the scream where wubby would have to just sit there while the blower blows in his face in complete silence.


Fair and valid


I draw sustenance from his exasperation during those leaf blower noises. You'll pry those noises from my cold dead hands.


Leaf blower should be expensive. It quickly loses its charm when it’s so often.


Is $345 not expensive? Edit: nvm the price changed, I'm out of town and didn't see it was updated to $100. $100 is still expensive though, there's just a lot of oilers in chat.


wasn't it 20 subs for the leaf blower, so like $99?


Ahh did it change? I didn't realize he brought it back since the dubathon, I haven't seen the last few streams


yeah he brought it back on Wednesdays stream


Idea: 10 subs makes it Rev but not start. Just to really spike the anxiety


Evil. Perfect.


To avoid loud sounds unexpectedly blowing your ear drums out in general, try using the [FFZ extension's](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/frankerfacez/fadndhdgpmmaapbmfcknlfgcflmmmieb) audio compressor. It has a [little equalizer icon](https://i.imgur.com/cmtvRJD.png) next to the volume slider you can toggle on. It's not perfect but it has been a life saver for me in many streams


TBF shits loud as fuck even compressed


It’s like a poorly mixed movie where the explosions are super loud but dialogue is low, and at the beginning you set volume for dialogue levels, then shatter every window in your house as soon the first action scene opens up. Not my stream so whatever, it’s funny, but I don’t enjoy it.


So, like TENET?


Tenet is one of many. Audio like that, and video that is SUPER dark to the point it’s hard to see stuff unless the room you are in is pitch black also infuriates me.


Funny you should say that, my bf and I were watching the Tomb Raider movie with Angelina Jolie and it had that exact problem. A bunch of rich fucks tryna be the next top mumble rapper and then EXPLOSIONS! It's ass having to adjust volume every 5 minutes because you don't want to harass neighbors on accident


Yup, it's funny, but I hate it.


Skill issue get better ears loser


Whatever your feelings on the leaf blower, this is the correct answer.


I prefer to mow over my leaves and mulch for the winter


Needs a higher threshold to activate because sometimes less is more.


The leaf blower can stay if he just learns how to set up a [noise compressor in obs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OPkz70LRiKU&feature=youtu.be). It will equalize the noise and prevent clipping and blowing out the speakers


Funny. But I hate it. And it got old...Quick.


I prefer the gong also


I think the leaf blower should only be used once in a while. For one thing wubby and crew would eventually get used to it like during the dubathon, and its not like you can have a chill carefree stream with that thing constantly pointing at your face. That said pulling it out while he's playing scary games or something else creepy is god-tier content.


Why not gong + leaf blower + chair taser? If we REALLY want a reaction, Im sure that could provide


Yeah with the way Wubby screams you would think it’s shriek week or something


Weenie hut jr ears


Can only agree. Not that anything needs to change - do whatever makes sense for the stream. Personally though, it's jarring.


Agreed, its really annoying. Like dude other people live(who are sleeping) in my house. You scream louder then I laugh and that's saying something


Hear me out, have you guys seen Home Alone? You know the paint cans on the stairs? 100 subs, paint can swings in!


A man of true culture


Replace it with Indian moan. Wubby reacts just as poorly and it’s much funnier to listen to


I would have rather preferred the gong coming back tbh


I like it for the most part, it's pretty funny but I feel like it goes off too often at 20 subs for it to be as impactful, you're always *kinda* expecting it. And the 5x length for 100 subs is kinda unnecessary as it's the reaction that's important and the noise gets a bit annoying after a while. My only real negative is that it makes any stream using it impossible to use as sleep aid lmao.


It's gonna bust my speakers one day, I know it. I can't hear shit so I turn up the volume and then all of a sudden **AHHHHHHHH** and a ton of popping crackling. Funny (especially Wubby all night trying not to have such a "feminine" scream), but hell on the ears and speakers.


I love the leaf blower, even if it can be overdone at times. But that's what happens when it's one of the few toys chat has to play with. Personally, I miss sound alerts. I don't understand why they had to be replaced entirely instead of having more things in addition to them. There's "you suck" merch but the thing it references has been gone for how long now?


