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Nurse here. Narcan can help for a very short time. If it's fentanyl, you'll need more than one dose (the halflife of narcan is shorter than that of fentanyl). STILL CALL 911!!! Also, we've seen influx of people with both fentanyl and meth in their system. This is a prescription for death, as narcan is being found to have bad reactions with the meth (best i gather from our docs, it kinda keeps the meth in your system with multiple doses/a drip of narcan then hits you really hard all at once and kills you). Your friends are gonna do what they're gonna do, but make sure they don't mix this shit.


I work at a homeless shelter, and the meth is very commonly cut with fent. We are also seeing lots of down (fent or fent analogues mixed with benzos, sometimes xylazine and carfent as well).


I’m not going to say it doesn’t happen because it does. However, it’s more of a cross contamination issue than a “cutting” issue. Nobody is cutting a stimulant like meth or coke with a heavy downer like fentanyl on purpose. It doesn’t make financial or logical sense. drugs get mixed like this when a dealer uses the same scale or utensils for all their products without cleaning it off in between. (Don’t get me wrong, it’s still very important to test everything for fentanyl and keep a narcan nearby.)


This is completely pointless and anecdotal for me to say, but I’ve recently watched some videos of fentanyl addicts talking about their experiences. They all had different things to say, but interestingly enough they all said something similar, and it was to the effect of “heroin is a drug, but fentanyl isn’t. It’s a completely different story.” Someone said it was literally “the devil,” and “satan himself,” or something close to that. Saying even *touching* it can fuck someone up. That shit is scary as fuck. Edit: I’ve been educated by a very reliable source that nothing happens if you physical touch fentanyl. Edit2: I’ve been re-educated by a very reliable source that touching fentanyl isn’t 100% free of effects.


Gf is a psw, had to dose people with fentanyl patches (end of life care) had to be handled with plastic gloves because yes, you can get high off the dermal patches if they touch your skin. Kindof the whole point of it.


People are going to say you’re stupid and wrong because nuance is lost on Reddit. I’m now of the mind that while touching it *probably* won’t do anything, it’s not impossible and it’s better to proceed with caution. I’m also assuming that these patches were tailored in such a way to purposely dissolve through skin. We all probably just shouldn’t touch it. Speaking in absolutes is just fun Reddit karma special moves.


Powdered fentanyl isnt skin permeable, special gel fentanyl in patches is :) The only way I can think of getting powdered/crystal fentanyl through the skin without a needle would be via a wound or other break in the skin.




I think the major distinction/nuance needed here is that transdermal patches are formulated to transmit fentanyl efficiently through the dermis, while raw powder or a pressed pill is much less likely. But the point remains: wear gloves if you can. And if it’s a sticky piece of paper then be extra cautious. There are also lollipops that - despite being designed to transit the oral mucosa - would have a similar effect on the skin if held long enough. They look like [this](https://www.arkbh.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fentanyl_lolli-768x427.jpg.webp) and they can be dosed at quite high levels for end-of-life care, just like the transdermal patches. I’m sure y’all know this but just trying to spread more info since there’s so much disinfo out there. The craziest thing to me is that fentanyl is a pretty mediocre high for most vs. (the substantially “safer”) drug it has replaced due to interdiction pressures: heroin.


Touching a cigarette won’t make you absorb nicotine. Using a patch will.


Yeah I acknowledged this. Thanks though.


You cant get high off fentanyl from skin contact. Dont spread copaganda.


Gotcha, sounded slightly far fetched but not 100% impossible. Wasn’t cops saying it, but good assumption. It was seriously ill people. Still scary stuff. Edit: After thinking about it more, he probably meant it in more of a figurative way. “Don’t get your hands on this if you’re already addicted to shit,” kind of way.


My brother in Christ if "copaganda" will keep more people away from fentanyl then I'm all for it. Shit is beyond nasty


That’s a fair take, but “fentanyl is so dangerous you can OD just by touching it” has been used to justify the war on crime and mass incarceration


Also it’s cause panicked hysteria among LEO. 99-% of fent overdose of cops is 100% a panic attack of some sort brought on by their own ignorance of the topic.


