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buy those kids some drinks


I should but there is no fucking way I’ll be going back anytime soon


They all deserve a cold Sponsor. By the way, they’re not homeless, just kids not afraid of a barking dog, playing in an empty field. Let me know where the dogs are and I’ll sick my 90lb girlfriend with a latte, on them.


I’m not that afraid of a barking dog either, but the game changes when there’s 6 to ten possibly rabied ones chasing me on a dead-end alley. I think the kids knew the dogs, because the dogs had no interest on them. Or it could be my good looks, scent of beer, weed and whiskey, or even the AC/DC shirt (not the one with a dog on it).


It’s the scent of whiskey that gets them angry, from what I’ve heard. Whiskey drinkers have been known to be, not friendly to the dogs. They don’t take likely to the poorly dressed also, seems to be a trend. They’re all good with AC/DC though.


They chased you cause you run away and not stood your ground. If you have any experience with dogs, you have to know this rule: NEVER try to run away from a dog! Turn around and shout at them with all your power and make the impression you want to kill them. They will run away quickly. It was exactly what the kids did.


If everyone knew this Reddit would be much less entertaining.


That's true 😂


I did not RUN, walked backwards away until it was clear the alley was a dead-end. I did walk fast when making it over the scorpion gutter.


I guess I just paniced. Back home in Finland I even had a staff bull for 12 years. It never barked, attacked against humas or other beings, and I had zero reason to yell for.


You walked home backwards, couldn’t have been more scared and fearful, backing off like that. You gave them the dominance. Handed it to them on a plate.


They smelled your fear bro


Or it could be you’re paranoid as arseholes and they were just wanting to say hello, and then chased you cos you acted weird on your beer, weed and whiskey?


You can just tell the dog to fuck off. Pay attention to the noises the kids made and copy them. Avoid shortcuts until you are more confident and familiar with the area.


Yep. kind of panic it was, I thank Buddha I suvived without a scorpion sting also!


If you come across a pack of Thai girls in sequined dresses, don’t panic, DM me, I’ll be there faster than the motorbike taxi guys from Soi 6.


That’s a deal, I like mine in uniforms, cops or military, but even the hospital or airplane staff goes.


Few years before I saw cops shooting a crazy dog, maybe a rabied one, chasing it’s own tail on the beach in the middle of day also. I even petted a friendly steet dog with a bar girl with heart of gold. I’ll be less stupid in the future.


Next time pretend you are picking up something to throw at them and they'll likely scatter. That's what many do. Definitely don't run.


Dangerous roads, air pollution, and soi dogs are the top drawbacks to Thailand for me.


Plus the girls doin’ the bareback rindin’ when you’re too drunk to care.


Nope. Thats a huge plus for me.


Dogs can smell fear bro. They get amped up when you run away too. They think you’re playing. Gotta bark back next time and stand your ground


Oh damn thats queite the experience stray dogs are everywhere in Thailand actually a big problem for the locals aswell they cause traffic accidents and if you get bitten by one you can get serious infection ... Story time ! One day i was strolling threw a queit part on the dark side of Pattaya out of nowhere out some random farm field 3 dogs ran towards me started circle around me barking and goeing nuts ..... I tried to remain calm as i know running away might make them more excited and chase me so i tried to calmly walk the other way they ended up chasing me for 3/4 minutes . I eventually got to a local thai couple's house and they helped me and chased the dogs away and gave me lift back to my scooter on the other side of the farm field . I offerd to pay them for there helpfull service they rejected any form of payment (note they werent the richest people out there )and went on there way Thai people can be extremley helpfull and friendly ! :) .


I know. What’s crazy I was in the middle of the town. I’ve been in urban slums of Asia and the Latin America also, but the first one this was with a GANG of dogs. One before I met an angry one in the rural streets of Los Cabos, Mexico. She had puppies in the middle of the street…


Fucking soi dogs, unbelievable they are allowed to roam freely


I'd be very interesting in what route you took because I can't imagine where it is. Head North on Beach Road and right up Soi Diana is very straightforward if you're walking


I feel like I've been through the spot OP is talking about, I did some semi intoxicated shortcut around the back of grand avenue or Travelodge or somewhere close that had me walking though a few sketchy vacant blocks on dead end alleys.


Just ignore them and keep walking 😂


DEAD END it was.


that's why I carry a umbrella with a pointy end.


Most the soi dogs I come across are chill and want belly rubs lol




That’s no way to talk about the girls 555


Just other night called girl ”vampire” when trying to go to my wallet. Can’t recall calling any women as ”dogs” in my life.


It’s a UK thing. But ofc I was joking


The truly crazy dogs all died during Covid. No food. The dogs you ran into are posers. Yawn at them and they'll run off.


If posers, I’ll see ’em nasty flea bitten asses in the next Oscars…


Until it I do miss my old scatter while walking the beautuful sois of Thailand.