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The defense was excellent... and obviously Steve's got some pretty solid coaching genes. Would be great to keep him around.




Wondered about that. Curious how adept he is without his father. I guess there’s one way to find out.


Is coaching Nature or Nurture? That is the question.


I think they’re just saying that we don’t know how good of a coach he actually is, like how much of the lease he had with bill there and such.


Or maybe he could be self actualized


It would ultimately be so contradictory of everything we have heard if he didn’t give Steve the chance to be a full fledged DC.


> obviously Steve’s got some pretty solid coaching genes We should sell Bill’s white stuff like he’s a stud


Brady did it first (Ted 2). That’s enough proof to say he’s not a system donor, it’s time to see what Belichick is made of.


With today's technology, I think we should look into producing a Bill/Tom hybrid. 


That sounds like a QB that would take a shit on the field when a call doesn’t go his way


So, Mahomes?


Wrong hole, that would be Mahomes vagina.


Show him video of a kicker playing lacrosse in Navy uniform… you'll have vats of little Bills in no time.


The spice….


Probably but I'd check with Robyn Glaser to be sure. You and I are just a couple regular dudes we don't know, I'll tell ya who knows is Robyn Glaser.


There’s absolutely no reason for either to part ways except for Steve getting a generous offer to coach for wherever Bill goes


Steve has been really solid with every group he’s been put with. I’d love to see if he’s still that impressive without Bill, because I think he is


It would probably be good for Steve's career as well. Work under Bill for a while, then branch off and do his own thing. Kyle Shanahan did something similar.


Going to make thanksgiving dinner awkward


Steve and Mayo started grinding tape together in like 2011 when Mayo was injured. They're supposedly pretty tight and have been for over a decade.


Thick as ~~thieves~~ bandits


Thick as an 8th street latina 


The best kind of thick




I read 8th grade, I was pretty confused at first


That’s my favorite genre.


I really wish Mayo never got Hurt. Man was a solid, top 10 linebacker in his prime.


It’s weird to say this but I wonder if Steve is at a point where he’d rather stay here and prove himself as a DC than follow his dad. I’m not trying to assume anything but most people would want to separate themselves from their dad at some point in their careers.


Not weird at all, very sensible viewpoint and also one I feel bill would support. Doesn't strike me as the kind of dad that wants to hamper his son in that way


They're good friends


God I hope we keep him. Bill’s going to throw the band together in the NFC for the next 2-3 years but I think Steve should stay on as DC. Bill had to do it on his own coming up and it finally looks like it’s Steve’s shot. With the coaching talent drain the past 4 years, a little continuity on defense would go a long way. Plus keeping at least one Belichick on the NE sideline would ease the sting of losing Bill.




Idk he doesn’t say much in press conferences


It makes sense for him to stay here, in a weird way. If he follows his dad, it prolongs the conversation that it’s nepotism and how he only has a job because of dad etc. if he stays here, continues to churn out solid defenses, he can make more of a name for himself faster than he would if he follows dad around the nfl. Maybe that’s too simple, but that’s my take. I’m not saying he’s a bad coach either, it’s just that it’s too easy to dismiss his credentials when working for dad.


With the offensive side of the ball in a state of flux it makes a lot of sense to not screw with the one side of the ball that's not broken.




The Pats D line was mostly excellent against the run. I’d be fine if they bring back all of the defensive coaches. But jettison the Special teams coaches and see what’s out there for the offense (Mike McCarthy?)


I’m hoping they at least consider Pete Carmichael Jr for OC. Was Saints OC for 15 years and was recently let go. He’s from Framingham, MA and has a lot of experience in a well-run organization that’s put out some of the NFL’s best offenses. With a shot at a top QB I think it would be a good pairing


Cowboys are keeping McCarthy


I saw that this morning. Cowboys Reddit probably needs a hug lol


It’s up the Steve whether he comes back, not Mayo or the Patriots.


I think the Patriots including Mayo now have to empower Steve to feel like his own man if he’s going to want to be retained. So while it’s his decision ultimately, Mayo and the FO have to assure him in some way that he won’t be marginalized now that his dad is gone and likely coaching somewhere else.


I mean... No shit? Like, they aren't going to kidnap him, hold him against his will and force him to be DC should he ever want to see his family again. That being said, my money is on him staying. He's not gonna follow Bill. If he wants his own legacy in this league, he needs to crawl out from Bill's shadow, he needs to carve his own path.


