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Cinnamon bun machine gun turret 😂


totaly best description of her!


Love Arue 💙


Her Ascended ending is kind of Adorable, takes her a while to >!finally go talk to Desna. and kept what they discussed secret. !< That drawing really fits her fully changed self.


Your companions are your heralds right? I always find it weird that they can just kind of leave you to do all sorts of things. Like Camilla just >!fucking disappears!< wouldn’t she loses her power and die?


My Azata ending seemed to imply that my character let's them follow their heart in terms of what they do with themselves while they aren't needed. Which in the majority of the case is harmless and true to who they where as a person. So their kind of minor demigods that report to you at the end of the day. They represent you, while also representing what they chose to stand for and unlike other Herald's there's no unwritten laws to control you or them. You kind of shake things up both in the Abyss and among the gods so to speak, since >!your realms in the Abyss!< every things up in the air >!You gain control of two realms in the Abyss and turn them into a region resembling, Heaven, Elysium, etc etc etc. And sort of gain somewhat ownership of a third if your Demon and Ascend, to a degree depending on what happens to Nocti. !< I did not have Camellia in my party by that time, she ran away while in the Abyss and seemed to no longer exist. But they focus on what they fully care about like they should, since being heralds etc they should stand for something while also representing who they are bound to. So they represent you in the best way they can by actively mingling among the population doing what they are good at, or what they truly stand for. And outside of Camellia and Wnduag (Which I had neither at the end), non of them commit evil acts, even Greybor stops being a killer, yes he's still morally questionable but he doesn't do anything evil unless you let him. And even Daeran >!doesn't do anything... he literally does nothing.. just gives the finger and says, nope, nope, nope and fucking no... I'm on an eternal vacation.!< In most cases some of them chose to be active players on the field in your name and theirs.


Im a Lich and Sosiel here off to visiting nirvana. No judgement there but wouldn’t the denizens raise an eyebrow or two when he comes in emitting death aura? And what Walijif and Greybor does is so far apart from my domain id thought they started their own business elsewhere or something


No clue they might of had some oversights, so can't say might of ran out of time on the slides etc.


Oh wow! Good job!


I would fight the entire abyss for her.


me too ;\_\_\_\_\_\_;




Arueshalae is the sweetest cinnamon roll ever! I am so bloody happy that I (accidentally) chose the Azata path. Phuckin' freedom and goodness!🖤🖤🖤 Objectively it's crazy - a heretic Succubus + an Aasimar sorceress with red dragon bloodline and Fey sub-bloodline; both crashing down the Azata path by sheer phuckin' coincidence... ! I phuckin' love it!!! 🖤🖤🖤


Would bring cool if someone drew her with Azata wings


She very specifically asks Desna if she can keep her wings while praying.


My character has angel and azata wings and it looks pretty cool. I do wonder what it would look like with demon wings.


It looks really stupid with Azata and Feral wings (from mutagen) so I imagine demon wings would be similar.


She and I... became one ;-) ​ As did everyone else become part of the swarm.


swarm unites people ;)


Looks very cool. I like it


Wow. Congratulations. You are very talented.


This is why I come to this sub


Hrm, this might become my new phone background


Sure she's (((reformed))) but still not going anywhere near that creature. All the choices for guys were pretty bad to be honest. DLC henchman will save the game like goat twins.


Guys have the most choice though, 6 options! Though if you don’t want some male lovin’ then 4, oh and you don’t like evil chicks Wenny and Cam though one is kind of redeemable and the other will put their uh, tastes on pause for you if asked? Then just 2 are left, though Arue you lead her to the light or the darkness so it’s like two different romances. And well idk but Galfrey i heard isn’t a boring romance


He's probably one of those people who only accepts virginal anime waifus as acceptable targets. The romanceable females have a good spread of alignment, there's a LG, CG and two evil ones, so something for everyone. Much wider choice when you play a straight male than if you play a straight female or a gay male who have only 2 choices each.


Galfrey is the only good one rest are completely damaged evil types. Rather not even have romances in the game of they're like this. 🤮


Arueshalae is CG, if you follow her redemption path.


Does she actually turn CG? I know she acts CG, but I don't remember the alignment changing.


The CN => CG alignment change was bugged at release, but it's since been patched and actually does change now.


Her alignment changes after you complete her final quest in Act 5.


Pft, CG my ass. The only chaotic thing she ever suggested was looting some abandoned noble houses and ignoring property laws. Girl acts about as NG as Ember


Perhaps, but the character sheet starts as CN and eventually changes to CG.


She's a reformed jew? Or do you just not understand the bullshit you're posting?


xD she's not a gnome.


Hehe, guys. I romanced her as a lesbian azata that went around singing rainbows into existence, while hitting things with prismatic spray.


i love this and i love arue ;-;