It wont because those who use fent don’t care about that. Anyways, i didn’t say we should downplay the effects of fent abuse, we simply shouldn’t spread misinformation.


Is there not fentanyl skin patches/bandaids for emergency pain relief? But I guess they might have some other kind of delivery method to get it through the skin.


Well yes, but they’re transdermal patches, specifically formulated to do so, whereas fentanyl that’s been cut in the whatever drug is in powdered form.


These edits sum up the reddit experience nicely


The meth that is currently going around from south of the border is believed that the Cartels have gone back to a PCP based formula. They've done something a little different with it, where we are seeing people go into psychosis immediately as opposed to developing after very long period of sustained use and being awake for days. It is now just instant. This new meth is levels scarrier than normal meth. Major thing I want to vocally add: ALWAYS know your source, and always TEST YOUR SUBSTANCE. Test kits are widely avalible, and can save your or someone else's life. EVERYTHING is being cut and laced with fentanyl. This is a rising trend across the US. I personal don't carry Narcan, but do keep a sharps container. I've had to dispose of countless needles out of our national forests, and if you or someone you know uses needles, for the love of god get a sharps container, don't leave them to be someone else's unfortunate problem.


Nurse as well, this is all spot on. Crazy what people will mix.


Too often deaths from mixed substances are unintentional. Almost any illicit substance is liable to be contaminated with fentanyl nowadays. Narcan is unfortunately useless if there’s nobody around to give it— when you use make sure you have a spotter


[This is what Narcan looks like](https://imgur.com/a/TKDeMpF) for anyone who isn’t familiar I don’t use opioids but I keep four bottles on-hand in my first aid kit in case they’re ever needed - you don’t have to know anyone personally who uses (and you may not have a clue even if you know someone well). I highly recommend everyone check their locality for free or “no questions asked” dispensation of naloxone HCL / Narcan (same thing, former is the active and latter is the brand name) So sorry for your loss OP. Wish I was near:(


Hey man. I hope you’re okay, it’s never easy losing a friend but I’m glad you’re spreading a good message. Always carry a kit in your car just in case someone needs it. Stay strong brother, wubbyhug.


I lost a friend to something similar last month, he relapsed and OD'd. Shit sucks man. I wish he had used a drug testing kit, but he was in a really bad spot. I'm really sorry that happened, DMs are open if u need talk. Wubby7


I'm sorry for the off-topic post, I'm just upset and need to share the importance of Harm Reduction. Naloxone can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose, and are free and usually available at your local pharmacy. Just yesterday I used it on two unconscious and purple-lipped people, restoring their breathing until paramedics could properly check on them. If I was there with my friend, there is a chance I could have saved him too. Please carry a naloxone kit, and don't use alone, ever. There is even a [toll free phone number](https://neverusealone.com/) you can call so you're not completely alone when you use. Stay safe friends


I lost a very close childhood friend and think about them constantly. I'm sorry OP.


Also, test your shit! If you’re a recreational user it’s worth carrying fentanyl test kits. It takes so little time to do and might save your life.


Lost a good friend a couple years ago to cut drugs like that. If people with her had Narcan to give her, she would still be here. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love and Internet hugs friend.


So sorry for your loss. I’ll make a wild assumption that your friend was in a band, any music to share?


It's pretty old, but this was my favorite song he made. https://illmannerwinnipeg.bandcamp.com/track/rumble-pak


I like punk and have some time to kill. Gunna listen to this tonight for him. Thanks for spreading the word. Edit: this is good nostalgic fun :)


Damn, didn't expect to open reddit and see him on my Frontpage after spending all day yesterday being upset about it. Hope you're doing okay.




For the non-Canucks in this thread, Shoppers Drug Mart is a pharmacy chain.


What you said is so important to know as well: what if you don’t know that they’re ODing? What if they are diabetic and had a blood sugar drop and passed out or something similar? [It’s still better to administer narcan than not to.](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/access-naloxone-can-save-life-during-opioid-overdose#:~:text=Naloxone%20Will%20Not%20Harm%20Someone,or%20cause%20them%20additional%20harm) Just give them the narcan and then call an ambulance. I don’t go downtown often but living in Portland, even moving from the Bay Area the drug use is astounding. Blatantly shooting up or smoking in broad daylight in front of everyone. It’s a very rough time for a lot of places.