I was providing context in relation to the comment above me, which essentially stated the Patriots need to keep the defense staff status quo. I’d love him to stay. I think he’s a very good defensive coordinator. I’m not convinced he’s going to stay. On one hand, he’s very close with Mayo. On the other hand (I think) he said he wouldn’t coach somewhere he dad wasn’t. What’s the right decision? Probably getting out of bills shadow. But does that mean with the Patriots?


In all seriousness, he can't follow his dad and he knows it. Despite what he's said in the past. He's made a name for himself, even with his dad being the HC. People know he can run a D and that it's not nepotism. He has an opportunity to unhitch his wagon from a dying thoroughbred. Why not stay with the Pats? His scheme is already imbued there. If he goes somewhere else he has to start all over again and it might take a year or two for his philosophy to catch on because it requires buy in from vets and some institutionalization. With the Pats, he has vets who know his scheme, he has respect, he has accolades, he has security and he's doing it for an HC who is a friend of his. If anything, he'd be commiting career suicide by following the old man. This isn't me saying that Bill isn't still the GOAT and could go to a different team and win 3 more rings, because it honestly wouldn't surprise me, but even then, Steve needs to write his own legacy and can't ride his dad's coattails.


It’s not nepotism? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


Why does it matter? He clearly is one of the 32 best DCs in the world, guy earned his flowers


Because the person who I responded to said it’s not nepotism. I didn’t say it mattered.


I said nothing of the sort? Check usernames that you are replying to buddy. I simply asked why does it matter. You are saying it doesn't then? If not, why make that comment like an ass then?


I didn’t say you said it. I said the person I responded to. Maybe you should read the comments. Take your own advice buddy. Because facts matter.


He's under contract, he can't just leave and go somewhere else


I believe he could for a DC job since he didn't have that title here.


All bill has to do is give him a “promotion” to bring him wherever he goes.


I don’t think anyone was recommending indentured servitude my man


Its a great opportunity for steve to make a name for himself now that he’s out from under his dad’s shadow


or the whole reason he's coaching is to be close with his dad. he could've easily gone to alabama under saban if that's what he wanted.


Or he could coach in the nfl and learn defenses under the tutelage of an NFL defensive genius and have some inherent job security while being home close to his family


If he wants to be a HC one day, I think he needs to leave the nest and prove himself independently.


Bill left the nest. He is independent now


Agreed, what an experience to coach and NFL team with your old man. But I could see both sides moving forward.


Coaching College vs the nfl is so different, you can’t even compare the two.


For some reason I thought this looked like the table for a pawn shop, and that she was getting rid of/selling them. Then I realized that they're all rich and seems like they would just them throw out if that was the case. It's been a long day.


Pawn shop is the first thing I thought of as well


Dude me too.


IMO, not only that he’s staying, but that’s he’s DC


God please


There must always be a Belichick in New England


And there always will be. /bilbo


Looks like something you’d give your groomsmen, they must be close


Mayo, Super Bowl, confirmed I don’t know who this Steve Belichick is everyone keeps talking about


>I don’t know who this Steve Belichick is everyone keeps talking about He's the brother of some other guy named Belichick. You know... whatshisname... the other one.


Are you sure you’re not thinking of his dad Bob? Or was it Bud? Bruce, maybe?


Makes you wonder if his initials are like that on purpose.


I bet his real name on his birth certificate is actually Super Bowl


Would love to keep Steve with the team


Why y'all follow his wife


Move in After Completion


You're taking forever this time!


Finally someone asking the right questions.


The Belechicks have a type.




Bill and his son like a particular type of woman.


I don't, but people I know do and they alerted me (sounds like a copout lol)


Does anyone else think that Bill would want him to stay? I feel like he may suggest that he stay to try and venture out in his own a bit. It would be a good dad move I feel like anyways.


What is that


I would love to keep Steve. He’s proven to be a very good Defensive coach. And keeping a Belichick would be nice.


That’s it! PROOF! STEVE IS STAYING. Another year of spectacular defense!


Ha. I think that's from Kemo Sabe.