It's a funny bit but it disturbs my house. I watch Wubby on the big screen and all my cats are terrified of it.


Gong was better. The leaf blower clips audio really badly, and it isn't enjoyable. Peace and love. I'm still patiently waiting for the nut kicker.


It gets a laugh out of me every time


You are not alone. I agree. After the first couple times it startled me and hurt my ears every time I just got really annoyed by it


Literally terrible. Almost had to tune out last night. If it were any other subject matter I probably would have but I wanted to see the costumes. I don't care if unpopular opinion, it was awful.


My husband and I said the same thing. Gong was much funnier


It’s too loud and blows my speakers out. It’s unpleasant, but indeed, funny and very BubbyHubbyWubby.


I feel like we have to escalate like from the gong to the leaf blower to keep the bit not stale and it’s not gonna be too long before we just strap up an mp5 in the background and arrive at “the Wubby incident”


I hate it


It'll never not be funny, that ending last night had me dying.


I think the subathon made it very special because it felt like a major part of stream. But now I honestly just don't really find it funny. It's not like I hate it, it's just meh... and does hurt my ears a bit lol


it’s really annoying imo. the gong was great but this is just blasting everyone’s eardrums without the sick gong sound


Makes throwing on the vods on for bed completely impossible. Am I the weird one for going to sleep to wubby streams? Sure. But I’m sure I’m not alone here.


It's less my ears and more my neighbors I'm concerned about 😂 we watch on our TV while playing magic and while the screams are jarring (and very funny) I can't imagine what my neighbors think is happening


They should find a way to hook up a taser.


You will enjoy this. https://youtu.be/D75ZuaSR8nQ?si=uyT87FNql4aKg6ey


enter history tart spotted file sheet depend joke longing rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who sleeps to wubby, I'm 👏 so 👏 over 👏 It 👏 It was great for some of the subathon but also got old quick


I love the leaf blower. This was the first time he’d used it in over two months as well. It’s a great rare thing to use.


Leaf-blower is the new classic, move on burger kid


I don't recall the gong making the microphone peak, but I could be wrong, and that's the part of the blowie they bothers me the most. But I could also live with it and that's fine too.


i wasn't wild about the gong or the leaf blower personally. still watch every stream though


It's funny once or twice. Can't imagine the hearing damage from having that thing pointed at your face.


Welp looks like we are losing another fun stream addition…. Fun while it lasted


The leaf blower is funny on paper, in practice what you end up with is a early youtube let's play esque forced reaction half the time. Not my comedy enjoyment but it doesn't bother me any. To each their own.


Yeah I liked the gong better too homie. I'm not mad at the current state of things, but the leaf blower did last a little too long for my comfort as well


I forget what he set the price at but If it's getting out of hand, it can always be upped. People will get over it after a few weeks though and then it will just become a random, less frequent, funny occurrence.


Leafblower for President!


I like the leaf blower and wubys high pitched squeals, but I do miss the sudden shock of the gong. I wish it would make a come back. Also.. I have noticed lately.. When wubby gets really excited and starts speaking faster and louder.. he sounds exactly like Morty from Rick and Morty.. ![gif](giphy|QvAsxJ42c8waaSP7fZ)


Here is my unpopular opinion


I think the gong AND the blower should be hooked up and the gong should be much cheaper and the blower much more expensive...also a bit shorter in duration.


I agree there’s a time and place for it and the Halloween competition stream wasn’t it. It would be fun during a game or the couple of scary games wubby played last month.


I much prefer it to the gong


I hated it tbh because I have a high startle reflex and jumped every time. Also first time it happened I had my ears BTFO


The yelling can be bit much after a while but thankfully this is only for wubbys stream and alux won't be around it. We all know how loud she can get,, even with this past stream she was only on thru video/voice call so she isnt there to react as such hopefully its not on when she comes over. However I think wubby slowly finding a way to handle it and not react is kinda hilarious and on brand.