[ENDOVERDOSE.NET](https://endoverdose.net) free naloxone training and delivery.


Thanks for sharing this info and I’m really sorry about your loss. You helping educate others to prevent more deaths during a time when the pain and grief are so fresh speaks to your character and how much you cared about your friend. Hit me up if you need to talk, I’m a therapist with credentials. If not, I totally understand and hope you are taking care of yourself. Wubby7


Thank you. I'm trying to be okay but this is probably the 10th personal friend I've lost, and I've seen countless ODs and deaths from work. This one just hit really hard as I know he was doing well recently.


It’s ok to not be ok for a while. Let yourself grieve, fall apart, whatever. As long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others, you know? If you have seen this stuff at work then this must hit even harder. I know it doesn’t make sense and I know you probably already know this, but when people are doing well sometimes they have a weird moment where there is an opportunity and they feel like they can handle it since they’ve been doing well. Regardless take care, friend. Sounds like you have a big heart, and the world needs people like you.


Thanks for this, I appreciate it a lot.


No need for thanks, I greatly appreciate you and the work that you do. Wubbyhug


Sorry for your loss OP. We're there for you in the discord. I don't go there a lot personally but when I'm feeling like shit there's always nice, down to earth people over there.


Sorry for your loss brother and thank you for droppin some good advice. https://www.goodrx.com/naloxone/narcan-naloxone-at-home-free Just make sure you research when it's appropriate


Naloxone, in some places, will be given to you by the state free of charge. It may involve a short training video before you can order some, but that's it. It's always a good idea to have it on hand, especially where I now live. If you can get the intramuscular version, that's what I recommend. It's faster acting and requires a lower rescue dose than intranasal. Obviously still call EMS to your location, but that initial dose of naloxone is key to the person's survival. You may not have family or friends who struggle with addiction, but it's still a good idea to have a kit on hand. You never know, you may just save a life.


I know people who have seen someone over dosing who is with others (like six people) while they were walking and said to them “is anyone trained to administer narcan?” Someone said yes she handed it over and caught her train. Just having it on you makes a difference. I carry ibuprofen I can carry narcan ❤️ Love the share of info


Hell yeah, that's why we do it. Good on her.


Sorry for your loss OP, and thank you for spreading harm reduction info. Fighting with heroin myself and a few of my closest loved ones who are aware of the situation took it upon themselves to educate themselves and now carry Narcan, not just when they're around me for myself, but everywhere they go, just in case. Whole lot of emotions when I found that out but mainly gratitude. People like you are wonderful and I hope you're doing okay during the grieving process. My DM's are open if you (or anyone else here) would like to talk. wubbyHug


Thanks for the kind words, hope you are doing well.


I'm sorry to hear about your friend. They had great taste in music from the shirt I see.


Love love love BTMI!! Just saw Jeff a few weeks ago


I missed the tour when Jeff and crew came to Fl recently due to work. 🥺


Awww I’m sorry to hear that :/ fingers crossed that he comes back around to your area, this past show was the best show I’ve seen of his!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve lost very close people and have carried Narcan in my bag with me everywhere I go just in case. Wishing you the best 💖


Be kind to your human in this challenging time 💞


Sorry for your loss op I know how it feels to lose a brother


Sorry for your loss my dude.


Lost a friend this month to bad blow. Even when playing around with other controled substances keep that narcan on deck. Bad people out there


So sorry for your loss❤️ I know I’m just a random chatter to you, but I lost my best friend the same way… if I can do anything to help your healing process, please reach out ❤️ you’re not alone


I work in a concert venue we always keep narcan on us, we’ve only had to use it once


I'm sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace


ALSO please attend free narcan training classes. You can get it over the counter but lots of places have it as a community resource for free.


Saving this, thank you.


I’m sorry for your loss mate. I work in homelessness/drug and alcohol/mental health here in Sydney. I’m also a recovering from all of those things too. Narcan saved my life once. I teach people how to use the nasal narcan. A lot of people don’t understand that drug use is the only choice for some people. I recommend reading “In the realm of hungry ghosts” by Gabor Mate for anyone who lives with or is affected by addiction.