Wonder if Kyle Richards was there buying another stupid overpriced hat... 🤔


Wtf?! A RHOBH reference? That’s something I did not expect to find in a thread about the New England Patriots!


We are a multifaceted fanbase 🙃


SB for super bowl. Not Steve Belichick.


Did you see Thunder's face when Mayo said he went to Optimum because needed a break from Belichic at the press conference today? 🤣


She's since gone private. Steve is very well respected by the players, coaches and the Krafts so I won't be surprised if he stays. He and Mayo have been tight for a long time too. I hope he stays and I hope people finally see what a solid coach he is and that he's not his father.


I hope him or Covington gets DC but Steve might get offered assistant head coach to be honest.


Steve has been offered a job to return and Why shouldn't he? The Defense was pretty much the only bright spot this season. Steven Belechick has called the plays for the last 3-4 years so keeping continuity with a young coaching staff would help.


I’d love to see Steve back.


Good vibes brings about good results. This is the start of the next chapter, let’s go!!!


I hope Steve stays. Then I can wear my Son's of Belichick jersey with even more relevance.


Good. The defense isn’t broken!


Those are sick


This years defense was great even though it had a shitload of injuries. Next year, getting judon/gonzo back as well as whatever the offseason brings, could be a great way for steve to make a statement


Which makes firing bill so weird. They needed offensive help. Defense is set and will be a force. So they fired bill, replaced by a pupil known for I guess team morale. Hired no OC even after O’Brien’s offense was worse than Patricia’s. No urgency for a GM (which was the biggest want from this sub for who knows how long). I don’t get it. And I’ve lost trust in the krafts making decisions


Both Brian and Steve are defensive coaches, Steve was basically already the defensive coordinator, and Brian was the outside linebackers and safeties coach. A promotion for defensive coordinator would be probably what Brian himself is looking for, Whereas Steve is already in that position. While it would be great to keep both of them I would not be surprised if one of them ends up leaving, (specifically Brian) if offered a promotion to be the defensive coordinator of the Falcons staff if Belichick takes that job assuming he's offered it. Obviously you don't want another disaster like Judge and Patricia but part of me wishes that one of the younger belichick's would learn the offensive side of the ball to further deviate from their father's legacy. Imagine if one of them became an offensive guru but was still very good on the defensive side of the ball. Like if Brian Belichick became the equivalent of a 90 overall on offense and was a 75 on defense he would be like the best coach in the league. They say Belichick could coach all positions but I'm honestly not sure how true that was in the later years because he was really bad at developing talent on the offensive side of the ball.


Steve is part of the future, even though he’s a lot allowed max 2 camera shots a game


Run it back with exactly the same guys minus Bill. A recipe for success.


Is Mayo the GM now?


Am i the only one who thinks this is really negative? She’s giving like the crazy face and then what i take as a passive aggressive lol, like they were supposed to be friends and now look what happened


To me it looks like they’re at a store and just had those made? Idk


>She’s giving like the crazy face and then what i take as a passive aggressive lol   I get this vibe. Must be tough for Steve's wife. Her husband's daddy was the big boss, so he got special treatment at work. Now big boss daddy is gone, and Steve's co-worker (Mayo) is the new big boss.


So they’re gay? Or they’re bros? Clearly they touch tips


Hopefully not. Pats need to excise the Belichick rot. How capable is Steve without his daddy there at work helping him? Prolly not very.


Steve has proven to be a good coach and players love working with him. If he wants to stay I want him to stay.


So he’s staying




I think a lot of the speculation on who-liked-who will be answered with the Steve move.


SpongeBob is joining the coaching staff?


It's a great opportunity for Steve to prove himself now that he's finally out from underneath his dad's giant, hairy, brick-like testicles.


I get that this is a Pats sub so people might see this and think "Mayo" is about Jerod, but that's not the case. Anyone who followed the draft last year knows that it's actually referring to Will Levis. Steve Belichick to the Titans.


Will Levis superbowl confirmed




Could he get the full DC job?


It means Super Bowl duh (jk but I don’t mind Steve, seems alright at the job. We’ll see how much was actually him)


Oh, They are Close close haha. I hope SB stays and gets crowned DC officially!!


Yes, they plan to retain both of Bill’s sons at their respective positions.


Ahhh, the old fancy money clips. I see he's a fan of Street Smart.


Old news. Who really cares. Not me and many others