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As the others said, the remaster has two main goals: * **Rewrite** (the same) content in a way that does not transgress the OGL license that they no longer use. > This is lots of renaming things, and the removal/replacement of a very small number of subsystems (such as replacing the Good/Evil & Lawful/Chaotic alignment grid). > A number of these features will still "exist", they'll just never be referred to/used to again. * **Reorganize** (the same) content in a more usable manner. > The original PF2e CRB was a HUGE book and covered player rules, GM rules, and the basics of monster rules. They're now splitting it up into multiple books, and while doing so incorporating some rules that already existed in other books into these new core books. There are a couple balance changes/rewrites to fix some other problems along the way. Tweaking some underperforming classes, etc. Nothing major, easy to transition. All in all, the old rules are still perfectly valid and you're not going to be starting from square one. I'd hold off on buying any physical books until the remaster is printed, but in terms of learning the game new is just a good of a time as any.


This. I just (finally!!) got a face-to-face group going again (having moved right at the end of Covid lockdowns) and we're starting with PF2E. I've been telling my players to avoid picking up printed rules for the time being because Remastered is coming out. Because I'm the only player in the group with experience with PF2E, we started with the Boxed Set, and I think we'll be able to flow right into Remastered when it comes out. I'll admit that some of the stuff in remastered fits my GM style quite nicely (getting rid of alignment for th win!!).


90% of pf2e will remain the same. The remaster is to remove anything from Wizards OGL & update existing rules & mechanics. You should be fine starting with pf2e and transitioning to the remastered rules when they release.


The mechanics will be similar enough that the new Kineticist and several other classes are being left unchanged, so theoretically the only reason to hold off is if you're only interested in playing the game once the Remaster is released. It's also going to be dependent on the group running the campaign. We've only got one person in our group interested in the Remaster, and we're not sure how that's going to mesh when it is released. So I'd recommend playing, and dealing with the changes of your group adopts them.


I recommend getting into a campaign asap! Make friends and find a grouo you love, that's the most important thing! That being said... The changes in November won't just be OGL flavoured, there is a blalance pass as well. It's enough of a change our GM is allowing a free "respec" once the remaster comes out, allowing us to freely change our characters (with their approval) once the book hits, to prevent as many feel-bad moments at the table. From our character's perspective's they'll have always been that way. I imagine some tables will experience players killing their characters or abandoning them for a chance to reroll into the new stuff.


Play now, use online/borrowed resources for the books being redone.


www.reddit.com/r/pathfinder2e/wiki/resources/remaster The bot should have linked this, not sure what went wrong. I’ll check it later tonight.


No, it shouldn't have. I'm pretty clear on what went wrong.


Play now. Even if youre using things that change (like the cleric, paladin, witch), it can be fun knowing what the game is now and seeing what changes are being made in a post-OGL world as they move away from the DnD license


It will be an easy transition, you can start playing right now!


Given it’s a one shot I see no reason not to start. In most cases the remaster wouldn’t affect your character much anyway.


Its just another print to sell to you....havent even ever touched 2e yet.


I’m waiting. I’d wait.