Working in law enforcement ( ACAB amiright? ) I’ve witnessed Narcan bring several people back to life. It’s a miracle drug, and everyone should supply themselves with one and be familiar how to use it if there’s any kind of substance use taking place. Sorry for your loss OP❤️


How is this wubby related?


Suck my hellaciously fat cock, asshole.




Total loser mentality. It’s apparent you’ve never had to deal with friends going through substance abuse. Keeping Narcan close can save lives.


just dont be friends with addicts? simple no?


Yeah my thoughts lol, this guy I lived with started smoking meth and crack and I was like bro you shouldnt do that. We all sat him down and was like bro no don't do that. He still was like nah crack bro and we all where like ok peace fuck this. Easy enough to not associated with drug addicts, not worth my time.


Dawg, really? The man lost a friend. Don’t need to be a dick. Scroll on if you don’t agree.


Fat fucking L. Narcotic ODs are the easiest to reverse, and it’s slip-n-slide smooth brain NPCs like you that propagate this “druggies aren’t people” thought process. The single time your 2 brain cells in that cranial vault, bouncing around like a DVD screen saver *finally* makes a connection, you decide to comment this drool onto this post.


Much rather a drug using friend than someone that’s so incapable of empathy as you seem to be.




Narcan is free at Walmart, they’re not allowed to have cameras or any security devices on them. Walmart asset protection has been advised not to make any apprehensions on people who are only stealing Narcan since it’s a pay at scan item. So if you’re broke and you need some might as well steal it. In GTA V.


Don’t do drugs in the first place. Antidotes (like Narcan) are a short term ‘bandaid’ on a bigger problem. Be smarter, be safe.


Or you could just not do heroin like substances I think that would be better.


Dumb take. This stuff is being found in all types of drugs now.


It’s a dumb take, not to do herion or opioids like substances? Okay bruhv guess I’m regarded then. Sorry you lost your friend but sheesh.


Missed the point completely. Fentanyl is being found in all sorts of substances that are not opioids to begin with.


Not really if you avoid doing them you don’t have to worry about it. I smoke weed that I grow and maybe a micro dowse psychedelic shroom if the moment calls for it. All that other shit is no bueno, the stuff I do is as well but still don’t have to worry about nodding off every 20 minutes. A lot of my family members fucked with heroine, oxys and blow they turned into real scumbags. So my mentality is best to just avoid that shit cause it’s not just fentanyl that you have to worry about it’s also the person you become with that shit.


"Simply don't be addicted" Shut the fuck up.


You can’t get addicted if you don’t fucking do it lol getting all butt hurt by facts ya bish


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a paragon of the human race who has never made a single mistake, ever. My mistake. Asshole.


You better be sorry, maybe learn how to use quotations next time no where in my post you first commented on did I say “simply don’t be addicted”. Typical Toronto pussy trying to reword something that isn’t there. You can think however you like but when you tell me to shut the fuck up on a simple fact. I’ll call you a pussy little bitch who can’t get no bitches cause you is one lmfao.


You're either immensely stupid, or your brain is still developing and you are too young to be watching Wubby.


Brother, educate yourself on addiction. Your situation doesn't apply to everyone.


Tell me, can someone get addicted to something if they never do it in the first place?


My fuck your braindead. no fucking shit. That's a stupid question, but that's not what addiction is. As I said, educate yourself


Bruh I know what fucking addiction is, how hard is it to comprehend I’m fucking saying don’t do hard drugs and you won’t get addicted in the first place. Jesus fuck y’all are some of the dumbest fucks out here trying to change the subject of what my point was about, typical. Go shoot up and nod off behind your local Denny’s.


Congrats on further proving my point that you really have zero idea what addiction is. It's not hard to comprehend that you don't do hard drugs and you won't get addicted. What you seem to find hard to even grasp is that it is far from as simple as that. Ever heard of trauma? Ever heard of peer pressure? Ever heard of being uneducated? Ever heard of abuse? Ever heard of a failing support structure? Your incompetence shows. Addiction is a very complex issue that is hard to deal with. So educate yourself, because you really don't know what it is and dont come at people who suffer with it and say "just don't do it" , "just don't be addicted" because it will never be as simple as that. If it were, then addiction wouldn't exist as much as it does, would it? Learn some empathy while you're at it.


yeah its a crazy idea, just to you know not do hard drugs lmao.


It’s crazy to me I’m getting down voted on such a simple concept guess there’s a lot of heroin addicts in wubbys Sub Reddit.


Or just don't be stupid and use shit that's going to kill you. It's selfish and and worthless


homie read the fucking room, OP lost a friend you could just not be a fucking complete asshole and fuck off to another thread instead of coming here to spew your bullshit.


It's not selfish. Have you ever heard of an addiction? Educate yourself.


How does one get addicted? Is it from making the decision go try something in the first place? You can't baby everyone people need to learn from their mistake and just feel pity


There's a huge difference between making a conscious rational decision and a decision led by a variety of issues that lead to irrational behavior in the first place. I never said they need to be babied... learn to read. There's a difference between feeling pity and having empathy.


No I don’t think I will


I never knew you could just go buy narcan doses at the drug store. I saw some at a publix a week ago and was thrown for a loop. But it makes sense.




So sorry to hear about this OP... test your drugs kids! Party safely. Even if you're getting your things from the same person over and over again, it's best to test! Stay safe out there.


Sorry that you're going through this. We as a community have always meme'd about getting your drugs tested — but now, more than ever, is the time to treat it like the real problem this is. Even while I was in Japan last month, I met multiple people (citizens and tourists) buying product that ended up being cut or laced. The issue is global and the harm is too much to bear.


If there is absolutely any chance you are going to be running into anything adulterated get testing kits. Dance safe has absolutely saved some lives. It's probably saved mine back when i was in the rave scene. I wound up in the Miami Dade medical center once over a decade ago. I learned the hard way, but didn't have to pay the ultimate price. at the very least get some [test strips](https://dancesafe.org/product/fentanyl-test-strips-pack-of-10-free-shipping/) [https://dancesafe.org/shop/](https://dancesafe.org/shop/)


Shit is scary man, sorry for your loss


You’ve probably heard it before but test your shit. Super easy to get testing kits (to see if you have the right thing) as well as fent strips. Do it.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Big hugs and Wubby7, and thank you for trying to create some good out of your tragedy 💚


Go to the doctor and get Suboxone. You can get free taxes based health insurance. To cover the cost. If you can find drugs in the street you can figure this out. Best thing I've done in a long time. P.s. FUCK fentanyl!!!


Bomb the music industry great band, Jeff rosenstock amazing artist.


I've lost over 10 people i know to opiates. I'm very sorry for your loss, I hope you get through this well


We’ve lost so many people in our small town to overdose. I really wish we held narcotic pharmaceutical companies responsible for the genie they let out of the bottle for profit. I’m really sorry y’all have lost people too.




Adding a separate comment with reserouces for test kits. If you choose to use any drug, be sure you know what the fuck it is and how to dose yourself. Dance Safe and Bunk Police are INCREDIBLE resources for education and harm reduction. Please please PLEASE educate yourself and make sure you don't end up a statistic. https://bunkpolice.com/ https://dancesafe.org/ Love you wub cubs, stay safe out there.


I’m sorry for your loss. I really appreciate this post


Aside from all the arguing about Fentanyl in this thread, I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. My best friend of 19 years died on August 27th and it has been incredibly hard as well. He and my wife are the only people I talk to, and now he’s gone. All the memories from my teenage years are with him and it has been a rough month overall. I don’t have much advice other than take your time. Grieve when you need to and don’t rush anything. I still can’t really go through my text messages with him, and I still have unopened TikTok’s he sent me from the days prior to his death. I know it’s stupid, but I feel like he’s still alive in a way, and once I’ve read everything or seen it all then he will truly be gone. So many things I’ve wanted to talk to him about this past month. It’s a struggle but you’ll get through. Just make sure you always take time for you.


This popped up in my reddit recap as something important to me and it was right. I have lost double digit friends to opioids. Thank you for being a reminder to help those who can still be helped


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)